HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-053-CCBtJARD tJF COUNTY COMIVIISSI(3NERS GRANT C()UNTY, WASHII�GTON A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE I2ESOLUTION Rt)D PIERCE FRELIMINARY PLAT No. 2009- b s� -CC IN A PtiRTION C;F SECTIC3N 21, TOWNSHIP 24 N. RANGE 27 E. WM., Rod Pierce Preliminary Plat GRANT COUNTY, WA. WHEREA�, the Grai�t County Board af County Commissioners has been advised that an open record public heariilg was conducted, before the Grant County Planning Cornmissioii on May 6, 2009, oxi t11e matter of recommendation of a Prelilninary Plat; said propos�.l being located in a poi�tion of Section 21, Township 24 North, Range 27 East, WM. Grant Counly, W�shingtoil; and, WHEREAS, the Grant Co�inty Ylanning Cornmission an May 6, 2Q09, did unanixnously approve a motian to recommend to the Baard of County Commissioncrs to approve this Preliminary Plat application with conditions of �pproval; and, WHEI2EAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record public hearing on June 23, 20Q9 ; and, WHEI2EAS, the Board o� County Commissior�ers, have reviewcd the application f Ie, staff report aiid Plannin�; Commission recommendation; and, WHEItEA�, the 13o�rd of County Cornmissioners have faund tlxat the proposal will not adversely effect the health, safety, and general w�lfare of the public in the vicinity of the propasal; and, WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have faund that the proposal is consistent with the C�rant County Comprehensive Plan, the T.Jnified Development Cade, other land use regulatians, inclL�ding SEPA; and, WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the Preliminary Pla� and; WHEREAS, the proposed development applica,tion and preliminary plat application rneet the applicable requirements af t11e Unified Develapment Code, and are consistent with the requirements as listed ix1 Chapter 23.04 (b) Determination of Consisteilcy with the Comprehensive Plan as determined by the Administrative Official/designee. WHEI2EAS, the preliminary plat meets all applicable criteria as listed in the Unified Development Code under Section 23.04, Z�ning and Title 22, Subdivisians/Pl�ts and; Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the Administrative OiF'icialldesignee issued a M.itigated Det,ermination of Non-Significa,nce for this proposed develapment on April 06, 2009,. NOW, THEREFtJR:E, BE TT HEI2EBY RESOLVED, TIIAT the 13oard af County Commissioners far Gra11t CoL�nty, Washington approves by this Resolution, and with the attached conditions of �pproval listed below, a Preliminary I'lat far Rod Pierce near Blue Lalce, in a poi�ion of Section 21, Towraship 24 Narth, Range 27 East, Willarnette Meridiart, Graxlt CoGinty, Washington. I'arcel #16-2154-000 C01iTDITIatNS C!F APPROVAL This praposal shal� comply with the requirements af GCC 23.12.080 Clearitlg, Grading and Drainage Standards, including but not limited ta: a} Clearing and �;rading activities shal� be candiicted so as to minimize patential adverse effects an offsite propet�ty. b} All develapment shall ensure that sflil erosion and sedimentatian of drainage-ways will be controlled to prevent damage to adjoining properties. c} �urface drainage shall not be directed to or d'rscharged onto County Roads or ditches within County right-af-ways unless approved by the County Engirleer. 2. This praposa� shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12.100 Road Standards, including a} Road names shall be approved by thc Crazat Gounty Emergency Services Departmeiat and shali be established using the addressing atld grid system delineated in GCC 10.3b. 3. Development shall comply with the requirements af the Grant County Assessor's Office including: a} The clienis must contact the Assessor's office regarding status of current use at least, 1 week before recording plat. 4, Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Warks Depat�tment including: a} Provid� plat checic fee of $200.00 f�r Maj or plats. b} Show adjacent subdivisions on the face oFthe plat. c} Label all Right-of-VVay dimeiasians or make notation. d} �-1 No Access Hatahing shall be added to Lot 5 Extending from the Noz�thwest corner 100 feet to the south e). t�n approach Permit shall be obtained prior to a building permit, 5. Dcvelopment shall comply with all requirements of i11e Grant County Health Dist. including: a) A site r�gistratian is required for Lots 2— 5 to determine the suitability for septic system iilstallation. b} Worlc must be done by a licensed engineer,or licensed septic system designer. Page 2 af 4 c} The site registration ixzformation must be submitted ta the Iiealtl� District with all fees paid before final appraval of the plat will be given. The praposal is to hook inta the Blue Lalce Summer I-Iomes water Assaciation and the developer andJor his representative has been in contact with the President of the Water. tJsers Association. 6. Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Plannii�g Department including: �) Camply with all requirements listed in UDC Chaptur 22.04 Article V Final Subdivisions �nd Short Subdivisians and all ather pertinent poi�tions of the Grant County Code. b) Development shall comply with all requirements included in the SEPA Miiigated Determination af Non-Significance issued on April 6, 2009. 7. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/ctiltural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and tl�e c�wner/developer shall immecliately notify the Grant Caunty Planning Department, the Calville Confederated Tribes a��d the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservatian "FINDINGS OF FACT'" (1) 'I'he proposcd subdivision does meet the applicable requiren�ents af UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plats"; (2} The praposed subdivisian does serve the public use and interest; {3} "The proposed subdivisian daes comply with the Comprehensive Plan, the Shareline Master Pragram, the zoning code and other ]and use �egulations, and SEPA; (4) The proposed subdivision does comply with health requirements far sewage disposal and potable water supply; (5) 'The proposed subdivision does coritain an acct�rate legal description of the lots bein�; created, and the roads and easements therein; (6) The proposed subdivision does comply with Grant County regulatioi7s pertaining to raads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements; ('7) The best availabie scieilce has been considered in the final decision regarding the preliminary piat. (8) The propased subdivision does appropriate2y idantify and protect Critical Areas pursuant ta CCC 24.08 Page 3 of 4 EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature. DATED this _��,� i�ay af � Bt)ARll CiF Ct3UNTY COMMISSIt3NEI2S �bstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON V � ' y G er, Chair , �--�—�-�—.._. � Richard Stevens, Vice Chair ., � Carolann Swart�, Member Yea Nay lU] ❑ �❑ 1,t1" ❑ ii, Page 4 of 4