HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-050-CCL'OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washingtan I�SOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF APP120VING A REASONAI3LE USE EXCEPTION FOR THE ALLOWANCI+. OF A RESIDENCT� AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ON A SUI3— STANDARD LOT. TH� SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN SF'.CTION 2? TOWNSHIP 2_1 NOI2Tki, RANGT�� 22 EAST, W.M. GRANT COIJN'l Yy WA l�soi.u�'iorr No. 09- (��-CC RI'.ASONABTIE USE EXCEPTION For Robert kIeritagc W�IEREA�, th� Board of County Con�missioners of Grant County has been advised by the Grant County Planning Comtnission that an open recoi•d public hearing was canductec! on May 6, 20Q9, on t11e matter oi granting a Reasonable Use Exception to Robert Heritage to allow the cesidential developinent of a 2,5-acre parcel iz1 the Rural Residcntial 1 7one of Grant County. The subject parcel (#16-0673-Q00) is located in a partion of Sectiozl2, Township 21 Narth, arld Range 22 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant Caunty, Washington, and WHEREAS, the, Grant County Plan�iing Commission on May 6, 20Q� made a rccomnlel�d�tion ta the Board o�` County Com�nissioners to approve this �roposed Reasonable Use Exceptiic�n; and, WH:EREAS, the tJrant County Board of Conzmissioners hcld a closed record public hearin� rcgarding this inatter on June l, 2409; and WHEREAS, the Board olCounty Cal�amissioners has lnade a dccision to uphold ihe recom�nendation to approve tl�e proposed R.easonable Use Exception; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissianers has found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant Cau�ty Colnprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, th� Board of County Coznlnission�rs has �ound that the public use and interest will be served by the IZeasonable Use ];xception; and ��VI�EREAS, thc Baard of County Colr�missioners h�s faund tl�at the propasal �uill nc�t adversely �flecC the health, safely, and general welfare of the �ublic ila the vicinity of the proposal. WI�FREAS, the Board of County C;ola�missioners has found t11at the application of UDC clza��ter 23.Q4 7oning Districts wauld deny all ec<>tlamzcally viable or bene�cial uses of the Reason�Ule Use �xceplion (09-5264) - 1- Roberl IleriCage property, absent a demonstration by the county that the proposed use(s) are prohibited by the laws of nuisance or other pre-existing limits on the property which prohibit such use(s). WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that there are not other reasonable uses to which the property can be put. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that the inability of the applicant to derive reasonable use of the property is not the result of actions by the applicant in subdividing or adjusting a boundary line thereby creating the un-developable condition after the effective date of this chapter. WHEIZEAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that the excaption being sought is the minimum necessary to allow for reasonable uses of the property. CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL: 1. The proponent shall comply with the requirements of the Washington State Department oF Transportation, including but not limitad to: a. Applicant shall contact WSDOT regarding an access connection permit to the State Highway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution and subject to conditions, a Reasonable Use Exception granted to Robert Heritage to allow the residential development of a 2.5 acre parcel, #16-0673-000, in the Rural Residential 1 Zone located in a portion of Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 22 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature DATED this ��' day of June, 2009. Yea Nay n rrrr� c •r. Reason�ble Use �xception (09-5264) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � �Y i 0 0 Cindy i er, Chair r� ❑ ❑ Stevens, Vice-Chair � ° ° ` Carolann Swartz, Member -2- Robert I-Ieritage