HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-037-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2009 - p3'� - CC A Resolution Relating to the Increase of Grant County Planning Department Fees WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington finds that the reduction of suppoi�t for core services has created budget short falls with regard to many County services, including but not limited to Planning Department services, currently provided by Grant County; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, finds that the existing Planning Department Fees to be extremely low when compared to other area counties; and, WHEREAS, Planning Department staff have conducted a fee schedule survey of neighboring and similar Eastern Washington Counties; and, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to implement reasonable land use application fees in order to maintain current service levels and which are consistent with other area jurisdictions; and, WHEREAS, it is the intent oi the Board of County Commissioners that users of the Planning Department services bare a reasonable share of the costs associated with those services rather than rely upon the citizenry of the County to subsidize these costs; and, WHEREAS, as compared to the survey, the Board of County Commissioners find that attached Fee Schedule generally represents a reasonable cost for land use applications in Grant County; and, WHEREAS, the attached Fee Schedule shall be effective beginning at 8am on May l, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV�D, that the Grant County Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt by this resolution a new Fee Schedule for the Grant County Planning Department as identified in Attachment A. Resolved this 21 st day of April, 2009 at �U' 00 AM. Carolann Swartz, Commissioner SIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ST ra Vasquez of the Board Attachmant A— Prapased Fee Schedule Applications ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATION AdMINISTRATIVE PERMiT fEE B(NDINt� SITE PLAN BQUNDARY LINE ADJ,/SEGREGATIONS/�OT COf�SOLIDATION BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW �'EE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (Text only) (Map} CONDITIONAL USE w/Hearing Examiner Administrative DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT F�40D HAZARD PEftMIT INNC?CENT PURGNASER F4R VALUE LONG PLAT Preliminary Final MINOR REZONE with Comp. Plan Amendment Without Comp, Plan Amendment PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (in addition to (and divisian fees SUBDIV(SION ALTERATION Preiiminary Finaf I Short Subd. Prelimin I Short Subd. Final II Short Subd, Prelimii II Short Subd. Final REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION SEPA CHECKLIST SEPA— EIS SNOFtE�INE PERMIT JARPA / CUP/ VARIANCE Exemption SHORT PLAT (1-4 Lotsj Preliminary � Final (5-9 Lots) Preliminary Final UDC TEXT AMENDMENT VARIANCE wiHearing Examiner or �OA Administrative Miscellaneorrs AQMINISTRATIVE APPEALS ALL OTHER UNIDENTI�IEt� APPLICA?IONS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, COPY GENERAL COPY CHARGE, BIW 8X11" HEARING TAPE, COPY MAPPING, COPY MAPPING, CUSTOM UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, COPY NSF CHEGK FEE 0 Fees $50Q $300 $1d00 + 35 lot $200 5°to of Buiiding Permit Cost $800 $1000 $1000 $150 $150 $15Q 1 Q00 +3 �300 1000 1000 ) -�3511ot 2QQ+35/lot $150 �500+35/lat $15Q $150 $300 $1d00 $35Q $15Q 350 + 35/lot $15Q 1000+35/1ot Printing Cost $.15/page $25 $10 $10 + Actual expense Printina Cost APPLICATION TYPE CHELAIV DOIDGLAS FRANKLI{V KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT :���`��. GRANT GRANT =_ �- (Current) (Proposeci) . ,Ska� _ 4+ 5 ra er UDC TEXTAMENDMENT first hour 800.00 1,485.00 'f-,£}56,OD 500.00 1,000.00 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 1000 + Actual Text Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 1,485.00 Expenses 5,OOOAO .961_00 500.00 800.00 1000 + Actual MapAmendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 Expenses 5,000.00 1,37�Off` 500.00 1,000�00 REZONE w/Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 1,000.00 250.00 300_00 950 + w/o Comp Plan Amendment 1,040_00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 530-1025 1,000.00 �;'4��E)U_ 250.00 1,000.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1375 + Hearing Examiner 1,352.00 expenses 400.00 1,410.00 565.00 3000-6000 ='�,42�-_00 35Q00 1,000.00 Adminisirative NA 350.00 VARIANCE Heaimg Examiner 884.00 900.00 400.00 1,410.00 200.00 4,000.00 7�9=Q(3 250.00 750.00 Administrative 320-450 ' - NA 150.00 DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT 1,000.00 550-665 2,500.00 - 8�D�Q0-_ 150.00 150.00 FLOOD HAZARD PERMIT 50.00 135.00 =�t3t) 150.00 150.00 INNOCENT PURCHASER �0�2 VALUE 150.00 150.00 950 + Actual PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1,040.00 expenses 800 + 25/lot 2,150.00 Expenses 7,000.00 �_,235 Q.Ek, 350.00 1,000.00 300 + hourly : REASO(VABLE iJSE EXCEPTi ION 572.00 rate 150.00 150.00 245 f SEPA CHECKLIST 187.00 200.00 150.00 400.00 expenses 500.00 23��F� 150.00 300.00 1040 deposit + 500 + Actual SEPA-EIS actual costs expenses Expenses 7�0OtJ 500.00 1,000.00 SHORELWE DEVELOPMENi PERMITS JARPA/CUP/Variance 884-988 335.00 633_flg .. 250.00 350.00 Exemption 260.00 150.00 150.00 SUBDI�iISION Preliminary 1352 +50/lot 570 + 40/lot 800 + 25/lot 2,000.00 380 + 20/lot 7,000.00 �_=�;8�. 500 +25/lot 1000 + 35/lot Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 3311ot 250.00 �2(k43.Q 250.00 250.00 SHORT SUBDIVISION Type 1(2-4 lots) Preliminary 572 + 75/1ot 360 + 40/lot 350 + 25/lot 630.00 320.00 3,500.00 �� Q� 250+25/lot 350 + 35/lot Page 1 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTII'AS YAKIMA SKAGIT '��'�� GRANT GRANT ' �� `= (Current) (Proposed) �ka�gif Type 1 Final 312 +50/1ot 100 + 40/lot 80.00 100.00 150.00 Type 2(5-9 lots) Preliminary NA 1000 + 35/lot Type 2 Final -- NA 250_00 PLA� ALTERATION Preliminary 350 + 25/lot Final 150.00 Preliminary Subdivision Alteration 780.00 835.00 807.00 NA 800 + 35/lot Final Subdivision Alteration NA 250.00 Preliminary Type I Short Subd. Alteration NA 200.00 Final Type I Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 Preliminary Type 2 Short Subd. Alteration NA 500.00 Final Type 2 Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 7500 + BINDING SITE PLAN (PRELIMINARY) 572 +100/LOT 425 + 40/lot 350.00 395.00 250/acre _ 4�,QII 500 + 25/lot 1000 + 35/lot 190 major - SEGREGATION/BOUNDARY LINE ADJ. 300 + 50llot 150.00 150.00 95 minor 200.00 '�J8=0D 150.00 200.00 - 5% of Building BUILDING PERMIT REViEW FEE 52-250 NA Permit Fee OTHERFEES 500 + 200 + cost of AdministrativeAppeals 520.00 expenses transcription 320-550 4D-�Of3= 250.00 350.00 Administrative InterplUnidentified App Fee 572.00 110-405 ', 43Et�fk 150.00 500.00 Copy of Comprehensive Plan or UDC Printing Costs Printing Costs Copy Charge b/w 8 1/2 X 11 $.15/page $.15/page Hearing CD/Tape copy 10.00 25.00 Mapping Copy 10.00 10.00 ` $10+actual $10+Acutal Mapping, Custom expenses Expenses Page 2 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIiV KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT :���� GRANT GRANT °� (Current) (Proposed) ���� 4+ 5 ra er UDC TEXT AMENDMENT firs# hour 800.00 1,485.00 9,Q5fi1i0 500A0 1,000.00 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ` 1000 + Actual TextArnendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 1,485.00 Expenses 5,000.00 .`- 361_�D 500.00 800.00 1000 + Actual Map Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 F�cpenses 5,000.00 1,�77_00 500.00 1,000.00 REZOLVE w/Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 1,000.00 250.00 300.00 950 + w/o Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 530-1025 1,000.00 1,150_QO 250.00 1,000.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1375 + Hearing Examiner 1,352.00 expenses 400.00 1,410.00 565.00 3000-6000 1,�2D.Of3 350.00 9,000.00 Administrative NA 350.00 VARIANCE Heaimg Examiner 884.00 900.00 400.00 1,410.00 200.00 4,000.00 ��.� 250.00 750.00 Administrative 320-450 . _ NA 150.00 DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT 1,000_00 550-665 2,500.00 8�0.0(� 150.00 150.00 FLOOD HAZARD PERMIT 50.00 135.00 33.�Q 150.00 150.00 INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE 150.00 150.00 950 + Actual PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1,040.00 expenses 800+25/lot 2,150.00 Expenses 7,000.00 1,235:f3Q 350.00 1,000.00 300 + hourly REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 572.00 rate 150.00 15Q00 245 + SEPA CHECKLIST 187.00 200.00 150.00 400.00 expenses 500.00 23G.t� 150_00 300.00 1040 deposit + 500 + Actual SEPA-EIS actual costs expenses Expenses -�70.00 500.00 1,000.00 SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS JARPA/CUP/Variance 884-988 335.00 633�� 250.00 350.00 Exemption 260.00 150.00 150.00 SUBDIVISION Preliminary 1352 +50/lot 570 + 40/lot 800 + 25/lot 2,000.00 380 + 20/lot 7,000.00 1,02D=� 500 +25/lot 1000 + 35/lot Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 33/lot 250.00 �L-0�4€1 250.00 250.00 SHORT SUBDIVISION Type 1(2-4 lots) Preliminary 572 + 75/lot 360 + 40/lot 350 + 25/lot 630.00 320.00 3,500.00 446_(iD 250+25/lot 350 + 35/lot Page 1 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT Y��J� GRANT GRANT �f� ` (Current) (Proposed) S�S�g� Type 1 Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 40/lot 80_00 100.00 150.00 Type 2(5-9 lots) Preliminary NA 1000 + 35/lot Type 2 Final NA 250.00 PLAT ALTERATION ` Preliminary 350 + 25/lot Final 150.00 Preliminary Subdivision Alteration 780.00 835.00 807_00 NA 800 + 35/lot Final Subdivision Alteration NA 250.00 Preliminary Type I Short Subd. Alteration NA 200.00 Final Type 1 Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 Preliminary Type 2 Short Subd. Alteration NA 500.00 Final Type 2 Short Subdivision Alteration - NA 150.00 7500 + - BINDING SITE PLAN (PRELIMINARY) 572 +100/LOT 425 + 40/lot 350.00 395.00 250/acre 43bA0 500 + 25/lot 1000 + 35/lot 190 major SEGREGATION/BOUNDARY LINE ADJ. 300 + 50/lot 150.00 150.00 95 minor 200.00 '�98=f30 150.00 200_00 5% of Building BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW FEE 52-250 NA Permit Fee OTHER FEES 500 + 200 + cost of Administrative Appeals 520.00 expenses transcription 320-550 4�5-.fl0 250.00 350.00 Administrative Interp/Unidentified App Fee 572.00 110-405 �3fi�#} 150.00 500.00 Copy of Comprehensive Plan or UDC Printing Costs Printing Cosfs Copy Charge b/w 8 1/2 X 11 _ $.15/page $.15/page Hearing CD/Tape copy 10.00 25.00 Mapping Copy 10.00 10.00 $10+actual $10 + Acutal Mapping, Custom expenses Expenses Page 2 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT '����� GRANT GRANT === � (Current) (Proposed) S�C�qit 4+ 5 ra er UDC TEXT AMENDMENT first hour 800�00 1,485.00 ,'t�{�6�Q(J 500.00 1,000.00 COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT - 1000 + Actual TextAmendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 1,485.00 F�cpenses 5,000.00 96�.�0-Q 500.00 800.00 1000 + Actual Map Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 Expenses 5,000.00 �;�77,f3II 500_00 1,000_00 REZONE w/Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 1,000.00 250.00 300.00 950 + w/o Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 530-1025 1,000.00 1,95D_(10 250.00 1,000.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1375 + Hearing Examiner 1,352.00 expenses 400.00 1,410.00 565.00 3000-6000 9,020_OD 350.00 1,000.00 Administrative NA 350.00 VARIANCE Heaimg Examiner 884.00 900.00 400.00 1,410.00 200.00 4,000.00 ' 7vgfTD _ 250.00 750.00 Administrative 320-450 NA 150.00 DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT 1,000.00 550-665 2,500.00 8�0:00 150.00 150.00 FLOOD HAZARD PERMIT 50.00 135.00 93_Q� 150.00 150.00 INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE 150.00 150.00 950 + Actual PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPM�NT 1,040.00 expenses 800 +25/lot 2,150.00 Expenses 7,000.00 �,23�_DQ 350.00 1,000.00 300 + hourly= REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 572.00 rate 150.00 150.00 245 + SEPA CHECKLIST 187.00 200.00 150.00 400.00 expenses 500.00 236A0 150.00 300.00 1040 deposit + 500 + Actual SEPA-EIS actual costs expenses Expenses 770_�0 500.00 1,000.00 SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS JARPA/CUP/Variance 884-988 335.00 ° 633_£30 250.00 350.00 Exemption 260.00 � 150.00 150.00 SUBDNISION Preliminary 1352 +50/lot 570 + 40/lot 800 + 25/lot 2,000.00 380 + 20/lot 7,000.00 ` 1;�Zff=E3II 500 +25/lot 1000 + 35/lot Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 33/lot 250.00 -- 22D.�30 250.00 250_00 SHORT SUBDIVISION Type 1(2-4 lots) Preliminary 572 + 75/lot 360 + 40/lot 350 + 25/lot 630.00 320.00 3,500.00 44�.QII 250+25/lot 350 + 35/lot Page 1 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal /APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT ��r�g�- GRANT GRANT ��� (Current) (Proposesi) }-=Sk�yii : Type 1 Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 40/lot 80.00 - 100.00 150.00 Type 2(5-9 lots) Preliminary NA 1000 + 35/lot Type 2 Final NA 250.00 PLAT ALTERATION Preliminary 350 + 25/lot Final 150.00 Preliminary Subdivision Alteration 780.00 835.00 807 Dfl_ NA 800 + 35/lot Final Subdivision Alteration NA 250.00 Preliminary Type I Short Subd. Alteration NA 200.00 Final Type I Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 Preliminary Type 2 Short Subd_ Alteration NA 500.00 Final Type 2 Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 7500 + BINDING SITE PLAIV (PRELIMINARI� 572 +100/LOT 425 + 40/lot 350.00 395.00 250/acre 435.OD 500 + 25/lot 1000 + 35/lot 190 major SEGREGATION/BOUNDARY LINE ADJ. 300 + 50/lot 150.00 150.00 95 minor 200.00 ,- �98_OQ 150.00 200_00 5% of Building BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW FEE 52-250 NA Permit Fee OTHER FEES 500 + 200 + cost of Administrative Appeals 520.00 expenses transcription 320-550 40;5_�i� 250.00 350.00 Administrative Interp/Unidentified App Fee 572.00 110-405 436� 150.00 500.00 Copy of Comprehensive Plan or UDC Printing Costs Pnnting Costs Copy Charge blw 8 1/2 X 11 $.15/page $.15/page Hearing CD/Tape copy 10.00 25.00 Mapping Copy 10.00 10.00 $10+actual $10 + Acutal Mapping, Custom expenses Expenses Page 2 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal /APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT .- ��9� GRANT GRANT �� (Current) (Proposed) S�� . 4+ 5 ra er - - UDC TEXY AMENDMENT first hour 800.00 1,485.00 _�,�5E�D0 _ 500.00 1,000.00 COMPREF9ENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT 1000 + Actual TextAmendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 1,485.00 Expenses 5,000.00 96-'�_€T�1` 500.00 800.00 1000 + Actual Map Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 Expenses 5,000.00 1;3�7.00 500.00 1,000.00 REZONE wJComp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 1,000.00 250.00 300.00 950 + w/o Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 530-1025 9,000.00 1,�5�.00 250.00 1,000.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1375 + Hearing Examiner 1,352.00 expenses 400.00 1,410.00 565.00 3000-6000 'f,O2�,Dti 350.00 1,000.00 Administrative NA 350.00 VARIANCE Heairng Examiner 884.00 900.00 400.00 1,410.00 200.00 4,000.00 75�_4D 250.00 750.00 Administrative 320-450 NA 150.00 DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT 1,000.00 550-665 2,500.00 .$flQ0(1 150.00 150.00 FLOOD HAZARD PERMIT 50.00 135.00 93 iIQ 150.00 150.00 INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE 150.00 150.00 950 + Actual PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1,040.00 expenses 800 + 25/lot 2,150.00 Expenses 7,000.00 1.,235_00 . 350.00 1,000.00 300 + hourly REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 572.00 rate 150.00 150.00 245 + ` SEPA CHECKLIST 187.00 200.00 150.00 400.00 expenses 500.00 236=FIQ 150.00 300.00 1040 deposit + 500 + Actual SEPA-EIS actual costs expenses Expenses 770_i3� 50Q00 1,000.00 SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS - JARPA/CUP/Variance 884-988 335.00 633.Q4 250.00 350.00 Exernption 260.00 150.00 150.00 SUBDIVISION Preliminary 1352 +50/!ot 570 + 40/lot 800 + 25/lot 2,000.00 380 + 20/lot 7,000.00 1r02��00 500 +25/lof 1000 + 35/lot Final 312 +50llot 100 + 33/lot 250.00 2�i��Q� 250.00 250_00 SHORT SUBDIVISION Type 1(2-4 lots) Preliminary 572 + 75/lot 360 + 40/lot 350 + 25/lot 630.00 320_00 3,500.00 44�_QQ 250+25/lot 350 + 35/lot Page 1 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TY�E CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT r�e GRANT GRANT °= =�� (Current) (Proposed) '; -S��t Type 1 Final 312 +�0/lot 100 + 40/lot 80.00 - 100.00 150.00 Type 2(5-9 lots) Preliminary NA 1000 + 35/lot Type 2 Final NA 250.00 PLAT ALTERATION - Preliminary 350 + 25/lot Final 150_00 Preliminary Subdivision Alteration 780.00 835.00 8�7.00 NA 800 + 35/lot Final Subdivision Alteration NA 250.00 Prefiminary Type I Short Subd. Alteration NA 200.00 Final Type I Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 Preliminary Type 2 Short Subd. Alterafion NA 500.00 Final Type 2 Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 7500 + _- BINDING SITE PLAN (PRELIMINARY) 572 +100/LOT 425 + 40/lot 350.00 395.00 250/acre �=00 500 + 25/lot 1000 + 35/lot 190 major - SEGREGATION/BOUNDARY LINE ADJ. 300 + 50/lot 150.00 150.00 95 minor 200.00 198�� ` 150.00 200.00 5% of Building BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW FEE 52-250 NA Permit Fee OTHER FEES 500 + 200 + cost of Administrative Appeals 520.00 expenses franscription 320-550 4�_QO 250.00 350_00 Administrative Interp/Unidentified App Fee 572.00 110-405 4��=00 150.00 500.00 Copy of Comprehensive Plan or UDC Pnnting Costs Printing Costs Copy Charge b/w 8 1/2 X 11 $.15/page $.15/page Hearing CD/Tape copy 10.00 25.00 Mapping Copy 10.00 10.00 $10+actual $10 + Acutal Mapping, Custom expenses F�cpenses Page 2 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATiON TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKIMA SKAGIT ��g� GRANT GRANT _` ��fl _ (Current) (Proposed) ��. 4+ 5 ra er UDCTEXTAMENDMENT firsthour 800.00 1,485.00 'f,��fiOU_ 500.00 1,000.00 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 1000 + Actual ° Texf Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 1,485.00 F�cpenses 5,000.00 964AQ 500.00 800.00 1000 + Actual Map Amendment 1,560.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 Expenses 5,000.00 1,377_00 500.00 1,000.00 REZONE w/Comp PlanAmendment 1,040.00 1,000.00 , 250.00 300.00 950 + w/o Comp Plan Amendment 1,040.00 expenses 800.00 2,150.00 530-1025 1,000.00 1,150_� ° 250.00 1,000.00 CONDITIOIVAL USE PERMIT 1375 + Hearing F�caminer 1,352.00 expenses 400.00 1,410.00 565.00 3000-6000 '[,02{3_OD_ 350.00 1,000.00 Administrative NA 350.00 VARIANCE Heaimg Examiner 884.00 900.00 400.00 1,410.00 200.00 4,000.00 7�_OE3 250.00 750.00 Administrative 320-450 NA 150_00 DISCRETIONARY USE PERMIT 1,000.00 550-665 2,500.00 $�DaO� . 150.00 150.00 FLOOD HAZARD PERMIT 50.00 135.00 53.Q0 150.00 150.00 INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE 150.00 150.00 950 + Actual PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 1,040.00 expenses 800 + 25/lot 2,150.00 Expenses 7,000.00 1,23�.Of�: 350.00 1,000.00 300 + hourly REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 572.00 rate 150.00 150.00 245 + SEPA CHECKLIST 187.00 200.00 150.00 400.00 expenses 500.00 23F_t)II_ 150.00 300.00 1040 deposit + 500 + Actual SEPA-EIS actual costs expenses Expenses 770_OD - 500.00 1,000.00 SHORELIiVE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS JARPA/CUP/Variance 884-988 335.00 63�.011 250.00 350.00 Exemption 260.00 150.00 150.00 SUBDIVISION Preliminary 1352 +50/lot 570 + 40/lot 800 + 25/lot 2,000.00 380 + 20/lot 7,000.00 1=,�2�J_� 500 +25/lot 1000 + 35/lot Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 33/lot 250.00 220 QO 250.00 250.00 SHORT SUBDIVISION Type 1(2-4 lots) Preliminary 572 + 75/lot 360 + 40/lot 350 + 25/lot 630.00 320.00 3,500.00 44�QQ _ 250+25/lot 350 + 35/lot Page 1 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal APPLICATION TYPE CHELAN DOUGLAS FRANKLIN KITTITAS YAKiMA SKAGIT ;���g� GRANT GRANT '�� ` (Current) (Proposed) ; Sk�q�#, : Type 1 Final 312 +50/lot 100 + 40/lot 80.00 100.00 150.00 Type 2(5-9 lots) Preliminary NA 1000 + 35/lot Type 2 Final NA 250.00 PLAT ALTERATION Preliminary 350 + 25/lot Final 150.00 Preliminary Subdivision Alteration 780.00 835.00 8D7.flD NA 800 + 35/lot Final Subdivision Alteration NA 250.00 Preliminary Type I Short Subd. Alteration NA 200.00 Final Type I Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 Preliminary Type 2 Short Subd. Alteration NA 500.00 Final Type 2 Short Subdivision Alteration NA 150.00 7500 + ° BINDWG SITIE PLAN (PRELIMINARI� 572 +100/LOT 425 + 40/lot 350.00 395.00 250/acre 43-5,Q0 500 + 25/lot 1000 + 35/lot 190 rnajor SEGREGATIONBOUNDARY LINE ADJ. 300 + 50llot 150.00 150.00 95 minor 200.00 'f98=D:Q 150.00 200.00 - 5% of Building BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW FEE 52-250 , NA Permit Fee OTHER FEES - 500 + 200 + cost of Administrative Appeals 520.00 expenses transcnption 320-550 40��� 250_00 350.00 Administrative Interp/Unidentified App Fee 572.00 110-405 435'Qf3 150.00 500A0 Copy of Comprehensive Plan or UDC Printing Costs Printing Costs Copy Charge b/w 8 1/2 X 11 $.15/page $.15/page Hearing CD/Tape copy 10.00 25.00 Mapping Copy 10.00 10.00 ` $10+actual $10 + Acutal Mapping, Custom expenses F�cpenses Page 2 2009 Grant County Planning Department Fee Evaluation and Proposal