HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-020-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington R�SOLUTION No. 09- ���CC WHEREAS, the following Grant County Departinents do not have an adequate level of budget appropriation to mal<e all necessary expenditures: 1. Pirst quarter REET Fttnd #126, Depat�tment #168 in the amount of $82,000.00 to purchase hardwat•e for the Assessor's Office. 2. Assessois Office Fund 001, Department #107 in the amount of $95,000.00 to pui�chase software for the Assessor's OfCce. 3, Tecluiology Services Fund #501, Department #179 in the amount of $6,150.00 to receive a payment fi�om the Clerk's Office to purchase 6 computer systems. 4. Sheriff s Office I'und #001, Department #114 in the amount of $2,250.00 to receive a gt•ant fi�om State F'arm Insurance that will allow one motor daputy to attend collision reconstruction training, 5. Sheriff's Office Fund #001, Department #114 in the amount of $72,050.00 to fund a School Resource Officer for the Wahluke School District. These funds will be reimbursed by the School District, WI�I2EAS, these additional budget expenditures were not anticipated when preparing the 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, in acco�•dance witl� RCW 36.40.140 a public hearing, must be held to authorize additional budget appi•opriations. WHEI2EAS, on the 17th day of March at 10;30 am, a public hearing was held in the Grant County Commissio�lers' Hearing Room, NOW, THEREFORE, B� IT HEREBY R�SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that a budget appropriation in the total amount of $257,450.00 to be allocated to the 2009 budget according to the following scliedule of categories and items: APPROPRIATIONS & FINANCING SOURCES (See Attached) PASS�D AND ADOPT�D this (�� day of(��uz�.-2009. �rr�cTiv� ttl�s l�i'� day of �„v�c;t,,.,, 2009, ATTEST; Yea ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � �❑ , o ,, _.r C,(�(�•�..� Cindy Carter, Chair �------__. ❑ Ri iard Stevens, Member ���`l/h'7���� � J Clerk of the Boai�d � ° � Car•olann Swartz, Member Page 1 of 1 \U 0.1,100.27\D1ta\Commissioners\BVasquez\Resolution-OrdinanceWccounting, Assessor, Technology Services, Sheriffs Oi'fice &idget Extensions.doc d R5: ATTACT1Mt�NTTO RL'S 20U� 13udget �xtention ���� rund#12( ]>epartment111C8 RE���NU�S: Accotmt Number: 12COOO.00A000.3080(10000 �XP�NDITLTR�S; Account Number^ 126168.00, 9107.7941 �{fi40U ��z�La�vaTzon� Be�innin�* T'w�d ]3�I.incc Machinerv /�qui�tnent Computo�• Hard�i�nre for• the Assessot•'s Of'iice Netii� Soft�vare �S2,OOQ.00 5�82,000.00 �s2,000.00 s;sz,00n.00 ���4,r��0���E'.� FEB �' �� �0�9 CaRANT CGUNTY CONIM����p�VCr� GRAI�IT �(�UNTY QFFICE OF T�-]E AUDITC�R Accounting Uni� � �I� ��►. 7"c�: Gz�ant Ccatlni:�� Colaanaissioners �'��orn: DL2��e�i7•elaau.gll, Claiel'Acct�un�ani �?����e; Februa�-}� � 1, �.�OU� Re: B�.clgei Extel�sio�a Car l��e Assesso�� Soft�z��� Dear Commissio��ers, Th7.s is a forzl7a� 7�ec�ikest �'ot� a�3uG�gei E�.iez�sion in ���e anrount t�F S>�2Q00 �or 1:he pixre�ase ai ��a7•dware fc�x• the �ssess���`s Of�1ce, Th'ts �3u�get Extens�an �Til� 1�e �or 1��e Rea� Esi:ate E��cies Ta�> Fund (126), Da�ve Firebauglx, �:hiel' Ac;aouniaill � � � J � .�/! 7�(} � G� ,� 0;.� t� "To xalee�t ctzrr�zz�( az�cl C��tur�e l��eds, se7�vita.g toge�l�e�� �,�it1a public ai�cl ���-ivai:e eill:itaes, ����� ¢�� �sas���r �c��►r�;��1���s� �e���.��cas���rE 1��+��r�i�c�tra�i p�p����� � �ais�p�rcau� �as��� �� .�,1...—..— C�i�t, ���� �iias"�, ��� .��� ! �ist. �/�2 ..._,.--�—• �o��, �"� ._5,�.,.a..—. ����t, ��� _..�.----� ���������� icQ � � 2C)D9 t�F�llIV3" �OIJRTY C;C7{VlMi�i�it7i�3EFt,�.� wlli.le ��osterz�.lg a resa�eciCzil �xaci successCti�l ���a7�J.< el�vi7�c>za��aea.zt'> izs; �•r���,c�i�,����7���o rz�s 2009 Tiudgei �xtcntion l�untld1007 Depsirtmc�at11107 R�l'�Ni1�S; AccnunY Numbcr; °� � � �OD �% l�U CJD / d G b� ���� � b � � Reiiqbursement tl•om RrL7' $I5,Ob0.00 �� - A.. • �• V� ' _ � �f�. ��>,�)���.�)� �XP�NDITUR�S; Acco�mf Number; 001707AO,9207.5742AG125 Yronr�mine/Sofhvarc ��5,000.00 �1PLANATIOn' 'I'erra Scan Sof'hvarc Project �I5,000.00 G'6e i�::, � � C �-� � I�„�' �E� �'. %� �d�� CFiHf�T �:aUN'f'1' CQIUIIJIISSIUI��P,S GRANT COUI�iTY OFFlCE aF Tl�-l� AUDlTOR Accoun�ing Uni� + �,. � , �: '�'c7; Gr�nl Couni:y Cozaimissio��ers F'��on�: I�����e ]�i1•e��a�.zgh, C1�lie1'Accc>u�zta��� Ds��:e, Febz�uaz�}! 11, 20Q9 Re: I3udget E�tez�sl�a�� Co�� tl7e 1�.ssessoi� Sc�ftwa7�c D�a7� C�rr��lissio7��exs, 0 Thx.s is a formal req�a.est �'or a�3�.clget �xi:�nsiorl in ilz�; amoi��lt af �95Q00 .E'or 1:1ie pl�rchase c� f so�tware foT� tlae Assessar`s O�'fice. This amc�un� wi�1 be rt-eix�burs�ci b�� t13e S�:ate �•a�s� Rca1 Estate Excise Tax Dave Fireba�.�gl�, Cl�aef Acco�,z��i:ant ��� `�( � � � 1�l a � �?, 1 ���;�'� ���r� �� Ca�t�'�y ��mr�i:;�io��r� f����t ��t�n��r, ���rir�gfc�ri �aP�aravc� � C�! ��a�aprc�v� �Yi�q. �`'� ..��� �ls�. �'-'� L�i�t, �'� �riwi. �'•�2 �i�t, �� i7is4. ��� �'����i�lf��` ��� -� � 2DDf1 ��,,�r�7� cc>�.a�vr�� �%�M1Vlt; �31C)iV��;�; �.�„�,,,� �,�,..__ `<To ��.Zec� c�l�ri•elai a11c1 I=u1:u��e ��eeds, sa�•>>iX�g i:o�ei�ae7• v,�ii:l� ��ublic a��cl p��iv�-zte ezz�:iiies, wl�xle ���si:ez•iz�g a xes��ecl::�uJ atul success��:Gl «�or�c e�.���ix•ox�r����li" R5: ATTACHMENT TO ItE; 2009 Budget Extentim� Tund#,501 Dcp�rtmeut# 179 RGV�NiJ�S: Accoimt Namber: 501179.00.0000.348804900 Misc, Revenuc $G,150.00 $G,15U.OU E�P�NDITURES: Account Numbei^ .511179,00.0000.5188035fi4 Small Tools $6,150.00 $G,1.50.00 �%PLANATION Grant Co Clerlc monies received from AOC fro new eo►nputers February 10, 2009 Cindy Ca�•ter, Cliair Ricllard Stevens, vice-Chair Caz�olann Swartz, Commissioner Board of County Conunissioners Deai• Commissioneis, i ! i . I �� i ll�,• i �1 ' � I (� � � l� � I!: f�� �. � ,. � .. ,,,. : POBox37 Ephrata WA 98823 (509) 754-2011 ��'.�;�;�If`��G� �� �E�3 1 �� 2Uci�s CC-i��IV7' GC1UNl'Y C;GItiM1�3SI0NE:f�� Teclu�ology Services requests a Budget Extension for $6,150 to our "Small Tools>5�500.00" E�pense Account (501179.00,0000.518803564). This money has been deposited into our Miscellaneous Revenue Account (501179.00.0000.34�804900), This money was rec�ived from the Clerl�s Office, The Clerlcs Office received these funds fi•om the Administrator of the Courts (AOC) for purchase of 6 computer systems. The money has been used to purchase 6 computer systelns on Vouchei� #501612 which was paid on 1/14/09. The systems purchasad meet our current standa7•ds anc� cost slightly xnore than tl�e amount received fr•om AOC. We wi11 absorl� the cost diffei•ence inside our 2009 budget. These systems are being distributed througllout the County. These funds were not anticipated at the time I presented our 2009 budget proposal and therefore unexpected, Should you have any questioi�s please feel free to contact ine. Silaceraly, ��P��'�IV��IVT 6J�' TE��10L�G�' ��RV�C�S `�� �,� � � Q�,� Gary H,,B {er Director J r7 n , (, � /"� ` i . ��vXJ`�' �,�I-� ��'� � �U�..�v Gary H, Baker Director ��9�IP� �� ��A�QE°6�° ��98'�P'�UG�bB�i��9�S0'� EaP'�11"� 4��Q�0`b�F, ���''d�P����9 �l��, �4''? �6�0 ��'� .. ,;1�^.rr�Vln UIS'�, ��fi� ����� i�� �., The missioz� of Grant County is to nleet currezit and future naeds, seiving togetlier with public and private entities, while fostering a��espectful and successfiil worlc environn7ent R5: ATTACIIMENT TO RES. 2009 Budget Extention Fund# 001 Department# 114 REVENUES: Account Nurr�ber: 001000.00.91] 4.367000000 Contributions $2,250.00 �2,250.00 EXPEIVDITURES: Account I+lumber: 001114.00.0000.521204300 Travel �2,250.00 $2,250.00 EXPLANATION Collison hteconstruction Seminar, reimbursed by State Farm Insuriace Co. j;., . �� � February 12t�', 2009 �;l-v �1��� .1�L �)��.�A '•_ �j �T;Y,�J� �'�..�� �� �'i rRANIC DE TIZOLIO, SIIL'1�11%'r� P,O. I�o;�� 37 ��j�l���atct, 1�1�A 9t3823 (509) 754-201X � (£300) 572-011J � I<,r;�� (509) 754-ZOSfi L-79'1GG7�: S�1C1"7Jf�UC0,d1'G(11(.T,UGI,b(.S Cindy CarCer, Chair Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair Carolann Swartz, Commissioner Baard of County Commissioners Re: Budget Extension $2,250 (State Farm Insurance—Training Grant) Dear Commissioners, °�:���� . \��� Y �� ���r� s�9 �au�o�g� �m�voi€��i��r���a ���n�.���t�t�F il���ia��t�c� ��apr�v� (�i������� Q�e��, �� � �i�Kr �9 � �i�k, �� E�i�k. �� ...e.�...� �is�. �� �i�. �� � I am requesting a budgei extension in the amount of $2,250 from current expense to our Police Operations Trave! budget (001114.00.0000.521204300). The entire $2,25b is being reimbursed to the Couniy through a grani as receiv�d �irorr� Si:aYe Farr� insurance (carpnraie $1,60G and locai (ICim Janke) $650) and vuill allow for one (1) of our Motor Traffic deputies to attend a three (3) weelc school (coliision reconstruction) in Spolcane this spring. We had originaliy planned to send three (3) of our Motor deputies to this training this year but when our budget did not allow for this, the grani was applied for and received allowing for expenses far one of fihese deputies (room and board) to attend. See the attached initial award Jetter (there will be follaw up documentation from the corporate of-�ice at a later date). Should you have any questions please feel firee to contact me. F.espectfu�ly, � � � � Dave Ponoz , hie�� uty (509) 754- 11 e t. 468 VM-21 (509) 750�130�cell) �� �,� ; �„ �� �;. � �t� � ��i �' �� �. a� ��)l�� �Ft��tv�r c;��un���Y �;aivir�i� �ia�v��; 1�j , I U �`� �.� �'��l �7 _•'jb --� 2 �) � �� � �^_. .__ ...:.,t �i_.._� ....� �..,�.,_.�.�.. I��m ��u��e� �,��'� ,� ���� ,` O' , Providing Ins�uance and � SELECT Cin�ncial Services 420 W l3roadway Nve, Suite � •.,;/�GLNT,�° Moses Lal;e, WA 9E3B37-3B35 ,_�,., �,;, www.kimjanke.com ' - February 10, 2009 To Whom It Il��y Concern: I am writir�g to con�Firm the receni grant application approval �or the Grant County Sheriff's Office. The arnount appr�ve� �rom the State �arm GIVC application submitied by Depu�y Josh Sainsbury is $1,60Q.00 and matching �unds from my of�Fice totaling $650.00 should be adequate funding for on� of your c�fficers to attend training in Spol<ane in May. ihe check from State Farm Carporaie should be rec�ived in my �ffic� �nr���i� th� �e�t ?�d� v✓ee�os, along vv�th � pa�k�t �f p���r��r� �� �� �igs�� ��� ar�d r�t�rn�� b� �o�r ���Fic�. I� y�� have anv questi�ns regarding th� �iVC G�ant or �he forrns please do not hesitat� to contact rne. Sincerely, .��., ...� � :��' �� `` � , <�' � I<im J�nke — Agent S�ate Farm Insurance Co. Cc: file �s R.S: ATTACHM�NT TO R�S, 200J Budget �xtentiou P'und# 001 Department# 114 R�V�NU�S: Account Number. 001000, 00.9114.338210000 ��P�NDITUI2ES: Accouqf Number: OU 1114.00.0000.521201100 001114.00.0000.521202100 001114.00, 0000.521202200 0011 ] 4.00.0000.521202300 001114.00.0000.,521203200 ��PLANATION Wahlulce School Distric School Resource Ofiicier Services for VValhlulce Sehool Dist Salarv Retirement S.S.T. Me�ical Fuel/Milease $72,050.00 �72,0.50.00 $49,410.00 $2,7U0.00 $3,790.00 �11,0.50.00 $5,100.00 �72,OS0.00 ,��b, �� ,;�i February 12th, 2009 (��j��� �'L ��- +�', . •.. . .���� Prz�NI< vr Tl�oz,lo, sr-rz;�zzrr ��� \\� P,O, 130;�� 37 �.�j�11.��ccGa, Wfl Jf3f�23 � (i09) %54-2011 a (f300) 572-011.9 � Tcr,�' (509) 754-205f� �' �-717<,C71; 5�781'l�`G(CO3�7'G119'I,bUG(,215 �1�9� � �`e��0�9�9 �a��9'1P9`@I����i�D� ���c�� ��uo��y, ��b�io����r� ���r�v� �i������ Cindy Carter, Chair �ia�, �;� ���� �9i�, �� �.�.. Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair �e��� �� ���� �`� -� Carolann Swartz, Commissioner �yog�. �g�, _�\(� g���, ,�� � Board of County Commissioners �� Re; Budget Extension $72,050 (Wahlul<e School District - School Resource Office) �.. � •� Dear Commissianers, I am requesting a budget extension in the amount of $72,050 from the current expense ta cover wages �C benefits for one (1) FTE (deputy 3) position and the associated Interfund rental and leases fiees paid to our Public Works Department for the lease of a patrol vehicle and subsequent rnileage. These are funds that wil� be reimbursed by �he Wahluke School District for the purpose oi funding a school resource cfficer assigned specifically to their District far the schoal year. �ee the attacheu documentai:ion on the communication that has taken place between the SherifF's Office and the School District �Co i:his point. I will note that a memorandum of understanding is currently being formulated governing this relationship with the District but in general the understanding is in place and a verbal commitment established. The posifiion, if approved, will not be fiilled however until that MOU has been approved and signed by all involved parties. This MOU will be specific as to the billing requirements ofi the 5heriff's Office and the reimbursement requirements of the District. Attached you will find a copy ofi the projected budget for this project which spells out all of the wages and benefits necessary to fill this position as well as the Interfund Renl:ais and Leases (Public Works) ca�ts as projected. The District has advised �ha�C their intent is to fund this pasiti�n through a� lears� December 315t, 20��. It should be noted that the $72,050 figure is based �n a March 15`, 2009 start date (10 months). Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, � Dave Pono o, Chi f De ty (509) 754-20�.1 ext 468 VM-21 (5b9) 7 0-7304 ( ell) d ono o. rant.wa.us ��! �� i � � Gd �� )� f "l � J` l, � �"I �1 ��` � � j� ,1.� �',,.....e„ ...;��' ^�i .a�m �.../ �7„�„P...,•�„ �`t'�����,���� �=cQ � � �ouy CaF�F\IV'�f GU�IiJ'rY GCaI�IIVItSaIClfVEf�a I�i .. < i�` ' ��� ,n� : '" � ' 1 " ' 1 t ,r� t � ' I,r? � � i . i s (�� {�; !�? �; ti� l #�� 1 ��,� t t `J ,�i t � i a � + �� !� 1�, .i �.; f IA. /^ �� .� � # � 1�1i !�� 3 j d ��' A Y( lI, �I� i�� � t i �� �.� t., �i � , r M1�3 �.,.,k, � { � � Q1-04-pc�; p8: 3'IAM; . # 2/ 2 �W, MATTAWA ,,J)L'SLRT AIRE. F�bruary 3, Sh�ri� Fran{c �eTrolio �, PO Box 37 ,. 35 G�St WW � ' Eph��ta, VVA 9$823 r Sheraf� De�'�{olio, CifYL'3i:�il.��i1.11.il.d I.dW�Y.��� •'rr��Ji��� dEt4t,d'O 6� � 4.17 �. SADDLE MUUNTAIN pR P.O. �OX 907 MATTAWA, WAS�TTNC'�'O1V 99349 ' (509) 932-�I565 _ SUFGAINTEND�iVT�s ' OrPICF The W�hluke Sch�pol District is affici��y requesfiing a School �2e�sourc� Offic�r. �r�m Grant County�sheriff s affice. Thi�SRO would be housed imc�ur high school but would be avail�ble to warlt within,the entire schoal district. This r�qusst is for tf��� next twa years. Th� r�mainder of the�008-09 scho�l year, �If of the6,�009-10 school ye�r. and at �ast to January of 2a� 1. Our goal is to continue thE �R�Q �rogram as lang �s �� ossible. � , �``� � R . �. The Wahluke �chool'District is grawing. We are' �pproaching 200Q-� students with na,change_in sight, We curr�ntly have 114 �er�ors and aver 2a0 kindergarken �tudents � Over the past three years fihe�gang activity has also increas�d. �a far this year we are aware af sever�l g�.ng shaotings with on� . �nding up with a form��;student�being killed. Mattawa ��rural and remote. The SRO on our �acility w�u(,d also hefp e[iminate fihe sorn�fiime len�thy wait for law enforcem�nt. Mattawa i's an hour from anywhere. Th� func�.�ng will be a combination from grant c�'�Ilars and district dallars. We wauld�prefer � bilingua) SRO if �ossible bu� we u�derstand th�t shauld not stand in the�,w�ay�af having ane. � I am available to m�et with crifiical fio the safety Qf my ; Sincerely, �.y D reene aper' tendenfi ah(uke School Di�trict yone at any fiirrie to discuss this requ f and studer�t�. � It is �,�� �i� 1 � �� � � J r� i , . � 65'-(' ��� ��/ �L � • rjz�:nTrc vr TROL.ro, srz�;I,�r�, --__ I? O, .Bvx 37 � Eph��ata, T�j�l Jf3f323 (509) 754-2017 a(�svn) s��-o.l.�,� e r�r,,� (sa>> �s��-��os� E-inar.l; s1�.rrifj'�co.gr�a.»l,'�,uct.,i,ts Gary D, Greene, Superintendent Wahlul<e Schoai District No. 73 411 E. Saddle Mountain Drive P.O, Box 907 Mattawa, Washington 99349 Re: Proposed School Resource Officer (SRO) and Associated Costs Dear Mr, Greene, �2� ,`�-�� \� Based upon your reques�t io fund a deputy to be assigned as a school resource officer (SRO) to the Wahlu!<e School District and as previousiy discussed, I have researched the costs to fund this position on an annual basis. The figures as presented are based upon a deputy III position wi�h maximum longevity to include all employer required benefits to include premium costs for medical (to include vision), dental and prescription costs as barn by the County. These costs are based upor� �he current worl<ing agreement and �otal $80,900 for ti�e curre�t year (rninus the time elapse� since Januar�, 15t, ����). Aitached you will see a copy of the breakdown for the wages and benefits on a monthf� as well as an annual basis. I<eep in mind that these fiigures could chan�e over the course of the agreement based upon those negotiations that will tal<e place between the Deputy Sheriff's A�ssociation and the County as �he deputies are in the last year of the curren� agreement. ; w9!! note �hat �ltho��h we huve the e;;.�:�r�en� t� oatfit a de�uty �Q 'FI�� �'�"1�' SRQ ��SItl�?!?� th�s equipment is based on the extras we have due to the two layoffs we had for the pafirol division this year. Should the Board of Caunty Commissianers agree to fill those positions again we would need to return this equipment fpr its original intended use and new equipment may have to be purchased to backfill. These cpsts would include radios (portable and mobile), a vehicle, ballistic vests, etc. These costs could easily approach the $35,000 range and is a subject that we will need to address in case the hiring freeze is lifted. Lastly as has already been addressed, we lease our vehicles fram aur Public Worlcs D�partment at a manthly rate plus fi�ty-one (51) cents per rnile. These are cpsts �khat we will have ta pass along to the district. I anticipate tha�G they wil) be minimal as most af the time the depu�y will be on site and not patrolling the county unfess of course there is follow up that is being conducted based upon the activity af the deputy as related to his assignment as the SRO. � . o �-,, , ,� , Let me lcnow how you wish to praceed and i wiii approach our BOCC for the authorization to proceed on our end. Once tha� has ali come together I will submit a proposal on a memorandum af understanding between ihe District and the Sheriff's Office as well as a job descriptian fior ihe SRO, Any questions please let me I<now, Thani< you and BE SAFE!! Respectfully i,%��G�� , �'�2J� rank De Tro to, 5heriff (5Q9) 754-2011 �xt, 468 VM-22 fdeirolio@co.�rant.wa.us Copy: File l.ongevety Retirement Soc. Sec. Medicare GCDSA EAP Life Insurnace 70.7.00 234.40 269.80 306.�7 71.65 5o.oa 2.30 4.11 Dental � 123.72 �ledical $ 972.12 TOTAL $ 6,741,47 Salary $ 56,484.00 Lon evet $ 2,812.80 Retiremenfi $ 3,237.60 Soc. Sec. $ 3,676.44 I�edicare $ 869.80 GCDSA $ 600.00 EAP $ 27.60 Life Insurnace $ 49.32 Dental $ 1,484.64 Medical $ 11,6G5,44 TOTAL $ 80,897,G4 02--'12-O�J; 'I 'I : •I 2AIJi; �,� � MATTAWA ..DGSCRT A1RE ��� , Jt- _ . .. �6]6�SLL�RU� I.���ilN�� ���AL�q�+� ldl�s 1�l � 41 J. E. SADDLL iV10U1VTAIN DR �-�// _ F'.0, BOX J07 . MA.TTAWA, WASHINGTON 993�9 �J�OS� y32i-4J�J SUPGRINT�ND�NT'9 arr�c� Sherx � �'ranl� T�el rolio `�., � Gr County Sh�•i�T's Of�'zce � , ��� P.O, Box 37 � � �p�ata, VJA 9$8 3 �.,� � � �� Dea�• Mr. S�eTrolzo, '�'�\ � S] �. , � �''`° 'Z'�e W�hluke Sc11oo��I7istrict has read 1:k�e Pr��ased SR� & A,ssoaiated Co`s�s that your d,ep�rtr�ent has came�i�p wzth. We a��ee to al �the stipulations. Please cantinu�,io �ceep `s u�dated on,yaur pr gre�s. l ��� � � i�cer� , � Gazy G e�ae Supex� tendent VJahlulce School Dzstzict 0