HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-018-CCB(JARI) OF COUNTY COMMI�SIf?NERS Grant County, Washingtan , ORDINANCE No. 09- �CC An ordinance reiating to an amendment of the Grant Caunty Zoning Map, changing the zonin� of approximately 350t acres frarn Rur�l Residential 1 (I�1) to Urban Reside�xtial 2(UR2). 'The subject area is lacated just west of the intersection of Rd. `E' 1'�1E and Panorama Dr. NE, in � portion of Section 2, Township 19N, Range 27E, and a portian of Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 2'7 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. (Parcel #'s 1C-1358-000 (North Half� & 16-1714-000) Recitals: WHEREA�, in compliance with the Growth Mana�;ement Act of 1990, Grant County adopted a Camprehensive Plan in September of 1999 and a mandatory update in 2006, and WHEREAS, Grant County adopted the Unified Developmeilt Code (UDC) in October of 2000, establishing official zox�in� districts in conforrnance with the Compreliensive Plan, and WHEREA�..�, the Unified Developinent Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Actions" § 030 establishes a process far malcing Amelidments to the Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the Unified Developrnetlt Code Chapter 23.04 "7,oning Districts" § 150 establishes a process far Minor Zaniilg Amendments (Minor Rezones) which are consistent with the goals and policies of the ComprEhensive Plan, and �VHEREAS, an January 22, 2Q08, Resolution No. 08-OOS-CC was adopted by the Grant County Board of Commissioziers, which, in part, established the Comprehensive Plan designatian for the subject praperties as "Residential, Low Density" and WHEREr�S, an application (#08�5223) for a Minor Zone Change has been processed in accordance with the UDC Chapter 23.04 "Zaning Districts", Chapter 24.04 "SEPA", and Chapter 25.04 "Permit Application Review Proce�ures," az�d WHEREAS, tlie Grant County Plannin�; Commission held an (�pen kecord ASPI Group Minor Zoiie Cliange - i3oCC Orciinarlce - page 1 Pubiic Hearing regarding this proposed Minor Zane Change, during their regular meeting on February 4, 2009, after which they voted unanimously 10 recommend approval of this Milior Zone Ch�nge, and WI3ER�AS, the Grant County Baard of Commissioncrs held a Closed Record Public Hearing regarding this proposed zone change on March 3, 2009, and WHERCAS, after consideration of the Planning Commission's report and staff comments, the Board of County Commissianers voted to approve this Minor Lone Change, and 'VVHEItEAS, the Grant County Baard of Commissioners have established the following ten "Findings of Fact" supporting their approval of this Minor Zone Change: 1) The proposed rezone wi11 nat be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulatioxls of the Grant County Cade or the Comprehensive Plan; 2} The property in quesiion is suiiable for uses allowed uzlder the praposed zoning district; 3} Uses allowed under the praposed zax�e change are compatible with nei�hboring land uses; 4) The propc�sed rezane can be served by adequate facilities including access, fi��e proteetion, water, storm-water control, and sewage disposal facilities; 5) Substantial ch�n�es da exist to warrant an amendment to the current zoning district; 6) A pubiic need does exist for the proposed rezane. Public neGd shall mean that a valid public purpase, for which the cornprehensive plan and this chapter have been adopted, is served by the propased rezone; 7} The proposed rezan.e wili nat result in signi�icant adverse impacis on the human or natural environments that camlat be mitigated by conditians oF approval; 8) The cumulative impact of additional requests fox Iike actians {the total of the rezones over time or space) wiil not produce significant adverse effects to the enviran�nent that cannoi be mitigated by conditions of approval; 9) The pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the rezone will not be hazardous ta existing and anticipated traf�c an the neighborhood; and 10) The proposed zoning district daes not include any allowable use ar activity that would result i.n the location of an incompatibie ��se adjacent to an ai��part or air�"ield (RCW 36.70). ASPI Group Minor Zone Claau�c - BoCC Ordivance - page 2 NOW, �'HCREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the Grant County Board of County Commissioners hereby rescind the current zaning desigxlation of Parcel #'s 16-1358-000 (Not�th Half af Parcei} & 16-1714-000, and BE IT �`URTHEF2 ORDAINED, that through the adaption of this ardinance the Grant County I3oard of Cammissioners approve the minor zone change for Parcel #'s 1.6-1358- 000 (Narth Half of Parcel) & 16-1'714-000 From Rural Residential 1(RRl) to Urban Residential 2 (UR2}, and BE IT I+'URTHEI2 ORDAINED, that the effective date of this ordinance shall be 5:00 pm of the date signed. DATED this �� day of y�Y����'�'.�t,... , 2009. ATTLST: Yea Nay � ❑ � �. B(?ARD OF CC?UNTY CUMMISSIQl�TERS Abstain G NT CQU1�iTY, WASgIINGTON I � Cindy Ca er, Chair ❑ Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair ❑ ❑ l'� ����G�.i'����� Cazolar�n Swartz, Membe� Constituting the 13oard of Cannty Commissioners of Grant Coimty, Washington ASPI Grotip Minor Zone Cliuige -13oCC Ordinance - pa�e 3