HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-014-CC�OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEIZS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION: IN TH� MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 76.21 ACRES INTO FOURTEEN LOTS AND FOUR OPEN SPACE LOTS FOR DEWEY & B�RBAR_A ROGERS, LOCAT�D IN A PORTION OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIl' 20 N., R_ANGE 25 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WA. Recitals: RESOLUTION N. 2009-�i�CC APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY PLAT OF WILLIAMS LONG PLAT WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Coinmissioners have been advised that an open record puUlic hearing was conducted, Uefore the Grant County Plamling Co�nmission on Janu�ry 7, 2009 in the matter of � preliminary plat ol a 76.21-acre parcel, located in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; �nd, WHEREAS, the Grant Coluzty Planning Coinmission on January 7, 2009 recon�tnended to the Board of County Commissioners to �pprove this proposed preliminary plat with six (6) conditions of approval and twelve (10) fiildings ol fact in the affirmative; �nd, WHEId�AS, the Grazit County Board of Corm�iissioners held a closed record puUlic hearing on I'ebruary 17, 2009; and, W�IEREAS, the Board of County Cominissioners, have reviewed the application material, staff report and a suininary of the P1aruling Commission hearing; and, dVIIEREAS, the Board of Coullty Commissioners liave found that the proposal will not adversely affect the health, safety, and general welfare oP the public in the vicinity of the proposal; and, �VHEREAS, the Board of County Conullissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Developinent Code, Chapter 23,04 "Zoning", other land use regulations, and SEPA; and, W�IEI2EAS, the Board o C County Conunissioners have foluld that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the plat; and, ' IN TIIE MA1'TLR O[' APPROVING A PIZ�LIMINARY PLAT OF �76,21 ACRES INTO POURT��N �14� R�SID�NTIAL LOTS AND FOUR ��� OPGN SPACC LOTS DEWEY S� BARBARA ROG�RS WiLL1AMS MAJOR PLAT �VHEI2EAS, the proposed plat, subject to the conditions of approval, ineets tlie applicable requireinents of Unified Development Code, Chapter 22.04 "L�nd Division"; and, WHE1tEAS, the proposed preliminary plat alteration does comply with the Health District's requirements 1'or sewage disposal and potable water supply; and, �VHEI�AS, the proposed preliminary plat alteration does coiltain an accurate legal description of tlle lots being created, and the ro�ds and easements therain; and, WH�REAS, the proposed preliminary pl�t alteration does comply with Grant County regulations pertailling to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vellicles, and other infrastructure improvements; and, WHEREAS, the Board oF County Comrnissioners has made a decision to approve the Williams Plat. , NOW, THEIdErORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board o� County Coimllissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, with six (6) conditions o f approval listed below, a prelilninary plat located in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 25 �ast, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. Parcel �#15-1891-000. CONDITIOIV�S OFAPPROV�IL 1) The applicant shall comply with the requirernent deetned necessary by the Grant County Health District: a) A site registration is required for each proposed residential lot to deterinine the suitability lor septic system installation. Work in�.ist Ue done by a licei�sed septic system designer and submitted to the Health District with all fees paid before 1"inal plat approval can Ue given. 2) The applicant shall coinply with all requireinents as deeined necessary by the Grant County Public Works Department, includillg, but not limited to: a) Provide a plat check fee of $200.00 for Major Plats. b) Scale shotitld be a tninimum of 1' —100'. c) d) e) � g) h) Provide control monuix�ents for all road iilteisectiozis and centerline tangents. Show adj acent suUdivisions on the face of the plat. Provide a plat certificate from the title coinpany for all land Ueing dedicated to Grant County. Provide a complete road plan and profile with all centerliile data and drainage facilities for new roads. Label all Right-of-Way dimensions or make notation. Prior to County Public Works signing the final plat all requii•ed road construction and iinprovements shall be completed and accepted by Public Works, or a Bond shall be in place for the required worlc. In Phasel, Road 10-NW shall Ue constructed southwest to Dewey & BarUara Rogers/Williams Plat - page 2 IN TII� MA 1"T�R OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT DEWLY c�. BARBARA ROG�RS OP -�7E.21 ACRES INTO FOURTEEN �14� R�SID�NTIAL LOTS WILLIAMS MAJOR PLAT AND FOUR �4�� OPEN SPACE LOTS coiulect to private road 10-NW. When construction is complete, WSDOT shall be contacted as the access location for Private Road 10-NW with SR 283 will no longer be necessary. i) The building envelope on Lot fourteen (14) shall not exceed 2.5 �cres �nd increase the cul-de-sac frontage to forty (40) feet, j) No Access hatching shall be added as follows: 1. Lot 1, 100' in both directions fro111 the East corner. 2. Lot 2, 100' in Uoth directions from the South corner. 3. Lot 4�, 100' in both directions froin the Northeast corner. 4. Lot 5, 100' in both directions from the Southeast corner. 5. Lot 10, 100' in both directions from the Northwest corner. 6. Lot 11, 100' in both directions from the Southwest corner. 7. Lot 12, 100' north from the Southeast corner. 8. Lot 15, FLtll frontage oi� SR-283, 10-NW and west 100' on F-NW. 9. Lot 16, FLtll frontage on SR-283, 10-NW and east 100' on F-NW. 10. Lot 17, the elatire length of the North boundary line (along State Route 283) and 100' southeast lrom the North coriler. 11. Lot 18, the entire lengtll of the North boundary line and 100' southeast froln the West coiner. k) A�1 Approach Permit shall be obtained prior to a building permit. 3) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Emergellcy Services including, but not limited to: a) Roads and access shall Ue designated to the County grid system, 4) The applicant shall comply with the requirement by the WA State Dept. oCEcology (Spokane—SEPA Coordinator): a) Any ground water developinent proposal that will withdraw water in excess of 5,000 gallons per day lor single or group domestic supply, or for industrial purpose, or for the irrigation of more than %z acre of lawn or non-commercial garden will require a permit froin the Department of �cology only. 5) The applic�nt shall coinply with all requirelnents as deemed necessary by the Grant County Plaiuling Department, inchlding, but not limited to: a) Developinent shall comply with the requirements of GCC § 22.04 Article V"rinal Subdivisions �nd Short SuUdivisions" and all other pertinent portions of Grant County Code. b) Development shall comply with all requirements included in the SEPA Mitigated Determination oFNon-Significance issued on November 6, 2008. c) The Range on the Title and the Range on the index do not inatch. The Range shall be changed from 26 to 25. d) Correct minor spelliiig error in the Dedication froxn "Rogesrs" to "Rogers". e) Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 shall be "Tracts A through D" and indicated on the plat map as such, 6) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the WA State Department of Fish and Wildlife, including but not limited to: Dewey & BarUara Rogers/Williams Plat -page 3 IN THE MA1'T�R OF APPROVING A PRELIMiNARY PLAT D�WEY 8� BARBARA ROG�RS OI' �%C.21 ACRES 1NT0 POURTEEN �14� RESTDENTIAL LOTS WILLIAMS MAJOR PLAT AND I'OUR �4� OPEN SPAC� LOTS a) The f"inal plat permit shall stipulate that the design�ted open space shall remain in native habitat. U) The development shall have a restrictional covenant that specifies domesticated aniinals sh�ll not be allowed to roam off-leash in the open space in order to redltce occurrences of harassment. DATED this ��7� day of ,,��:�/'v,;�,Vi(,� , 2009. ATT,�ST: of the Yea Nay ��' 0 0/ ❑ � ❑ BO�I2D OF COUNTY COlVIMISSIONERS AUstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � �,�� � � !� � '��' ��%, � Cindy C1�rt�r, Chair ----�-----_ � Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair �� � � - �� � � , � �� -��� _ ` —� . ��/'.! �'i • Constituting the Board of Cow�ty Commissim�er•s of Grnnt County, W�sl�ington De��rey & BarUara Rogers/Williams Plat - plge 4