HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-116-CCL�LSI� �1' V��1V.LL 1 ��l�Ylll.a�IJd�1\JJ161J' Gratnt County, W�shington I�SOI�iTTIOIl� II�1 T�IE 1VV�1�'d'T�IZ �� GI�AI�'T COUI�ITI' I+'II� PI��T�CTIOI� DI�T'I�IC'T I�10. 12 AlVD 'I'�I� �'OWIV OF WII.SOI�T CI��I� �so�,u�l��r ��o o�- /I�-�c WI��I�r�S, puisuant to RCW 52.04.061, the Town of Wilson Creelc adopted Ordinance Nos. 392 and 393 stating its intent to initiate the annexation of the Town of Wilson Creelc into and to join Grant County Fire Protection District No. 12 and finding that the public interest will be served by the annexation; and WHEl�AS, pursuant to RCW 52.04.061, t11e Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire Protection District No. 12 adopted Resolution Nos. 2008-02 and 2008-03 stating its intent to initiate the aruiexation of the Town of Wilson Creelc into Grant County Fire Protection district No. 12 and finding that the public interest will be served by the annexation; and ���l�t�S, the To�,�vn of j7Jilson Creel; and Grant Coun�y Fire Protection District rlo. 12 have transmitted notification of their concurrence to tha Grant County Board of Commissioners; and WH�I�r�S, RCW 52,04.071 provides t11at the legislative authority shall by resolution call an election on the amlexation to be held in the city and in the fire protection district. 1�10�I, '�'I�E12�F01�, I�� I'I' &�SOLVCI� by the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to RCW 52,04.071, that the Grant County Auditor• is hereby requested to call and conduct a special election to be held March 10, 2009, and to submit the proposition set forth below to the qualified electors of the Town of Wilson Creek and Grant County Fire Protection District No, 12; GRANT COUNTY rIRE PROTECTION DISTIZICT NO. 12 ANNEXATION OF THE TOWN OF WILSON CREEK Shall the Town of Wilson Creelc be annexed to and be a part of Grant County Fire Protection District No. 12? YES Approved this 29th day of December, 200� A TTF.cT� Yea Nay � ❑ � Ll NO �30A1� OF CO�T1vTY COlVV�11VV�IS��01�1EI�S Abstain � � ������, ���g����� � . __ � Richard Stevens, Chair � .,� � � � -�i���'� � � ❑ LeRoy Allison, Mem e�`' �,� � \ ' �.� ❑ ❑ .,� Cindy Ca er, Member F;\BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Annexation of Wilson Creelc into the Fire Protection District No. 12.doc Page 2 of 2 ' GRAN�' COU�T �� TIRE PAtOTEC7['ION DIST1tICT N0.12 �ULUTION NO. 2008-02 I CONCiJ�� ll�T THE A X.A.1'I4N OF T� TUWN t�F WILSUN CRE�K H 'I INxO GRANT C!D T'Y F.II�.E PRt)7C'ECTIOl�t DIS'�RIC'� �U.1� Backgxound: WHEREAS, Grant �County Fire Protectipn District No. 12 provides fire proteatxon and emergency rnedlcal services to th� Tovvn of �Vilson Creek under th¢ t�rms of a written agreement; and � WHEREAS, the To�wn has indicat�d its inte�rest in arua�xin� into and beaomimg a part oft�e Fir� Prc�t�etion District undsr the proce�dur�s �stablished in 1�CW 52A�1.061 through 52.p4.91; and �R.EAS, the ann�xation o£the Town of'�Vilson Creek in�o the Fire Protection District would assure tha.t the DistriCt wili contin e tb provide fir� pxot�ction and emergency medical services to the residents ofthe Town in the s, � manner that it currentiy provides serv�ces to the rasidents of the District; aa�d � �1?.�AA,S, the annexation of e Tor�m inxo the District �w;ill nat ai%ct tk�� levei of s�rvi�� pravxd�d to the resid��ts of th� Di trict and wiil nc�t aff�t the i� l�v� of the Di�trict; R�solution: NOW THEREFQRE�, BE iT RES(1LVED by the Board of Commissioners of Urant �ounty Fue Protection Dist�ict #� that it canaurs in and supports the annexation of the Town of Wilson Creek �nto Grant County ue Pro�ection I�istrict No. 12. I�I�TTTKObU�EU AA� P�1,S�Ei) De�ember, 2408. Claude Pearce CONIl�SSIC)NER Les Goetz COMIVIIS� A7C']CEST: � S�►san J�m�s, Secretaxx�y a regular mestin��; of the �ire Distri�t #12 this 8'' day of �Norman Larser� CUMMISSIONER C�- - —��,,�� ' thy l�ibaxi FIItE �HIEF _-�,� ������,�� Df.: (: � � �y()�t� �s�A�r ��� ��� Mi�src�►v��� , �, GRA,NT CUUNT�' �1R.� PItOTE�TI4N DISTRICT 1�T0.12 Tt�S�LUTICiN NO. 2A0�-03 A�ESQLUTION 4F GRAN(� CUUNTY FIRE PR�TECTIUIV� DISTRICT NO.12 CA►LLIl1TG FOR AN ELECTXC�N Tt3 BE 1�ELA UN TH� IS��JE OF WHE'THER THE TOWN OF WILSON CREEK �HUULID BE ANNEXED TO THE �'IRT P�tC1TECTION I UISTRICT. Ba��kground: WI�3EREA.S, the To�wn c�fVViison C�°e�k has prevxously dealared it's intentian to annex into Grant County Fir� k'rot�ctio� Distt�ct Nc�. 12; WJEI�][tEAS, Gra�t County �ixe Pr�tection TJist��t No. 12 I�as previously �dopted a resalution a�pxovi�ng th� ann�xation o�the T Iwn ir►to the Fire Prat�ction District; WHERE.�,S, Th� Washi�ngt�n Stat Bound�ry R�view �oa.rd for Cirrant County�, has approved the anix�xatipn, and WFiEREAS, It is necessary to sub�nit the annexation qu�stion to the voters ofthe District. Resalution: N()W, THEltEFfJRF BE IT RESOLVEI] by the Board of Commissioz�ers of G�'�ant County �'ire Proiection Iaistrict I*To. 12 that the Board af Commissioners hsreby request that the Grant County Auditor ca11 a s�eci�l election in conjunctiozx with the General election far consideration of a proposition to a�prove annexation o£ Wilsan Cre�k into the Grant �aunty Fire Pratection I��strict #12. � �_('�'�_orosTxox rto. GRANT CtJUIoTTiX FIRE PItq1'�C7['XC)N i)�STi�CT N0.1Z "�hall the tQw� of Wii�an Creek be annexed ta and b� a part of Grant County Fire Prot�ction DAstrict #�2? � NO " ICN�°�.OD►�J�ED AN%� PASSED �at a reguiar meeting af the Fire Distriu�i #12 this S°i day of December, 2QQ8. I Claude Pearce � co�sszor�R t7.r1 Y l'r►71 : V '� ��� S�san James, S�cretary Narman Larsen COIV�MISSIONER. ��=����,,, �_��-�"�.�..�.� I�att�y Ribail FIR� CI�TEF I taRD�ANCE Ndi► �.�� � A�T +�I►RDII�TANC�+ S'.l'A'�TG T"H� TtiWN'S Il'd`TENT TID ANNE� I.lri'Tt3 .�A1�1D ��Il� G:�tA►.NT C��CTIrI'I'Ti� i"IR.L Plt�4T.E+�TIC1N i DISTRiC`I` #1� TH� TCI�VN �C(DCJNCII. t)F'�'HE TIiW�T 4F WILSUN CREEI�,'t�VASHINGTON DQES Cl�CIAIN AS FOLLI�I'�V�: S'ectian 1. Basic. A. It is in the best inter�sts ofthe ta�vv� io anYY�� i�tca and join tanrant County Fir� Pxc�tectio� D�sitric� �12. B. The tQ�m in cnntin�uous to aar:►d surrounded b� G�`a.t�t Cottn�,y Fire Prt�tectic�n District #12. i C. The iawn has a perp�lati��n ofless t�han 10a,000. I). This annexat�on is ��ermiti�d by Iaw, Sectian 2. �aient. A.. Ii is the i�i�nt afthe �'awn of Witson Cre�k tl�t•ough its le,�islative autho�ty to se�k ' .A,a�nex�.t�c�n. into C"xraant �ounty �ir� Prvtection �Distxict #i2. �. Th� �own �lexk is t�irected ia %rward a cert�fieci copy ofthis ordina,nce to the Board of Cc�rnmiss�on�rs of Grra�t Cc�unty �ire Prot��t%on Uistrict �i�. 12 ia �ndiaate in writin,g �eir �oncurrenc� in this intent t� ann�x. �. �f tl�e Board of �4� 12 concu�s in t�e i Wilson Creek inttr facilitate the delivery 1 Caunty Auditaz- �v �c��rd oi�ommis: P�r,:r�it an election nissio�ers of �ant Cauniy �ire Prat�ct�on District Nca. ent ofthis ordinance ta pe�rmmit annexati�an oft�e Tsawn af �rant Count Fiz-e Protection I�istrict No. 12, the Clerk shall ihe Grrant Coun9,y �oa�rd o�Connmissioners and th� G�'ani ence ofthis ordinance and the wri�ten cc�ncur,renc� ofthe �n�rs of C$r�nt Ca�an�ty Fir� Frotection D�str�ct #12 ta � ilais issue tc� be held as pxovided by law. Sec�ion 3. Ei�'�ctuve d�te. This rardin�nc� s�aii be i� full �'carce �nd e#�'e�t �ive days a�ter iis passage �nd pu�+licaiiran of its summ�iy �s provid�d by iaw. PASS�D by th� To�wn;'+Cc�u�cil af the Toum c�f VV4�ilson Gr�ek, VVas�nington, ihxs 11"' day ofDecembex,120p�. .�� _ �. ' ' � ,':_� , ? _. ,,� +. '�.� w _. ..� � ;` z_.��,-j..�-.�.�.. fl� � ' �� ., Katherine Bc�hnet, M�ycar Susa�t James, Town C�R�I►�riTA�1�TCE N'U. �`Y`� R� ; � AN 4RDIlYANCE .A�U'�'HORi�ING A BAL�OT Tl'TLE AND AIltEC'TTON THE CLERK TO REQUEST AN �LEC".�TON BE HJ�LA WITHIN TOWN'S LIM�TS TO AET�ItMi11TE �i+' THE TOWN SHALI. �]E .�1VNE7�ED lNTO �1vD BECUlY� APART OF GR.ANT COUN1l,"1' FIIt� PROECTION DISTR�CT A10.12 ; 'THE 'TO'VVN C4UN�II. �►F %C!� TQ�11`I 4�+' W�S[l►N C�EK,'W'.AS�TGTC)� �OES OR�.1.t�,II�T .A�S FOLL� i �: Secti'o�a 1. Tind�ngs. A. 7Che Towr► Council � prer�io�sly ada�ted ordinance no. stating th.e inte�t oith� Town tia arlrnex ir�io and b�come a�art oiGrant County Fire �rotection District No. 1� as p�ovided by law. B. The Commissioners of Grani County Fire Protection District ].°+Ta. 12 hav� pre- vivusly adopted a resolution of tl�at District ap�roving the �nnexation of the Town into the �ire �rotection District. � C. 'Tlhe �"rrant County �ou�da,r�► R.eview� Bo�rd has approv�d the �nne�tion. l�. To become cornplei� this �nnexation must b� appr�av�d by the voters aithe '�'own. � Section 2. Electipn. Tl�e Town Cauncii directs th� Town Clerk ta submit the following ballot title ta The Crrant County tl�uditar and to further r�quest that the pr+�pasition of a.lYneaza.- tian of th� Town into and to be�ome a part af Cxrant Count� Fire Protect�on l�istrict No. 12 be submitt�d ta the vaters ofth� Tpwn at the d�te set it�r elections in 1l�arch �009 as prav�de�i by law. 1'��Pi)S�TION NC).1 7'�'V'V.1`T UF'WII�SON G]I�EK Th� Tot�vn Council of the �'owxa a�V�'ilso� Cr�ek adupted (hdin�tnc� Na. autho��i�ig the a�nexation af the Town into G�ra�nt �ounty F�°� Protectian T�istrict �.Vo. 12. I '�']he �ropositian will a � thorize tk�e Tow�n of Wxlsan Creek to anne� into and b�cc�m� a part of Gran� County Fir� Prat�ion Districi I�o. 12. Should this propasit�dn be: Appxav�d �,,___`__ Rejected __�__ i Section 3. Et%c�ive dxt�e. Thi� ordinance shall b� in full force and effect fi�ve days aft�r its passage anyd publicai:aon oF its summary as pr�vided b�r 1aw. I �ASSED by the Town �unci� ofihe Town o�V�ilson, Creek, Washin$ton, this 11�' day of �Jea�mber, Q08. • ,,._. �, _ �'•.--._ � ���, ���.�..�_ ��w _c��.��=�-.��sb� �--�-.� �. �,,� , ,� T Ka,therine �ohnet, Mayor � �` 'TEST� ���� Susan Jarnes, Town Cl�rlc