HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-105-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Grant County, Washington
An ordinance relating to an amendment of the Grant County Zoning
Map, chauging the zoning of approxim�tely 2.05 acres from Urban Residential 3
(UR3) to Urban Commercial 1(UC1). The site address of the subject �rea is 7978
Valley Road NE, Moses Lake, WA, located in Cascade Valley at the corner of Valley
Road and Ottmar Road �nd iu a portion of Section 17, Township 19N, Range 28E,
WM, Grant County, WA. (Parcel #12-0585-000 & 12-0589-000)
WIIEI�AS, in coinpliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990, Grant
Colulty adopted a Comprehensive Plan in September of 1999, and
WHEREAS, Grant Cotuity adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) in
October of 2000, establishing ofFicial zoning districts in conforinance with the Coinprehensive
Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Actioi�s"
§ 030 establishes a process for making Amendznents to the Comprehensive Plan, and
WI3EREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts" §
150 establishes a process for Minor Zoning Amendments (Minor Rezones) wluch are consistent
with the goals �nd policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and
WHEI�AS, on December 19, 2006, Resolution 06-269-CC "A Resolutiozi
Relating to Comprehensive Planning in Grant County in Accordance with the Washington State
eJrowth 1vlanagemeilt Act (KI;W �b. /U A) anct amenclmg the �eptember, 1�yy C;omprehensive
Plan and Development Regulations" was signed by the Grant Couiity Board of Cominissioners,
WHEI2EAS, on January 22, 2008, Ordinazlce No. 08-005-CC was adopted by the
Grant County Board of Commissioners, which, in part, established the Coinprehensive Plan
designation for the subject properties as "Urban Cormnercial," �nd
dVHEIZEAS, an application (#08-5191) for a Minor Zone Change has been
processed in accordance with the UDC Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts", Chapter 24.04
"SEPA", and Chapter 25.04 "Perillit Application Review Procedures," and
.ieremy & Rosario McICean Minoc Zone Change - BoCC Ordinauce - page 1
WIIEI2�AS, the Grant County Planning Commission held an Open Record
Public Hearing regarding this proposed Minor Zone Change, during their regular meeting on
Noveinber 5, 2008, after which they voted unaniznously to recommend approval of this Minor
Zone Change, and
WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a Closed Record
Public Hearing regarding this proposad zone change on December 2, 2008, and
WHEREAS, after consideratioil of the Plaiuzing Cointnission's report and staff
corninents, the Board of County Cointnissionars voted to approve this Minor Zone Change, and
WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners h�ve established the
following ten "Findillgs of Fact" supporting their approval of this Minor Zone Change:
1) The proposed rezone will not be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulations of the
Grant Coluzty Code or the Comprehensive P1an;
2) The property in question is suitable for uses allowed under the proposed zoning district;
3) Uses allowed tuider the proposed zone change are coinpatible with neighboring land uses;
4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access, Cire protection,
water, storm-water control, and sewage disposal lacilities;
5) Substantial changes do exist to warrant �n amendment to the current zoning district;
6) A public need does exist for the proposed rezone. Public need shall mean that a valid public
ptu�pose, for which the comprehensive plan and t11is chapter have been adopted, is served by
the proposed rezone;
7) The proposed rezone will not result in signii"icant adverse iinpacts on the human or natural
enviromnents t11at cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval;
8) The cumulative impact of �dditional requests for like actions (the total of the rezones over
time or space) will not produce significant adverse eflects to the envirorulient that cannot be
initigated by conditions of approval; __
9) The pedestrian a11d vehicular traffic associated witli the rezone will not Ue hazardous to
existing and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and
10) The proposed zoning district does not include any allowaUle use or activity that would result
in the location oI' an incompatible use adjacent to an airport or airrield (RCW 36,70).
NOW, THEItEFORE, BE IT ORDAINEl), that the Grant County Board of
Jeremy & Ros�rio MeKean Minor Zone Change - BoCC Ordinance - page 2
County Commissioners hereby rescind the cltrrent zoning designation of Parcel #12-0585-000 &
12-0589-000 and
BE IT rURTHER ORDAINED, that tluough tl�e adoption oFthis ordinallce the
Grant County Board of Commissioners approve the minor zone change for Parcel #12-0585-000
& 12-0589-000 From Urbail Residential 3(UR3) to Urb�n Cointnercial 1(UC1), and
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the effective date of this ordinance shall be
5:00 pm of the date signed.
DATED this
� �
� day of �,p��.���� �.. , 2008.
Yea Nay
L' ❑
I�d' ❑
❑ , �
Ricliard Stevens, Chairinall
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� Ciildy Cai r, Vice-Chair
C�" ❑ ❑ • ,, ,�
LeRoy . Allison, em er
Constituting the Board of Couuty Commissiouers of Gr:tnt Cowri,y, Washington
Jeremy 8c Rosario McKeau Minor Z,one Cliange - BoCC Ordinance - page 3