HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES
8:go a.m. — 8:5o a.m.
9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m.
io:oo a.m. — io:i, a.m.
io:2o a.m. — io:5o a.m.
1i:oo a.m. — 1i:5o a.m.
i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m.
i:3o p.m. —1:5o p.m.
2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m.
3:0o p.m. — g:5o p.m.
4:0o p.m. — 4:2o p.m.
4:3o p.m. — 4:5o p.m.
Elected Official Roundtable Discussion
T Hechler, Executive Session Conference Call re: Union Matter
Commissions Office Safety Meeting Cancelled
Commissioners Worlc Session
D Nelson, Department of Community Development
Commissioners at PUD Commissioner Luncheon
GMHC Upda�e
i. RSN Technical Assistance Grant
2. Liability Insurance for Mental Health
3. JCHAO update
4. GMHC/DCL/NH merger update
5. Substance Abuse
6. ITA transports
7. DCL update
8. City View update
9. New Hope Update
10. County IT merger with GMHC
Closed Record Public Hearing, Kris Dexter Admin Appeal of 2 Docles for
the Pelican pt. Homeowners Assoc.
J Stricl�ler, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action Rescheduled
B Smith, District Court Update
T Hechler, Human Resources Update
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:0o am with all the Commissioners in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.i10 (i) (i) Chairman Commissioner Stevens called the session to order at 9:10 am
for 4o minutes. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 9:5o am.
Page 2 of io
The Commissioners held a Closed Record Public Hearing regarding an administration appeal of the
Planning Department file #08-5065, Pelican Point Homeowners Association. The proposal was for the
construction of two 6o-ft. long docics, each one of which will consist of a 6 ft wide x 2o ft long freestanding
walkway connecting to a ioft wide x 4o ft long freestanding docic. The 6 ft wide x 2o ft long walkways are
intended to bridge over any existing vegetation, to facilitate the re-growth of native vegetation, and to
provide open water access for the docics. This proposal also includes the construction of a i2 ft wide x 30
ft long poured-in-place concrete boat launch to be located between the two docks. Also included in this
proposal are the widening of the existing gravel turn-around/maneuvering area, the posting of signs to
prohibit parlang in the immediate vicinity of the docks and boat launch, the posting of signs to prohibit
parlcing along the access easement to the subject parcel, the positing of a sign to indicate hours of
operation, and an entry gate to limit access. The location is lenown as Lot # 149 of Pelican Point Addition
No.1, located west of the intersection of Pelican Place NE, Pelican Drive NE, and Goodrich Rd SE. It is in
the southwest quarter of S 84, T i9 N, R 28 E, W M and in the northwest quarter of S g, T i8 N, R 28 E, W
M(Parcel no.12-08�8-000). Per the request of Mr. Dexter, the Planning Dept specifically addition
Condition of Approval # i3 (a-� to address Mr. Dexter's concerns. Staff read from his staff report in
regards to the 5 points of appeal. Nicic Wallace, Schulteis Tabler and Wallace, agent of the proponent
stated that normally the applicant goes first. Tom Taylor, President of the Pelican Point Homeowners
Association (PPHA), is here to answer any questions and feels that the PPHA has addressed Mr. Dexter's
Nick Wallace stated that the PPHA has not been willing to accommodate all of Mr. Dexter's concerns. He
stated that this is an appeal of the Planning Dept decision to issue an MDNS (Mitigated Determination of
Non-Significance); an appeal of a SCUP (Shoreline Conditional Use Permit); and an SDP (Substantial
Development Permit). He stated that there is a Shorelines Hearings Board which has jurisdiction of
everything involving Shorelines. The Grant County Code specifies that a person can appeal a decision by
the Planning Dept. to the Board of County Commissioners or to the Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB),
Staff told Mr. Wallace that they are loolcing into maleing appeals regarding Shorelines only to the SHB.
He states that Mr. Dexter is requesting a remand of this decision, to be held in abeyance and would lilce
this project to go back to the Planning Dept. for further review. He states that there was no biological
evaluation or an Impact Study. He would lilce this proj ect sent bacle to the Planning Dept. for a further
environmental analysis. He stated that Staff made reference to this docic being used by the public. This is
a private easement and was acquired by prescription from Superior Court. It was limited to the "as is
road", not for something that they can use for expanded use.
Mr. Wallace asked about the signs that are going to be posted. If the roadway/easement is only 6-8 ft
wide, and they cannot be posted on Mr. Dexter's property, where are they going to be posted? Who is
going to enforce these signs? Another issue is the dust that will arise out of this expanded usage. Mr.
Hanson asked about the possibility of asphalt being layered. The road is an "as built easement". It is only
6-8 feet wide, what happens when 2 cars meet? One of the cars will have to "trespass" in order to let one
of the cars pass. Also, what about a fence? At a meeting on Friday, September 12, there was a meeting
between all parties to try to solve issues. A gate was proposed. Can the Board "ensure" that the Dexter's
will not be affected by dust, trespassing, etc?
Dr. Kris Dexter passed out a rnap identifying the area. He stated that this original proposal was only used
as a walkway. PPHA changed the walkway to a driveway and have a proposed boat docic. He would lilee
walking only to the area and no boat launch. If this cannot be done, he wants a guarantee safety for his
family. He is concerned for public safety. Could an emergency vehicle get down there?
Commissioner Allison moved to talce this information under advisement and to issue a written notice of
decision within 2 weelcs. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The
hearing adjourned.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September i6,
Page g of �o
9:3o a.m. — g:4o a.m.
io:oo a.m. —10:5o a.m.
i1:oo a.m. — r1:5o a.m.
1:3o p.m. — 2:5o p.m.
3:0o p.m. — g:2o p.m
3:go p.m. — 3�45 p.m.
4:0o p.m. — 5:0o p.m.
Open Record Public Hearing, Emergency Management, SherifPs Office
and District Court Budget Extensions
Open Record Public Hearing, Gary Ray Morgan Admin Appeal
A White, Public Defense Update
D Pohle, PW Update
i. Authorization to Call for Bids: Doolittle Path
J Stricl�ler, ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Action
i. Vouchers for indigent defense and/or insurance.
2. Agreement to Undertake Actuarial Studies for County Inmate
Prograrn; between Washington State Association of Counties
Financial Services Corporation and Grant County. (Grant County's
portion is $516.00).
3. BOCC Chair review/approval of North Columbia Community Action
Council Request #6 and Invoice Voucher on Department of
Community, Trade & Economic Development Contract #08-64008-
02 in the amount of $24,97i.66.
4. Review/approval of ASC attendance at Washington State Association
of Counties 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibitor Exposition in
Yakima, Washington, Nov. 12 —14, 2008.
Consent Agenda
R Stevens at Moses Lake Trial Planning Team Meeting (Moses Lake)
The session was continued at 9:0o am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the
The Commissioners held an open record public hearing regarding the following budget extension
• Emergency Management Fund #102, Department #144 in the amount of $6,625.0o to
purchase 4o Tone Alert Radios using USDOE grant funds;
• Sheriffs Office Fund #ooi, Department #114 in the amount of $4,448•0o to purchase
4-Aerostitch cold weather riding suits for their Motor Traffic Unit using Washington
Traffic Safety Commission grant funds;
• SherifPs Office Fund #001, Department #141 in the amount of $7,000.0o to purchase a
photograph identification system using Current Expense funds; and
• District Court Fund #001, Department #io2 in the amount of $12,325.0o to reimburse
Interpreter %es and to have signs made and document interpretation in Spanish and
Russian, using Administrative Office of the Court grant funds.
Page 4 of 10
Commissioner Allison moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Carter
seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Allison rnoved to adopt the budget
extension as presented, Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing
adjourned. (Resolution No. 08-o79-CC)
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing regarding an Administrative Appeal of the Gary
Ray Morgan Discretionary Use Permit for an RV Parlc/Campground. Commissioner Stevens swore in
those citizens who intend to testify.
Billie Sumrall, Associate Planner, stated that the hearing today is an appeal of a Discretionary Use Permit
application submitted by Gary Morgan. She stated under the Unified Development Code this proposal is
an allowed use by Discretionary review in the Rural Residential zoning District, which is where this
property is located. A discretionary Use is permitted use, but which because of the characteristics of the
exact location with regards to streets, existing improvement, or demands upon public facilities, requires a
review for compliance. As a result of a discretionary use application, staff sends it to agencies just as they
would a plat or zone change. The only difference is that it does not go through a public hearing process, it
is done administratively. The only public hearing would be if it is appealed, as this was done. The
applicant submittal is for the allowance and location of a small recreational facility, which is a
campground containing 5o sites. It does fit within the zoning code and is located in a portion of S i, T 19,
R 28, which is to the south of County Rd 5 NE and east of county Rd K. The surrounding property is
zoned Rural Residential3 and is not within the UGA of the City of Moses Lalce. Staff stated that a wetland
report was needed in order for the application to be technically complete. A few years before the
application, Mr. Morgan did an enhancement project for the wetlands and Staff wanted to ascertain
whether or not what he had done met the requirement of the Dept of Fish and Wildlife. The study was
done by Dr. Fulsom of the Eastern WA University and submitted to Staff in May, 2008. It was determined
that the wetland was a type 3 wetland, which needed a 5o ft, buffer. Many comments were received from
agencies notified and are within the Staff report. Billie noted that all requirements for notification were
followed. Contiguous owners and property owners within 30o ft were notified of the application.
Mr. Morgan had a traffic study completed per the requirement of Public Works. Billie stated that the DUP
is allowed within the Rural Residential zoning of the County. Staff read into the record the i4 Conditions
that were put upon this proposal.
Gary Morgan, proponent, gave a presentation along with Rich Walpole and Phil Bloom from Columbia
Northwest Engineering.
Phil Bloom showed a picture of the Czystal Creek Camp Site Plan and discussed the project. He reiterated
that this DUP is permitted bq Grant County Ordinance. He states that this project has been correctly
Bill White was sworn in, he then gave the results of the traffic study. He passed out a"trip generation and
use analysis". There would be a 6-8% increase in traffic.
Gary Morgan discussed mosquito control in the area. He met with Jim Thompson of the Mosquito
Control District and signage of Arial spraying.
Rich Walpole, Columbia NW Engineering, showed on a map the wetland buffer area (5o ft setbacle) and
stated that the wetlands will not be affected at all.
He discussed the sewer issue and his discussions with the Grant County Health District.
Gary Morgan discussed the aesthetics of the proposal; he is planning to put up rustic style fences and
many trees. He is using approx. 8 acres of the 25 acres that are out there.
Page 5 of �o
Commissioner Carter asleed if this proposal is "seasonal". Mr. Morgan stated that he does not see a lot of
year round use, mostly seasonal.
Jim Thompson, operates the Mosquito Control District, he has been asleed by citizens how this would
effect mosquito control. Mr. Thompson states that he isn't too concerned about the public health issues,
but there is always concern for litigation.
Darin Hendrickson was sworn in and gave testimony in opposition of the project. He agrees we need
more RV parlcs but not in this area. He believes that Rd 5 cannot handle more traffic.
Deanna Noonan stated her concerns for the area. She does not believe this is the area for an RV park. She
believes that alcohol consumption would increase and bring in crime. Can the Sheriff's Office handle this?
Patricic Price is confused about the usage of the area. Is it a working class RV parlc or a 55 and over RV
Park? He would like clarification. People using the park have no "ownership" and can leave a mess
behind. Commissioner Stevens clarified that it will be a working class RV park but transition into a
Jessica Cooper asleed of Mr. Morgan: Do you have a screening process of the types of RV's brought in?
Mr. Morgan stated that he intends to enforce the campgrounds rules. Ms. Cooper re-asked if Mr. Morgan
is going to have rules and regulations about the types of RV are being brought in. Mr. Morgan stated that
at this time, he does not.
Chris Donat is opposed to the proposal. This should not be allowed in a residential area.
Nancy McFaden told of 2 motor vehicle accidents due to Rd. 5 being dangerous.
Linda Price asked how the long time aesthetics will be upheld if he moves?
Steve Koziol purchased Gary Morgan's personal home 2 years ago. He stated that the entire area around
the proposal is residential, quiet, family area. He does not believe that there will be only 1 person per RV
site and this will cause congestion. He stated that he spoke with someone with Fish and Wildlife and that
they regret their approval of this permit (he couldn't remernber the persons name).
Linda Izoziol stated that there are school buses along Rd 5 at least 4 times a day. It is darlc during the
winter in the morning and in the evening. She stated that there are large trucks in the area also. She
states that there are many children along Rd 5. She requests that the Board reconsider the Planning Dept.
Cleone Milelcelson stated that she did not receive notification of this proposal and doesn't understand why.
She in concerned of the water levels, fire danger, and wildlife disruption.
Pat Campbell does not believe that 30o ft requirement of notiiication is enough. She thanks the person
who printed out the proposal and passed it out to everyone. What if the tenants run generators, they are
extremely noisy.
Judy Davis complained of the notification process, goo ft. is not enough. She sta�ed that Rd K is a 5o mph
road and dump trash along the Rd. What lcind of control is he going to have over campers wallcing over
others property? Rd 4 is bumper to bumper with traffic at certain times a day.
Bruce Noonan stated that the average cost of homes in the area is $200,000.0o and is concerned with
campfire smoke. He has seen campers pour car oil down toilets and anti-freeze down run-off drains.
Cliff Harden was sworn in and stated he is concerned for the wetlands. He believes that Mr. Morgan will
not be able to keep children and other items out of the wetlands.
Page 6 of io
Debra Stolle lives within the goo ft of the affected area and she does not want the park in this area. She is
concerned with Urban Sprawl Laws.
Daniel Stolle talces Rd 5 every day on his way to work to JR Simplot and see's the amount of traffic in the
area. He isn't sure how the traffic person got their numbers. He believes it is a good idea but bad
Kathy Mathis stated that her husband works at REC Silicon in the safety area department and she said
that traffic management is one of his biggest issues.
She is concerned that campers will bring animals that will disrupt current wildlife.
Ricic Kehl stated that he thought that common sense would prevail but now he is not sure. He stated that
the pictures shown by Mr. Morgan are inaccurate. He also commented on the relationship between Mr.
Morgan and Staff.
Thomas Fancher commented on the declining wildlife in this area due to the swampland dug out and the
lakes moved in by Mr. Morgan. He is also concerned with vehicles lealcing fluids on the ground. Another
potential problem is illegal activities, such as methlabs. He is concerned about campfire smolee or fires in
the area as he is severely allergic to smolee. Blowing trash is another concern.
Marlc Amara showed pictures of the area and read his prepared statement. He spoke in opposition of the
proposal. He is a retired soil scientist with the US Dept of Agriculture and discussed his own findings of
the soil in the area.
Rod Noteboom was sworn in and spolce in opposition of the proposal, believes it is incompatible with the
Commissioner Stevens asked for a motion to close the public comment portion of the hearing noted the
number of let�ers and calls received by the Commissioners Office. They will be added to the record.
Commissioner Carter moved and Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Stevens stated that the Board has 6o days to issue a Notice of Decision but thinlcs it will
only take 4-5 weelcs. Commissioner Allison asked of Steve Hallstrom about the notice of decision
requirements and he stated that the Notice is required to be given to the Appellant. Commissioner Allison
moved to close deliberation and make a decision within 4 weeks and issue a notice of decision.
Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Authorization to Call for Bids for the Doolittle Park Path,
CRP o8-i5 and set the bid opening for October �, 2008 at 1:3o pm.
The Commissioners approved and signed the contract between Grant County and Professional Pavement
Products for the Equipment Contract 2oo8-i2.
The Commissioners approved items i through 4 as listed above.
Commissioner Carter moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Allison seconded and the
motion passed unanimously, as presented below:
Page � of 10
Commissioners Office Vouchers
Corrected Change of' Location Application from Jones of Washington, 21oi F Street SE, Quincy,
WA 98848, from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. Applicants are Mil�ie Jones
Irrevocable Intervivos Trust for Family of Jacle Jones.
Appointment letter for Corrine Isaalc to serve on the Grant County Tourism Commission.
As of this date, the Board, by a rnajority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $1,98i,�85.1�, as recorded on a listing
and made available to the Board.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September i�,
7:0o a.rn. — 8:0o a.m.
i2:oo p.m, — g:oo p.m.
4:0o p.m. — 4:2o p.m.
7:0o p.m. — 8:0o p.m.
L Allison at GCEDC (Moses Lake)
R Stevens �a NCCAC Board Meeting (Pillar Rocic Grill)
Open Record Public Hearing, CDBG General Purpose Initiation
R Stevens at CBDL Meeting
The session was continued at 9:0o am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the
The hearing was called to order at 4:oopm. Richard Stevens requested the meeting be continued to 4:i5pm
as one of the organizations to submit an application was delayed. At 4:15pm, the hearing was continued.
Richard Stevens welcomed the public and let all present know we had a Spanish Interpreter Mary Jane
Castillo present and available if so requested.
Richard Stevens introduced June Stricl�ler as the Citizen Participation Coordinator. In a brief overview of
the CDBG Program June Stricl�ler indicated that this program provides funds on a competitive basis for
housing, infrastructure, and community facilities, economic development and planning projects that
principally benefit low and moderate income households. The Washington State CDBG Program is funded
by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The purpose of the CDBG Program is to
enhance the quality of life for low and moderate income residents which as a result, benefit the entire
The purpose of the public hearing is to invite eligible organizations to present projects they wish to submit
for funding as well as provide an opportunity for the citizens of Grant County to participate in an advisory
role in planning, implantation and assessment of the projects submitted for funding.
Page 8 of 10
The following are the policies the Board of County Commissioners have established to facilitate the Public
Participation Plan. To Provide Technical Assistance; the Availability of Programmatic Information; Policy
for Citizens Providing Comments on the Plan/ Amendments; Policy for Citizens input on Performance
Reports for Project Activities ; Policy for Encouragement of Citizen Participation in a Advisory Role for
Planning, Implementation , and Assessment of the Proj ect. The details of this policy are located on page 4
of 6 and page 5 of 6 in the pacicet that was made available at the hearing in both Spanish and English by
June Strickler, the Citizen Participation Coordinator. This pacleet will be included in the minutes as
Attachment C.
June Stricl�ler, the Citizen Participation Coordinator went over the Grievance Policy for The Board of
County Commissioners. The county will malce available at all public hearings a Grievance Procedure Form,
attached as Appendix B. The grievance forms may be sent attention Richard Stevens, the Chairman for The
Board of County Commissioners.
Richard Stevens opened the hearing for the presentation of proposals for the CDBG funds. Don Fortier the
Fire Chief for Grant County Fire District # 3 introduced himself, Michelle Mazzola and Kevin Gardner his
Grant writing team, Don presented the board with a packet included with the rninutes as Attachment D.
Fire District #g proposed the Expansion Project of the George Fire Station in Grant County I'ire District #g.
Don explained that the George fire station originally built in 1g6o for a much smaller community was
outdated and needed to be brought up to current building codes. The expansion project would rnake it
possible to start a resident program for the fire district as it has become more difficult to maintain a
volunteer base. This would benefit the community by decreasing response times for the area, In addition to
the safety factors in updating the station, it would provide community space for meetings. Don Fortier
concluded his presentation with information on how the Fire District #3 has the land needed for the
expansion, and have a loan in place, the use of CDBG funds would make this expansion project possible.
Richard Stevens offered and opportunity to ask questions of I'ire Chief Don Fortier. A question was
presented by Richard Stevens, "Were they going to demolish the existing Station?" Don Fortier explained
that the structure was sound and would be used as a training room and included in the overall remodel of
the proposed expansion.
Richard Stevens, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners aslced if there were any questions or
additional proposals. There were no questions or additional proposals so LeRoy Allison made a motion to
submit the application and move forward in the CDBG Grant process. The motion was seconded by Richard
Stevens and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September i8,
8:3o a.m. — 8:5o a.m.
9:0o a.m. — 9:2o a.m
10:0o a.m, — 10:5o a.m.
i1:3o a.m. —1:3o p.m.
ii:go a.m. —1:go p.m.
g:oo p.m. — 5:0o p.m.
�:oo p.m. — 8:0o p.m.
Department of Community Development Appeal Discussion
L Allison, WRCIP Conference Call
Open Record Public Hearing, continuation of Comp Plan Amendment
#07-4898 City of Soap Lake
BOCC at Port District Meeting (Moses Lake)
L Allison at WSAC Board of Directors Meeting (Leavenworth)
C Carter at GTA Board Meeting (Ephrata City Council Chambers)
Page 9 of ao
The session was continued at 9:0o am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the
The Commissioners held a Closed Record Public Hearing in regards to the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
Amendment File #0�-4898 from the City of Soap Lalce UGA. The Deputy Clerlc of the Board received a
phone call from the Cities representative who was stuck in traffic in Quincy and was running approx. 10
minutes late. Commissioner Carter moved to continue this hearing until xo:15 am, Commissioner Allison
seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The hearing was reopened. Commissioner Stevens noted that this is a Closed Record Public Hearing. He
stated that the City of Soap Lake did their application correctly but did not take in account the comments
from the property owners in the area. The Board of Commissioners must malce sure they followed all of
the rules of the UGA. The Board has been worlcing feverishly to malee this a"win/win" situation and has
spoken with the Mayor and Frederick Slough to find a solution. Commissioner Allison has been trying to
find a way to "shrink" the UGA area. Commissioner Allison aslced of the maps provided to the Board.
Staff stated it was provided by the Boards request from Alliance Consulting Group on behalf of the City of
Soap Lake. It provides what commercial lands are available in the City and/or UGA right now.
Matt Hansen, Alliance Consulting discussed the maps provided to the Board. He stated that overall the
UGA io3 acres, only 84 is Commercial land (9-io% only),
Staff discussed the use of Rights of Way to connect properties for a UGA. In terms of ineeting the growth
projections, he is not sure if this accommodates the residential capacity the city needs, they have
obviously identified a need in the UGA.
Commissioner Stevens asked the land owners in attendance, if they understand what it means to be added
to the UGA, he believes it would it increase property values.
Lyle Nicoli believes it is the intent of the City is to Annex the property into the City. He stated that the
homeowners of Soap Lake Terrace are adamantly against this and they will look into other options if
added to the UGA.
Lisa Parks, Alliance Group and agent to the City of Soap Lalce stated that their purpose is to get City
owned property into the UGA and then annex it and develop the property as they have been investigating
options to do.
Commissioner Allison moved to include and approve the UGA amendment which would include only the
State Highway i� corridor to the north, along the east side of the lake, up to and include 160968000,
16i894000- Tommer and then to the east and north of the two Tommer parcels to i6z898000 —
Livingston and the submitted connection across bureau property to the city parcel i6i889oo0. So we've
got state highway property, 2 parcels of Tommers,l parcel of Livingstone's, and i of the Cities with
Bureau connection in between.
A map was put up for clarification. Cornmissioner Allison confirmed his motion to approve the
recommendation with a new configuration of property included. Staff confirmed Commissioner Allison's
motion on the map. The Board asked if the Swan/Bradley property (160969001) wanted to be excluded
from the UGA. Staff stated that the Swan/Bradley property did not sign the petition to be excluded from
the UGA amendment. Commissioner Stevens thought this Swan/Bradley might need to be added for
access purposes. Commissioners Carter verified that it would be a total of 5 parcels if all were included.
She then seconded the motion. Commissioner Allison questioned whether or not the Swan/Bradley
property needed to be added. Staff asked for clarification on the properties that are split by the highway.
There are some properties on the north end that are split by the highway; do we include this property to
the west of the highway also? Commissioner Allison stated yes.
Fage io of io
Commissioner Stevens asked about including these 5 parcels without talking to the property owners. Staff
stated that Mr. Tommer did approach the Planning Dept. about subdividing his property in the past.
Staff also stated that they notified all property owners within the UGA application and within goo ft. of
the area. No individual property owners responded, only a petition was received by some owners. The
Livingston's, Tommers, and Swan/Bradley's did not sign the petition or did not contact planning with
their concerns. Commissioner Allison suggested including the Swan/Bradley parcel because there may be
joint access necessary off the state highway. Commissioner Stevens called for the question. All
Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
The Commissioners came bacic into session to adopt all of the Zoo8 Comprehensive Plan as presented and
approved or disapproved. Commissioner Allison moved, Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion
passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September 22,
io:oo a.m, — 3:0o p.m. L Allison a� NCWRSN Governing Board Meeting (Davenport)
Signed this -- ;s�' day o , 2009.
G�arolann Swartz