HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-073-CCBOAR.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RESOLUTION PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE ERIC No. 2008- �'� ?j -CC HUBER LONG PLAT IN A PORTION OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 19 N. ERIC T-IUBER RANGE 28 E. WM., GRANT COUNTY, WA. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners has been advised that axi open record public hearing was conducted, before the Grant Countiy Planning Commission on June 4 and continued to J�.ily 7, 2008, on the matter of recommendation of a Preliminary Plat; said proposal being located in a portion of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, WM. Grant County, Washiligton; and, V�I-Y�1�E�AS, the Grant County Planning Commission on July 2, 2008„ did approve by a majority of inembers in a unanimous decision a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to approve ihis Preliminary Plat application with conditions of approval; and, WHElaEAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record public hearing on 2008 ; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, have reviewed the application file, staff report and Planning Commissioil recommendation; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissiozaers have found that the proposal will not adversely effect the healtll, safety, and general welfare of the public in tlie vicinity of tl�e proposal; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found tlaat the proposal is col�sisteizt with tl�e Grant County Comprehensive Plai1, the Unified Development Code, �s well as other land use regulations, includi��g S�PA; ai�d, WFI�ItEAS, tha Board. of County Commissioners h�ve found tlzat the public use �' a�a.d interest will apparei�tly be served by the Prelimii�ary Plat and; WHEREAS, the proposed developznezzt application �nd prelixninary plat application meets the applicable raquirez�lents of the Unified Development Code, and is consistex�t witll the xequirements as listed i�1 Cl�aptei� 23.04 (b) Detenninatioi� of Consistezlcy with the Conlpxellensive Plan as detei-�nii�ed Uy tl�e Adn�inistrative Official and/or his designee, Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the preliminary plat meets all applicable criteria as listed in the Uni£'ied Development Code under Section 23.04, Zoning and Title 22, Subdivisions/Plats and; WHEREAS, the Administrative Offzcial designee issued a Mitigated Detei�nination of Non-Significance for this proposed development on May 1, 2008. NOW, THEREF012E, BE IT I3�REBY RESOLVED, THAT the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approves by this Resolution, and with the conditions of approval listed below, a Prelirninary Plat for Eric Huber, near Moses Lalce, in a portion of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. Parcel #17-0855-000. CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAL 1) l��ve.1����r���n� �:i1��i t�� �� cr�m�lx�xxc� r�iil� t9xe �rt���ir��to�� �;i���e 1±ar�v�x�a���ie��t��� 1'r�[r�°y ��.t, i��e ��°arx1; �ra���rt� �"c��r�pr�1h����i�e .��1���, f:�r� ��r�r�t C"o���ty �lr�x��e�. �����1€��x����at C;€�c�e, t�xe Cxrm�vtli 1�5�����tn�rd� ��t;, t;h� C�Y��rgi; �;'ou�t:;y �`o�a�.�r�°e.���;������c T'I�aaa. , �:��� �t��e �+a��va��o��r�����.��� �'o�.i�y �.c�:, �x�.c� a�l ����lac`��R� �c�c:��d, �t���;�, «���c� i:��e����� ����.�t4�i�t.az��q r��.�iza�;� ���° ��a�u�re�rae.����. 2) Proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, by the Washington State Department of Health, a11d the Washington State Department of Ecology re�arding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 3) If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Department, the Colville Confederated Tribes ai�d tl�e Washiiigtoxl St�te Office of Archaeo�ogy ai�d Historic Presei°vation. 4) Approval oFthe plat shall be contingent upon coi�formance with all applicable land use r�.iles ai�d regulatiozis iz1 effect at tl�e time the application was tecl�u�ically coinplete, wl�ich in this instance was April 17, 2008. 5) Duriilg road gradixzg and/or constructioll activities, coui�ty roads shall be n�aintained clear of soil and rocics at the poizlt of ingress / egress. 6) This proposal shall coz�:lply with the requiremexlts of GCC 23.12.080 Cleariiag, Gi�adizlg atld Drainage Standards, iz�cXuding but not limited to; a} Cl�aring and grading activities shall be conducted so as to minimize potential �tdverse eI'I'ects o11 offsite property, i_� /. ii i---i_ i_..i .i__. •� • � a..-----.. ,• r U� Xill UCVG1U�Ji11Ci1L Slldll C11Sl.11G Llldl SUll GiUSlUll d11U JCUl111G11La.61U11 Ul drainage-ways will be controlled to preveiat damage to adjoinillg propel�ties. Page 2 of 4 c) Surface drainage shall not be directed to or discharged onto County Roads or ditches within County right-of-ways unless approved by the County Engineer, 7) This proposal shall cornply with the requireinents of GCC 23.12.100 Road Standards, including but not limited to; a) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC 10.36. 8) Development shall comply with the requirements of tha Grant County Assessor's office. 9) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Worlcs Department including, but not limited to: a) Provide a plat check fee of $200,00 for Major plats. b) Prior to Grant County Public Works signing the final plat, all required road construction and improvements shall be completed and accepted by Public Works, or a Bond shall be in place for the required worlc. c) Provide control monitments for all road intersections and centerline tangents. d) Provide a plat certi�"icate from the title company for all land being dedicated to Grant County. e) An approach shall be obtained prior to a building permit. � Provide a complete road plan and profxle with all centerline data and drainage facilities for new roads. g) A hatched "no access area" shall be added to Lot 1 along entire south border and 50' to the north on the east border. Access shall be onto Deez� Street. h) Provide a 20' radius at all Right-of-Way intersections. 10) Development sliall comply with �11 requireznents of the Grant County Healtll District, including but zzot lii�lited to: a) Before final plat �pprov�l is given, the watier systein must be constructed and accepted By the Grant Coui�ty Health Dist�ict. The maximuxn number of watier service contlections is four (4) unless ai1 �1t�i7�ate water source is available for irrigation. Prior to construction, t11e design of the w�,ter system must ba reviewed and �ccepted by the Health District. A site registration lnust Ue completed for each lot to deterini�ae the suitability I'or septic system installation. T/ie au�licarzts lzave r^eceived acceUtarzce frona the CourztrvClacb Estates Water svstem, a�zd tlze I)epartme�2t o�Healtli, to allow co�anection to that svster�a and wa�zted to reUlace tlie re��tci�e�azent from tlie Healtlz clistt^ict witli tlae follo��irz� statenzent: Development shaii compiy with ali requirements ot fine vrant County Healfih District, including but not limited to: Be�Fore final approval is given, the water system must be constructed and accepted by the Grant County Health District. Page 3 of 4 "FINDINGS OF FACT" (1) The proposed subdivision does nleet the applicable requirements of UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plats"; (2) The proposed subdivision does serve the public use and interest; (3) The proposed subdivision does comply with the Comprehellsive Plan, the Shoreline Master Prograrn, the zoning code and other land use regulations, and SEPA; (4) The proposed subdivision does cornply with health requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; (5) The proposed subdivision does cont�,in an accurate legal description oithe lots being created, and the roads and easements therein; (6) The proposed subdivision does comply with Grant County reglilations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure irnprovements; (7) The best available science has been considered in the t"inal decision regarding the preliminary plat. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature. � DATED this .�-'' day of 2008 0 Yea Nay ❑ ❑ � ❑ lc oFthe Bo�rd//� / C'Pf ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GItANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON C �D � � Richard Stevens, Chairinan �, � ❑ Cindy i-t r, Meznber _. , � LeRoy All'ison, Member Page 4 oC4