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Resolution 15-045-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington - ��: - P. . r.� _ ����{�j. _ °uTY �kiaQV,'�' IN THE MATTER OF INITIATING COUNTY ROAD PROJECT DESIGNATED AS CRP NO. 15-18 Resolution No. ����o �,���� WHEREAS, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT Andrews Street Sidewalk, State Road Log No. 45020 I, from milepost 0.00 to milepost 0.256 be improved as follows, i, This project will construct cement concrete curb &gutter and sidewalk along the north side of � pndrews Street, including drainage items. This project is in partnership with the Port of Moses ', Lake and is 1/4 miles long. , This project is hereby declared to be a public necessity and the County Road Engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed thereon as by law provided. (RCW 36.75.050, 36.80.030, 36.80.070) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriation from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the County Engineer's estimate is hereby made in the amounts and for the purposes shown: ' PURPOSE PROGRAM SOURCE AMOUNT OF APPROPIATION � Engineering Port of Moses Lake 15 000 I Right of Way Acquisition � TOTAL(Not Subject to 36.77.060) 15 000 , Construction Port of Moses Lake 145 000 Local 25 000 ' TOTAL 185 000 ! Port of Moses Lake (Max Share) $760,000 ! Local (Amount above Port Share) $25,000 �, (Check appropriate box) ❑ This project is included in the officially adopted Annual Road Program as item No.� � This project is hereby made a part of the officially adopted Annual Road Program in accordance with RCW 36.81.130 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: (Check appropriate box) � The construction is to be accomplished by contract in accordance with RCW 36.81.130 ,' I� , • ❑ The construction is to be accomplished by county forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.060 and WAC 136-18 ADOPTED this o� Day of , 2015. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY,WASHINGTON ' Yea Nay Abstain ' ❑ ❑ ❑ �X—Gv S cu`Y� ''� rRi�}iar�Stevens, hair-�- I� � ❑ ❑ ' ' Cindy Carte ,Vice-�hair � � ❑ ❑ �- '' Carolann Swartz, Member ' T ST: ��r B ba a Vasquez er of the Board I i , � '� ��� � � ;r.,�,. .,r�_ .�w,. �s� +, v=r+_.;x i �e i'. M1 r=�n� Y,. - ,Y... t •- e�a �v ��'%�: �;, t '�r �'��'J � '�`�� �".,' <v l�;fr"�" �5`i r6 �; �a ..�..;:,�,,,a ,• t yi .,� ,��.�z � -a �' �': -- �-" ��'�1�i?„ ��'n` �`��� ��- � '�j5`':"i,,2,'. � ,u �' ,'�� 'i� �; ; � �. •, s�.., �� �.��' :;,�'' . - �i� � y,�J� 5" ''i� �' 't .��' y"'�'J`.„�*���`�t r ° '' � �;-i�'�' ,�;'�� S �� - p� �. �,h_,S r`;�;�5' �'f;� -4�^,,�`� ,�, i ''�`u� ..�,. ta�.,�: :.�•�`*��' �� 5. �.� �i�i r' ..� -�.�R �� �•h�.�;'�S:r, . r'' � t� ,tiv<�°.y;�9��^�!�y- .'�i..k' ,t;;Irr.4:a,���:�,�';�. ' �.. ..Yy-�,� X�� - � -��; ..F�!'i ���,`k _ �,�x �' Y� .�- d x ecn '.�; .:{, �:.:IF��''4 i� �x:. ���. � �.�i_ ' - :"��yL,, - �? :�k �.'r�4�4"�+ 5 +�'•�' Mr�,�„iv.a`X.��r .�� ����*s� ���af�.'f"'a.+� s,%:��.,# :���� 3��.." I'�!3'-�A_. ��ra. - s,•,�.a.L'��£�.,�=r.. �,<Ya, �, '�,. '�x i,,�f,.��+�"'�x�w� ., l. �^K� ��>�� f. - ,c- �5� 'Fx '�' $ -'�;t'��'•5:';'-+-:1'"=1,i, -�'�y-� k '�§Y`�.#''�'f �H°���'-, 'q�� ' �'�° I u"-" y. 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'-:uai'i.`..s:.. .r.ic,,.�.. li�f)...tsA$;t�n:az.f�:�h....:.. � ����{.:�.�i,' M'c*„ �� PO���F T.509.762,5363 ��J� �/�f°'���_� ��0,/� F,509.762.2713 '"`- �w��� �� PORTOFMOSESLAI<E,COM � �RANT COUNTY INTFtlNAYIONAL AIRPORi FOR5IGN THAPE 20NE p203 ' June 22, 2015 � Grant County Public Works ' A�tn; Mr. Jeff Tinch�r 1�4 �nterprise St. SE Ephrata, WA 98�23 � �ear Mr. Tincher, ; an June 22, 2Q15, the Commission of the Part of Moses Lake passed FZesofution I 1343 committing funds nafi fia exceed $160,004 for the Andrews Streefi Sidewalk prajecfi. These fundy will be paid to Grant County upon the campletion of this praject. The Port understands fihis project will not star� until the fall af 2015 and that sarne casts may carry over into 2�16. Thank you, � �/�� 1.....d.,��- y.:.-� Rich Muefler Acting Executive Directar i I i � I , � RESOr�CJ'xXON NO. 13�3 .A ��SC7LUTION AU`�'�-XQRIZING EXECUTION Or SIDEW�II,� AGR��M�NT��TWEEN TH�G1�.A.NT CQUN`C'Y,WA.SHINCTON ANp GRANT COUNTY PORT DISTRICT�1 D (PORT OF MOS�S LAK�). WHE�tEAS, Chapter 39,34 Tt.CW,tlze Interlocal Cooperati�n Act,pez•txiiCs local gov�rnmez�tal entitias to make the most er�"ic�ezat use nf th�ir powers by enabling theAn to 000perate wiklz other localities or�a basis of �nutual �d�vantage,for the purposes af pravidirzg setwices and£aci��ties in a mann�r�nd puz�suant to fo��tns o{' gov�rivr�et�tal az�ganization t1�at wi11 accord best wi�k�geographic, eco�o�x�xc,populatinn and atlaer faetors influencing the r�eeds anci developx�.e�t of local eommuxxities; anc� i WT��LREA.S,The Grant County Port District#�0 (�'ort of Moses�,a�.e, hereafter"Port"},and tihe � County of Grai2t are vested with�titthority to enter an agre��,aez�t for installation a�'sidewalks pursuant to chaptar 39.34 RCW; ancl . WHEREAS,Tlae Gc�nti County PorC Dxstr7ct#10{Port o�'Moses Lake,h�rea�tex•"Port")Uudgeted $160,000 for 1,�400 line�r feet o£s�dewalk alang th��orth side of Andx•ews Street betwa�n 22"`�A�venue and Patton F3ouLevard,otk�erwise lenown�s the Sidew�lk Pxaj ect;and ; W�-IEREA�,The Grailt County�'art District�10(Port of Moses Lalce,l�areafter"Port") agz•ees to '. parCz�et�with�rant County on the Sidewalic�roject; and "WX��REAS,The Grant Coun.ty Pot�Dista•ict#10 (Port of 1Vloses Lake,hereaftez-"Port")agt�ees to contrib��te funds not to exeeecl$160,Q00 and Grant Co�,u�ty wxll cover all casts iz�z e�ceess$16Q,pd0; and �V�ZE�tEE�.S, it is the desire af Crr�nt Couaaty,the Port,a�d Grant County to ente�•into an agreeza�ex�t far t�e purpose of�ampletion nf the Siciew�l�C Project, including withont liir►itation a11 such activities ancl efforts as j ci�ternlined by tlle Ports deszgn.ated agent ta be in.khe mtxtual best interests of th�paz•ties in eompletion of tkYe Sidewalk Project. � NOW,T�E�k`ORE,BE IT R�SC7LVED,that The Part�uthorize its�xecutive DirecCar Jeff Bisl�op ! iri his capaciCy as�xeautive Dixector and�r by deleg�tinn of authority to perfarm�11 acts a�d decisiaz���aking necessaiy ta oampXete the Sidewallc T'raject in co,operation with GranC County Interlocal Agreernetlt betweez� � Grant Cou�aty,the Part,and tihe City of�os�s Lake be executed l�y ai�d between:the aforementianed parties, � PASSED AND ADQ�TEU this 22 day of June,201,5, , . COMMISSIONERS ; GRANT COUNTY 1'OR'I'DZSTRICT NQ, 10 I � � � ,� �L�I .��..r_..�a...�t..�/f� .r...���.,,. U Mxchael B. Conley;1�� d�nt �f�--� David IC. J cs,Vice Presiclent l � Straud W. I�.ui�l�le, Secretary i � ; _ , - ' r� :• ,���.r�� ��i�, �.�i� ,�.,�r+,,�s�r'��.t��r'�5;.. r �c:�- �""r�,-;�� � : .� _ :. i.� i �. � I� �i���i i a ^� �'y.�,- �nM�.�ak.yryr� �. J,"e-�+�n�wl�wwq+�r �.,,s>.� ., rl ,,, 4rt����'"�1�4u.un#;�ray�+ � � ��I .. ., I f �(e �t� � ': t{I E , � / i� � �' i ��u � � � � � � � ` � °y s �'.. ,. j �. I i i _ � ,+ " � � �1 1 t:' � � � � , ,� �i� , a , � � � � , _; z , � � �, �� 5. 3� � • �,� _ �? � �� �s� i - :� � �` , � i ; I, i � � .i , ,: �. i ���.� � � � i(tj ''�� ; � - �� r y ��t' .t"'s f.;�.a�+wr N r� i � � i Y` i..s i __ � 1�i��""���`t s ��`+r�r-�' '°'�""WU7:.-'`"i : n j a�� -y+r i �,�,4`�^�"P"F,�+ t�c.�. 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