HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-056-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
ORDINANCE No. 08- p�j�p-CC
An ordinance relating to �n Rmendinent of the Grant County Zoning Mnp
chnnging oue (1) lot zoned Rurnl Urb�n Reserve (RUR) to Urb�n
Commerci�l-2 (UC2). The parcel is pnrtiRlly located within the Moses Lake
UGA Bound�ry, and is a portion of northwest quarter of Section 19,
Township 19 N., R�nge 29 E., FRrm Unit 89, Irrig�tion Blocic 41, W.M.,
Grnnt County, WA. P�rcel #19-0481-000.
WHEREAS, in compliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990, Grant County
adopted a Comprehensive Plan in September of 1999; and
WHEREAS, Grant County adopted the Uni�'ied Development Code (UDC) in October of
2000, establishing officill zoning districts in coilform�nce with the Comprehensive Pl�n; �nd,
WHEREAS, the Uni�ed Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Actions" § 040
estaUlishes a process for malcing Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the Uni�ed Development Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts" § 150
estaUlishes a process for Minor Zoning Amendments which are consistent with the goals and
policies of the Comprehensive Pl�n; and,
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2004, Resolution 04-036-CC "A Resolutiou Rel�ting to
Comprehensive Planning in Grant County in Accordance with the Washington State Growth
Management Act (RCW 36.70 A) and amending the September, 1999 Comprehensive Plan", was
signed Uy the Grant Couilty Boai�d of Conullissioneis; and,
WHEREAS, on Marcl� l, 2004 the Grant County Board of Commissioners approved a
land use re-design�tion oF this property, �nd other portions of the urban growth area of Moses
L�1<e (approx. 14.9 acres), from Rtual Urb�n Reserve to Conullercial (UrUa11). The decision was
based on a recoialmend�tion made by the Grant Cotulty Planning Conuzzission to approve the re-
desigzlation; and,
WIIEREAS, an application (#08-5051) for a Minor Zone Change h�s been processed in
accord�nce with tl�e UDC Chapter 23.04 "Zonizlg Districts", Ch�pter 24.04 "SEPA", and Chapter
25.04 "Perl�lit Applic�tion Review Procedures"; and,
WFIERE�S, the Grant County Pl�ni�izzg Coznmission held an Opeu Record Public
Hearing regarding this proposed zone change, dLtring their regular meeting on Juz1e 4, 2008, after
which they voted uil�nimously to recommend approval of this minor zone change; and,
WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a Closed Record Public
He�ring regardillg this proposed zone change on July 22, 2008; 1nd,
WHEREAS, after consideration of the Pl�miing Commissions report, �nd staff
comulents, the Bo�rd of Cotiulty Commissioners voted to approve this zone ch�nge; and,
BOCC Minor Zone Change Resolution / Haivey Ottmlr
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WIIER�AS, the Giant Cotuity Bo1rd of Commissioners h�ve estaUlished the following
ten (10) "I'indings of ract" supporting their approv�l of this zone ch�nge:
1) The proposed rezone will not Ue contrary to the intent or purposes and regul�tions of the Gr�nt
County Code ot� the Comprehensive Plan;
2) The property in question is suit�Ule for uses allowed under the proposed zonulg district;
3) Uses allowed under the proposed zone change are compatible with neighUoring l�tnd uses;
4) The proposed rezoile can Ue served by adequate f�cilities inch�ding access, fire protectiou,
water, storm-water control, and sewage dispos�l facilities;
5) Substantial changes do exist to warrant an amendment to the cturent zoning district;
6) A public need does exist Por the proposed rezone. Public need shall me�n that a valid public
purpose, for which the comprehensive plan �nd this chapter h�ve been adopted, is served by the
proposed rezone.
7) The proposed rezone will not result in sigiul"icant adverse impacts on the human or nat�u�l
enviroiunents th�t camlot Ue mitigated by collditioils of approval;
8) The cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions (the total of the rezones over time
or space) will not p�•oduce significant adverse eFfects to the enviroml�ent that c�nnot be
mitig�ted Uy conditions of approval;
9) The pedestrian aild vehicular trafl"ic associated with the rezolle will not be hazardous to existing
and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and
10) The proposed zoning district does not ulchlde airy �llowable ttse or activity that would result in
the location of an incompatiUle ttse adjacent to au airport or airfield (RCW 36.70).
NOW, TH�REFORE, B� IT ORDAIN�D, tllat the Board of CoLU1ty Conullissioners
hereby rescind the current zoning designation of p�rcel #19-0481-000 on the Official Zoning M�p
of Rural Urban Reserve, and;
BE IT rURTHER ORDAINED, that through the adoption of this ordinance the Grant
Coluity Board of Commissioners �pprove tlie zone change for parcel #19-0481-000 to Urb�n
Commercial2, and;
I3E IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the effective date of this ordinance shall Ue 5 p.m.
of the date signed.
DAT�D this _�� day of , 2008.
Yea Nay
� ❑
Riehard Stevens, Ch�ir
d ❑ ❑
� ❑ ❑
Clerlc of th Bo� d
Cindy Ca� r, Vice-Chair
� �
LeRoy Allison, eiilUer
BOCC Minor Zone Change Resohltion / Harvey Ottm�r
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