HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-040-CCBOARD OF COLTNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON A ItESCJ►LUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT af GROVE ESTATES IN A P012TION OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHII' 19 N. RANGE 28 E. WM., GRANT COTJNTY, WA. RESQLUTION No.2008- p� -�C RICHAR.D PENHt�LLURTCI� WHEREAS, the Crrant County Board o� County Cammissioners has been advised that an open record public hearing was canducted, be�ore the Crrant County Planning Commission on May 7, 2008, on the matter of recommendation oi a Preliminary Plat; said proposal being located in a portion ai Section 20, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, WM. Grant County, Washington; and, WHEREAS, the Grant Caunty Planning Commission on M�.y 1 S, 2008, did unanimously approve a mation to recommend to the Board of Caunty Commissioners to approve this Preliminary Plat applica�ion with canditions of approval; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board af Commissioners l�eld a closed recard public hearing on 2008 ; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, have reviewed the application filc, staff repart and Planning Camm�ssion recammendation; and, WHEREAS, the Board af County Commissioners have faund that the proposal will not advexsely effect the health, sa�ety, and general welfare of'the public in the vxcinity of the proposal; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Coun.ty Commissianers have �'aund tk�at the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprek�ensive 1'lan, the Unified Developme�lt Cade, other lan.d use aregulations, including SEPA; and, WHERCAS, the Board of County Comriaissio�ners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the Preliminary Plat and; WHEREA.S, the proposed develapment application and preliminaxy plat applicatian meet the applicable requirennents ofthe Uni�'ied Developm�nt Code, and are consistent with the requirements as list�d in Chaptex 23.04 (b) Determ�nation ai Consistency with the Comp�•eh�nsive Plan as determined by �he Administrative Officzal/designee, i�'�E]it1�.A,S, the p�•eliminary plat meets all app�icabie criteria as listed in the Unified Development Cade under Section 23,04, Zoning and Title 22, Subdivisions/Plats and; Page 1 of S WHEREAS, the Administrative Off'icial/designee issued a Mitigated Determination ofNon-Significance for this propased developmant on Apri120, 2008, 2008. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, THA,T tihe Board of County Commissioners faar Grant County, Washington approves by this Resolution, and with the attached cand�tions af approval listed below, a Preliminary Plat for Richard Penhallurick, entiiled Grave Estates Major Plat , near Moses Lake, in a portion of Section 20, Townsk�ip 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Granti County, Washington. CCIl�TDITIONS QF APPROVAL :�) Development shall be in compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant Caunty Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Unified Development Code, and all applicable 1oca1, state, and federal regulations, rulings c�r requirementse 2) Proposal shall comply wxth all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, by th� Washington State Departrnent of Health, and the Washington State:Department oiEcology regardin� damestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water contral and treatment including, but nat limited to; RCW 90,48,080 Discharge af Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Suriace Water S�andards; VVAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 24f-272, On-Site Sewage Systems, 3) If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural respurces (Tndian Artifacts) are found a11 canstruction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Departm�nt, the Colville Con%derated Tribes and the WashingCan State Oif'�ce o£Archaealogy and Histaric Preservation, 4) Apparova� oithe plat shall be continger�t upon conformanca with all applicable land use rules and regulatxons �n effect as of February 1, 2008. 5) During raad grading and/or-�anstruction activities, county roads sha11 be maintained clear af soil and rocics at the point of ingress / egress. 6) This proposal shall camply with the rec�uirements a#' GCC 23.12, 080 Clear�ng, Grading and Drainage Sta�ndards, i�cluding but �not limzted io: a) Clearir�g and grading activities shall be conducted sa as to minimize potential adv�rse ef�'ects on affsite property. b) All development shall ensure that sail erosion and sedimentation af d�•ainage-ways will be cotitrolled to prevent damage to adjoining properties, c) Surf°ace drairiage shall nat be directed to or discl�arged ontio County R.oads or ditches within County right-of-ways unless approved by the Caunty Engineer. Page 2 of 5 7) This proposal sha�l comply with the rec�uirements af GCC 23,12.100 Road Standards, including but not limited to: a) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC Z0.36. 8) This proposal shall comply with all requirements pf the C"rrant County Assessor's Office. 9) Development shall comply �vvith all requirEments of the Grant County Public Works Department including, but not limited to: a) Pro�vide a plat check %e of $200.00 for Major plats, b) Prior ta Grant County Public Works signing the final plat, all required road Construction and impravements shall be completed and accepted by Public Works, or a Bond shall be in place far the required work. c) Pravide vicinity maps witk� all lpcal access roads (Elgin Raad is mislabeled as Crrove Road , Alignment of Valley Road is wrong and Rd H N.E. is missing). d) Pravide control manumen�s for all xoad intersectio�s and centerline tangents, e) Provide a complete road plan and praiile with all centerline data and drainage facilities for new roads. fl An Approach Permit shall be obtained priox to a building permit. g) Label all Right-of Way dimensions ar make notation h) A hatched No access area shall be addad �o the following; Lot 1, Northeast corner 100' in both directions; Lot 6, Northw�st Gorner SO' in both directions; Lot 14, Northeast corner 50 ` in both directions; Lot 1 S, Southeast corner 50' in both directions; Lot 34, Northeast carner 50 ` in bath directions. i) A r�ote shall be added ta .Lats 5 and 22 referenc�ng the letter dat�d September 13, 2007 addressed to Grant County Planning about the lots being unbuildable, j) Nate the radius of the Cul-de-sac. k) Provide a plat certificate fram the title company for all land being dedicated to Grant County. 10) Developrnent shall camp�y with all requirements of the Grant County Health Dzstrict A site registration is requir�d �or each lpt beiare final app�•oval af the plat will be given. The Health District wi�l not review the proposed plat %r compliance with RCW Chapter 19,27 xegardi�g use af exemp� wells as the water source, The propasal is to creat� 3 Group B water systems, Only one (1) Crraup B water system is allowed per development. If there is no water right, the maximum number of conn�ctions zs 9 if thexe is a�other water source for irrigation and A� connections iF outside irrigatian water will come from the water system. 7Che property is within the water servzce area of th� city of 1Vloses Lak�. The Cxty must authorize the creation o�' any new water system and may require that the properCy connect to the city water system, The lots must be pne (1) acre in size Page 3 oi 5 minimum ta have an individual well, With a Water system, the minimum lot size is ,5 aare, Thzs does not include the streets or area covered by water. The application and fee for each lot must be submit�ed to the Cnant County Health Distr.ict. LTnless a water system prapasal is provided which can be accepted by the Washington State Dept, of Health, site registrations would not be accepted because the lo�s are too small for individual wells. 11) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Planning Departznent including, but not limited ta: a) Comply witk� all requ.irements listed in UDC Chapter 22.04 Article V Final Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions. b) Comply with all requixem�nts listed in the SEPA Mitigated De�ermination af Non-Significance issued b� Grant County. c) Development sha11 cozn�ly with UDC Chapier 22,04.220 (a) (1) (E) and (F), Application Requirements, which state: Et�idence of availabilitv o adequate water su�pl,y_(either f'i^om cz�ublic svstem o� Health Dzstriet cz��roval of zndr.'vzdual wells,� as �°ec�uired b� RCW 19.27. 097 andlo�° r��latians establzshed by the Grant Countv Health Dzst�zct, And; Evrdence of sewe�° avazzabilit�, or evzdence o�a�-site sewcz�e dispasal, ap�r�aval bv the Gr�ant County Health District; or jurzsdictional a�enc_v zncludin�but not limited to the Washington State De�artment of Heczlih o�° Washington State De�a�tment o�colo� 12) Development shall comply with a11 requirements of the Ciran.t County lBuilding and Fire Marshal ir�cludxng but z�at lim�ted to; a} All lots subject to a ZS faot setback for �re protection, Fire setbacks may be Reduced by the Fire Marshal if Mi�imum iire flow is provided. b} A11 real developme�t and in.frastruc�ure supporting xeal deve�apment must comply with all applicable codes. "T+'Il�1DIN�S OF FACT" (1) The proposed subdivisio� does meet the applicable requirements of UDC Chapter 22,04 "�ubdivisians and P�ats"; (2) The pxoposed subdivisian does ssrve the �ublic use and interest; (3) T�e proposed subdivisio� daes comply with the Comprehensive Plan, the Shoreline Mastez Program, the zoning cade and other land use regulations, and SEPA; (4) The proposed subdivision does aomply with health requirements for sewage dispasal and potable water supply; (5) The proposed subdivision does contain an accurate legal description af the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein; Page 4 of 5 (6) The propased subdi�vision daes compl� �i�h Grant County regula�ians pertaining ta raads, utilities, drainage, ac�ess �ox emergency vehicle�, and other infrastiucture improvements; (7) The best availabl� science has been considered in the final decision regarding the preliminary plat. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon signature, � DA.TED this �day af 2008, Yea Nay 0/ ❑ ATTEST: � lerk of th Bo r ❑ BOARI) QF COUNTY COMMISSI�I�TERS Abstain G 1'�T'T COUNTY, ASHINGTON ❑ ' Richard Stevens, Chair � � � � Cindy Cart Vice Chair I� � ❑ LeRoy Allison, Member Page 5 of 5