HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 14-082-CC BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County,Washington RESOLiJTION No. 14- ���CC WHEREAS,the following Grant County funds do not have an adequa�e level of budget ' appropriation to make all necessary expenditures: . • Capital Outlay Fund#001,Department#000—Building Department and Fire Marshal's Office/Planning Department Building in the amount of$1,500,000.00 for their new building remodel. . • Fairgrounds Fund#116,Department#159 in the amount of$100,000.00 for Professional Services and Septic Tank Services. s Building and Fire Marshal's Office Fund#138,Department#116 in the amount of ' i $65,000.00 to cover the wages and benefits of a new employee and delay of moving I� expenses. I ,� � • Grant Integrated Services—Directions in Community Living Fund#125,Department ,, #167 in the amount of$145,000.00 to cover the costs of additional staffmg as a result � of additional funding from property taxes. j , • Crrant Integrated Services—PARC Fund#115,Department#157 in the amount of $88,000.00 to cover the cost of added staffing as a result of additional funding from the Federal Medicaid system, ., • Grant Integrated Services�—Crrant Mental Healthcare and CityView Assisted Living Facility Fund#108,Department#150 and 250 in the amount of$414,000.00 to cover the cost of added staffing as a result of additional funding from the Federal Medicaid system. . • Professional Services—Unemployment Compensation Insurance Fund#506, Department#186 in the amount of$150,000.00 to cover unexpected employment ! compensation expenses incurred. • Interfund Benefits(Health Insurance/Medical Claims)Fund#505,Department#185 in the amount of$500,000.00 to cover unexpected increase in medical claims ' incurred. � � • Technology Services Fund#501,Department#179 in the amount of$55,000.00 to ! cover unexpected costs related to the purchase of a new Exchange Server and costs j associated with the various moving projects that have occurred. ' i � Page 1 of 2 i� N:\StafflBVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Year end 2014 budget extension 123014.doc �VHEREAS, these additional budget expenditures were not anticipated when preparing the 2014 budget; and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.40.140 a public hearing, must be held to authorize additional budget appropriations. WHEREAS, on the 30th day of December, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., a public hearing was held in the Grant County Commissioners' Hearing Room. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O� GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON,that a budget appropriation in the total amount of$3,017,000.00.00 to be allocated to the 2014 budget according to the following schedule of categories and items: Al'PROPRIATIONS � FINANCING SOURCES (See Attached) PASSED AND ADOPTED this ��� day of_�, 2014. EFFECTIVE this�day of-���, 2014. BOAl2D OF COUNTY COMIVIISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRAN'I' COUNTY,WASHINGTON ❑ ❑ ❑ �`�CC'�J St�� , Carolann Swartz, Chair TTEST: � ❑ ❑ —�-.--_____._ ' hard tevens, Member � ❑ ❑ C erk of the oa 1n y a er, m er �— ' Page 2 of 2 N:\StafflBVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Year end 2014 budget extension 123014.doc i � R5: A,TTACI-€M�NT T _32��5. I ' 2014 Budget�xtension I ' Fund#ll6 Dept.#1S9 i � Fund Name ' i Fair Grounds I i REVENUGS: � Account I�Iumber: I 0411615�.00.9702.367100000 FO�IRGROUNDS - DONATIORI $50,000.00 � 0031615�.00.9702.397000100 Op�r. TRSFR_CURR. EXP �25,000.00 OO11G158.00.9703.336021000 FAIR FUN� - DEPT OF�4G $25,000.00 � Total $100,000.00 I �X4'ENDITURES: I Account Number: ' 116159.00.9702.573704i00 PROI+'E�SIONAL S�RVICES-FAYR GROUNDS $50,0�0.00 -- � 116159.00.9703.573704100 PI30F�SSIONAL SER�ICES-G�N�RAL FAIR �20,000.00 116159.OQ.9703.�73704177 SE4'�'IC TANK SERVICES $20,000.00 � �o��� �100,000.00 � j E%PLr�NATION: � �udget extension to cover profassional services expense incurred as a result of the fair's septie �, system issues and losses incurred as a result of the temporary closure the fair during fair week. ! i � i i � I i �I ,i � � 1 �, , l, ItS: ATTACI�fMENT ,O,��S. 2014 Budget Exteusion Fund#13&Dept.#116 Fund Name Building/Fire 11�darshall R�V�laIUES: Account Nnmber: 138116.00.0000.322100000 P�R�I1T BLDGS-Sl'hUCT �40,OQ0.00 1387�6.00.0000.322100200 P�l�N CHECK FEES $25,OOQ.00 Total $65,000.00 EXPENDITUR�S: � I I Account Ntflmber: �I 13�i 16.00.0000.524201100 I�G. SALARIES fSIVI?WAGES $30,000.00 � 138116.00.0000.524202100 �ETIIZEPvIENT �10,000.00 i 138116.00.0000.52420�501 RENT/LEAS�BUILDII�IG �25,000.00 � � i Total $65,000.00 �I �XI'LANA'1CIOl�I: Budget Extension to cover unexpec�ed costs resulting from the hiring on an additional eriaployee, an increase in retrrement expenses and a delay in moving out of a rented builcling � i I I I i � � i J � 1 t . t I I �� � R5: ATTACHMENT ��O) S. 2014 Budget Extension Fund#50G Dept.#186 � Fund Name ' Unemployment Compensation ' ( I REV�NUES: Account Number: ! 506186.00.0000.308000000 �EGINfVIPVG FUND BALANCE $150,000.00 , i Tota] $150,000.00 ' i EX�'ENI)ITUR�S: ' i Account Namber: 506186.00.0000.517784900 PROF�SSIONAL SERVCTCES-�MP. CONiP.INSURANCE �150,000.00 � Total $150,000.00 I j EXPLANATION: Budget Extension to cover unexpected costs related to unemployment compensation claims during 20]4 � � � i � i i i �I i , j', ,t' '�. R5: ATTACHM�NT TO RES. 2014 I3udget Extension Fund#001 Dept.#000 Fund Name General Fui�d REV�l�iJES: Account Number: 001000.00.0000.30�000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $1,500,000.00 Total $1,500,000.00 EXPENI)ITiJR�S: Account 1�Iumber: 001142.00.9306.594616200 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE-CDC Building �1,500,000.00 Total $1,Sp0,000.00 EXPLANATIOl>I: �udget Extension to covea�unexpected costs related to remodel and setup of the new Community Development building. j I � I I ;i d � R5: ATTACI�MENT TO RES. 2014 Budget Extension Fund#12�Dept.#167 FundName Development Disabilities Residential REVENUES: Account Number: 125167.00.�001.311�00000 Proper�y Taxes $145,000.00 Total $145,000.00 EXP�NDI'I'URES: Account Number: 125167.00.0000.568.00.1100 ��LARlES AND�VAGES $122,000.00 125167.00.0000.568.Od.1202 OVERTIME $23,000.00 T'ot�l �145,0OO.OQ EXPLANATION: �udget Extension to cover the cost of additional staf�ng which was the result of Development Disabilities receiving additional funding from property taxes � II I i R5: ATTACHIVIENT TO R�S. 2014 Budget�xtension k'und#115 Dept.# 157 Fund Name P.A.R.0 REVENUES: Account Number: � 115157.00.0000.333077800 IVI.A.P.T19 MEDiCAID fZEVENUES $8�,000.00 Total �88,000.00 EXP�li'I�ITURES: Account Number: 115157.00.0000.566001100 �ALR�RlES AND 1PdAGES $6,100.00 115157.00.0000.566001202 OVERTIME $9,900.00 115157.OQ.0000.566002300 10'I�DIC�L&LiF�INS �72,000.00 'Total $88,000.00 �XPI.,AI�ATION: Budget Extension to cover the cost of additional staf�"mg which was the result of PARC`reeeiving additional funding from federal Medicaid system � I , I i 1 � R5: ATTACHM�NT TO RES. 2044 Budget Extensio�i Fund#108 Dept.# 150,250 ' I Fund Name 1VIental Health & City View i REVEN[TES: I�n,1� � Account Number: ��u`�`�� ; 10�150.00.0000.333077800 M.A.P.T19 MEDICAID REVENUES $288,000.00 I 108250.00.0000.333977800 M.A.P.T19 MEDICAID REVENUES�\� � ( � $126,000.00 , 1.��U G� Total $414,000.00 '� i EXPEIVDITURES: i Account Number: � 10�150.00.0000.560001100 S/aLAF�I�S /AIVD VVAGES $194,000.00 I 108150.00.0000.560001202 OVE f2TB M E $40,000.00 I 10�150.00.0000.560002300 MEDICAL�LIFE INS $54,000.00 10�250.00.0000.560001100 �ALARlES AND VVAGES �92,000.00 108250.00.0000.560001Z02 OVE RTI M E $34,000.00 'Total $414,000.00 � ( �XPLANATION: ! Budget�xtension to cover the cost of additional staffing which vvas the result of Grant County 10'Iental I�ealth receiving i additional funding froin federal 1Vledicaid system ; � � � � I i i i I I I i I � I i R5: ATTACHMENT TO R�S. `� 2014 Budget Extension Fuvd#505 Dept.#185 Fund Name Interfund Benefits REVENUES: Account Number: 505185.00.0000.308000000 �EGINNING FUND BALANCE $500,000.00 Total $500,000.00 I i EXP�NDITURES: � i Account Number: SOS185.00.0000.51738202302 M�IiICAL CLAI1YiS $500,000.00 I Total $500,000.00 I' � I EXPLANA'I'ION: Budget�xtension to cover unexpected increase in costs related to medical claims during 2014 � I I i � I � i I � I i I i � i I � � , ,� � I i ;'i i �� i ;� It ;1 � ?i � R5: ATTACHMENT��''�` S. �' ; i 2014 Biidget Estension � Fund#501 Dept.#179 ! i � Fund Name ' - - � Technology Services � ,I laEVENU�,S: � Account Number: i 501179.00.0000.34�800000 DIP �ERVICES CHARGES $25,000.00 I 501179.00.0000.397000100 OPER.Ti��FR�CURi�.EX� $30,000.00 Total $55,000.00 � EXPEI�IDITURES: Account Number: � 501�79.00.0000.5941�6409 CAPITf4L ASSET�QUIPMEIVT PiJRCHASES �30,000.00 ' S01179.00.0000.51��04100 �1V�ALL TOOLS>$550.00(MOVING PROJECT) �25,000.00 � i 'Total ��5,000.00 ; � i I EXI'LAN�,.TION_ I'� Budget Extension to cover unexpected costs related to the purchase of a new�xchange Server and co5ts associated rvi�h the various moving projects that have occurred during the last 3�ttonths of 2014 . �: i I I , � 1 � � �, �i I