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The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting !
9:00 a.m.—9:20 a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action ,�
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1, 2, �
4, and 8 through 12 on the ASC Agenda as presented. Item 3 and 5 through 7 did not arrive for I
signature. The motion passed unanimously.
1, Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. �
(Approved) �
2. Spedal Counsel Contract between Grant County and Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S.to perform and
render legal assistance and advice relative to tax valuations,trial and all related appeals �
involving REC Solar ASA and/or its related entities, and other matters/proceedings as directed
by the Board of County Commissioners. Term is November 7, 2014 through December 31, 2016. ;
3. Anticipating: 2015 Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent
Individuals in the Juvenile Division of Grant County Superior Court(Juvenile Offenders Only), '.
Conflicts Contractor, between Grant County and Thomas Wolfstone. (Did not arrive for i
signature) i
4. Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant
County District Court, Full Time Contractor, between Grant County and Michael Glen Earl. Term
is January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. (Approved)
5. Anticipating: Rental Agreement(Residential Premises), Grant Integrated Services, New Hope �
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (Emergency Shelter Renewal). Term will run i
December 1, 2014� December 31, 2015. (Did not arrive for signature) ';
6. Anticipating: Resolution Authorizing Execution of Intergovernmental Agreement between I
Grant County Transit Authority and Grant County Regarding Emergency Services(ASC Action �
Item#7, below). (Did not arrive for signature) I
7� Anticipating: Intergovernmental Agreement between Grant County Transit Authority and Grant I
County Regarding Emergency Services. Term is February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2017. (Did �
not arrive for signature)
8. Grant County Payment Request#11 to Washington State Department of Commerce on i
Consolidated Homeless Grant(CHG) No. 14-46108-10, administered through the Grant County I
Housing Authority, in the amount of$30,840.74. (Approved) '
9. Resolution No. 14-078-CC Authorizing Execution of Interlocal Agreement between Grant County �
Prevention And Recovery Center(PARC) and the Moses Lake Police Department (ASC Action I
Item #10, below). (Approved)
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Grant County Cammissioners Minutes
Week of December 15, 2014
10. Interlocal Agreement between Grant County, by and through Prevention And Recovery Center,
and the Moses Lake Police Department for enforcement strategies identified within the
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Discretionary Grant. Term is October 1, 2014 through June
30,2015 and in an amount not to exceed $6,000. (Approved)
11. Contract between Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs and New Hope CV/SA
Services to partner in the Coalition's Enlace Project. Term is January 1, 2015 through July 31,
2015. (Approved)
12. Application authorization for Grant County's portion of the previously signed (Nov, 17, 2014)
MOU for DV Housing First Demonstration Project Regional Alliance by and between Domestic
Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties (UVS), Lower Valley Crisis Support and Services
(LVCSS) of Sunnyside, New Hope Domestic Violence &Sexual Assault Services (of Grant County),
and Yal<ima YWCA, (Approved)
9:30 a.m.—9:50 a.m. J Gingrich, Fairgrounds Update
10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. C Swartz at Connell Rail Interchange Meeting(Moses Lake Chamber of
10:00 a.m.—10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Mee�ting
10:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period
Gary Garnant came in to discuss the Hanford Advisory Board and their need to have an alternate
named. Franl<lin County received nomination paperwork from the Department of Ecology and
they have named Gary Garnant as their recommended person to fill this position again. Franklin
County also nominated Michael Korenl<o as their alternate, He resides in Franl<lin County.
Mr.Garnant gave an update on the Hanford clean-up and budget concerns.
11:00 a.m. —11:50 a.m. D Nelson, Building Department Update
The session was continued to 11:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
10:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. R Stevens,WRCIP Fiscal Committee Conference Call
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes !
Week of Decerr�ber 15, 2014 . '�
11:00 a.m.—11:10 a.m. Appointment of Grant County Cammissioner Chair and Vice-Chair I��
for 2015
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz that
Commissianer Stevens be elected as Chair of the Board of County Commissioners for the
calendar year 2015. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens that
Commissioner Carter be elected as Vice-Chair of the Board of County Commissioners for the
calendar year 2015.The motion passed unanimously.
1:30 p.m. —2:20 p.m, J Tincher, Public Works Update
1. Authorization to Call for Bids: W-NW Road, Bridge#399 Project(Not ready for signature)
2:00 p.m.—2:20 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Zayo Group LLC Franchise
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a franchise from Zayo
Group, LLC to construct, operate and maintain fiber optic cable on certain County Road Rights-
of-Way to provide telecommunications service. This franchise is county wide except for the
incorporated parts.
Jeff Tincher discussed the franchise application stating the notice of hearing is incorrect and the
application is for 10 years, not 50 years as advertised, The Director recommends approval of
this application.
Dan Barcomb representing Zayo Group stated they are a wholesale bandwidth and dark fiber
provider. They do not provide internet services to residential services,only small businesses.
Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner
Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to �
approve the franchise as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed
unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Resolution No. 14-079-CC Order Granting
Franchise signed)
2:30 p,m.—2:50 p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Commissioner Swartz called an Executive Session to order at
2:42 p,m. to go until 3:02 p.m. to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters
relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency
litigation or potential litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Stevens,Carter, Swartz, and
Lee Pence, Civil Deputy Attorney. The session was continued to 3:05 p.m. Commissioner Swartz '
closed the session at 3:05 p.m.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes I
Week of December 15, 2014 �
3:00 p.m.—3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 9)
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 1 ,'
through 10 on the ASC Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously. �
1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved) �
2. Commissioners December 1, 2014 Minutes for approval, (Approved)
3. Pursuant to Resolution No. 86-128-CC, a salary increase for the Board of County Commissioners
shall be three (3%) percent each year. (Approved) 'i
4. Letters of re-appointment for Phil Isaak, Richard Callahan, and Aaron Golladay; and letter of ;!,
appointment for Tim Ray, all for the Current Use Advisory Committee for a 1 year term. ''!
(Approved) '
5. Letter of appointment for Roderick Davis to the Veterans Advisory Board for a 4 year term. '
(Approved) ,
6. Resolution No. 14-080-CC for 2015 appointments for the Grant County Commissioners to
certain Boards and Committees. (Approved)
7. Letter of appointment for James Pitt to the Civil Service Commission for a 6 year term. �
8. Letters of appointment for Barbara Vasquez and Teresa Wyman to the Health Insurance
Committee. (Approved)
9. Personnel Action Request for the salary, wage, and/or position changes for Jodi Zimbelman, '
Public Records Officer/Commissioners. (Appro�red)
The Chair of the Board was authorixed to sign the Health District Voucher listing in the amount of
As of this date,the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24A80, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24,090, in the amounts of$174,155.73, $753,675.47, $44.47,and
$689,058.43, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. i
The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the December �
12, 2014 payroll. I
The Commissioners approved and signed the Public Works Payroll Salary Fund for the December 12,
2014 payroll.
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Grant County Commissioners Mlinutes
Week of December 15, 2014
7:00 a,m.—8:00 a.m. C Swartz at Grant County Economic Development Council Meeting
10:00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m. C Swartz and C Carter at WSAC Regional Meeting: Grant, Lincoln,
Adams,Whitman, Walla Walla, Franl<lin, Columbia, Garfield, and Asotin
Counties (Ritzville) '
11:00 a.m. —2:00 p.m. R Stevens at PCC Rail Authority Meeting(Lincoln County Courthouse, ,
8:00 a,m.—12:00 p.m. C Carter, Out
8:30 a.m.—9:30 a.m. CENTRAL SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING (3rd Floor Conference Room)
9:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. C Swartz, Lodging Tax Advisory Meeting
11:30 a.m.— 1:30 p.m. R Stevens at Support Services for Veteran Families Presentation (Moses
Lake Senior Center)
6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m. C Swartz at Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting(Moses Lal<e Facility) '
FRID,�.Y, DECEM�ER 19, 2014
9:30 a.m.—10:00 a,m. R Stevens w/Lee Pence, Miscellaneous Discussion
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of December 15, 2014
Signed this �`� day of�, 2015.
Gran unty, Washingto
� ..r..__—._._
/�i I� d tevens Chair
I q
Cindy Cart r
test: ��f;sL
Carolann Swartz
�.rba a J. Vasquez
erl< f the Board