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Resolution 14-073-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 14- ��-CC � ADOPTING THE 2015-2020 GRANT COUNTY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN WHEREAS, The Board of Grant County Commissioners desires to annually update the Grant County Capital Facilities Plan in conjunction with the annual Grant County Budget; and WHEREAS, the Capital Facilities Plan is a planning document to be used in setting policy and establishing priorities for capital facilities projects. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of Grant County Commissioners hereby adopts the attached 2015-2020 Grant County Capital Facilities Plan. DATED this��day of_�, 2014. I�OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain G�NT COUNTY,WASHINGTON _��,�����or.�������,��:� � � � Carolann Swartz, Chair ATTEST: � � � _ �� Richard Stevens, Member w ,,,/ Clerk of e rd / �� � ❑ Cin y Arter, Mem r N:\StafflBVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Capital Facilites Plan Budget Time 2015.doc Page 1 of 1 ran oun � } Capital Facilities Plan Addendum � For Years I �01Si — �O�O Aclopted v�ith �o�s �ud�et, December �oi4 , , ; , � i Grant County Capital Facilities Plan Addendum 2015 - 2020 Adopted with 2014 �udget, December 2014 TABLE OF' CONT'ENTS � Paqe Capital Facilities Plan Addendum Overview.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 2 Project Priority Status... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 3 Cosfi Estimate Confidence Level... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3 Explanation of Fund Uses... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 4 '! Summary of Capital Projects... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5-6 ' Road Fund 101 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Six Year Tran�portation Improvement Program... ... ... ... ... ... ... .�. ... 8 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 1 Capital Facilities Plan Addendum Overview This Capi�al Facilities Plan Addendum (CFPA) summarizes the County's adopted budget for the upcoming year while incorporating fihe , County s larger ongoing, multi-year plan that provides a planned and programmed approach to utilizing the County's financial resources in fihe most efficient manner to meet its service and facility need� (Grant County Capital Facilities Plan). The County has prepared a comprehensive capital projects list as a part of the annual budget process. This list provides a six-year view of intended and/or potential projects and has served as an excellent resource to the Board of Commissioners, County staff and Grant County citizens in understanding the scope, timing, and funding of key projects. While � funding was identified as a part of each project description, some unfunded projects have historically been included to keep them in the forefront as targets for grants, ballot measures, and other continued funding efforts. The Grant County Capital Facilities Plan (Plan) details these projects. Advantages of a Capital Facilities Plan A Plan allows the community, through its County Commissioners, to take a critical look at itself, identify what is good, what could be improved, and what might be needed in fihe future. Wi�hout this comprehensive approach, consideration and approval of capital improvements results in a short-range approach to capital planning. Capital planning provides a process that considers all possible projects ' at the same time and produces a planning record that balances projects funding �ources, and timing schedules. In addition, a Plan: Promotes efficiency by reducing scheduling problems; Helps to distribute costs more equitably over a period of time; and � Enhances opportunities for outside financial assistance. ' Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 2 � � I i i I Project Priority Status � � A. Essential and time-critical ! i , � Funding sources are generally identified for the upcoming year's i project(s). ;, �. Necessary but not immediately required � A design component may be required prior to construction; +� A funding source may or may not be identified; and/or � Often, grants or outside sources determine timing or feasibility. � I C. Foreseen for future demand or long term needs and, v�rhile � included in the Plan, whether the project has been postponed. A , funding source may or may not be identified for these projects. I I � � Cost Estimate Conf�dence Level 1. No estimate or placeholder 2. Rough estimate I 3. Preliminary — Some work has been done to determine rough ; estimate, either based on previous projects of similar nature or ' industry standards. I 4. Design — Receive a cost estimate from � vendor or an architect; i provided a cost estimate. � , i 5. Construction — Quotes or bids are in; cost is set with the exception � � of change orders. i I I Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 3 I i � � � Explanation of Fund U�es CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND is for routine capital outlay purchases and projects by the County including, but not limified to, ofFice furniture and fixtures, major building maintenance, real property acquisition, building remodeling projects, road projects, and water projects, and said funds shall be invested by the Grant County Treasurer with interest accruing to the Current Expense fund. This fund is authorized by RCW 36.33.020. % PERCENT REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX is a fund to account for the revenues generated by a special �/4 of 1 percent excise tax levied on the sale of real property within the County. This fund is authorized by RCW 82.46.010(2). ' SECOND %4 PERCENT REAL ESTATE EX�ISE TAX is a fund to track and fund specific capital projects allowed by RCW 82.46.035. C.J. — CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND is a fund established fio track state funding for criminal justice and to address specific law and justice needs. This fund is authorized by RCW 82.14.310. C.E. — CURRENT EXPENSE — GENERAL FUND is the more flexible, main fund account which is made up of many various general property taxes, user fees, penalties and State & Federal grant monies. H.M. — HOTEL/MOTEL LODGING TAX FUND is a proprietary fund which can only be used for promotion of tourism to our County. These funds can be used for specific development of print materials, advertising, mailing costs, purchase of promotional goods and services, but is limited from use in staffing areas and functions. OTHER SOURCES includes potential loans, grants, and other dedicated revenue possibilities. Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 4 Summary of Capital Plan Projects 2015 Item Date Status Budget? Funding Facilities & Maintenance 1. Courthouse facility • Paving of Parking Lot "G" 2014-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Paving of Parking Lot "F" 2014-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Paving of Parking Lot "B" 2014-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Irrigation System Upgrades 2014-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Resurface walkway, Annex/L&J Bldg. 2014-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Sidewalk replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Terminal Units replacement (ongoing) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Chair lift upgrade, Courthouse 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Security improvements —security 2015-2019 Pending No Unfunded screening area • Security improvements — Enterprise 2013-2017 Pending No Unfunded Security System (Door Security) Phase 1 • New drinking fountains 2014-2015 Pending No Unfunded • Carpet replacement 2015-2020 Pending Yes Current Expense • New Maintenance Building 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • County Storage Building Improvements 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Data Cenfier Improvements 2014-20�9 Pending No Unfunded • New HVAC System Campus Wide 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Campus Energy Improvements (ESCO) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Annex Window Replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Historical Courthouse Renewal 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Courthouse Departmental Rehabilitation 2015-2020 Pending Yes Current Expense • New Storage Building 2015-2020 Pending Yes REET 1 • Casework Building Improvements 2015-2020 Pending Yes Trial Court Impv • ADA Accessibility/Doors 2015-2020 Pending Yes REET 1 2. Communitv Development • Remodel new facility 2014-2019 Ongoing No Unfunded 3. Youth Services • Lavatory remodel, Boys; Public/Det 2013-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Kitchen remodel (countertops, cab) 2013-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Court lobby floor repair/replace tile 2013-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Security lighting package 2013-2017 Pending No Unfunded • Detention controls upgrade 2013-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Water line extension 2014-2019 Pending Yes L&J • Detention door replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Security upgrades (Ephrata facility) 2015-2020 Pendin No Unfunded Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 5 Summary of Capital Plan Projects ,�ont�d, 2015 Item Date Status Budget? Funding 4. Sheriff's Office/Jail • Ballistic Glass Front Counter 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded 5. Superior Court e U rade Sound S stem, Courtroom 1 2014-2015 Pending No Unfunded 6. Fair�rounds • Restroom #7 replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Restroom #1 replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Warm-up pen expansion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • 4-H Building floor refinish/repair 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Ventilation/fans for Ardell Pavilion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Centerfield sprinklers 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Food Both holding tank 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Building ventilation (older buildings) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Gold Parking Lot upgrade 2014-2019 Pending Yes EM Dept. Funded • East Campground septic system 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Paving for ADA around Ardell Pavilion 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Ardell septic connection (Engineered) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • HVAC in Commercial Building 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • New Barns 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Rodeo Arena upgrades 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Gravel (multiple locations/improvements) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Fuller Building upgrade 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Perimeter fence repair 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Rodeo grandstand foundation 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Rodeo bleacher replacement 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Old barns re-roofed 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded s Lighting upgrade (through attrition) 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Commercial Building insulation 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Commercial Building ceiling 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Brian Miller stage upgrade 2014-2019 Pending No Unfunded • Water tank replacement 2Q14-2019 Pending No Unfunded • HVAC Upgrade, Commercial Buildin 2015-2020 Pending Yes Current Expense Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 6 Road Fund 101 Revenue and Expenditure Analysis (Page 7a-7b) Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 7 � i . i Gr�r�t Cqunty�ix Y�ar Ti� 2015-2024 Page 1 of 2 i ��v�nu� and �xp�nditur� Ar��1y�i� � �oun�y �oad Fund �01 � July 2�,2�14 { �....._,....,,,._..,..,..�._._,..,...._..._..__......._........._...._..�...._.._...�_..........._...�....__.,_.. � BARS# 2014 2C115 2016 2017 2018-�0 � F7 V� U,�S: 3ti8 10 Beg,Cash Balance-Unressrved 8,585,131 6,137,700 5,685,100 A,234,GOq 4,27A,8Q0 311 10 Property Tax 8,4b�,00C1 8,484,aoo 8,568,$00 8,65A,500 25,963,500 12 Annex,Irnp�ct(Moses I.ake)/RSA 1,7qQ,000 1,700,000 0 ' 317 20 Leasehald Tax 130,C1t70 139,100 148,800 158,20q 577,�J00 332 15 2D T�ylor Qraz(ng Aot 2,000 2,OOq 2,b00 2,n00 6,000 15 60 Fish&Wildlife �,000 0 0 0 0 81 10 Federal In-Lieu-Nanford R�serve 160,dOq 160,000 180,000 18Q,DOD 490,000 388 2q 21 Fed.Aid-8R 407,C}00 407,000 0 0 124,000 20 23 �ed.Ald-STP(R),(U) 2,570,4b0 1,368,p00 2,669,000 2,q38,000 6,0$7,000 , 2q 24 F�d,Afd-STP F�ural Safety 0 q 0 Q 252,OOq 20 26 Fed.Aid-Sl'P(T�) 0 b 0 0 0 20 26 Fed.Aid-HSIP p 0 p 0 0 934 03 61 WSDOT Plann(ng-QUADCO 201� 0 0 0 0 125,aaa 03 71 RAP 1,080,0(IQ 1,031,000 1,091,aaa 760,Oq0 5,fi32,pQ0 03 72 CAF�P 1,331,428 1,344,7A2 1,356,19p 1,371,772 4,156,468 03 81 TIB b 0 0 0 1,427,Ot10 03 82 Safar Rout�ta 5chaols(Patton) 0 20p,000 0 0 30Q,000 336 8q MatorVehiclel'ax 6,211,249 6,273,351 6,336,095 6,899,456 1g,390,352 337 0'7 In-Lieu Taxes Q 0 q 0 0 838 40 Intergovernmental Revenue 11,3b5 1d0,000 100,QqU 100,000 300,OQCt 341 6J Printing/Duplicating 1,30q 2,500 2,704 2,900 10,500 75 M�p Sale� 1q0 100 100 100 4b0 845 83 f'lat Checking Fees 2,QQ0 5,�00 5,800 6,200 22,5Q0 349 90 Road Canst./Eng.Services 0 0 0 0 0 363 �0 insuranc�&Recoverfes 0 0 p p p 367 10 C�ntributinns/Cnst SharelD�v.Mitig. 90,000 62,000 52,OOp 52,000 5tl2,Opp 368 11 12.$CRID 2,5C�0 3,2q7 3,2q7 3,207 6,414 12 1U iVW CRID 200 347 347 347 1,041 869 40 C7ther Judgemen#slSe4tlem�nts 0 0 0 0 0 90 Misc. Rev�nUe 2,000 4,OQ0 4,OQ0 4,OQ0 1x,000 895 �q Proce�ds form�ales of Fixed Ass�t� 0 387 1q Transfsrs-In(P�'i� 0 0 20,qQQ 225,000 150,qQ0 �0 Transfers-In(E�S�R) 0 G 0 � 0 30 Transfers-In(,alid Waste-Neva l.k Rd) a o 0 0 p 40 Transfars-In 5i n Sho 0 0 0 a 0 ota)Revenues: 30 68b 269 $27,404,458 $26,147 199 $24,183,092 $69,600,875 i Page 7a �rank County�ix Ye�r TIP 2Q��-2020 page z of 2 July 22,2414 BARS�#�__._.�......�_��..__�.._._._~._...�...�..�._.._.._...._.m._.._�..._.�a.�....._..._ 2p1A 2p16 2016 2Q17 2098-20 �XP�N17fTUl7E : b08 10 �nding Cash Unreserved 5,858,146 6,137,746 5,685,072 4,234,419 4,274,702 819 70 Refmbursables 54,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 521 70 Traffic policing �10,bQp 196,000 195,000 195,000 586,000 7'i Motnr 7ra�c Unit 0 0 0 0 0 S42 30 I�oad Ma(ntenance '7,67t�,q00 7,870,000 7,7o8,400 7,746,800 23,356,900 40 Drainage 725,000 725,000 732,300 739,600 2,229,900 50 Bridg�Rapair/Maintenance 270,000 27R,OQ0 272,700 275,400 880,300 60 Traff(c&Pedestrian Services 9,8b9,5b0 1,603,500 1,621,6Q4 1,839,700 6,546,700 70 Vegetation Management 1,050,Opq 1,050,000 1,060,500 1,071,100 3,229,40Q � 9Q AdministrativeMaintenance 910,000 910,D00 919,1d0 928,300 2,798,800 5A3 00 Adminfstration/Overhead 1,413,38� 1,413,386 1,484,100 1,858,300 4,698,300 544 00 Raad and Street Operatfons 45'7,Obq 457,000 481,600 466,200 1,405,600 545 q0 Extraordinary 15q,pQq 150,000 15Q,qOp 150,000 �50,000 548 Supplies�nd Materials p p p p p 591 Bond R�demption(Cai.Basin Projeot) 1,900 1,8U0 1,620 1,5p0 4,000 59a 43 Ephrata HVAC 120,Ob0 0 0 0 0 44 Hartline Shop 2,100,000 0 0 0 0 � 48 Machinaryl�quipmentlAdminl�ng 1Q7,Oq0 D 0 b 0 597 00 Transfers-Qut(Genera!Fund-Saftware) 32,231 33,8Q0 35,500 37,300 120,900 I 10 Transf�rs-Qut(Paths&Trails) 28,5d0 29,900 31,400 33,000 106,90Q 40 Transfers-Qut(E,R.&R.Cap.) 227',QOQ 150,000 150,G00 150,OOq 45Q,000 6Q Transfers-Out(Misc,) 0 0 0 tl 0 80 Transfers-Out(Facilities Reserve} 0 0 0 0 Q 90 Transfers-Out(PitslQuarries Land) 0 0 0 0 tl 59$ 1Q STP Cities 530�Op 450 qq0 450,000 450 000 1,35q 000 otal Ex enditures: $17 85S 517 $15 359 386 $15 52�720 $15,692 3Q0 $47 312 700 vailable Construction Dollars; $12 809 746 $12,045,072 $10,623,419 $8,470,782 $22,4$8 175 Six Year TIP 7otais 6 672 Qq0 $6,360 q00 $6,389,000 $4 196,000 ffi23,735,000 � Page 7b � I' � I i � , . y . �X i S ear Transportation Im provement Program (with BOCC Resolutions) (Pages s� - �n) Capital Facilities Plan Addendum,2015-2020 Page 8 BV,��1,RD o� Cr�U1� 1 I VdJM1Y1�a��AVIMER� ��p,c�r rop��J �rant Cauntyg Was6�ir�gton .,,,,.,,. IN THE MATTER QF ApaPTING A ����OfMASNINt�O COMpR�HEN5IVE SIX YEAF2 RESOLUTiON No. 14- 1�.�1-CC TRANSPORTATION IMF�ROVEMENT PROGRAM �'OR ThIE YEARS 2015-2020 WM�R�AS, pursuant ta the requirem�nts of Sect(on 6, Chapter 83, Laws af�xtraordinary Session of the Stat� of Washingfian, Grant Caunty did prepare a Comprehensive Transportation Impravement Program for the ensuing six years; and WHEI�CAS, priority array af prajects prepared in accordance with Caunty F2oad Administration Board Standards of Gaad Pr�ctice (WAC 135-14) was made available and was consulted by the Board during the preparation af this Six Y�ar Progr�m; ai7d , WH��2EAS, fihe Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the soard during the preparation of the Six Y�ar Program; and WH�REAS, an �nvironmental pre-assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that the social, economic and aesthetic values wouid not be disturbed; and WHEREAS, pursuant further to said L.aw, the f3oard of County Commissioners, being the legislative body of the County, did prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Pragr�m and did hold a�ublic hearing an said Comprehensive Plan at 2:OA pm at the Cpurthause, �phrata, W�shington an the 22 d day of July, 2.014; N4W, THEREFOR� BE IT R�SOLV�D by the Baard af County Commissioners af Grant County, Washing#pn, that the Compreh�nsive Six Year Road Program pr�sented at the pubiic hearing be hereby adopted. E���C71V� C�ATE: Jul 22 , 2014. DAT�b this J_�,�`'���ay of_ ,, _____._,_ , ?_014. BOARD OI'COUNTY COMM1SS10NERS GRANT'COIJNT'Y,WASHINGTON Yea Nay Absiain � �� � ❑ _�----�V i���n✓" 'A�_&� Ca• }a Swartz,Ch ` �" ❑ ❑ �_.,.._...�_._._...____.... � '�la rd tevei ,Vic hair � ^ i C] CC] »i y a �, ember � I„I'�S' . , i ler•Ic oP tlte oarci � � � � Page 8a , ! � I i I . . Page 1 0#11 - � Six Year TransportatiQr� �r�provemen# Presgram �, � FCC33T� 2�}�.TJ #t3 �{3�� a�-a ,a9ency_ GTant County Hearing Date: Suty 22,2014 Adoption Qate; co_�vo_: 93 Co.Name_ GT2iat CaEIt't€y City No. --- MP�/RTPO: QU3L'ICO Fvnend DaTe: Resotution No.: 2014- -GC � 7 � 3 Project Costs in Thausands of Dollars Federally�und � �Proj�ct tdentification �� � � E;pe�:diture ScheC+;te (Loca{ p;ojects Oniy 3 � � - � � � Fund Source inforcnation pse�y� 7 � A. Federa!Aid No_ B. Bridgs No. ;m � t a, � n `� s��� `� � � o t° Federal Fundin � � �n��a�i o m �� C. Projec.Titie �� � �� � t a U � u�a`Z 3 D. BtreeJRoad Name of Number ;����� o ' � � Phase Federa[ Federai State 2 I #����J Envir �Required lsti 2nd� 3rdg 7�YFe � Date � 1 E. Beginning MP or road-Endng MP or raad ;� � � f— � � o Start �und Cosf by �und State I.oca[ To�ai � ; � 6#h i (mm/YY) ! € = i � � mmldd! Gode Phase Sour�e Fnads Funds Fursds € � � � t F F. Describe V�(ork to Be aaae - , '- g � 4 � 6 � 6 ± 7 8 9 10 1'! 12 43 14 15 1fi 17 1$ 19 20 21 1 it 2 1t � . " i : � i f$ROS-2013 Bridge T�la.= 0875340D ; � j � W 1]2 2$ 140 14Q i v e � 4 � �f i ; � ;BRII}GE�399,W IVW a � , 291 74 8S5 385 i � : �3 �g � 'Rd No.: 32350-G27 mi N of Saird Springs ; i � ' C� z : ; �E ? No � .� : 08 � 5 ; 0.21 ; P.T g i �From: MP�.17 To: [UlP 0.38 1 � � # ` ' ' Y � &ridge Replacement 60 ff,approaches; F�n.V+lidfh=ZS Ft- � � � t CON � �Tofai Pro ee#Cost �59 D OIIO j � 7 1 flTALS BR 4fl7 103 51� 510 9 ; : t g 2 1Q 10: : : � �STP{R)-P�30 � � i � �� � � � W � 9 2 Zj � : a3-NE RdAD SA�EIY PROJEG3(Viciniiy o�T-4SE} ? � a �yp 07 i } 320 39 3$Q 3S0; r 1 �� � 2 �Ftd_Na_: 94000 � 03 S � 0.38 } P,T N � �From: IUIP 9.79 To_ tv9P'i O.D9 � � 1 CN ; ? ! � { � � Grade,Drain,Sutfac2($Sn; Fsr+ished Width=34 Ft � � 1 i Totai Pro ect Cost �392 OOfl � } { UTALS S-fPR 388 54 382 392: ; ; ( � � � � .E. 3G 30 3C` i i � �STt2ATFQRQ RD.NE REALIG�tMENT � � � j RiW ; : i � ' 474 47fl 470; ; i � Q� � �Rd.No.: 94025-BNSF RR Xing ta SR 28 � 0� � � � fl.39 � P,T . � : ; 3 � 'x � � From: MP 20.28 To: 11fP 2fl.87 ; ; � �Grade,Qrain,Sulfaace(BS�: Finished 1Ndth=30 Ft � � ; f I i � � 4TA�.S USBR unk S 500 500 50II> ? 70�1 Pro ect Cost �500 D00 = ` ' i i , C 50 fi0 50� ; : � � y ; � � • : ; 3 SAND DUNES RD&NE1NBft1DGE � � � 3 � � i s � { � ` `¢ �y Lpca! 300 300 300} � f 09 j 4 Rd.No.2153D-North SpiiiwaY � 03 � S � fl.?4 # P,T : � i From: MP 8.58 ;o:MP 6_68 j ° � � SiP 306 3fl0 300 j o i � � � I i � � 'Grade,Drain.Surface(BSI�; Finished Width=28 Ft � � � �Tota4 Pso ect Cast �&�0�{ifl , a � � OTALS S1P 650 650 6�0: ! 3 � � � j2C3i5&t3v�f f0 B3TPfogf3�t7J� � � i E 2� 26 2�; : : � i l � B SE RD Priority 5� i � W � ! I ° � ' � C� 6D0 696 600j � ; � QS $ �Rd.No.20b5Q-SR 26#0 73 SE � pg � S � 2.88 � P.T ; s ' From: MP 2.90 To:MP 5.78 ! j i � � j � �Grade,Drain,Suface{BSI�; Finished il{IsdYt�=26 Ft � x � Gravel ' � � � �OTALS #o BST 826 626 B26' � Tofat Pro ect Cost �628.000 � Report Date.July 25,2006 NCRegtfln H&�F:TfE;CRAB;RSPO;Plar,ning:Pt3D:krr Dists;TeL Cos. v.5.&-Supersedes grev.edilio " Page2af91 U Six Year TranspQt�ta#ian lmprovement Prograrn ', � . � Frc�m Zt�'I v tc� �020 '� � Agency GCdrl��Ott[t�j/ Co_Nc.: 93 Co.Name: Gf�t1t COUt't�}f }tearing Daie: .Su1y22.20'i4 Adaption Dafe= ^,ity i3o_ --' MPt�lRTPO_ Q1.i2dCO Arnend Date: Reso#uSion No: 24'44- -CC � � � Project Cosfs in Tho�sands of Dofiars Federa0y Fun ed � �Prflject(dantiftca6an � Fxpenditura Schedis32 {LacaS Frojects Oniy A. Federal Aid No. 8. Brid e No. $ = � m � Fund Source Iniomia6on Agencj') R 9 �a�i�i � m -a m 1 � � o�� C. Pro}ect T�le +�m 3� � � ° `a Federa!Fundi� � W1N v � i f Envir �Require8 �°°: �$ m � -�, PhaSe Federal Federai S`aate � i 41h thru � � ��Q Z� F3. SireeflRoad htame of Number Q t-§ � s �, 1 st� 2nd� 3rd3 TYPe = Da2e S { � a [ t- � � o Start Fund Cast ky Fund S�Ye Locai Toial � € # EtPa � (mmfYY? � t �. Beginning NiP or road-Ending MP oi raati 3£ a � � i F_ Descdbe Workto be L3one � mm/ddi Gode Phase Source Funds Funds Funds t 1 � 1 i 2 t 3 � 4 � 5 � fi = 7 $ 3 9 9D �'( 12 13 14 95 18 #7, 98 19 20 � 21 x S � 12 12 12i i � � ° � j2dt�vt�veT to 8S�'Prtagtantj� i� ; PE : � : � �R-SW{2D F��7� ' � � �� 995 '(95 495' : : � i ' Q9 � s �Rd.No.9't049-23-SW io 24-SW � D3 � S � 0.99 � F',T � ' � 7 � � � �From: NiP O.Qil To_MP 0_99 � � � � i ; : j � ;Grade,Dr�in,SusFace{&STj; Fi�ished Width=20"Fi. 3 � Gravei ; � � �Tofat°ro e�Cas# $207 000 � 9 ' � flTALS ta B8T 207 207 207: - ; : I - � ; � � E 3S S6 36' � ; � � . L .._�..�.,..c.�.,._.,, � F i r . ; �3-tVE RD ?� 4 RW f � # � � � � 7sq 7&4 764� ; ` O8 � 7 �Rd.No.94QOf1-O-t�lE to Q-NE 3 0„ � S � 3.$8 F',� �� : : • j j E � 12 � � j ; � � ;From: MP 5.03 To:MP 8.9'! i : � � Grade,Drain.Surface(HMA 4"-twa liRs}; Fin.Wid.=34 Ft ! � � : , i t j � � 80D 840 800i � Totat Pro ect Cost $SOO,OQO # Oi�ALS � . � ; a � � �7 � 2a zo; ; � �STP(ft)-E'S33 � z : j : i � �F,DAPIIS RD_2�1V�iQVERIAY � � e RW ' � ; � 0� � $ aRd.Ivo.: 99097-SR283foSR28 9003 157 3i&0 1150� ; i � � OH g S � 1.86 � P.T C� � � �From: MP 97.36 To: MP 23.68 ; t ; t ; � i i � i �HMA dverlay(2"}: Finished Width=34 Ft ; i � ' ; � � E � a � � Q7ALS BTFR 1020 380 1184 �180� {Totai Pro ect�ast $1'(80.000 � � x ; 4 � � � � � � 49 4 45 45j i ; � Pa.r7iai RAP fundrn q 4` W � . RDAMS RD.NVii 9i � ' � , � � j � � � 03 � � � CN 990 13G 110fl 910di : S � D8 ; Rd.No.: 91017-SR 28#o Br#f330 � � S 1.88 � P,T : : : � � 9 � i i �From: MF 23.&8 To: N7P 25.SA �g E ` ' ' � i � �Grade,➢cai,z,Sus€(3-lNfA},Br Repi.; Finishecf Width=28 Ft j � - s s j ( � } � C3TALS RAP 903�1 11�r ii4S �945� IToiat PsoectCost 1145 Q�d , � . . i � 4 � � � 3 Q 9 D 'I5; 'I5� 153 45 � � � � 07 � �MtSCELLANEOUSPROJECTS 1 � i ; W � � � Og �� � `INCLUDINGGOSTSHAREPRdSECTS � � S � ^ 3� p,�- C� 'i4'f6 14'fC 235g 235! 235� 705 � i � � � as ; � � � i i 3 ; � 3 � a � � QTALS 15fJ� 1500 250 2&0 25Q i 750 �Totai Pro ecE Cost �1 500.000 Report Date:July 25.20G6 S�CRegion H&LP:7lB;CRAB:i�[PO;Ftanning:PUD;!rr I3ists:TeL Cos. v.5.6-Supasedes grev ed�tio Page 3 of 11 ___ i ^� Six Year Trans�Qrtatian fmprovemen#i�resgram , � � From 2fl15 to 2820 0. Agency: GC"dS1�COt3i'if}( Co_No__ 13 Co.Name: Gran#Cous9ty Hearing Date: .iv1y 22:2ota Rdopfion Da3e_ C'tyNo_ --- MPOIRTPO: Qu�t�Ct) Ameflri 4afe: Resoiu��on No_: 2014- -GC �PTOjec[Idantification '_ i = PrpjecT Costs in Thousa�ds of Daliars Federaity funded �-� j ; � � � N Fund Saurce i�+formation Expenditure Schedute (Local PrajecTS Oniy �q 1 A. Federai Aid No. 8. Sridge No. # Agency} 8�^ � c y I�a`i z �£`j'1 � a�i ° t F2d2f2f FUtldin �� o �,�•c s� C. ProleCc Tt:(e �> °'i m -� { U a- s � Envir E? uirect � ��a Z� D_ S�eetlRoad Name flt Nunfber �Q�' � � � y �', Phase Federa! Fe:eral Staie � j 4fh thru � pe � Dafa � t°- � � o Start Fund Castby Furtd State Lacai Toia4 1�� ��� 3rd� s,� �` , # E. Beginning MP or road-Ending M+P ar:oad �— ` � ���'} � � �_ Descsibe Work to be�Jone ' � � � mmldd! Gsade Phase Souroe Funds Funds Funds � � ° ,� � 2 3 4 a 5 6 ? 7 8 9 90 i� 32 13 94 95 l6 �7 �S l9 ZD 29 87 13 1Q� 904: ! : � � �SiP(U)-6o90 � � � _ �E : : : ' �COCHRP.N RD&OTTMAft RD � ± R� ' � � ; � i 852 128 1U80 � 10$0� i � 17 � 1 i �Rd_No.: 41550-RiiW2y#O VaIIeY i p3 � $ � D.$J ; P,T �� i : i j � �From: NtP 9.00 To: NSP G.89 ; � � � : " � ' � ` ` � } �Gzade,Drain.&urf.(HMA),C&G,b'�NVx2; Fin.Vtfid:28&3&Ft � � � � �Tota(Pro'ecE Cost S1 18D 000 � OTAL_S STP ll 1038 141 �180 i d0: 1 GSfl� ` � ; PE gr� b 4Q f 40� � � � !STP(R)-E133 j : : ; � � � � � R� � � iADAMS RD.SW OVERLAY � � � G� 249 9844 r � 1 GE ` 07 : i595 � 3$44° No } 12 ;Rd.i�io.: 91017-SR 26 to Fr�chman I-liil R�. � G7 � 8 § fi.28 = P,T '' i � ;FfOm: MP 0.00 Ta_ NtP S28 S � ; j i i i � � �HMA Overlay(2'�: Finished Widfh=34 Ft � � � � • ; � ! � € 1 4TALS 87F'R) 1630 254 �884 : 1884: aTfltal Pro'ect Gos# $1 884 000 ? i � �STP(Uj-60&1 Joir�tv/�IosesLalce� f � � p-L- 2� 2 � ` �� ' � � � � � ; . �PATCOt�f SLVB SIt3EWALK j5afer Scizools Pragsam) � i � ` ' : i � � CN �sa 20 200 ; 2oa; ; ; i4 � �3 �#��,No.: 45i70-22ndAvefoRandoighRd { a7 � S fl.59 = P,T : 3 ; ;Frpm: MP 1,28 To: MP 1.87 [ � � s � � �Conc.SidewalK,P,DA Ramps;Crossm+aEks,Signs; Firt.Wid=5 ft #t � ; � Total Fro Cast 5222 OGO 1 � OTALS SR3S 2fl� 22 222 � 222: ° � ` ( ; � F.E. 2Q 20 ; 24: # � � � � f � � � � � ' �J-NE RD REALICNMEt1T F � ' G9 � �Rd_Na: 53050-Pinto ftidge#a 38-NE C!V ?75 17� ; 176� i .�� � 03 � P � 0_72 P,T ! ( �o: tv��oaz � i ; ; f � ( {Fcam: iViP 0.00 ) 3 t � �Grade,Dtain,Sut€ace($�Tj; Fnished Widfh=28 FL + � l ; � ' � To t a l Pr fl e c t C o s t c 1 9 5 g O C 2 QTAL� 'I95 195 1 S5� i ' 4 � p� 75 7S � ��+ i � � � � � RW + i : { i � jMAiZTiN RD NW&BR�'i28 i � � j g E OS ,�{d Na_: 3040D-Adams R�#o H-NW 750 150 900 ; 8Q4± i � 15i � 49 � P � 5.13 � p'r CAE � �Fram: MP 7.32 To: 1AP 12.45 ' ' ' � 's f 2R,Sutf_(BS�,8r.Repl.: Fit?tshed Wicifh=24 Fi 1 3 � 1 � 1 Toiai Pro ct Gost �u97�4�o � � OTALS RAP 750 225 975 : 875 i 3 Report Date:July 25,2a0G I�7CRegion H�iP;TlB;GRP.B;�1'P.�;P�anning;P1tD;1rr D"ssts;Te}.�os. v.5.B-Supersedes Prea editia Page 4 of 11 Six Year Transpor�at�on 4rnprovernent P�c�gra�n �� � From 2t�'l5 to 2�2� ' �, Agency GYdR��Olin£y Hearino date: Juty 22,2014 Adopiion t�aie: co.r�o._ 13 co.tvaa�e: Grant Couniy �¢���0. ������ Amend Bate_ t�esolutian No._ 2Q14- -CC City No. --- � Projecf Gosts in Thousands of Dolfars �edera3ty Funde �Pra3eot iden#ification �J � s s Expend"RUSe ScheduEe {�.aca! projects Oniy � � �, Fund Source In€ormafion Agency) A. Federal Aid No. B. Bridga No. m_...'3 � a, � -o � i � �„��,f ���3 �� �, � � F�deral Fundn l�IW o w�•�.Q° C. ProjecY Tcfle �` -� � � '�- �� R o �, ; i 4th#hru �n�ir�Required ;� a v� m = � ghase Fecieral rederal State e � Date � �3�az� D. StreeilRoad Name of�tumber n��� a a = �, 7st 2nd? 3rd' 7�`p i � F � a Stast Fund Cast by ��nd State Locat Taia! , � 6th � �m�yy� �' # � E. 8@�[Zt711ttg NEF 9t F02CI-�flt�ftl9 MP DF l02d �- $ � � ' �. Describe Work to 6e D�ne ° � ' '_ � mm/ddt Code Phase Source Funds Funds Punds ; � ' � ,� j 2 ; g i 4 1 5 � & ; 7 8 9 10 1'? 12 �3 14 15 '�� �7 1� �9 �� �1 i � j2t�1�Gt�Yel�#B$T PNgt3rnj ` j ; t 16 t 6 ' 16? ' � f ! : � �U SW RD&23-SW RD Fliflflfy t4- ` Y yy i i � � ay 330 330 } 330f i � �g � 9 6 i��.NO.1 D591-24SW t0 23-SW t0 Sft 243 �( Q3 S 9.61 9 P,T � � � • t ' �From: MP�.00 To:IV1IP 1.81 � � � i i � s` ? ; Gravel ' ' � � �Grade,t]rain,SurFace(BST}; Fmished Width=28 Ft � � ' c rF- : ; � ?Tota!Pro ect Cost �34&�IIO � � � OT�LS fa BST 34S 346 : 348# , � j j t2f3i�Grave6tc�SSTPmgrdmj} � � � E 12 12 : 12; : � , s � Pr3otify8� � � � EiW : '• : ? 3 �A.S S1N Rfl � g : . ; 240 240 ; 240p � � �9 ' .i7 ,Rd_No.13654-42 SVtlt�13-SY�I 5 03 p S ' 1.13 � P,T � : i : ; From: MP Q.40 To:MP 9.i3 t 3 � � : k : � � �Grdds,Drain.Surtace{BS�; Einished Width=2B Ft. � 3 � Gravei ; ; � f � ' � � 03AL$ t0 BST 252 252 252; i i a s + • '#T6fiat Pf0°Ct COSt u"''2$2.{?OFl . . j � i � � 1 � � 85 85 q �'`; : � � - � � $ V�1 . . . � � �24-I1Ef2D. =,..;a,: __,... . �....., _�,_ . ..:1 '; '` ? 4900 91Q0 F 110at ± � 48 1 Rd.No_: 94046-Adtiar�Rd#a�ratford Rd j 03 � P § 4.88 � P,T � ; : • + 18 � j 0� ; i � i j From: MP 4.3$ To: MP 925 , � � � i 7 i � �Grade,Draia,Surface{BST?: Finished�dth=28 Ft � � � � � ! � 11&5 1985 3 'l985: ; � iTotal Pro ect Cost Si.186.400 � OTALS : : `• s �2g�ti r�ravga z�ssr�ram�i � � E 2o za ; ; 20; � � , ' � � �1o8WRD&r=SWRD F[ic�rttYS� g � W : : ! � 3 ? � 440 4A0 : ; ��i 09 � 19 �Rd.No.127$0-GS11VtOFSWio?iSW ` - � D3 � S � 2.1D � P,7 : : ' 3 Frosn: MP 0.00 To:MP 2.1D � � 3 : S � � j Gravel : i 1 �Grade.Brain.Sufiax{85�}; Firtistied Wi�ih-26 FL � § � ' € i £3TALS to BST 460 460 46Q� 4Tota!Pro"ect Cosi $4SG qoa � � � �s �s � ' ��; j2t31?Cravea�ssr��graml; � i E r � ptiority�9� i � � � # i i � �8-NW RD # � � � � � � � 2�a 25D � a 2bQ� � 09 2a Rd.No.39340-Dodson io�_6�mifes East o#Dodso� � a3 � S # 'i.64 � P:T : ; ; i + j : j From: N3P E3.Ot3 i o:i�tiP 1.00 � ; # ` : 1 �Grade,Drain.Surta�e{SST}; �Snishe�Wdth=2&Fi � } � x Gravet . � �Totat Pro eci Cost �266 000 � � � OTALS io BST 286 26& 266: fi Report Date:Juty 25.2006 i3CRegian iiB�L.P;TiB:CR,�S:C�7PII:Planning;PUD;Zrr Dists;Tet Gas. v.5_&-Supersedes prev editi� ?age 5 0€11 - � � Six Year Transpc��ation lmprover�ent Pragram � � �rom 2Q1� tsa 2�2� �" t{gency_ GT311t CDItR� Hearing Date= Juiy 22,20'14 Adoption Date; Co.No.: '�3 Ca.Name: Gt'�i3t Coidltty ftesofufion No.: 2024 -CG MPO1F2T7'O_ Qi7aL1Ca Rrnead Q2ie; City Nn_ --- _ Eaderal4 Funded a � Project Costs in Thousands ofi Doitars Y � �Pmjnct 4dentincatiofl Expenditure Schadule (LocaE projec4s Oniy ; � � � � � m Fund Saurce tnformation ,qg�n�y� , � A Federal Aid No_ 8. Bridge No_ �a�i�_ � a� -a � � v,3�m`t i��� �: � � o L Federa[rundin 1 R/W o �„;-�n_ �. projecf Ti�e e= �� � T d m;0 ] 1> m F a f ; � Envir ?42equiced L ��a Z j U. StreeURoad Name af Number �°� �' � ' � U Phase Federat rederal State � 4th;tiru � '��� � � � a Stac� Fus�a Gosthy Eund State Locaf Totat �St� ��� 3rd� g{� Ty�'� # E�ntYY) � � E. 8eginrit[tg MP or road-Ending MP or road ;— � Q � _ � � � �. Descritre V�fork ta be Done + a F � nsmldd/ Cade Phase So�rce F:mds Fu�ds Fan�s � 3 'f i Z � 3 : 4 � 5 � 6 i 7 8 9 'f0 �!'f 12 13 14 '!5 16 17, 9& 9S 20 21 � i � _ 3 � PE 35 5 40 i g 40: S �STP{R)-E931 ; ` � ; � � � . � � � i �C10DSON RD OVERL4Y ! - : � t � i � , N 1�53 23'9 177�� , � 9770; � G� 3 �o a7 ; 2,� ;Rd.No_: 8i 031-SF2 26 ta�renchman Hi11 Rd. ; �7 � p # �_gp � p,F ; E : � � �Fsom: iviP O.00 ?a: R�iP 5_S4 i � � § x ' �H(�!A OVeff3y(2"}; FirtishEd Wldih=34 Ft � � � i , � _ '1890� OTALS STP R 1§6B 244 1810 ' � ; :To�!P;o ect Casf �1.81�OOfl f �g ° ; : ` � � t 1 i E 22 3 25 j j �5; j �STP(U)-Ga&5 : : . � 3 ! i � � 4v ; ' i i VALLEY RD.NE&AIRWAY DR.NE�iess Fairgrou�ds frorsiage) , � § t � �� 70 52�7 : � 520 i C� } No �& � � �Rd.i�So.: 4959�-Paxson tML City Limic'�,)tn SR?7 � 05 � P � 9.04 � P,T ? ; : 0'7 � � _ ' i • f �Fron: MP i Oa/2.00 io: 6NP 1_�#3132: f � � 3 HNL4 Overiay(9rind and in{aY?; Fin_Wtd.=50-60 Ft � � � 't 5�45� � � � � OT,SLS SiP U G72 73 545 ' : : � .Totai Pro 2ct Cost 5545,000 � � � 25� 7 � � PE 25 25 i ; � 1 4 � , 3 � �3-N�ROA[? � � � �E W ' ' � � 844 840 } ; 840+ CE No �7 � Rd.i�to.: 9400D-t3-NE to T-N� � pg � p � 2.SC3 i P,T � � � : � � _ � � FrorrL MP 6.9� Ta: tsfiP 9_71 i � � + $ ; ' � � # ; � � f Grade,Drain.Scrface(HMR 3"); Finished li�Idth=34 Ft. � � ; � 4 � OTALS S65 86S s $65� � � ?Tota[Prfl ^t Gost �885.040 � , ' E � � 35 j � � � I PE 35 35 ; i a � � ' � W ; ; i 3 #3-NE ROAD � i : �ZDO cE ' No � � # � 1Z00 3200 D; j �Rd.Na: 94000-T-NE to Adams Co Line ` a3 � P �3 4.00 P.T � : i : � � 24 #From: MP 3.90 To_ MP 93.90 � 1 1 � � i ? � Grade,Drain,Suriace(HMA 3'�; Fnished Wtdt�i=3z Ft � 1 � : �235 � � � t dTALS 123�5 1235 � ; . _ l"D12k PTO'eCt CDSi $�235 flOfl • � ' ' 40 � PE 35 5 4� ; F { �STP(U)-8074.STP(U}-?336,&S�(Rj-ti135 i ; ; : E � � W � i i �FZANI3QLPH RC1 OVERiAYfGRIND/IAilAY 9Q 667 { i � fi67 C� � No , �,y �t�j sz7 1s 25 �Rd No.: 45�10-SR�7 ta Moses Lake City Litrats(east of 18-NE� 07 � P # 1.73 � P,T ; s � � � ���} s0 378 � '�� �Frcm: MP OA�/U.93/1.73 To: s�F fl.99t�1.'l311.73 � 3 2g� � ; 3 ; � 07 �Add lane.HMA OverSaY{2"},C&G,SL'l�,Af3A Ramgs;F�N=44-&0 � To#at Pro ect Gost 51�85�0� � � � OT�L.S S-!�P 50Q 785 1085 707 Repo�t Date:July 25,2006 NCftegion i-i&�r;T{B;�RAS:RTPO:PSazs�ing:FllD:4sc Oists;Tel.Cos. v.5.�-Sup�s2des prea editFo Page fi of�i1 Six Year Transpo.rt�€tion �inprovem�nt Prograrst i, � � � Fram 20'�� 40 2�2Q I � Agency: Gf317t COUi3fy Ca.No_: 'I3 Co.Name: G['"dtl$Cfltltl�f Hearing Date: JuSy 22,2414 ABog�son Da#e: f/Pd,r��t�o: Qcsadco Amenrt Date: Rasotvtion No.: 2014 -CC C'�No_ --- , 2 � t Project Cosfs in 7housands af Dotiars Federaily Funded � j Projecc ides�ti�cafion + � 1 aependitvre Schedule f�� projects Onty ;� � s � p � � �und Source Irrforma#ion AgencY) � � � A. Fed�ra!Aid No_ B. &ridge Na. # � �, q �� F � 3 � m s�aJ'- ��`A� y i � � o `� Federi Fundin Q h,.�� C. Pra ect TrUe °'� .� c� t� � ; ; s ��o ) :> Q,� m } � . �nvis ;R2qu+sat� � � o >.� a m ` = Phase �ederal Feder'al Staie = � � U�Q Z" D. StreeflRoad Name of Number �nt— �; a ; = m ist3 2n�i 3rd�4th thru TYP� � Date E. B �nnin MP or raad-Endin MP or rozd �£ � �" � � o Sfar� Fund Gast by Fun� State Locai Totzf � ; Sth ; fmmtyy? � � � � � ' a mmlddl Code Phase Srnuce Funds Fun�s Funds i i � � ? � �. Descripe Wosk to t�e Done � _ - 1 i 2 � 3 � 4 � 5 ; 6 F 7 8 9 90 91 12 13 14 15 16 17 98, 19 20 ; 2i 1 ; �� 3g 5 4Q 's, i : 4� # � 33TF(R)-'l3EP = I � : : t � � �SEVERLY-&URKE Rd OVERLAY � � � � C� 2862 �37 32�9 � i i J238 C� � �o 4$ 1 iRd.No.: 91013-SR 243 to SR 26 � ? � ! 6 i : � 26 , 07 P � 7.20 � P,T � �From MP 0_�0 To: MP 72G � � 3 � i ` : � �H1VlA Overlay(3"j; �inished\�dth=34 Ft. � � � ; 3279 ? tTowtl Pro'sCt Cost �3278 D00 � # � i OTALS S7P R 2837 442 3279 : : ° � f , � j 2 2 _ ' � , j � j f � � i ; : � j � t 3 {FAIRGROiSNDS SS�EWALK�DNSIECTOR PS-WSE 2 � g � � � �S 18 S i i �g � � 3 ? � N ! ! ; 17 � 27 �Rd_Na.:41696-Vaiiey Rd to South Enfrance � .�2 t g � q.g� � P,S � ; • � �From: MP 1.37-80'Rt To: ibiP'�.87-b3D'Rt � � � � ' ? ' # f ' � PATHS& 3 � #Grade,Drain,Cona Sidewaik,R2mP; Fin.Wid.=92 Ft. � � � i : i � - 1 QTALS Tr2AiLS 20 24 ; i 20 iTotal Proieci Cost 520 ODO � : s � ( � 1 = � �� 16 15 � ; s 95 ; a � t ' j �Ct?ESCENT BAR StDEWRLK j � � 3 R� ; : ; � 6 23Q 2?4 ; i j 210 � 08 � 28 Rd.No.: 31790-Sunserra Loop to Bridge#425 � 12 � 5 j �.6� � P,T CN • � � � �From: MP 224 Ta P�tr 2.6d 4 � ' ; � � � � ; I PRTHS& E i TCiab,Gutter,Conc.SJW(west side),ADA Ramps;Fin.Wid=5�� i � � 225 � � �Td�at Pro ect Cost 5225 ODO � � � TALS TRAItS 225 225 : • '• S $ � ; ° b� � � � ; � � 50 50 : g � � �STRATFORD RD-NE RECONSTRUCTfON � � � � ; ; ; j G� 10i3Q tOQO i i � 9 Q00 � 47 j 29 }Rd.Na.: 94025-12-NE ta 96-NE S 04 S P 4.fl9 � ?,T � i i � � �FroRS: MP 923 To: MP 1324 � � � 3 � i � j �Grade,�rain.Surfiace{8S-i}; Finishzd Wsdth=34 LL � } � � J QTALS iD50 iQ54 'fOSQ _ 'Tata4 Pro'ec`i Cosi �1.450 000 � ; : ; � i P_E. 5{� b� , SQ � t j � �S7RATrORi3 RD_1VE RECOi�SIRUCTidN � � � � �` ` ; ; � 07 1�90 : i ; 1Qfl4 � 30 �Rd_t3o.: 94025-9&-NEta20-�tE � 01 � P � 4.Q4 � P,T � ��DO � ( �Ffom: MP 13_24 30: Ma 7724 � � � i ; i � � � ; �6rac+s,i3rain,Surtace{SS3}, Finistre-cf Wt�+its=34 F:. t i '!050 a To+.alPro"ectCosf 31050,Q�0 + ! ' dTAL5 945D 1050 Report Da[a:duy 25.2D05 SVCRegion Fi�LF;T{B;CRAB;AiPO;Pta:utii�4:PiJD:in Dists,Tel.Cos. v.5.6-Supasedes prev edifio Page7of11 Six Year Transpcartataon l�pr�v�ment 8�rogram � � � Frorn 2015 to 2U2� , w agency Grant Counfij ---- i.o.No.: 'i 3 Co.Name: �CdR#C4t3ii41y Fiearing Date: July 2?,20'14 Adoption Date: Ciiy No. -- MPQ/R7PQ: {�uat�c0 Amend Date: Reso4u5on No.: 20t4 -CC � �Project idenFfica�an g � � Projeci Casts in Thousands of Do�4ars Federalfy Funded ! i c I � � � � Fund 5ource irformation �P��diture Schedute (Local projects Oniy � ; T l A Federai Aid No. B. 6ridga Na a;�' � rn g y A3Qn�Y) o m=�9� C. Project Tif�e �m v� .��_.i � � L°y s Fedeta!Fundin i �� ° `��—°�� o�' �{ � � � °- • � � v�b z� D. S�ee;IRoad Name of Number �Q�� m� o $ _ � Fhas2 �ederaf Federai Sfzte ' Envit 3 Required � � E. Beginnino MP or road-Ending MP or road �� � ? �" � � Q Stad Fund Cost by Fund Stats Loca( Fof�1 1�t� 2nd j 3rd���6� �Vpe � 4 mh'Y7 } ] � � � �. Describe Work to be Done 3 ' i mrrddr#! } CodQ Pha&e Source Funds Funds Funes 3 � q � 1 ` 2 � 3 t 4 � 5 f 6 7 8 9 3D 13 '12 �3 14 '[5 1S 1l 98y 99 20 2t � ; ; � i I P.E 35 35 i : � 35 � � sSTf�ATFORD RD.NE RECONSTRUCTIO{V g � ''s f RMr ' ° ° _ = i i i �7 � �fZd.No.: 94425-20-i3Eto SNSFXX Vng � � t � CN 65G 6b0 � � : 880 i ; 31 g � Gi � P 3_04 i P,s , . , � � �From: MF 9724 To: MP 2�.28 $ ? t ; ; ; ?§ � �Grade,P�rain,Surtace{BST}; Finished Wdth=34 FL � ; � � s 1 -Tatal Pra ect Cast �585 040 i # = OTALS 685 885 885 = F ; � 7 J � P.E. 26 20 i ; i 2� � � I12-NE F2D.1?ECOi�iSTf2i1CTION � � � RJW ; : : � �8 E � � � � ' C� 200 2�J0 ' � " 200 i Rd.�o.: 94030-M-NE to Easy end of SriBge�t58 � : p 32 i 01 P 0.77 P,T � ; � �From: f++tP s2a ro: MP 9.t�i � � � � s ' ? i � �Grade,Drain,SurFace(BSTj; Finished Widih=34�t � ; � ° s � � Taia!Pro"ect Cos: S22a 040 � 1 � OFALS 22t3 220 "s i 22Q � € � � � P.E. 30 3Q � 3 : 3Ct { � �AS FRdNTAGE RD RECONSTRUCTiON � � � €�{ RAN i i i � �8 � �Rd.No.= 43520-O-NE to Moses Lake City L'smits ` � i f CN &50 8�0 � � � 650 � � 3.3 € $ 01 P � 2.75 � P,T � . ; 7 ; �From: MP 99.17 To: MF'33.s2 ' j } � � ; ; � � �Grade,E3rain,Surface{BST); Firashed Wid#h=34 F� � � � { s ! ` �Totat Pro eet Cast �680 000 ! � - � OTALS 68(? 680 ? 680 r � �STP(R}-G132 i � PE 56 9 65 � ; ; S5 � €5-NWlU-NW RDS{WHITE TRA1L RQ)OVERlAY � € � � W = �� o �Rd.No._ 33010-SR 281 fo SR 26 � � � GN 2294 358 2852 � � i 2fi�,2 � Nfl � 34 � Q; � P � 8_84 P,T i i � CE �F[om: MP 34.fl7 TO: MP 22.91 � � � � i i i j p �NMA O�eriay(2"}; Finisfied Wid�=34 Ft � � � � � �Tota1 Pro=ect Cost S 717 ODJ 1 � �7 ? OTALS STf'�R 235II 387 27t7 2717 � � } � � 1 � PE 2� 20 3 : i 2� } lRPIDftEWSSTSfQEWALK � � i � V�! i } ] i7 ?Rd_No.:45020-22nd ta 30th � 3 i � CN 200 20D , . ; 200 � 35 i '!2 { P 0_65 j P,T ! S ' �9 �Frorrs: NIP d_D6 To: MP D_o5 � < � i 5fl°l� 50°t � ; ; � ; jDrain,C&G,Conc.SidevvaiK(both sides},F�amps; FL�7=8 Ff � � � � PORT PATNS& ' � € ITotai Pro ect Cost S220 000 � � � i OTALS OF ML TRAILS 220 220 � 22Q Repor:Dnte:.lu[y 25,2006 NCRegion H&iP;TlB;CRAB;rT�'PO;Planning;PUB;irr Dists;TsE Ca._ v.5.8-Supasedes prev.editio Page 8 af 11 -_ i- i .,� Si�e Year Transportation lmprovem�nt�'rc���am � � From 2Q'15 te� 2Q2�J ', w Agency_ GC3T1��Oitl3i7f Hearing IIate: 3uly 22,20'1fi Adopt'son Date_ Co.NQ_: 13 Ca_N2rne: Gl'2T1�COUii�y Resoi�rion Na.: 20�4 -GC CTty Na. --- MPQIRTPO: Q13atfC0 Amend Date: ; Project Cos#s in 1'housands of Dotfars Federatfy Funded ' �Arojeci Iden�i�icatian � � = Expenditut2 SchedufE (i.aca{ Projects Oniy � � � A. FederatRid No. B. Bridge Ido. � a } = � ai ru Fund Source infiarmafion Agan�Y) c �a�, ���'i �� m ° t Federa4 Fundsn � fl °Jn •-a! C. Ptoject Tt#te �� m c �� � :7 � ��°£� Q�? `� c� � w � Phase Federat Fede21 Staie i } Envir �Required a-� D. Streef;Road N2me of Number ; ;4ih thru o � m tsf� 2nd� 3rd� TYE� _ Date L � Z! E. Beginninr MP or mad-Ending MP or road j� � 1 t- � � "o StaCt Fund Cast by Fand StaYe Laczl T�tai � � z otn i (mm�YY) � � F_ Descnbs Work to 6e Dona ? � � � a mrsVdd/ Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds � '• # 7 2 � 3 � 4 ? 5 6 7 8 9 10 'li 32 '13 94 15 18 ?7 1& 13 20 2'I � � � � { p� 85 't0 95 j � ; °5 i � � $ � � � � RNI i j } � �U-SE;�tFl.&S12IDC�E�,#2D1 : : . � 1538 171 1708 1709 � t�7 � 36 j Rd.Na.: �2D35-92SE to Warden City Limiis � 03 P ; 3 28 � F,T �� i j % - 3 � ?From: NSP O.D� To:MP 3.28 ' 09 � a � ; ? : � F � �Grade,Drain,Surf(HMA),8r RepC; Fit�ished�dth=34 Ft. � � � , .�8a� � lTofal Pro ect Cost 51 804 000 � a a OTALS RAP 9 623 't 81 9 804 ? ? ' � � � a PE 90 16 900 10fl � 1 � ; ; : : ' � � RW 3 � �4NE RL7. a � • ? � � a � 1103 323 4225 � j '�6 ' 07 37 �Rd.Nn.: 93flfl4-Hiawatha io V�lestshore Dr. � D3 � P j 4.42 � P;T C� : ; : ` t § i ' � : � �From: MP 5_03 To:MP 9.45 � � � � �Giade,Dr�in,Suf,(BS'�; Finished Wd�=34 Ft. � � � #Tota�3'roectCosf�9 82&.000 l � OTALS RP.° 11J3 133 1328 i326 { i � � 3 PE 7S 9 $5 � ` f $5 i � � � �� i { � i e �4iVE E2Q. � � • � 48 � 3S �Rd.No.: 42S�tI-N-DiE to L-NE 91 G 1 fl2 1 D21 = i ' 1 Q27 j � Q3 � P I 2.01 � F,T Ct�t r From: i1rSP 0_00 To:MP 2.01 � a � � F � � � � i i Grade,Drain,Surf(NMA}; Fnished Wid�=S4 Ft # } � + � A 3 � � OTA�S RAP 995 111 9906 � 1t06 To t a l Proi e c t Co s t$1 10 6 OaG , E 3 � 75 � � � � pE 87 8 75 ; ; � 3 � � ? � RW ' f 9-NW ftD. i � f E : � ! i CN 882 296 37& i : i 978 � 48 [. 39 {�Rd_No.: 3QZ�0-4uirscy City Umits to Adams Rd- i 03 � P � 3.51 ° P,i : ' tFmm: MP 4_47 To:(vtP 7.98 � � 3 i � !3 � � # � �Grada,Drain.8e�r�{BS�; Finished Width=34�t. � � � t # � OTRLS RAP 748 304 'l053 � �053 TQtaS PrD�t Cc�s;51.053.DOa ; i � EJSi. � � � � Pe 72 8 $� ; � y $fl : � � fl-NE RD_ � � � g RW : ; � � Rd.t�o.: 432�0-N.Franfa e Rd.fo 3-NE � � CN 678 634 ?312 � � : 1312 07 : 4� 9 � 03 j P � 2.53 � F,T : : _ � r From Ni�Q_'10 To�MP 2_53 t � 3 : : ! � Grade,Drain.Sur"s{S�iUl.4): Finisned Wsd�r=34 Ft. � � � � � � ? Totai Pra ed Cost�1 3S2 000 � � � � OiALS I2AP 750 &42 i392 i ; 1392 � Repo�Date:July 25,2DD6 t�tCRegson H8d..P:71B;GRAB;fZi'PO;PSannisig;PllII,irc Oists;Tet Cos. v.�.6-Supasedes gre+r edstic Page 3 of�1 Six Year 3�-anspQ�#ation ��npravemen# Pragr�� j °°; Fram 2fl9 5 �t� 202t� � w Agency: Gldrit Coitnty '--- Ca No.: 13 Co_Narne: Gi�n$COttt7'ty Hearing Da'te: .}vty 22,2014 AdopSon Date: C�iy P3o. --- N�POfRTPO: QuaCl�a Amend Date: Resolution No._ 2014 -CC �Pro}ect tden5ficafian � � s Pmject Costs in Thnusands af Doitars Federatty Funded Expenditure Schedu{e (tocat Pmjects Oniy ,� u, F�nd Source In�nr.mafion Agencyj ° A Eederai Aid i�o. B. Bridge Nn. � � n, � �; � � .°�� C' Aroject 15�Ie �6�� �9 � � T Q Federa!fundin � � � � � 1 — � Phase F�eral Fedsrai State � 3 Envic Required � � �Z� D. S�eeL'RoadNarneo#Number IQi—� �� = . 1st 2nd` 3rd�4���' �YPe � Date � E. Beginning NSP or road-Encfing MP or road t£ � r � � Q Start Fund Cost by Eund 6tate Locai Totai � t 6{h � �m��yy� 3 �� � � � I 1 i I � E_ Describe 1Nork io be Bone p mmtddl Code Phase Source �unds Funds Eunds ,� ; 2 � g � 4 : 5 i � � 7 $ � �� '!1 �2 13 14 '!5 16 17 18 +9 24 2'1 � � Y � �� �� ;5 � } 3 95 � � �7 � ° 's R/VV 1 ! ! ' i MAPiE DR NE � � � � � i P� ; Q3 � P 0.7., � P,T 30C 260 500 ' SOd ; 47 � I ftd.No.: 42SQt5-Stratford ta Gr2 � � •'.° i { ; i 1j� ; i S � � CR=�50 ' � ` 1 € From: MP 0.00 T4: MF Q.75 ; i §� �Grade,Drain,Surface{8S3},C8�G,SW&',HMA PaLh 1�';FW=a4 F ` � ; P&T=S15D ° ( � � � � � OTALS Sf2TS 300 2i5 5'IS 815 ? _ �To#ai Pro'ect Cost �515 QOQ a e ° ; ; c � Jotnf w.f#N�sorr Crsek 7?8� x � � P.E. 1 D i fl : : : 10 � � �WSLSQt3 CREEiCTRUCK SYPASS(42-3SE} � � � � � ' ? ; i 75 75 �� � Rd.No._ n/a-4th St to 30D'E of 6th Si. � a3 � p � Q_�5 � p,�- � 'r i i D9 � 42 � : � s : ; � � �From: MP 0.00 Ta: MP fl25 4 � � r i i � F � 3 � i . I ; �Grada,Drain,Suriace(BST}: Fir.ished Widih=34�t � ' � ; _ : j 3 Tota1 Pra ect Cost S85 000 } � OTAIS 85 85 �� s � ` {2C3i8 9t3veJ ftf SST P[ESgratlTj� } ; � 4'E 30 36 ; 5 ; 30 � ; � i � �28 SW f2B Pn�Y��1 � 3 ° W = d : � � 63Q 63Q 830 D7 � � �Rd.No.?029Q-O SW to R SVkr 3 � � � : i ; ° $ 03 ( S t 3.Ot � A,T �From- MF 3_01 To:MP 6.02 � � � � • a i � � �6rads,Drain.SurFace(BST}; Finished Wid�=28 Ft � i � Gravei S � io BST 6S0 66Q � � �� 3 Tottai Prti ect Cost u664 0a4 OTALS ; 's 12 � i � a ��0�8�ra�,er¢ca�3s3'Arayraml� � j � � ,� �z : i : i � �BASEL!N�.S S�Rf# Pti�idy i3� # � � � 210 210 i i i 21� � 08 � � �Rd.No.22'100-N SE ta G S� � 03 } S ; �.6'1 ` P,T N ? i ? � � Feom: MP i.D7 i a�+1?2.02 � ! i � # i ! � �Grade.Drzin,St�rFace(BS"t�; �inished V+fidth=26 Ft i � � � �ravet 3 i � �Total Proiect Cast �2 2 2.Q�Q � . O T A L S to BST 222 222 ; 222 F � ; � g 27 3 30 � 3 ; 34 � 3 � i �GRAPcDR.I1IE FFC`iC�42flF„(f'..5.FL£��C�� Q� � �€ EN • � • � � ` i i �7 Rd_No.: 423501NM1-SR 17 to Loring Dr.NE � 405 45 459 j j � `�II � 45 � ; 07 � P � 1.00 � P,T �� . � 08 � From: iNPi3_�o �a: MP'f.0a i 12 � F ' i � � ; � � Grade,IIrai�,Susf(HM?.4"-Lwo tifls),G&�,S�IV;�in_Wid.=3G fli. � '- � � ; �Totai Pro ect Cost �4&a 000 � : � OTALS TfA 432 48 4S0 ��� Report Daie:Jury 25,2006 NCS2egion H<':TlB;CRA&:!�'PQ:Pianning;PUO;trr Dists:TeL Coa v S_6-Supasedes prev edifio Page�3t3 0#99 � x Six Year'f rans�Qrta�io� improvement Pragram , � Fro� 2#31�to 2fl2t3 � a ayen�y: Grant Caunty Ca.No.: 93 Co.Name: Gtdi]�C6Ut1'Ey Hearing Date: Juiy 22,2814 Adop�on Date: City No_ --- MPOIRTPO: L�u3C1C0 Asnend Da#s: EZesatution N4.: 2Q14 -GG _ §Project tdentifit�tion F# ° � Projeet Costs 7n Thousands of DolEars Federally Funded i § i � � � y Fund Source Information Fxperditur A9�ed}le {Loca1 pro�ects pnfy � A. Federa(Aid No. S- Sridge No. I m�# ° a� -` .°7n f 3 ' m�� �� � i v � Federai Fundi � Q ��-Q�( C_ Projact Tf�e �� Q� � { .s o.. i � ���; ° >.� ri� 1 m � y � Phase Federal Federal State I ; Envir Required � v 3 Q Z� D. StreeURoad Name o#IVUmber = 1st1 2nd� 3rd�4ti�thri: TYPe Date 1 E. Seginning MP or rnad-Fndia�NtP Qr road ���i � � � _ � Start Fund Cast by �und Stafe Loca{ To�i ; � � 6tn {m�yyy? � � F. Bescribe Work ta be Dona i i a mmldd. Code Phase Source Funds ! Funds Funds � � 1 2 � 3 �} 4 # S , 6 � 7 8 9 �a '!1 12 13 44 i5 18 '17 i8. 99 20 21 � �NA i 1NASH1NCz3�ON SLVD d02it�WLE�ht2�2&C3££Y@.j'3(Y..0 3 � ( � � 45 5 50 : $ i 50 � 1 � f , y � �� 50 5 55 �S � �Rd.Nfl.: 37S�O/New13775QINaw-SE?282 fo SfZ 28 � 0� � s � ? ; ' ( � 9'�� i46 100D ia00 � 17 1 1.431'1.6Dt0.00/0_ To: MP'i.fi�12.'lOf6.49f0_47` 03 $ x : ' ; � 46 � -- � 04 � P � 12S � P.T s � iGrade,Drain,Suf_(fiMA},C&G,Raiiraad Xing&Slgnal; 12 � � j ; � # € !Channelization,S#ree#tights; Finistved Wrdth=52 GL [ g � [ e i 1105 � i € OTA?S T(A °85 1'10 1705 % �Toiai Pro eci Cosi 5?.905 000 z ; : : ! � � E 12 3 'I S 3 t � 'i 5 � � � � � �VANTAGE RD_SW I��'��I�I � 8Q 300 � ' � 5 '� W �g i Rd.No: 30520-Coiumhia River Gargs 3 $ � � 244 i ; ; �� �� �� � 47 � � 92 � P � 3.75 # P,f s � �From: NSP 0.10 To: NtF 3.85 � � � : % ` � a f �Guardrai[,Minor V�ldening,Drinage. Finish�d Width=28 R � � � - ( � `Toial Proiect Cos# 3375.000 � = dTRLS STP S 252 63 315 395 1�E a 1s 1& � �BROS-2�13 SridgeNo_� 08T�28DD y � � � 92 : : _ � 3 g i t i F j SR}DGE#313,E SE � ; ';- � �� : : : � 09 d 3 � M 192 28 940 , : : 140 �� Na # 4$ �Rd.No.: 20790-4_D1 mi S at 14_&SE � 09 � P ' 021 � P,T � i i i � rFrom: MP 1.35 Ta: i47P'i.36 j � � � 11 �8ridge Reptacer�ent-3b!f:apgroaches; Fin Vltrdt3t=Z8 Ft � � � � OM € f � � OTALS $R 124 32 156 � � � t56 ; ToYat Pro Gasi �956 QOD � ' ; ; i 2g � Sridge i�€o.: 0789Cit100 � 3 °E 22 6 28 I } � � � r � $RiDGE#382,H NW � � � � 3p¢ 7& 376 ; i i 376 f a8 � 43 �Rd.No.: 3043�-d.40 mi N of SR 2$ � p9 � , 0.21 P,T s s s t � From: INP 2.17 To: liR€'2.39 � � j � ! S � � � �� � i i Bridge Replacemeni-94!i,approaches; rm.�dt1z=28 Ft � ; # 404 1Tota1 Pro�ect Cosi �404�fl0 � iQTALS RAP 322 82 404 ; { � � � firidge Na.: 08415460 $ � ; � � 6 6 : � , 6 t � t�r � i �3AfDGE#353,R-f+I1NatNfRRTlNRD �j�' � Ii � aY i i 09 � 50 88 88 � 7 : 88 � j Rd.No.: 30330/93025-O.Q1 mi tV of MacS.z � fl9 � P } Q-21 P>T � � a � From: MP 0_�il4_93 To: 4iff'0.1212.03 � � � ' ' i � � ON � € Bridge Replacerr�en�22}f,approaches; Fia�1€��th=28 Ft € ` � � Tatal Pra ect Cast �94 Q00 ` QTRLS 94 94 94 Report Date:Jufy 25,200G NCRegion N&LR;TfB;CRAB;F�1"P�;Fiannir�q;PUd,trr Dists;Tel.Cos. v_5 6-Supasedes prev edi#fo Page 9't of 94 ------ Six Year Tra�s�o�a�ora tmprovemer�� P�-ogram � � � � Frora� 20'15 tt� 2t�2t� � �' agenev- Grant Caunty Ca.i�tame: G�'21'i�Gl7Lt�I�J �tearing Date: .3u1y 22,2�'14 AdopBon Date: Co.iVo.: '13 Amend�ate: Resalutian No_: Zfl14- -CC Ciiy No. -__ MPO/F27P0: �U1{1C0 Federaffy Funded f s ProjecY Costs in Thousands of Doliars Project ldentification � t ; E�ependifvre Seheriule (locaS �rojeCts Onty � ; � a �n Fund Source fniorma�on Ager+cy7 � i A. Federai Aid No. B. 8ridge No_ � m N� N€ c £ o � � o N `9� C. Projed Tdle �>a� � � � � c� � Fecieral Fundin s � � ��a�� o >.� �� � � �-, Phase Fetlerai Federal Sta#e s # � Essvic ;Raquired � c�#Q,z� D. StreetlRoad Narne at Number �n E'� � ° � ._ � 1 s#� 2nd 3 3rd 3 4th thru TYPe : Date 1� t— � � o S#art Eund Cost by Eund Siate Local Toiai � � � 6ih i �mnyyy� � ; E Beginning MF ar raad-Endirg M?or road :— s ; ; � � � g � � mrnlddf 7 Gode Phase Source Fumds Funds Funds � F. Describe�Nark fo be flone . � � 2 � 3 � 4 3 5 i � ; 7 8 9 10 11 �2 13 14 95 iS �7 1$ i9 20 � 21 p � ; �£ 2D 20 I s i= f (PoltOfMOSeStakEfunds)� 33 ; i : 2� � j �Y1cConihe Rd NE{West Aceess for Fort of M.L} � � 1 � RiN I ; � I � G� 96G 960 464 ; 09 I # ' ? } ' 2 � �.� i Rd.Na.: NEW-SR 17 to Aart of t�loses Lake � 01 � P o.s5 � P,T ; ; � � P To: MP 0.85 s € � � �From: t�h. 0.00 i t � Port af � �Grade,�7rain,Surface tBST}, Finished V�idth=28 FL � i ' Moses Lk 18Q 180 180 j i y � � OTALS sTota3ProectCost 5i80.E?OQ `dena#es ca�ryover for ST3P TDTALS 101.74 13135 914t}.25 18783 4 i Q58 6364 6389 4186 23?35 Repori Date,Juty 25.20t� NCRegion N&LP;TlB;CRAB,ftl"PO;Flanning;?Ufl;is�Dists;Tek.Gos. v.5_&-Supgsedes preu sditio : � BC�AR� UF CQUNTY COMNINSSI(Jt�ER� �_�� ��:���g Grant County, Washington `�';>�s s . ., i �. ,� �'. '�i IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING A CpMP12E�XENSIVE SIX YF.AR ��gp�,UTION Na. 14-4�'�f CC T�2ANSPORTAT'ION IMPROV�M�NT PRUGRAM F�JTZ THE 1'EARS Zp15-2020 WN�RL��1 S,pursuant to the x�eq�uremonts of Sectia�l6, Ghapfier 83,T.,aws oF Extraordiil�ry Sessioiy af tho State of Wasl7ington, Grairt Caiuity did prepare a Co�npt�ehensiva TransporCat'ron Improvernent Program for the ensuing six years; �nd WFiEREAS, priority aeray of projects prepared in aecordance with Cox►zlty Road Ad�ninistration Boacd Standards of Goad I'ractice (WAC 136�1.4) was inade available ai�d was consulted by tl�e Do�rd duriug the prap�ration of the Si�Year Progran�; and WI��R�AS, the Engineei's repoi�t with respect to de�cient bridges was avlilable ta the Boa�'�l�lli•ing the preparatinn of tlte Six Year Pi•ogratn;attd . WHER�AS, an environmental pz•e-assessir�ent of th� Six Year Prograrn indicated that the social,ecpnozr�ic and aesthetic values would r�ot be disturbed; and WHEREAS, pursuant fur•ther to said Law,the Board af Coanty Carnmissioa�ers, being the legistative body ofthe County,did prepars,ravise anci extend said Six Year Prog��ain and did hold a pubtic he�ring on said Coxnprehens3ve Plan at 2:00 p.m. at the Grat�t Cnunty Couz�thatrse,Ephrata,WasUingtoia on the 27"�day of July,2U 14. NOW, TI-TERGFORE B� IT RT;SOL,VED by the Boaed of County Commissioners of Grant Caunty, Washington, thnt th� Comprehensive Six Year Roaci Prograan pcesented at the public laeai•�t�g be amended as shawn, ��FECTIVE DATE: � �� , 2014. DAT�D this ��� day of ���--, 2014. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY,WASHINCTON Yea I�1ay Abstain � � ❑ ❑ 1;�����/L'..���.�'/��GL.. C resta 5wart ,C ir y � � � ' harct teven Vic Tlzair � ❑ ❑ Cindy C� r,Meinber � ATT� 'T'; , � Clerk of e B �d - �', Page 8m�', � I I Page t of i �, � � y � � a Six Ysar'�rans�ortat�on irrt�rov��ner�t Pragram ' --- Fram 2�'t5 to 2t32� t�qe�.y: GPdrt$GOURt�/ co.�ao: 93 cQ_n�e: Grant Caunfy HearingBate �uryzz,2nu waop�ion aace: .rwvzz,zo,4 City No. -'- MPGIR"EPO: QUatSCO AiFt�td ET2f8: Augu�'l9.2674 Resolution No_: 14-Q39-CC f Projed'lden�cation f� ! i L I� ProjeG CosYs in Thowsands of DWfars Fede2lYy Exoend�cse Schedvle � �m A Fedetat Aid No. B. Bridge Pta. �m � �m �� W Fund Source Infortnation ��} Funded Frojeds i£w m c —° --s C. Pa'ojed Titte ;��� j ��j a Federat Fundin (Loca1 R n ' l2NV � c�c Z � D. StreeYlRoad Name of Number i 9�y m ,� � Phase F�eral Federai SFate ; ; ; 4th Ernir�Required u- F ` E Beginning MP ar road-Ending MP or road �� , 3 F '� o Start Fund Cost by Fw�d Sta�e Locai iota# 1s:; 2nd j 3rd i thru Type� Date r � E. Describe Woric to be Docte — I � �. mmJddt Code Phase Source Fvncs Fimds Eunds 6th i(mm/yy} '[ I 2 ( 3 I 4 �� 5� 6 � 7 8 9 'tQ 11 42 i3 14 t� 18� 17� t8� 'f8 20 2? � { PE 2Q B 26 261 I �&7RATFORDRD.SIDEVJALK {2015TTBFrtndirtgReque�j? ' 4 � RW � I 07 � 11 I Rd.No.: 34025-SR'17�c.to Maple�r. �.roinc i mases wc�.craM��avuro�Q7 i P t 0.61 i p�j CN 263 88 351 359; IFrom: MF 0.89 To: MP 1.SD i ; t ': Conc Sidewatk,ADA Ramps;Crosswat(6,Signs;Fn.Wcdih 5-6 R ; G � j �Tota!Pro'ed Cost �377.000 ; ' QTALS TIB 283 9� 377 � 377% ' 377 �OT Fortn'140.D49 Rev.9795 DisN-6ution:2 TransAid;TtB;CRAH;Ri'PD;PiannSng;PU�;!r[igafron Disficts;Telephone Compar,i