HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 13-049-CC (002) 1 I ,�,�pend�x 34�.54 l3ridg�� Pr�g�ar�r �l��r�g��r Ag►r��rrr�rrt AG�NCY �7rc�.'$ �pwrti� AC�NCYNO.--��----------_ hi acoor•dance with'TiC(e 23,Code of'Fecieral Re�;ulations,Fai•t 650-i3ridges, St�'UCtllCOS,and Hydraulics,Subpart C;—The National St•idge Inspectian Stlndards(NBIS)tlie Washington State Department of Transpartr�tion(WSX�qT')in its r�ole as the Washin�;to�� State Bridge l.nspeetion Organization is responsible to inspect,or to cause to be i��spected,all highw�y bridges located on public roads that are Pu11y or partia.11y within the State's battndaries,exce��t for bridges owned by Federal agencies.TZ�e NBIS contains pravisions to allow delegation of bridge program{unctions identified in �(50.307(c)(2). , The inciividual in cha��ge of the brid�;e p�•ogram as defined in the NBIS is tl7c Bcidge Pro�;ram Manager, ' The over�ll Program Manager for l,ocal A�;ency owned bridges in WasliingCon St1te is tl�e WSDOT ' I,ocal A4,;eucy Brid�;e Er�gineer.Tlte lndividual deleg�tcd 1?�•ograa7l Manage��status within an age�zcy ' znd deemed in charge of the ngency F3ridge Prograni ior that agency is the Ageucy Bridge Program Manager,While dele��tion of Pro�;rs�m Manager is allawed,such dele�ation does not relieve WSCIOT of any of its responsibilities under the NB1S. Age;ncy Bridge Pro�rem Manager statns is assigned to a specific qualified iudividual within a speoiiic ' a�;enc�.�1ny ck�ange of entployment of the Agency Bridge.Program Mar�ager requires re-delegatian by the WSDOT Lac�tl A�;ency Bridge.En�ineer of Bridge Pragra�li Mar�ager status ta�nothei•quali�ed persoxi within that specifle agency, A qualiiied person within a Locai ngency who accepts E3ridge Pra�ra�n Manager status agrees Co: • Adl�ere lo the Washington Stccte Bridge Inspection Manual M 3G-64 and all policies and procedures p�•oiY1G�l�G�ted l7y tl�e Washin�tc�n State Department of Transportation(W SDO7')wJliah accomplish tl�e policias ai�d ol7,jectives set forth in NBIS. e Peovide overall leadersliip and be available to th�inspeation tea�aY leadees to px�c�vicie�;uidance. • Supervise or�covide Brid;e P�-ogram quality control to enstn�e that tlle t�ec�uirements ofthe NBCS ' are inet,This includes review of ins�ection reports and ap�roval ot'the Teai��Leaders worl<, ' overseeing brid�;e inspection schedules,ex�suring that a(1 analysis,reporting,ttnd inventory requiremeuts are�net,�nd critical defieiencies are addressed in a Cimely manner. SupporC stafi' may be Private Consultant or State Services, The qualified�erson within a Local Agency who accepts I3rid�e Program Maua�;er Status: �e��'£ 1 hc�e,� �� �- ,_ __�..._._--���_b-e--.�.---_..__...._...__...�..____.___._�.�_._. , ___._...--�-�----.._...�_---......._.,.._�...____-_---._..__p_�.� , Bridgc Pro�,rnm Mai��t�;er(Naitae} v T�rid�e Inspectc�r Cert.No. I ; ---- -_ _ _ _________, ___���?'_��._______.._____.__�-.�.------- Maypr or '1 irm�tn Date WASII.I.NGTON STATC D�PAE2TM�NT OP TRANSP()RTATI.ON Approved F3y; L%G� � � � l.°� �cJ 1'� E-Ii�;hways and Lacal Pro�r�ms +� L7ate�--_—. �.__�_..._ �;ngitieering Services Mana�;er �'age 3�4-16 WS�t�7"Local.4gency Guidelines �l 36-63,21 June 2013