Ari Ordinance relating to the amendments of the Unified Development
Code as follows:
Chapter 23.12.100, 22.04.310 and 22.04.360 - Road Standards
Chapter 23.04, Table 4- Mining & Mineral Extraction
Chapter 23.08.020 � Accessory Uses and Structures (d)
Chapter 23.12.040 � General Development Standards in Urban Growth Area.
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County intends to comply
fully with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, and;
W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Growth
Management Act compliant Comprehensive Land Use Plan in September of 1999, and;
WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Cominissioners of Grant County adopted a Unified
Development Code implementing the Comprehensive Plan on October 1, 2000, and;
WHEitEAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Action'9
provides a process for amending the Code, and;
WHEREAS, the Grant Count Planning Department initiated an arnendment, under
Chapter 25.12 to the Unified Development Cade by amending several sections as outlined in
Attachment 1, and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Comiriissioners of Grant County have been advised by
the Grant County Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on
February 2, 2011, on the matter of amending the Grant County Unified Development Code, and;
WHEREAS, on Februaiy 2, 2011 the Grant County Planning Commission voted
unanimously to recornmend to the Board of County Comxnissioners, approval o£the UDC
Amendment requests with one recommended change and;
WIIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County held an open record
public hearing on March 7, 201 l, and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Cormnissioners have been advised. by the Grant
County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance
with the requirements of UDC Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Action"; and,
An ordinance relating to amendments of the
Uiufed Development Code §23.12.100, 22.04.310,
22,04,360, 23,04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12,040
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant
County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance
with the requirements of UDC Chapter 24.04 "State Environmental Policy Act"; and,
WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is
consistent with the Gz°ant County Comprehensive Plan; and,
WI�I�AS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that, the LJDC Amen.dments
will serve the public use and interest.
NOW, THEREFOI2E, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County does
hereby ordain amendi�g the Grant County Unified Development Code, Chapters 23.12.100,
22.04.310, 22.04.360; Chapter 23.04 —'Table 4; Chapter 23.08.020; and Chapter 23.12.040 as
outlined in Attachment # 1.
BE IT FLTR'TI3ER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinance sha11 be 5 p.me of
the date of signature.
PASS�D AND ADOPTED this �'_ day of ., 2011.
�'� � ❑ ��'.� � �.�
Carolann Swa�tz, Ghaix �
� ❑ � Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair ^
�P �
�� ❑ � Cind C er Member
Y �
Constituting tlie Board of Coanty Commiss►oners of Grant County, Wasliington
�rrACHnnENT #a.
23012.100 Road Standards
(a) Roads shall conform with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, GCC § 24.12, GCC § 22.04.360 ,
and the adopted County Road Standards and shall provide for the following:
(1) Roads shall comply with adopted County Road Standards;
(2) Subdivisions shall be served by one or more public and/or private roads providing ingress and
egress to and from the subdivision;
(3) Public roads shall be dedicated to the County in accordance with GCC § 22.04.390;
(4) Safe wallcing conditions for schoolchildren: In cases where a school is located vvithin a quarter
mile of a land division, where it is likely that children will walk to school, safe walkways
between the subdivision and the school may be required; and
(5) If access is proposed off of a state highway, a state access permit shall be obtained by the
applicant. Such permit shall be submitted with the preliminary su.bdivision application,
(b) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be
established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC § 10.36.
(c) A traffic impact study based on the most current edition of the Highway Capacity Manual shall be
performed for any proposed development that will result in an increase of one hundred (100) or more
trips per day onto a County Road. For such proposed land uses inside an Urban Growth Area or Rural
Activity Center, all intersections involving an arterial or collector road that may be affected by the
proposed land use shall be included in the study. The number of trips to be generated shall be
determined using the most current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip
Generation Manual.
(d) The applicant bears the responsibility of private road improvements necessary to meet the County
Private Road Standards. The County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads,
including snow removal, nor shall such roads be accepted as County roads until such improvements
as are necessary are made to bring them to current Grant County standards.
22.04.310 General Standards
(a) Proposed subdivision shall conform to the Grant County Comprehensive Plan.
(b) Construction of improvements shall, at a minimum, conform to the following:
(1) Roads, bridges, drains, culverts and related structures and facilities shall be constructed in
accordance with GCC § 22.04.360, GCC § 23.12.100 and the adopted County Road Standards;
(2) Water supply facilities adequate to provide potable water from a public or community water
supply source to each lot in a subdivision shall be constructed in conformity to standards of the
jurisdictional governmental authority, unless the Grant County Health Ofiicer approves the use
of individual, onsite water supply wells;
(3) Each lot sha11 be provided With a sanitary sewer system connection approved by the
jurisdictional governmental authority, unless the Gr�int County Health Ofiicer. approves the use
of individual, onsite septic systems and drainfields;
(4) Monuments shall be placed as required by relevant regulations;
(5) Service mains and fire hydrants shall be installed in conformance with relevant regulations.
Attachment #1 P a g e � 1
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23.12.100, 22.04.310, 22,04.360, 23,04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23,12.040
(e) All construction and site development activities related to land division are prohibited until (1) the
preliminary subdivision is approved, and (2) engineering plans are approved which are based on the
approved. preliminary subdivision, and (3) a grading and. excavation permit is issued by the
Department of Community Development.
22.04.360 Road Standards
(a) Roads shall conform with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, GCC § 24.1.29 GCC § 23.12.100,
and sha11 provide for the following:
(1) Roads shall comply with adopted County Road Standards.
(2) Subdivisions shall be served by one or more public and/or private roads providing ingress and
egress to and from the subdivision;
(3) Roads shall be dedicated to the County in accordance with GCC § 22.04.390;
(4) Dedicated roads shall intersect a county or state road at a minimum of one point;
(5) Road continuity of major streets and arterials that serve property contiguous to the subdivision;
(6) Road continuity to boundaries of tract;
(7) Direct lot access onto County-designated arterials may be restricted;
(8) Adequacy of access: Each lot within a subdivision shall have approved access to a street
conforming to adopted County Road Standards. To assure safe and adequate access, the
Administrative Official:
(A) May limit direct access to certain streets and require on-site public or private streets in lieu
ot' individual driveways;
(B) Shall require off-site improvements to public streets needed to provide access from the
subdivision to a road acceptable to the County Engineer; and
(C) Shall assure that the number of lots to be served. by the road system complies �vith the
adopted County Road Standards;
(9) Safe walking conditions for schoolchildren: In cases where a school is located within a quarter
rnile of a land division, where it is lilcely that children will walk to school, safe walkways
between the subdivision and the school m�y be required; and
(10) If access is proposed off of a state highway, a state access permit shall be obtained by the
applicant. Such permit shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivision. application.
(b) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be
established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC § 10.36.
(c) The subdivider bears the responsibility for road improvements necessary to meet the County Road
Standards. Any plat approved with private roads shall include the %llowing statement on the face of
the plat: "The County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, including snow
removal, nor shall such roads be accepted as County roads until such improvements as are necassary
are made to bring them to current Grant County standards."
Attachment#1 P a g e � 2
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23,12.100, 22.04.310, 22.04.360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12,040
UDC 23. 04 Table 4
Allowable Land Uses for Rural Lc�ncls, Special and Overlay Districts, & Resource Lcznds Zoning Districtsl'2'3,4,s
Zoning Districtb
Rural Lands SpeciallOverlay Districts
Land Use
� � � p" � a O � � � o �
� � � �
Agriculturally-Related Industrial Uses P P P
Light Industrial Uses P P P
Light Manufacturing P P P
Mining & Mineral Extraction$ C� C33 C
Mineral Processing Accessory to P P P
Extraction Operations8
Outdoor Storage Yards P P P
Reclamation of Mineral Extraction Sites D D D
Recycling Center P P P
Slaughter, Packing & Rendering P P P
Storage & Treatment of Sewage Sludge P P P
and Septage
Onsite Storage & Treatment of P P P
Hazardous or Dangerous Waste
Veterinary Clinic, Hospital C C C
Warehouse Facilities P P P
Wholesale Distribution Outlet P P P
Wrecking & Salvage Yards, Automobile P P P
Un-named Industrial Uses P P P
Oil and Gas Operations3' P 1' P
;.������,�.""`�„��;���� ..=. ��- :.:����4- .�
'� .t -�.<;.�oraax�':v�.5�tw���-.„c�:'��^.=� �:-��'fi^A�.,�.,�„���°��-,��. ��'�s`�`�'-�',.���'�.
Art Galleries & Museums P P P
Assembly Facilities C D D
Colleges and Technical Schools P P P
Detention Facilities P P P
Emergency Service Facilities A A A
County Fairgrounds C P P
Government Offices P P P
Resource Lands
I' F P P P D P"
P P P P P D Pl"
C P C C P C C'
P g P � P C Same as IInderlying c
+au...'�i#J`'�°�+"�r��. _ v , � � �t�,a�� & ' ��:.,�� �',.,�'�`"'��',�' ��,,�',,�,���
� �" .,��.. _ n � �� ��"�.".�^w. ° m :,aw3��'.
P--p --___P� P D P P
P P P P PA P Saxr�e as Underlying p
p p p p p � Zone"'3 p
Attachment#1 P a g e I 3
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23.12.100, 22.04310, 22.04360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12.040
Notes For Tables 3, 4 ancl S:
1. All uses shall be consistent with the pur�ose of the zoning district in which they are proposed to occur and the land use goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. All land uses in
zoning disiricts shall meet the general regulations specified in GCC § 23.04.050 unless otherwise stated therein. All regulations in GCC Title 23 apply to the uses in these tables. To
determine if a particular use or activity may occur in a particular zoning district and location, all relevant regulations must also be consulted in addition to this table.
2. A land use, activiry or development proposed to be located entirely or partly within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of a regulated shoreline is within the jurisdicrion of t11e
Shoreline Master Program shall be subj ect to the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program and the applicable provisions of this Chapter and Table 3.
3. Overlay zoning districts and subarea plans provide policies and regulations in addition to those of the underlying zoning disirict for certain land areas and for uses. For any land use,
activity or development proposed to be Iocated entirely ar partly within an overlay zoning district or within the jurisdiction of a subarea plan, tlie applicable provisions of the overlay
zoning district or subarea plan as specified in GCC § 23.04 Article IV and Article VI shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of the Grant County Code.
4. Categories of Use (See GCC § 23.04.040):
A= Uses allowed outright, subject to applicable development standards specified in GCC § 23.12.
D= Provisional or discretionary use subject to Type II administrative review procedures specified in GCC § 25.04 for compliance with the requirements of applicable
provisions of GCC § 23.08 — Performance and Use Standards and GCC § 23.12 — Development Standards.
C= Conditional use subject to Type III review procedures specified in GCC § 25.04 for compliance with the requirements of GCC § 25_08.060.
P = I'rohibited use.
PA = Plan Amendment; requires an amendment to an adopted Master Plan — see GCC § 23.04.650.
5. The assignment of allowable and prohibited uses may not directly or indirectly preclude the siting of "essential public facilities" as designated in the Comprehensive Plan. See GCC §
6. Zoning District Legend:
Urban Growth Area Zoning Districts:
URl = Urban Residential 1 LTR2 = Urban Residential2 UR3 = Urban Residential3
UR4 = Urban Residential 4 UC1 = Urban Commercial 1 UC2 = Urban Commercial2
iTHI = Urban Heavy Industrial ULI = Urban Light Industrial OSR = Open Space/Recreation �
PF = Public Facility UR = Urban Reserve AP = Grant County International Airport
Rura1 Lands, Resource Lands, and Special and Overlay Zoning Districts:
RRl = Rura1 Residential 1 RR? = Rural Residential2 RR3 = Rural Residential3
RRem= Ruxal Remote RUR = Rural Urban Reserve AG = Agriculture
OSC = Open Space Conservation POS = Public Open Space MRO = Mineral Resource Overlay
ASO = Airport Safety Overlay AO = Aerospace Overlay MPR = Master Planned Resort
MPI = Master Planned Industrial
Rural Activity Center Zoning Districts:
RVR = Rura1 Village Residential R�IC = 1Zura1 Village Commercial RVI = Rural Village Industrial
RC = Rural Communiry ASC = Agricultural Service Center RD = Recreational Development
SD1 = Shoreline Development 4 SD2 = Shoreline Development 2 SD3 = Shoreline Development 3
SD4 = Shoreline Development 4 RGC = Rural General Commercial RNC = Rural Neighborhood Commercial
RFC = Rural Freeway Commercial RHI = Rural Heavy Industrial RLI = Rura1 Light Industrial
RRC = Rural Recreational Commercial
Attachrnent#1 P a g e � 4
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23.12.100, 22.04.310, 22.04.360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12.040
�a9 a�s� ��lwah�'� �� Site
p,nNIP�- �o�siste�
S o� the zes� ated �to a�d 1� 0'i0• �edesigna�'��
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ociated`r�'l t hb � only �� t hCC §�3 �� 6 5 oe § 2 S a e x a t�O� �� �
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9 p �X��pt f�a� cas� �acilitiu�e�ents o eG �o e�thex � a�o�ez�la e�*stinbb'�i1 �a11y ea � s� � Ct t4 oz ��Un� Sub� ��� a
list b e ve e�
ReSlaen t io the �e� � are Sob} �C� S� av �c�ed to � Ses S�eciii ��, aha�e hea� of 11o�s � Zo��� �is�ct�
�� uses Suo � outd°°� eGa�onFaOili C�5 a�d CCFS a a�� �o���°h��dzed �54�nt5' �Z�i r�a� �,ed �a�� c�vch
12. �en�P SS Co�'v�u� dis���' � onatSt us�$' hogs pz �"�e ote �� o ase p�� o� �ve ��� � a119 Z°ned
13 pe�t ��S Zo�� o�ed o�t-cibh��aQ) �a�e b� �t i� �� Se�re � al� oY �anczete x�°yc�iv� � a��,� eti �O� anY tes1de�� c� � 8�
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1�- ��tenan 2� 0� 2�� � t�r co��xete dilsmal � e�itea� ing distx�� 1eSS th� t� Cg2Ni
15 - GCC § t asphal esation. ��a.�S' �n a1 �ses p � zon ocated t�o�' �
�v ti. e�anen �ing °p aaaitio�� al�t �aus� 23 �$ �3� wittb� a� � s1�a11be � iv assOG�a
�jen� oTari' a�d P er��d �stizig °f aitio�l li� ��ectio� § �o�ate� operatia �ive� Co�sultizi� �Stri�t�
16 ��pSOS�1 use io a�� �q0�b� �oz �st�� °� ad �ize�e�ts Q a� �e �ea � o SuC� ffii�in any �zO�e `�g� A�o� �e�C Zon�gn�es
a��e� �3' �30�b�fpz ,N',tl�.�be��� �d� � �
�eetfro� �tedb
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�,� • �ec�° � s�� pOZnp���5e p ��� apd as �T �a�� �t.y�� �Y-��n> pxep ���� S�c�as to: �1� �°�� �s�nd ��� �'�� &p,zea
18 •�ee �ustz�l us to a co���.1 GCC § 23 Q e��'ed ne� n�' A�o�" .�ct. at��e"Sp 1inv�ed 1 avd 2�
19 -�o e� sub� �°�ated ���tian sha11�1a� � Csravt G� � zoniv� ��ox�an�� � .��t,s shall� a C�e `�Yljes
�'� ° e sb��be z �a pz° �dU�e issioners` �,itbin the� 23 p� �� �yct. o�g dis es �4� � 9
us � �d �Z�� �o�L ��� Gozn�'� only th� �OZi�� ���-� tbe d�s � �d�C 2 ��� �a�}iti.
°t' Se� 44 ' a1 Ses e R� esi tial
d e� �i�ze �� oxt of �°�es Scal� to �C § 23' ��s� '� e� in � 3 R den
2,' 1 q g4��v �� a � ieY a�e of pe��led � a 1 9 Sez"es ���eloped�a Q n a�Ses��es>� �
�'r°`naed t ze��ezne��'�� use p� Ye�,:lo�s�y ���,pxofess�
2� su�je a a�at commee loC�ted on p� C?.� � eiso�
2� yzo.� eYCialus �3 p`�.5�oCb �
2� • as Pe°� � ��� � �
Pa�e \5
me�t �ode � 23 p8 020, 23'12A40
P�chn`ert�s the Uni�'2� o�e36p p 3-��jab`e
§23 y21C}�, 22'�4310,
- �cc � " 6
.��uses S,�e��:fie� � teA��b
�� �ot
s� tieiS
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cl S �vn
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���ae�elope�$ ��eYa1 extr � no� adVe�sely izs�pa� ed 141ie� °�' o� � add nta�}' t° �e �lia� �'�t11'�CC 23 �� op��, prop�s�� f�T
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2$' Ae�val as a �� us S'S ��S�a Sucb.uses �a9 be p �� a�a�e� �R� o�X��� to a� d� �oa�tia�vg �1 e� as a ��nd�t� £�Y e�s�allaa °n o s: �0 �� S�o� �� gzoi�
"s aii ow tl� �oll et fx
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�9. 1f e� Zpzi�g te,rs �d�eq a��ess��' te ac°�SS��x a��se °nal�p 25 02•p3�' encieszesp G� 23'0$ �e�et thav
��yGable chap �angeYS as � d�as adequ as ��o�dition o� �SeCtion p�e�e�t a�ted���� G�e i�e��ed
a 2he lo�atia �� ��e�tly abtfactiov.Pe�3 p 66��d� ���ed � tbe defi�� 1 gtate an��°�S $hallbe o px duction Sha1i
�9 de�,elo��e���etal f z u�dez UDCa���itses �0$ �b0. 0�19 to F�exaS acr�. Such �d ��� �
3p, IJ��g a� �ro`���d �clude all ���ion23� a4��icab�e �ea Qf �ve �- � �blesiaeri��
E��ep o ezations d�� � se Pe� v1um1O� ovl avy e�
3�' �� o�a��e �� tu,o aC° ��� pa cell'as��d� (5��� �eet�
pe o�ed s'ab�� so�,ided �'at tha� fi�'e b
33 - �as.�.c� a be locate�less
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ea�� �6
me�� Cod� � 23 og 020+,�3'�2.0�0
P�ach�`een�to the ��'�f2z O�e3e6p, 23 d��able
P�'endm 0, ZZ.p4.310,
§Z'' 12.1�
23.08.020 Accessory Uses and Structures
(d) Outdoor Residential Stor�ige. This subsection sh�ll apply only to outdoor storage accessory to
residential uses. Outdoor. storage other than accessory uses subordinate to a primary residential use
may be perrnitted only in those zoning districts where specified as an Permitted Use in Tables 3, 4
and 5 in GCC § 23.04, and shall meet the requixements of GCC § 23.08.280.
(1) Outdoor residential storlge shall be maintained in an orderly manner and shall create no #"ire,
safety, health or sanitary hazard;
(2) Required Front yards shall not be used for outdoor storage, except for firewood;
(3) Not more than two (2) unlicensed or. inoperable vehicles, except for agriculturally rel�tted
equipment, shall be stored on �ny lot; such vehicles shall be screened from view of neighboring
dwellings ancl rights-of-way. Such screening shall meet all applicable performance and
development standards specific to the zoning district in which the storage is kept, and shall be in
keeping with the character of the areae Screening shall meet the rec�uirements of GCC §
23.12.180. Storage of more than two (2) unlicensed or inoperable vehicles is prohibited except in
those zoning districts where specified. as an Permitted Use in Tables 3, 4 and 5 in GCC § 23,04,
and such storage shall meet the requirements of GCC § 23.08.090;
(4) Temporary placement of a trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, or recreational vehicle or
buildings moved from other sites may only be stored on a parcel subject to obtaining a temporary
use permit in accordance with the requirements of GCC § 23.04.120.
2312.040 General Development Standards in Urban Growth Areas
(a) It is the intent of this Chapter and. the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies regarding urban
development to:
(1) Provide for an orderly, phased tr�nsition from rural to urban uses within urban growth areas;
(2) Facilitate coordinated and collaborative public infrastructure development;
(3) Prevent conversion of land in. the urban growth areas to uses and/or densities th�t cannot be
efficiently urbanized;
(4) Require connection to public water and sewer systems where available, including interim
community systems or fticilities where feasible; and
(5) Require urban standards for developments within urban gro�vth areas.
(b) Land division shall meet the density requirements specified in GCC § 23.04, unless otherwise
authorized by the Administrati.ve OfF'icial and. the redevelopment st�ndards of GCC § 23.12.040(e) are
(c) Development standards, including connection to public sewer and water service, within urb�n growth
areas shall be as specified by the respective jurisdictional governmental authority within the urban
growth area when the jurisdiction�l governmental authority has a signed interlocal agreement with the
county which addresses coordination. of development standards, except as otherwise specifically
provided herein.
(d) No developrnent actions or permits to which this Chapter is applicable and requiring potable water or
sewage disposal shall be approved within an urban growth area unless the applicant can demonstrate
to the s�tisfaction of the Administrative Official that public water and sewer service meeting the
standards of the County and the respecti.ve jurisdictional governmental attthority ar.e available, except
as follows:
Attachment #1 p a g e � 7
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23.12.100, 22.04.310, 22.04.360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12.040
(l.) Public water and sewer services are not available within two hundred (200) feet to serve a
proposed development action or permit and extension of such water or sewer service or facility is
not specified in a six-year capital improvement prograrn adopted by a city, town or special district
having jurisdictional authority to provide said services;
(2) The Administrative Official, Grant County Health Ofiicer, and the city, town or special district
having jurisdictional authority to provide water and sewer service waives the requirements of this
section and authorize the use of interim community or on-site water. ancUor sewer systems; and
(3) Interim community and on-site water and sewer systems are designed, constructed, operated and
maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Grant County Health District; and
(4) Ii interim community or on-site water and/or sewer systems are authorized, and the
z°edevelopment standards of GCC § 23,12.040(e) are satisfied.
(e) Land division within urban growth areas using on-site water supply and/or sewage disposal systems
shall not inhibit subsequent division and redevelopment at urban densities when public water and
sewer systems become available. All such land division. and development shall comply with the
following requirements:
(1) Applicant shall submit an acceptable conceptual redevelopment plan that includes the following:
(A) All initial and any proposed future 1ot lines, road locations, utility easements and any other
public rights-of-way which delineate how urban densities designated by the comprehensive
plan can be met by further development of the property following the initial subdivision and
proposed development;
(B) Identification and approximate location of any public facilities required to serve full
development of the proposed subdivision to the urban densities required by the
comprehensive plan when public water and sewer become available; and
(2) No building or structure shall be located such that any building setback contained in GCC § 23.08
is violated at the time of redevelopment;
(3) The applicant has signed a no protest contract, agreement or covenant with city, town or special
district having jurisdictional authority to provide water and sewer services, to be recorded with
the property, agreeing to annex if necessary and connect to said water and sewer when they
become availabla, and w�iiving the right to object to any future water or sewer project benefiting
the property; and
(4) The applicant has signed a no protest contract, agreement or covenant with. the county and/or any
city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority to provide said services to be recorded
against the property, agreeing to dedicate any future public rights of way or utility casements
identified in the approved redevelopment plan benefiting the property, under the terms
established in this section or other applicable portions of Grant County Code.
(5) Selection and submittal of one of the two following redevelopment plan options:
(A) A combined lots redevelopment plan submittal that includes a11 requirements sufficient for
preliminary subdivision approval at required minimum densities for urban growth areas for
the entire portion of the subject property. The applicant has signed a contract, agreement or
covenant with the county and acceptable to the Grant County Health Official9 to be recorded
against the property, requiring each purchaser of a newly created urban density lot to
purchase and retain ownership of an adjoining urban density lot within the Subdivision for
use as an on-site sewage disposal system until sanitary sewers become available to the
(B) A reserved tract redevelopment plan submittal that includes all requirements sufficient for
preliminary subdivision approval at required minimum d.ensities for urban growth areas for
that portion of the subject property proposed �or initial development. The remaining portion
of the subject property is designated as a reserved tract and complies �vith the other
redevelopment plan requirements of this section. The applicant has signed a contract,
agreement, or covenant with the county and acceptable to the Grant County Health Official,
Attachment #1 P a g e � 8
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§, 22.04.310, 22,04.360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08.020, 23.12.040
to be recorded against the property, which requires the present and any future owners of the
reseived tract to guarantee rights of access and any other rights, necessary for the owners of
the newly created. urban density lots in the subdivision to maintain to a level satisfactory to
the Grant County Health Official, a community on-site water supply and/or sewage disposal
system located within the reserve traat, until public water and sewer become available to the
subdivision and reserved tract.
(6) Prior to the approval of a final plat, the applzcant shall provide a refundable cash payment to the
County to ensure that the actions and improvements necessary to connect to public �vater and
sewer systems are completed in a timely fashion once said systems become available. The
amount of the cash payment shall not exceed one hundred iifty percent (150%) of the estimated
cost of the actions and improvements as determined by the Administrative Officiale If the
applicant completes the required public improvements in a timely fashion, the cash payment shal]
be refunded to the applicant. Otherwise, Grant County shall be entitled to complete the required
public improvements itself (or under separate outside contract) and to keep whatever portion of
the cash payment is necessary to design, administer, and construct the outstanding improvements.
(� Any proposed land division within an urban growth area subject to the requirements of this section,
and also located within. the drainage boundaries of an adopted lake water quality restoration plan,
shall not be approved until it can be connected to a public sewer system, unless the applicant can
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrative Official that land division and proposed
development will not adversely affect watershed management objectives of the study or water quality
within the drainage basin.
(g) The Administrative Official is hereby authorized to grant waivers and/or modifications to any
requirements of this section for any proposed land division within an urban. growth area, when the
applicant submits written waiver from the city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority
to provide sewer service to its location, that provision of public sewer service is not planned within
the next twenty (20) years.
(h) The Administrative Official is hereby authorized to adopt administrative policies and procedures in
order to administer the requirements of this section. The policies and procedures shall address the
processing of proposed land division and development subject to the provisions of this section and
shall set forth any necessary procedures and recording requirements for applicants to follow in order
for their applications to be processed and recorded in an efficient maimer. Decisions of the
Administrative Official relating to administration of the policies and procedures shall be final.
Attachment #1 P a g e � 9
Amendments to the Unified Development Code
§23.12.100, 22.04.310, 22.04,360, 23.04 Table 4, 23.08,020, 23.12.040