HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommissioners Proceedings - Commissioners - 20 (491)MINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF MONDAY, JUNE 21.2010: 8:3o a.m. - 8:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Discussion 9:oo a.m. — 9:5o a.m. J Strickler, ASC Update/Misc. BOCC Action 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. 2. BOCC Chair follow-up signature on Department of Commerce Form Attachment 64 (1) NEPA, Concurrent Notice, which was published in the Grant County Journal on April 22, 2010 (Notice to the Public of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds). CDBG Grant Contract No. o8 -F96119-003 (George Fire Station Project). 3. Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County District Court, Part Time Contractors, between Grant County and Gloria Ochoa. Term is July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011. 4. Anticipating: 2010 Grant County Fair Management Agreement between Grant County and the Grant County Fair Association, Inc. concerning aspects of operation and production of the Grant County Fair and Spring Fair/Home Show. 5. Signature Authorization Form for the Washington State Military Department, Camp Murray, Washington by all members of the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County-MACC E911 FY 2011 E911 County Contract No. Eu -032. 6. Grant County Housing Authority Request for Reimbursement #2 on Department of Commerce HPRP Grant No. 10-46111-6o8 in the amount of $13,755.82. 7. Grant County Housing Authority Request for Reimbursement #3 on Department of Commerce HPRP Grant No. 10-46111-6o8 in the amount of $11,691.73. 8. Grant County Housing Authority Request for Reimbursement #3 on Department of Commerce HGAP Grant No. o8 -461o8 -sol in the amount of $8,523.68. 1o:oo a.m. -1o:15 a.m. Commissioners Work Session 1. Commissioners Minutes from May 31 and June 7, 2010 for approval 10:45 a.m. — 12:30 P.M. Commissioners at Passage of the Data Center Rural Economic Development Tax Incentive Legislation Celebration (Historic Reiman - Simmons House, Quincy WA) 1:30 P.M. — 1:45 p.m. Consent Agenda 2:00 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. C Carter at SWAC Meeting (Public Works) 3:00 P.M. — 3:50 P.M. T Hechler, Human Resource Update 4:00 P.M. — 4:20 P.M. B Smith, District Court Update JUNE 21, 2010 MINUTES Page 2 of 5 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at q:oo a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. J STRICKLER, ASC UPDATE AND MISC. BOCC ACTION A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items 1 through 8 on the ASC Agenda. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve item 1 on the Work Session agenda. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENTAGENDA Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously, as presented below: COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE: Commissioners Office Vouchers SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Request for removal of Mr. Canfield from appointed seat to the Grant County Civil Service Commission. This item was tabled for further review. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until June 22, 2010. TUESDAY, JUNE 22,2010: 10:oo a.m. — 1o:10 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Facilities and Maintenance Budget Extension 10:15 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. CGI Videotaping 11:oo a.m. —11:20 a.m. D Nelson, Department of Community Development Update 11:3o a.m. —11:50 a.m. D Nelson, Moses Lake Annexations 1:30 P.M. — 2:20 P.M. D Pohle, Public Works Update 1. Authorization to Call for Bids: 4 -NE Rd 2:30 P.M. — 3:20 P.M. A Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:30 P.M. 5:00 p.m. U.S. HONOR FLAG CEREMONY The session was continued at ro:oo am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. JUNE 21, 2010 MINUTES Page 3 of 5 OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING, FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET The Commissioners held an open record public hearing regarding a budget extension request from the Facilities and Maintenance department in the amount of $18,812.37 to purchase a replacement controller that operates the GEO air conditioning system for the Courthouse and annex. R.E.E.T funds will be used for this purchase. Commissioner Stevens moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the budget extension as presented. Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. 10 -046 -CC) D NELSON, MOSES LAKE ANNEXATIONS AND POTENTIAL LITIGATION EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Commissioner Carter opened the session at 11:34 a.m. to go until 12:25 p.m. Commissioner Carter closed the session at 12:25 P.M. D POHLE, PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE The Commissioners approved and signed item 1 as listed above. The bid opening was set for July 13, 2o10 at 1:30 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.o8o, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $653,962.72 and $146,032.85 as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for June 18, 2010. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until June 23, 2010. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2010: 10:00 a.m. — 10:2o a.m. G Baker, Technology Services Update FGR�Z� .YIF"�7�FF[�Z�Y.IFii71 10:3o a.m. — 10:5o a.m. 11:oo a.m. — 11:10 a.m. 12:00 P.M. — 1:00 P.M. C Carter at Trinidad Road Meeting (Public Works) F De Trolio, Sheriff s Update J Strickler, Department of Commerce Contract No. 08 -461o8 -Sol Amendment B for signature. C Swartz at Homeless Task Force Meeting (Housing Authority Office) CANCELLED The session was continued at 1o:oo am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. JUNE 21, 2olo MINUTES Page 4 of 5 J STRICKLER, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CONTRACT NO. o8-461o8-Soi AMENDMENT B FOR SIGNATURE A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve and sign this Amendment B to Washington State Department of Commerce Contract, Housing Division, Homeless Grant Assistance Program (HGAP), Contract No. 08 -461o8 -Sot. The amendment is under the Contract's budget and the Amendment Purpose states: "On March 1, 2010 the Housing Authority of Grant County replaced the North Columbia Community Action Council as the sub -grantee for Grant County. The total of Amendment B represents the balance of the original budget less the expenditures for NCCAC through February 28, 201o. And $49,165 of the new budget is moved to the Project -Based Leasing Category for the remainder of the HGAP." MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Commissioners approved the following budget transfers from the Department of Public Defense: 1. bar number 001-133-00-0000-512.00.11.00 in the amount of $603,576.00 to bar number oo1- 133-00-000 0-512.81.11.00; 2. bar number 001-133-00-0000-512.21.41.09 in the amount of $330,000.00 to bar number oo1- 133-00-0000-512.21.41.6o; 3. bar number 001-133-00-0000-512.40.11.00 in the amount of S472,764.00 to bar number oo1- 133-00-0000-512.40.41.61; and 4. bar number 001-133-00-0000-512.81.11.00 in the amount of S149,384.00 to bar number oos- 133-00-0000-512.84.41.62. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until June 28, 2010. THURSDAY, JUNE 24,2010: 8:oo a.m. - 9:oo a.m. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE STAFF MEETING FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2010: C Carter, Out 9:oo a.m. — 9:30 a.m. R Stevens at Coulee Corridor Consortium's Lake Lenore Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Ribbon Cutting 11:oo a.m. — 3:00 p.m. R Stevens at EW Cog Meeting (Lincoln County Courthouse) 11:oo a.m. — 2:00 p.m. WORK DEVEOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING CANCELLED 11:oo a.m. — 11:3o a.m. C Swartz at Coulee Corridor Consortium's Lake Lenore Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Ribbon Cutting COMMISSIONERS' JUNE 21, 2olo MINUTES Page 5 of g MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Commissioners approved the urgent request of the Grant County Horticultural Disease and Pest Board for permission to spray an orchard of approx. 20-acres in the Quincy area for moths. Signed this Vkday of , 2010. BOARD OF COUNTY CO ISSIONERS Grant ot, t 'Nall.g Richard Stevens E:Ael�� Carolann Swartz