HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-091-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION: IN THL MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF --25.99 ACRES INTO TWENTY -NNE (29) LOTS FOR PAUL ENGLE. LOCATED IN FU 97, 4 T1 REVISION OF IRRIGATION BLOCK 41, LYING IN THE SW QUARTER OF S 24, T 19 N, R 28 E. WM. GRANT, WA RESOLUTION No. 2007- 091 -CC APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CROSSROADS PHASE 1 MAJOR PLAT WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Count% Commissioners have been advised that an open record public hearing was conducted, before the Grant County Planning Commission on time 6, 2007 on the matter of a preliminary plat of —25 99 -acres into twenty-nine (29) lots. located in the Farm Unit 97. Fourth Revision of Irrigation Block 41, lying m the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to approve the proposed preliminary plat with fifteen (15) conditions of approval and twelve (12) findings of fact affirming the recommendation, and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record public hearing on July 3, 2007; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, have reviewed the application material. staff report and Planning Commission minutes. and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision vN ill not adversely affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal: and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does meet the applicable requirements of Grant County Unified Development Code Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plats'; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does serve the public use and interest; and, IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PAUL ENGLE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 25.99 ACRES CROSSROADS INTO TWENTY-NINE (29) LOTS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does comply with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Code, Chapter 23 04 "Zoning", other land use regulations, and SEPA, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created. and the roads and easements therem, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does comply with Grant County regulations pertaining to roads. utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improv ements, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the "Best Available Science' has been considered in the final decision regarding the proposed subdivision, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does comply with the requirements of the U.S Department of Interior and the East -Columbia Irrigation District, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the phasing plan docs include all land within the subdivision: and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the subdivision is an independent planning unit w rth safe and convenient circulation, and contains facilities and utilities that have been coordinated w rth the requirements established for the entire subdivision, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that all road improvement requirements are ensured pursuant to GCC § 22 04.450: and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does appropriately identify and protect critical areas pursuant to GCC § 24.08, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to approv e -C i os,i oads Phase I Nlalor Plat" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the Board of County Commissioners foi Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, with the conditions of approval listed below, a preliminary plat of --25.99-acres into twenty-nine IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PAUL ENGLE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF —25.99 ACRES CROSSROADS INTO TWENTY-NINE (29) LOTS (29) lots; located in the Farm Unit, Fourth Revision of Irrigation Block 41, lying in the southwest quarter of Section 24, To%N nship 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington Parcel #19-0489-000. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) Development shall be in compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Unified Dev clopment Code, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings or regmrements 2) Proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District. by the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Depaitment of Ecology regarding domestic i%ater supply, sewage systems and storm watei control and treatment including, but not limited to, RCW 90 48 080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited, WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standaids, WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 246-272, On -Site Sewage Systems 3) If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Department, the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 4) Approval of the plat shall be contingent upon conformance with all applicable land use riles and regulations in effect as of May 15, 2007. 5) During road grading and/or construction activities, count} roads shall be maintained clear of soil and rocks at the point of ingress / egress 6) This proposal shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12.080 Clearing, Gradin- and Drania-e Standards. Including but not limited to - a) Clearing and grading activities shall be conducted so as to minimize potential adverse effects on offsite property. b) All development shall ensure that soil erosion and sedimentation of drainage - ways �N ill be controlled to pre%ent damage to adjoining properties c) Surface drainage shall not be directed to or discharged onto County Roads or ditches within County right-of-ways unless approved by the County Engineer. 7) This proposal shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12. 100 Road Standards, including but not limited to a) Road names shall be approc ed by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC 10.36. b) Address must be posted. c) Proponent will need to coordinate addressing with the Grant County Emergency Services. IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PAUL ENGLE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF —25 99 ACRES CROSSROADS INTO TWENTY-NINE (29) LOTS 8) Dev elopment shall comply with the requirements of the Building Department mcludirL, but not lunited to a) All lots Subject to 25' nunimum setback from all property lines and subject to verification by Fire District of watei availability. 9) Development shall comply w ith the requirements of the Grant County Assessor's office mcludin<" but not limited to. a) The client must contact the Assessot's office regarduig the status of current use continuance at least 1 week prioi to recording final plat 10) Development shall comply w ith the requirements of the WA State Department of Ecology (DOE) including. but not limited to, compliance with DOE's Water Quality and Solid Waste Programs 11) The applicant shall provide a covenant insuring future sewer and water infrastructure, built to city standards, to favor of the City of Moses Lake. 12) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Works, including but not limited to. a) Provide a plat review fee of 5200. b) The applicant shall coordinate with the City of Moses Lake with regards to the development standard icquu-cmeuts foi the construction on new roads within the City. c) Some discussions have been had concerning a secondary access point to service this plat and the surrounding area The applicant shall contact the WA State Department of Ti ansportation with regards to the impact this development will have on the inteisection of Nelson Road and Lakeland Road with regards to the reconStructjon currently underway for the SRI 7 corridor d) If the applicant intends to use a secondary connection between the proposed Road 2.1 and Hamilton to the east. then the applicant w ill need to meet with our office at a later date to discuss possible impacts and necessary mitigation that may become necessary due to that connection e) The plat map has a note I on the SP 17 Right -of -Way This note states the area will be dedicated to Grant County This should be corrected 13) Development shall comply with all requirements of the East -Columbia Basin lrrtgatton District. including but not limited to a) The final plat shall depict the Faun Unit boundaries and number and adjacent Farm unit numbers The eastern boundary, of this property has a 15' USBR easement for the EL20X1 lateral. This needs to be shown and labeled on the final plat. b) The agricultural water supply shall be released from blocks 1-4. The developer shall initiate this process by contacting the District headquarters in Othello, WA. 14) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Department of Community Development/Planning Division/, including but not limited to: IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PAUL ENGLE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF —25 99 ACRES CROSSROADS INTO TWENTY-NINE (29) LOTS a) Comply with all requirements listed in UDC Chapter 22.04 Article V Final Subdivisions and Short Subdn nsnons b) Comply with all requirements listed in the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non -Significance issued by Grant County on May l 5. 2007 c) The dev eloper shall nuhgate a pedestrian deficiency noted on Nelson Road between SR17 and Lakeland Drive Specifically. the developer shall construct sidewalk to connect Lakeland Di ive and the SRI7/Nelson Road Intersection d) The developer shall construct fence or similar enclosure along the w estern property line of the pi oposed lots 1-8 (block 1) and lot 1 (block 6) to mitigate for traffic related noise produced by SR17 The proposed enclosure shall comply with the GCC 23.08.020(1). 15) Development shall comply with all requirements of the City of Moses Lake, including but not limited to a) The plat construction drawings shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Moses Lake before final approval is given b) The traffic analysis shall be revised to Include additional study areas The consultant shall work with the City of Moses Lake Municipal Services Director to identify the areas and intersections to be included within the analysis The revised report shall be provided prior to the City's approval of construction plans and shall be subject to the approval by the City of Moses Lake Municipal Services Director. '`BOCC FINDINGS OF FACT" The Board of Connt) Commissioners may vvant to consider the following criteria in making their decision. The following criteria may also be used as findings of tact: (1) The pioposcd subdn ision does / does not meet the applicable requirements of UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdnisions and Plats", (2) The proposed subdivision does / does not serve the public use and interest; (3) The proposed subdivision does / does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan. the Shoi cline Mastei Program, the /onuig code and other land use regulations, and SEPA. (4) The proposed subdn rasion does / does not comply with health requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; (5) The proposed subdn rasion does / does not contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the i oads and easements therein; (6) The pioposcd subdivision does / does not comply with Giant County regulations pertaining to road,. unhties, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and othei mfi-astructure improvements, (7) The best av ailable science has / has not been considered in the final decision regarding the preliminary plat (8) The proposed subdivision does / does not comply with requirements of the U.S Department of Intenor, Bureau of Reclamation and the Quincy -Columbia Irrieation District. (9) The phasing plan does / does not include all land within the preliminary subdivision. IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING .A PAUL ENGLE PRELMINARY PLAT OF 25.99 ACRES CROSSROADS INTO TWENTY-NINE (29) LOTS (10) Each phase is / is not an independent planning unit with safe and convenient cu culation and %x ith tacilrues and utilities coordinated vt nh the requirements established for the entire subdivision, and. (11) All road improvement requirements are / are not ensured pursuant to GCC § 22 04.450. (12) The proposed subdivision does / does not appropriately identify and protect critical areas pursuant to GCC ti 24.08 Dated this 00— day of '2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT ( OI \ 1 N, WASHINGTON Le oy Allison, 744ri ATTEST: 5ol/ ❑ ❑ Richaid Ste%cns. Vice -Chair -1eik of th Boai / Cindy Cart , Member