HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06-156-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE: 06-e6 -CC An ordinance relating to the amendment of Grant County Unified Development Code Chapter 23.12 Development Standards. Recitals: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County intend to comply fully with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Growth Management Act compliant Comprehensive Land Use Plan in September of 1999, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Unified Development Code implementing the Comprehensive Plan on October 1, 2000, and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Unified Development Code, Chapter 25 12 "Legislative Action", provides a process for amending the Code, and; WHEREAS, the Grant Count Planning Department initiated an amendment, under Chapter 25 12, to the Unified Development Code amending Chapter 23.12 Development Standards, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on February 1, 2006 and March 1, 2006, on the matter of amending the Grant County Unified Development Code, and, WHEREAS, on March 1, 2006 the Grant County Planning Comnussion voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners, approval of the UDC Amendment as proposed by Grant County Planning Staff on February 1, 2006, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County held an open record public hearing on April 19, 2006, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendment was processed in accordance with the requirements of UDC Chapter 25 12 "Legislative Action'; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendment was processed in accordance with the requirements of UDC Chapter 24.04 "State Environmental Policy Act", and, An ordinance relating to the amendment to the Unified Development Code Chapter § 23 12 Development Standards WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have found that an Adoption of Existing Environmental Documentation was issued for this proposal on January 10, 2006; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have provided the public and agencies of,lurisdiction the opportunity to provide comment on the proposed UDC amendment; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have received comments from members of the public during the public comment portion of the public hearing; and, Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners have made minor changes to the proposal recommended by the Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the UDC Amendment including the minor changes will serve the public use and interest. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County do hereby ordain to amend the Grant County Unified Development Code, Chapter 23.12 Development Standards, in the manner outlined in Attachment #1. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinance shall be 5 p.m of the date of signature. PASSED AND ADOPTED this V�— day of, 2006. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANNTTT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ❑ Cl❑ w�� Richard Stevens, Chair ATTEST: L� ❑ n Deborah Kay on Member ❑ ❑ LeRoy C. Allison, ember -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A Chapter 23.12 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sections Page 23.12 010 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 1 23.12.020 Applicability........................................................................................................................... 1 23.12.030 General Development Standards............................................................................................. 1 23 12.040 General Development Standards in Urban Growth Areas ...................................................... 1 23.12 050 Water Supply................................................................................................................... 4 23.12 060 Sewage Disposal................................................................................................................... 4 23 12.070 Density, Dimension and Open Space Standards.....................................................................4 23 12.075 Clustenng Standards ....... .....................................................................................7 23.12.080 Clearing, Grading and Drainage Standards ................... ........................................... 10449 23.12 100 Road Standards ................................................................................................. 114440 23.12.110 Road Access.................................................................................................................. 124-314 23.12.120 Pedestrian Mobility....................................................................................................... 124-2-4 23.12.130 Parking.....................................................................................................................124-244- 24-2-1-)_2312.140 2312.140 Off-street Loading Requirements................................................................................. 144441 23.12150 Signs .. .. .. ......... ......................................................................................144413 23.12 160 Utilities ... .. ........................................................................................................ 174446 23 12.170 Landscaping Standards................................................................................................. 174746 23 12 180 Visual Screening......................................................................................... 1844147 23.12 190 Lighting Standards .. ...................... ........................................................ 19-194517 23.12.200 Home Occupations and Cottage Industries................................................................... 19444 23.12.210 Wireless Communication Facilities............................................................................194-9-18 23 12.220 Master Planned Resort Development Standards....................................................... 2222212( 23 12 230 Mobile/Manufactured Home Development Standards ............................................. 2323222-1- 23.12.240 Master Planned Industrial Development Standards...................................................... 25?�24 Chapter 2312 i 102-01-lX Pielinnnmi DRAFTAmendment PloEQ7 Attachment A 1 23.12.010 Purpose 2 3 (a) The purpose of this Chapter is to establish provisions to set reasonable criteria associated with the 4 development and redevelopment of land to achieve the goals and policies of the Grant County 5 Comprehensive Plan. This Chapter is intended to accomplish the following purposes - 6 (1) Facilitate the orderly development of properly designed and constructed public and private 7 roadways so as to provide a safe, durable and efficient integrated roadway system; 8 (2) Protect public rights-of-way, natural resources, and open space from degradation due to poor 9 development practices; 10 (3) Protect the public interest in management of surface water drainage and related functions of 11 drainage basins, water courses, and shoreline areas, and 12 (4) Fulfill the objectives of the comprehensive planning policies of Grant County in promoting the 13 health, safety and welfare of the public. 14 15 23.12.020 Applicability 16 17 (a) The development standards of this Chapter apply to the following development actions or permits 18 within the various zoning districts, unless otherwise specified herein: 19 (1) Subdivisions; 20 (2) Short Subdivisions; 21 (3) Binding Site Plans; 22 (4) Planned Unit Developments; 23 (5) Master Planned Resorts, 24 (6) Major Industrial Developments, and 25 (7) Building Permits, except for single-family residential and accessory structures on an existing lot. 26 27 23.12.030 General Development Standards 28 29 (a) The development standards of this Chapter within each zoning district shall be minimum standards 30 and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land, except as hereinafter provided: 31 (1) No building, structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, 32 moved or structurally altered unless in conformity with all of the regulations specified in this 33 Chapter for the zoning district in which it is located; 34 (2) No building or structure shall encroach on any public right-of-way; no building or structure shall 35 encroach on any private easement or right-of-way unless written permission is obtained from the 36 easement grantee or right-of-way owner, 37 (3) No part of a yard, or other open space, or off-street parking or loading space required about or in 38 connection with any building for the purpose of complying with this Chapter, shall be included 39 as part of a yard, open space or off-street parking or loading space sinularly required for any 40 other building or structure, and 41 (4) Except as specifically provided in GCC Title 23, only one dwelling per lot is allowed in those 42 zones that permit residential uses. 43 44 23.12.040 General Development Standards in Urban Growth Areas 45 46 (a) It is the intent of this Chapter and the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies regarding urban 47 development to: 48 (1) Provide for an orderly, phased transition from rural to urban uses within urban growth areas, 49 (2) Facilitate coordinated and collaborative public infrastructure development, 50 (3) Prevent conversion of land in the urban growth areas to uses and/or densities that cannot be Chapter 2312 1 (02-0I-06 Pielimman,DR-IFT.-lmendmewPioposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A efficiently urbanized; (4) Require connection to public water and sewer systems where available, including interim community systems or facilities where feasible, and (5) Require urban standards for developments within urban growth areas. (b) Land division shall meet the density requirements specified in GCC § 23.04. unless otherwise authorized by the Administrative Official and the redevelopment standards of GCC § 23 12.040(e) are satisfied. (c) Development standards, including connection to public sewer and water service, within urban growth areas shall be as specified by the respective jurisdictional governmental authority within the urban growth area when the jurisdictional governmental authority has a signed interlocal agreement with the county which addresses coordination of development standards, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. (d) No development actions or permits to which this Chapter is applicable and requiring potable water or sewage disposal shall be approved within an urban growth area unless the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrative Official that public water and sewer service meeting the standards of the County and the respective jurisdictional governmental authority are available, except as follows (1) Public water and sewer services are not available within two hundred (200) feet to serve a proposed development action or permit and extension of such water or sewer service or facility is not specified in a six-year capital improvement program adopted by a city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority to provide said services, (2) The Administrative Official, Grant County Health Officer, and the city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority to provide water and sewer service waives the requirements of this section and authorize the use of interim community or on-site water and/or sewer systems; and (3) Interim community and on-site water and sewer systems are designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Grant County Health District, and (4) If interim community or on-site water and/or sewer systems are authorized, and the redevelopment standards of GCC § 23 12 040(e) are satisfied. (e) Land division within urban growth areas using on-site water supply and/or sewage disposal systems shall not inhibit subsequent division and redevelopment at urban densities when public water and sewer systems become available. All such land division and development shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Applicant shall submit an acceptable redevelopment plan that includes the following - (A) All initial and any proposed future lot lines, road locations, utility easements and any other public rights-of-way which delineate how urban densities designated by the comprehensive plan can be met by further de%elopment of the property following the initial subdivision and proposed development, (B) Identification and approximate location of any public facilities required to serve full development of the proposed subdivision to the urban densities required by the comprehensive plan when public water and sewer become available, and (C) The existence of the redevelopment plan, the location of all future public rights of way and utility easements and the requirements of this section shall be recorded on the final plat in conformance with and in addition to the information required in GCC 22 04.410 (2) No building or structure shall be located such that any building setback contained in GCC § 23.08 is violated at the time of redevelopment; Chapter 23 12 2 (02-01-06 PrelLnunan- DRAFT Amctidment ProoasaU H Attachment A 1 (3) The applicant has signed a no protest contract, agreement or covenant with city, town or special 2 district having jurisdictional authority to provide water and sewer services, to be recorded with 3 the property, agreeing to annex if necessary and connect to said water and sewer when they 4 become available, and waiving the right to object to any future water or sewer project benefiting 5 the property, and 6 (4) The applicant has signed a no protest contract, agreement or covenant with the county and/or 7 any city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority to provide said services to be 8 recorded against the property, agreeing to dedicate any future public rights of way or utility 9 casements identified in the approved redevelopment plan benefiting the property, under the 10 terms established in this section or other applicable portions of Grant County Code. 11 (5) Selection and submittal of one of the two following redevelopment plan options 12 (A) A combined lots redevelopment plan submittal that includes all requirements sufficient for 13 preliminary subdivision approval at required minimum densities for urban growth areas for 14 the entire portion of the subject property. The applicant has signed a contract, agreement or 15 covenant with the county and acceptable to the Grant County Health Official, to be 16 recorded against the property, requiring each purchaser of a newly created urban density lot 17 to purchase and retain ownership of an adjoining urban density lot within the Subdivision 18 for use as an on-site sewage disposal system until sanitary sewers become available to the 19 subdivision; 20 (B) A reserved tract redevelopment plan submittal that includes all requirements sufficient for 21 preliminary subdivision approval at required minimum densities for urban growth areas for 22 that portion of the subject property proposed for initial development. The remaining portion 23 of the subject property is designated as a reserved tract and complies with the other 24 redevelopment plan requirements of this section The applicant has signed a contract, 25 agreement, or covenant with the county and acceptable to the Grant County Health Official, 26 to be recorded against the property, which requires the present and any future owners of the 27 reserved tract to guarantee rights of access and any other rights, necessary for the owners of 28 the newly created urban density lots in the subdivision to maintain to a level satisfactory to 29 the Grant County Health Official, a community on-site water supply and/or sewage 30 disposal system located within the reserve tract, until public water and sewer become 31 available to the subdivision and reserved tract 32 (6) Prior to the approval of a final plat, the applicant shall provide a refundable cash payment to the 33 County to ensure that the actions and improvements necessary to connect to public water and 34 sewer systems are completed in a timely fashion once said systems become available The 35 amount of the cash payment shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated 36 cost of the actions and improvements as determined by the Administrative Official. If the 37 applicant completes the required public improvements in a timely fashion, the cash payment 38 shall be refunded to the applicant Otherwise, Grant County shall be entitled to complete the 39 required public improvements itself (or under separate outside contract) and to keep whatever 40 portion of the cash payment is necessary to design, administer, and construct the outstanding 41 improvements 42 43 (f) Any proposed land division within an urban growth area subject to the requirements of this section, 44 and also located within the drainage boundaries of an adopted lake water quality restoration plan, 45 shall not be approved until it can be connected to a public sewer system, unless the applicant can 46 demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrative Official that land division and proposed 47 development will not adversely affect watershed management objectives of the study or water quality 48 within the drainage basin. 49 50 Chapter 2312 3 to Owl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (g) The Administrative Official is hereby authorized to grant waivers and/or modifications to any requirements of this section for any proposed land division within an urban growth area, when the applicant subrruts written waiver from the city, town or special district having jurisdictional authority to provide sewer service to its location, that provision of public sewer service is not planned within the next twenty (20) years (h) The Administrative Official is hereby authorized to adopt administrative policies and procedures in order to administer the requirements of this section. The policies and procedures shall address the processing of proposed land division and development subject to the provisions of this section and shall set forth any necessary procedures and recording requirements for applicants to follow in order for their applications to be processed and recorded in an efficient manner. Decisions of the Administrative Official relating to administration of the policies and procedures shall be final. 23.12.050 Water Supply (a) All development shall conform to the requirements of GCC § 13.32 regarding the availability of water. (b) Water supply facilities shall be adequate to provide potable water from a public or community water supply source and shall be constructed in conformity to standards of the jurisdictional governmental authority, unless the Grant County Health Officer approves the use of individual, onsite water supply wells. (c) Water sources and facilities adequate for fire protection purposes shall be provided in all subdivisions. Fire protection requirements shall be as delineated in GCC § 14 04 Fire flow shall be determined in accordance with a nationally recognized standard such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or the Uniform Fire Code. 23.12.060 Sewage Disposal (a) All development shall be provided with a sanitary sewer system connection approved by the jurisdictional governmental authority, unless the Grant County Health Officer approves the use of individual, onsite septic systems and drainfields. (b) Design and construction standards for on-site sewage disposal shall conform to the requirements of the Rules and Regulations of the Grant County Board of Health Regarding On-site Sewage Disposal. 23.12.070 Density, Dimension and Open Space Standards (a) General- This section establishes residential density requirements and bulk, area and dimensional standards. (b) Measurement Methods The following measurement methods will be used to determine compliance with this Chapter (1) The "density" of a parcel shall be calculated by dividing the parcel or lot area by the total number of residential dwelling units allowed according to the density designation specified. (2) "Parcel area" or "lot area" shall be the total horizontal measure of land area contained within the boundaries of a parcel (3) "Setbacks" from roads shall be measured perpendicularly from the margin line of the road right- of-way to a line parallel to the object of interest. Chapter 2312 4 (02-01-06 Piefunnian DRAFT AniendnientPioposal) Attachment A 1 (4) "Building coverage" shall be measured by the percentage of total parcel or lot area occupied by 2 the sum of the area of footprints of all structures. 3 (5) "Minimum required open space or landscaped area" shall be measured by the percentage of total 4 parcel or lot area required for open space or landscaping 5 (6) Building and Structure Height The height of buildings and structures shall be the vertical 6 distance above a reference datum measured to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or to 7 the deck line of a mansard roof, or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitched or 8 hipped roof The reference datum shall be selected by either of the following, whichever yields a 9 greater height of building: 10 (A) The elevation of the highest adjoining sidewalk or finished ground surface within a five - 11 foot horizontal distance of the exterior wall of the building when such sidewalk or finished 12 ground surface is not more than ten (10) feet above the lowest finished grade; or 13 (B) An elevation ten (10) feet higher than the lowest finished grade when the highest sidewalk 14 or finished ground surface described in (1) above is more than ten (10) feet above lowest 15 finished grade. 16 The height of a stepped or terraced building shall be the maximum height of any segment of the 17 building. The height of other structures not containing a roof shall be the vertical distance from 18 the base of the structure to its highest point 19 20 (c) Standards: Aew*yLot size, dimension and open space development standards shall be as specified in 21 Tables 1, 2 and 3 at the end of this Chapter for the various zoning districts. 22 23 (d) Lot Size and T� o Density 24 25 27 28 29 30 (1) (2) Rural lands lots sizes shall be as No -'R* s'm shall be specifiedc*eept: (+ 4Whefe noted �n,.,-�.�.�„o�a in Tables 4—,2 and 3, except as allowed JO(DIFfor when clustere4ing lets as set forth in GCC § 23.12.075(e)(44). Mw6 nam dervot esUrban lands lot sizes shall be as set forth in Tables 1,2and 3; fee the ea;e a' .-F pane' ^ ' ' ,both minimum and maximum densities are specified except lot sizes as allowed: a) when clustering as set forth in GCC § 23 12 075(e)(11)• or b) as provided 31 for in 23.12.040, General Development Standards in Urban Growth Areas 32 (3) Lat sores - . A lot size less than the minimum lot size 33 specified in Tables 1, 2 and 3, eF. f le,;s ih n "'- -' : a) shall be considered clustering and 34 shall be subject to the requirements of GCC § 23.12 075. (Example a ten (10) acre lot in Rural 35 Residential 1 (RR1) zoning district having a maximum density of one (1) dwelling unit per five 36 (5) acres, may be divided thioueh the �proitsion into two (2) 2%2 -acre lots and a 37 remainder five (5) acre lot c e 'he nvi4w,uvp lot doe,, ,n„ullb•1wo 24' , i 38 L4 --ii., ...: .,. ,.« a r r 23.12.075 .,, iiet appI5 Two dwelling units are allowed on the 39 small, 2'h -acre parcels, the resulting density is two units per t0 acres, which equals the 40 maximum density of one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres. The large, 5 -acre balance lot may 41 not be further subdivided; nor may a dwelling unit be permitted on it. A notation shalt be placed 42 on the face of the plat documenting such restrictions. Alternately, the same 10 -acre parcel may 43 be divided into one 2V2 -acre parcel and one 7'h -acre parcel. One dwelling unit may be placed on 44 each parcel The large, 71/'2 -acre balance lot may not be further subdivided. A restriction shall be 45 placed on the face of the plat documenting such restriction.); 46 (4) The acreage of an unplatted tot that has existed prior to September 30, 1999 in all zoning 47 districts, eticept Agriculture, may be multiplied by a factor of 1.15 to determine whether or not it 48 qualifies for a single division consistent with the maximum density set forth for the various 49 zones. Lots located iitihui the Agncuhnral Zone that here created prior to Sentembei 30. 1999 50 may be multi lied by a factor of 1 025 to determine v hether or not It ctuakfies for a single Chapter 2312 5(02-01-00Pie(immaiiDRAFTAL?wnrhnentPeopoyal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A division consistent with the maximum density. (Example: an 4:35 8.7 -acre lot in Rural Residential 2 (RR2) zoning district having a maximum density of one (1) dwelling unit per two iifld-one- i&W4 ' -' five5 acres, may be divided 4-34 8.7 acres multiplied by 1.15 equals 4 10 acres, which can be divided and meet the maximum density requirement in RR2 zone ) (5) The acreage remaining of a proposed multi -lot subdivision of an unplatted lot that has existed prior to September 30, 1999 in all zoning districts except Agriculture, may be multiplied by a factor of 1 025 to detemune whether or not it qualifies for an additional division consistent with the maximum density set forth for the various zones (e) Density shall be the measure of the intensity of development, generally expressed in terms of dwelling units per acre. Calculating the maximum density or subdivision potential shall be calculated by dividing the overall parcel area as determined upon completion of a survey, which may include abutting lots and/or portions of abutting rights of way. by the minimum lot size specified in Tables 1, 2 and 3. e{kf) Lot Depth -to -Width Requirements Every lot created or modified shall not exceed a maximum depth -to -width ratio of 4-1 in nual lands and 3:1 in wban growth areas unless the Administrative Official deterirunes, based on evidence provided by the applicant, that a different configuration more appropriately meets the intent of the specific zoning district and the comprehensive plan. Jo(gJ _Minimum Lot Frontage: The minimum lot frontage on any County Road shall be fifty (50) feet. (gl(h> Building Coverage: No buildings, accessory structures, or other impervious surfaces shall occupy or cover a greater percentage of a lot than as specified in Tables 1, 2 and 3 at the end of this Chapter for the various zoning districts. Eh)ti) Height of Buildings and Structures: Height limitations for buildings and structures shall he as specified in Tables 1, 2 and 3 at the end of this Chapter for the various zoning districts. Height may be further limited within areas designated as Airport Safety Overlay (ASO) zoning districts (see GCC § 23.04.645) Height limitations shall generally not apply to accessory projections such as steeples or spires on places of religious assembly, elevator shaft housings, water towers, or chimneys, except as may be limited within the ASO zoning district or a condition of permit approval; provided that the accessory projection is not intended for occupancy, and that it is removed not less than twenty (20) feet from any adjoining lot line. �Wi) Setbacks: There shall be a minimum setback for all buildings or other structures and uses from the road right-of-way, as set forth in Tables 1, 2 and 3 at the end of this Chapter for the various zoning districts. Reductions in setbacks may be permitted as a variance in accordance with the requirements of GCC § 25.08. (-H(k) Special Setback from Agricultural (AG) and Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) Zoning Districts: To provide a buffer between resource lands or uses and adjacent non -resource land uses, the following additional setback shall apply. (1) Where any existing or proposed lot borders on a parcel zoned Agricultural (AG) or Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO), a building setback for all residential land uses and other especially sensitive land uses, including schools, day care facilities, medical facilities such as hospitals, clinics and convalescent care facilities, outdoor recreational facilities, and similar uses, is required from the adjoining resource land or use as follows - (A) Sixty (60) feet from any adjoining lot containing a commercial agricultural use in a Rural Lands zoning district; Chapter 2312 6(02-01-00PielmununDRAFTAmendmenrPioposah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (B) One hundred (100) feet from an Agricultural (AG) zoned lot, except when a lot is being created around a dwelling unit that existed prior to the effective date of this UDC; (C) One hundred (100) feet from a Mineral Resource Land (MRO) zoned lot, except when a lot is being created around a dwelling unit that existed prior to the effective date of this UDC. If the property abuts a public road right-of-way, the width of the right-of-way may be calculated as part of the special setback. (2) Reductions to the special setbacks of subparagraph (1) above may be granted, subject to a Type I Ministerial Review and recording a statement of acknowledgment on forms provided by the Department and containing the language stipulated in GCC §23 04.080(d), if an applicant can document any of the following: (A) Pre-existing lots: The lot was legally created prior to adoption of this Section and the lot cannot accommodate the special setback. In such situations, the maximum practical setback from the resource land or use shall apply; or (B) Existing development The setback adjustment will not adversely affect Agricultural (AG) or Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) lands or uses because the residential or especially sensitive land use is already located on an immediately adjoining lot(s), or the lot itself, and the requested reduction is consistent with those setbacks, or (C) Physical features: The special setback would preclude placement of the residential or especially sensitive land use on an existing lot due to topography or other natural feature, flood hazard, critical area, archaeological or historical area or structure, or shape or configuration of the lot (3) In addition, reductions to the special setbacks of subparagraph (1) above may be granted, subject to a Type II Administrative Review and recording a statement of acknowledgment on forms provided by the Department and containing the language stipulated in GCC §23.04 080(d), if an applicant can document any of the following. (A) An intervening physical feature, such as a road, river, stream, lake or critical area substantially mitigates the effects of placing an residential or especially sensitive land use closer to the Agricultural (AG) or Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) land or use; (B) Findings document that a setback reduction will not adversely affect a Agricultural (AG) or Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) land or use. Such findings may include or be supported by the characteristics of adjoining and nearby land use or crop types and mitigation measures that effectively reduce the potential for land use conflicts and separate the site from active agricultural or mining operations, such as landscape buffers, screening, or site design. In such instances where setback adjustment is justified under this subsection, the proposed residential or especially sensitive land use shall maintain the maximum practicable setback, which in no case shall be reduced below fifty (50) percent of the special setback specified above. 23.12.075 Clustering Standards (a) General: Clustering is a method of single-family residential land development characterized by building lots or envelopes that are smaller than typical of the zone, and clustered, leaving open space for agriculture, continuity of environmental functions characteristic of the property, and preservation of rural character. Clustering results in reduced impervious surface area and lowered costs of development and maintenance Clustering allows variations in the underlying zoning regulations, but is not intended as and does not constitute rezoning. (b) Purpose The purposes of this Section are (1) To implement the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan relating to clustering; Chapter 23 12 7 102-01-06 Pre[imawri DRAFT Amendniew Proposal) Attachment A 1 (2) To implement innovative land use management techniques in accordance with RCW 36.70A 2 including density bonuses, and cluster housing; 3 (3) Protect the natural environment by preserving substantial open space areas for the enhancement, 4 preservation and buffering of environmentally sensitive lands, 5 (4) Preserve historic sites which are integral to the character of the County; 6 (5) Protect and preserve natural resource lands using innovative site design; 7 (6) Preserve the County's rural character by encouraging flexible standards in development for a 8 more efficient, aesthetic and environmentally sound manner; 9 (7) Minimize the cost of installing services for public and private capital facilities; 10 (8) Support the Comprehensive Plan provision to provide more affordable and variety of housing 11 types in rural areas, and 12 (9) Strengthen and benefit the community by providing community -focused development such as 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 common use areas, recreation uses and provisions for community facilities. (c) Applicability Clustering of is permitted only in the following zones: (1) Urban Residential 1 (URI); (2) Urban Residential 2 (UR2); (3) Rural Residential 1 (RR1); (4) Rural Residential 2 (RR2), (5) Rural Residential 3 (RR3); (6) Rural Remote (RRem); (7) Shoreline Development 1(SDl); and (8) Agriculture (AG). (d) Review Process: Proposals for clustering shall be reviewed in conjunction with the underlying land division permit application it accompanies. (e) Conditions of Approval. The following conditions of approval apply to all clustering proposals - (1) The application for clustering shall meet the requirements of the underlying land division permit, the requirements of this Section, and all pertinent requirements of this UDC; (2) Clustering shall not require extension of urban services, (3) Clustering shall meet the development standards in this Section, (4) Clustering shall ensure that the proposed development will not adversely impact agricultural and mineral resource uses on adjoining and nearby lands in Agricultural (AG) and Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO) Zoning Districts, (5) The maximum residential gross densities shall not exceed those set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and GCC § 23.12 070; (6) The maximum density allowed in the Comprehensive Plan may not be achieved in every case if critical areas, archaeological or historical resources, and similar sensitive areas are adversely impacted pursuant to GCC § 24.08, or if a density limitation is required to meet requirements relating to on-site sewage disposal and/or water supply. as set forth in GCC § 23 12.050 and § 23 12 060; (7) Any land division proposed that is less than the minimum lot size identified for the underlying zone shall be required to comply with the Clustering Standards, 23.12.075, except as authorized herein or for divisions within Aencultural zoned lots that have no residential development capacity i�1(81 --- Open space shall be required in all clustered developments. At least fifty (50) percent of the parent parcel shall be maintained in open space. All lots, including the large, balance lot created for open space shall be counted as a lot for purposes of calculating the number of lots permitted (Example an marten (710) acre lot in Rural Residential 1 (RR1) zoning district Chapier 23 12 8 (02-01-06 Pielunman' DRAFT Anieiuimenr Aoposal) Attachment A 1 having a maximum density of one (l�d ellmg unit per five (5) acres, may be divided into two 2 (2) one -acre lots and a remainder five(4S) acre lot. The -58-acre open space lot exceeds the 3 50% of total parcel requirement The 58 -acre balance lot may not be further subdivided; nor may 4 a dwelling unit be permitted on it. A notation shall be placed on the face of the plat documenting 5 such restrictions ) 6 ($)(9) Open space shall either be located in: 7 (A) A separate tract within the clustered subdivision, retained in its entirety for open space, 8 under the ownership of an individual, homeowners' association, or sinular legal entity; or 9 (B) A dedicated open space area on one of the lots in the clustered development; such a lot I0 shall have a stipulated building envelope in which the primary residential structure and 11 accessory structures may be located, which is no larger than the maximum lot size allowed 12 under this Section. 13 (C) When clusteung in the Agricultural Lone open space shall be located in such a manner that 14 promotes open space foi agncultuie acusmes_eonunuit} of the areas emuonmental 15 functions and characteristics, and preserves the rural character of both the development site 16 and surrouudingpiopertics. 17 (-9)(10) The maximum number of dwelling units in a clustered development shall not exceed the 18 number specified in Table 4. in cases where the maximum number of d"elhng units "lien 19 calculating maximum densuv for a given site exceeds the maximum numbet of dwelling units 20 per cluster as Specified in Table 4, additional clusters may be allowed w ithm the development 21 pursuant to compliance with GCC § 23 12.075. The size of clustered developments may be 22 further limited by septic fields, both community and individual, and/or community water 23 systems, if such limitation is necessary to meet onsite sewage disposal and/or water system 24 requirements as set forth in GCC § 23.12 050 and § 23.12.060; 25 G 1) When clustering is utilized the minimum number of dwelling units per cluster shall be achieved 26 in all cases pursuant to Table 4, except when the dwelling unit density does not permit it, or 27 when a single the-dn ision is solel) for the purpose of dividmQ off an exutm2 dwellmg unit in 28 existence prior to January 1. 2006. In the went an exception is granted and there is the potential 29 for additional dwelling units. the approved land division shall be recorded with a note stipulating 30 that any future subdivision of the remamnig parcel under the clustering standards will be 31 iegwred to comms with GCC § 23 12075 as though the excepted lot was included within the 32 de- lwn 33 (]2) Multiple clusters may onn� be allowed afrei one half (1/2) of the maximum number of dwelling 34 units cluster is reached pursuant to Table 4 Each cluster thereafter must also meet the same 35 standardmax+rtgn prior to creating additional fficial 36 may allow an exception when eaidence is presented that the required number of dwellme units 37 per cluster cannot be achieved due to unique limitations or constramts on the site. including but 38 not limited to: compliance wuh septic system and/or 39 water s stems. r uuirements, cnuaal area sethachs or buffers, unique physical 40 constraints etc Financial hardships alone. such as the development of necessary roads. shall not 41 be reason for granting an exception if sueh liFnitation is neeessary to m • •' - !-iflique 42 43 44 ((){y(13) in cases where multiple clusters aie exercised within a single development in order to 45 maximize the residential units pelmitted under the zone, each cluster shall be separated by open 46 spare. Open space sexirating multiple clusters Shall minimally he no less than twice 12X) 47 avera death of the dust red lots a 'o_ a '�� n a .._ :., nr� i leiter oocn 48 space separation is encouraged. 49 (1 1)(10) in all�onkigdistriets, ..,.>. eiustefed elop,nents_shall have not .r a thaft twe (2) 50 el .,.tefed lots e_,...t:.,,. an), GeHnty Read ?ieept ., hOFe a,e ,,bite.:,, jeval,...meflt is !.,,,,tedat an Chapter 2312 9 (02-01-00Piehimnan, DRAFTAmendnientProposal) Attachment A 2 (4Al 14) Each clustered dee t shall be served by not less more than one common access 3 point to an existing County right-of-way, except when the internal road system is lamed, 4 (1-23(15) Minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre, provided that such lot size meets onsite sewage 5 disposal and/or water system requirements as set forth in GCC § 23 12 050 and § 23.12 060, 6 except, the minimum lot sine shall lid onea#ereigth (b41/8) acre when located within an urban 7 growth arca when it is served by edequate cuy sr tci and sewer facilities; and 8 (}4(16) Maximum lot size within the Agricultural Zone shall be two and one-half (2'/2) acres, 9 unless a larger lot is needed for one or more of the following reasons, in which case that lot shall 10 be no larger than necessary to accomplish the purpose of the exception: 11 (A) To satisfy individual water system supply (GCC § 23 12.050) and/or onsite sewage system 12 requirements (GCC § 23 12 060), or 13 (B) To meet special setback requirements from Agricultural (AG) and Mineral Resource 14 Overlay (MRO) Zoning Districts as set forth in GCC § 23.12.070(g); or 15 (C) To contain both an existing residential building and existing accessory building(s). 16 Except, lots larger than two and one half (2 1/2 ) acres within the Agricultural Zone shall be 17 allowed when no residential development capacity is allowed and such restriction is recorded on 18 the face of the plat. 19 (}43(17) In addition to the exceptions discussed under subsection (9), above, one parcel within 20 each clustered development may be larger than qn 6 IF117 t for the sole 21 purpose of containing required open space. In such a parcel, only one (1) acre may be used for a 22 residential dwelling unit and residential accessory buildings, -except that when located within 23 Agriculturally zoned lands, a maximum of five (5) acres may used for agricultural accessory 24 buildings 25 (-13)(18) Clustered developments shall comply with all other provisions of the GCC, including 26 Title 22 — Subdivision and Platting. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Table 4 44nr-Number of Dwellin Units Per Cluster Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Maximum No. of Dwelling Units per Clustered Minimum No. of Dwelling Units Required for Clusterin Urban Reidentgal 1 (URIs Urban Residential 2 (U'R2) Rural Residential 1 (RR1) 25 25 +� /b 2 2 2 Rural Residential 2 (RR2) 516 2 Rural Residential 3 (RR3) 81216 2 Rural Remote (RRem) 8 2 Shoreline Development I(SDI) 8 2 Agriculture (AG) 4 2 23.12.080 Clearing, Grading and Drainage Standards (a) Clearing and grading actio rues shall be conducted so as to minimize potential adverse effects on offsite property, surface water quality, and critical areas as delineated in GCC § 24 08 (b) Stormwater runoff from developments shall not adversely affect offsite property, surface water quality and quantity, and/or critical areas as delineated in GCC § 24.08. Provisions shall be made to Chapter 23 12 10(02-01-06 Pieltmmanv DRAFT Amendment Proposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A control the release of surface water runoff from the development both during and following construction. (c) Clearing and grading, including drainage and erosion control measures, shall conform to the requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington, or as specified by the County Engineer. (d) All development shall ensure that soil erosion and sedimentation of drainageways will be controlled to prevent damage to adjoining property and downstream drainage channels and receiving waters (e) Surface drainage shall not be directed to or discharged onto County Roads or ditches within County rights-of-way unless approved by the County Engineer (f) Drainage controls may be required to regulate velocities of runoff water and to control pollutants, erosion, and sedimentation if the County Engineer determines that it is probable that damage could occur downstream to property or water quality of receiving water bodies. Such controls may include landscaping or re-establishing native vegetation, ponds, catch basins, biofilters, and other control structures or systems. (g) If required by the County Engineer, a drainage analysis shall be prepared. A drainage report, prepared under the direction of and sealed by a Professional Engineer, shall be submitted by the applicant for review as part of the permit application. The drainage report shall clearly define the measures proposed to control stormwater runoff so as to avoid offsite, downstream impacts to adjacent property and receiving water bodies. The County Engineer shall have the authority to approve or reject the adequacy of drainage reports and stormwater control measures, which decision is final and not subject to administrative appeal. (h) The Decision Maker may condition any approval of a development permit so as to require clearing, grading and drainage controls to meet the requirements of this section. 23.12.100 Road Standards (a) Roads shall conform with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, GCC § 24.12, GCC § 22.04.360, and the County Road Standards and shall provide for the following: (1) Subdivisions shall be served by one or more public roads providing ingress and egress to and from the subdivision at not less than two points, unless a variance is approved in accordance with GCC 25 08, (2) Roads shall be dedicated to the County in accordance with GCC § 22.04.370; (3) Roads shall comply with County Road Standards established by the County Engineer; (4) Safe walking conditions for schoolchildren In cases where a school is located within a quarter mile of a land division, where it is likely that children will walk to school, safe walkways between the subdivision and the school may be required; and (5) If access is proposed off of a state highway. a state access permit shall be obtained by the applicant. Such permit shall be submitted with the preliminary subdivision application. (b) Road names shall be approved by the Grant County Emergency Services Department and shall be established using the addressing and grid system delineated in GCC § 10 36. (c) A traffic impact study based on the most current edition of the Highway Capacity Manual shall be performed for any proposed development that will result in an increase of one hundred (100) or more Chapter 2312 11(02-01-06Preliniavan,DRAFTAniendnient Proposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A one-way trips per day onto a County Road For such proposed land uses inside a Urban Growth Area or Rural Activity Center, all intersections involving an arterial or collector road that may be affected by the proposed land use shall be included in the study. The number of one-way trips to be generated shall be determined using the most current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (d) The applicant bears the responsibility of private road improvements necessary to meet the County Private Road Standards. The County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, including snow removal, nor shall such roads be accepted as County roads until such improvements as are necessary are made to bring them to current Grant County standards. 23.12.110 Road Access (a) When a proposed use requires access to a County Road, the approach location shall be reviewed by the County Engineer for compliance with the Grant County Road Standards, The County Engineer shall have the authority to approve or deny all driveway and approach permits, which decision is final and not subject to administrative appeal. (b) Approaches to state highways shall be subject to review and approval by the Washington State Department of Transportation. Verification of legal access and obtaining a valid approach permit may be required prior to issuance of any permit granted pursuant to this UDC (c) Vision Clearance at Intersections: All comer lots at street intersections or railroads shall maintain for safety vision purposes a triangular area, one angle of which shall be formed by the lot lines adjacent to the street(s) or railroad right-of-way. The sides of such a triangle forming the corner angle shall be thirty (30) feet in length measured along the sides of the aforementioned angle The third side of the triangle shall be a straight line connecting the last two mentioned points Within the area comprising the triangle, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between the heights of two and one-half (2'/z) and ten (10) feet above centerline grades of intersecting streets and/or railroads. Landscaping meeting the height limns of this section is encouraged within the clear view vision triangle The Administrative Official may consider the landscaped triangle area as part of any landscape requirements if planted and continuously maintained by the property owner(s). 23.12.120 Pedestrian Mobility (a) All subdivisions shall provide for separate easements and pedestrian paths when the easement will provide links to any portion of an adopted county or city plan for public trails. (b) Pedestrian paths shall meet the following minimum design standards: (1) Paths shall be visually distinguished from roads, driveways, and parking spaces. (2) Paths shall have a standard unobstructed width of four (4) feet. (3) Path easements shall have a maximum width of ten (10) feet. 23.12.130 Parking (a) General Parking Standards: The following standards shall apply in all zoning districts to all development under this UDC Chapter 2312 12 102-01-06 Prelurrmam DRAFT Amendment Proposal) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (1) Off-street parking shall be established pnor to occupancy of any new or expanded building or before a change occurs in the use of an existing building. The minimum number of parking spaces provided shall be according to the square footage or any fraction thereof or other criteria as specified in Table 5 and as follows. (A) Off-street parking ratios expressed as the number of spaces per square feet means the usable or net square footage of floor area, exclusive of non-public areas, such as building maintenance areas, storage areas, closets, or restrooms If the formula for determining the number of off-street parking spaces results in a fraction, the number of spaces shall be rounded to the nearest higher whole number; (B) Where other provisions of this UDC stipulate maximum parking allowed, or increase or reduce minimum parking requirements, those provisions shall apply; (C) An applicant may request a modification of the minimum number of parking spaces by providing a study prepared by a qualified professional that substantiates that parking demand can be met with a reduced parking requirement In such cases, the Adrmnistrative Official may approve a reduction of the minimum number of spaces required, (D) The current edition of the Uniform Building Code shall be used to determine the number of occupants of a use, and (E) The Adnimistrative Official may refer to the current edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual to determine the number of trips used to determine parking demand Administrative Official may reduce the required number of parking spaces based on actual usage or projected demand. (2) Off-street parking and access for physically handicapped persons shall be provided in accordance with Section 7503 of the regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 19.27, State Building Code, and RCW 70 92, Public Buildings -Provisions for Aged and Handicapped. (3) A parking layout plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Official for approval for all multi -family residential, commercial, industrial and institutional land uses. The layout shall be submitted at the time of application for a building permit (or occupancy permit if no building permit is required) or application for any permit required by this UDC The Administrative Official may refer any parking plan to the County Engineer for technical review. (4) Off-street parking areas containing five (5) or more spaces shall be landscaped according GCC § 23 12170. (5) Off-street parking areas shall not be located more than 1,000 feet from the building they are required to serve. subject to the following - (A) Where the off-street parking areas do not abut the buildings they serve, the allowable maximum distance shall be measured from the nearest building entrance along the walking path to the parking areas (B) For all multi -family residences, at least fifty (50) percent of parking area(s) shall be located within 100 feet from the building(s) they are required to serve. (C) For all non-residential uses permitted in residential zones, the parking spaces shall be located on the same lot they are required to serve and at least fifty (50) percent of parking areas shall be located within 150 feet of the nearest building entrance they are required to serve (6) The minimum parking space and aisle dimensions for the most common parking angles are shown in Table 6 For parking angles other than those shown in Table 6, the minimum parking space and aisle dimensions shall be as approved by the County Engineer. (7) Owners of two or more adjoining uses, structures or lots may utilize jointly the same parking or loading area when the hours of operation do not overlap In the event that owners of one or more adjoining uses, structures or lots desire to utilize jointly the same parking concurrently, the total requirement for parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for each individual use. Chapter 23 12 13 (0-'-0l -06 Prehmman, DRAFT Amendinent Proposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (8) If lighting is provided, it shall be designed to minimize direct illutmnation of abutting properties and adjacent streets. Table 5 Minimum Dimensions for Parkmx Stalls and Aisles Parking Angle (°) Stall Width Curb Length Stall Depth Aisle Width Unit Depth 1-Way2-Way 1 -Way 2 -Way 0 90 225 9.0 120 200 300 380 45 9.0 12.5 17.5 14.0 20.0 490 55.0 60 90 10.5 Mo 18.0 200 54.0 56.0 90 90 9.0 180 23.0 26.0 59.0 62.0 (b) Construction Standards. all required off-street parking within the following zoning districts shall be paved, all other parking areas shall be paved or gravel -surfaced: (1) Urban Commerc ial I (UC 1); (2) Urban Commercial 2 (UC2); (3) Urban Light Industrial (ULI); (4) Urban Heavy Industrial (UHI); (5) Public Facility (PF), (6) Rural Village Commercial (RVC), (7) Rural Village Industrial (RVI), (8) Agricultural Service Center (ASC), (9) Rural General Commercial (RGC), (10) Freeway Commercial (FC), (11) Rural Light Industrial (RLI); (12) Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI); and (13) Master Planned Industrial (MPI) 23.12.140 Off-street Loading Requirements (a) Every non-residential building used for retail, wholesale, manufacturing, or storage activities, excluding self-service storage facilities, shall provide off-street loading spaces in accordance with the standards listed below: (1) One loading space shall be required for each building containing 10,000 or more square feet of gross floor area. (2) Each loading space shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide, thirty (30) feet long, have an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet six (6) inches, and be surfaced, improved, and maintained as required by this section Loading spaces must be located so that trucks do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic movement or project into any public right-of-way. All loading space areas shall be separated from required parking areas and shall be designated as truck loading spaces (3) Any loading space located within 100 feet of areas designated for residential use shall be screened and operated as necessary to reduce noise and visual impacts Noise mitigation measures may include architectural or structural barriers, berms. walls, or restriction on the hours of operations. (4) Loading areas and dumpsters shall be screened from public streets and pedestrian connections by walls, trellises, arcades, or landscaping 23.12.150 Signs Chapter 23 12 14 (02- 7-06 Poehmanary DRAFTAnterulment Proposal) 1 Attachment A 2 (a) Purpose: The purpose of this section is to promote community identity, to facilitate commerce, and to 3 facilitate the dissemination of information to people in the community without jeopardizing traffic 4 and pedestrian safety and while preserving the aesthetic beauty of the natural and manmade 5 environment. 6 7 (b) On premise exempt signs: 8 (1) Traffic, information, identification and directional signs installed by a government entity. 9 (2) Official flags or emblems of the United States of America, the State of Washington, or any flags 10 of a political subdivision thereof. 11 (3) Legal notices required by law 12 (4) Political campaign signs or public issue ballot signs that are placed on private property. 13 Provided, however, that these signs shall not be placed more than forty-five (45) days prior to 14 the election and must be removed within seven (7) days following the election terminating 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 candidacy. (5) "No Hunting' signs, "No Trespassing' signs, "No Fishing" signs, and other signs of similar kind and nature (6) Any sign that is placed inside a window or upon the windowpane and is visible from the exterior of the window. (7) Awnings and canopies that do not contain internal illumination. (8) Temporary signs that are not permanently affixed to a building or sign structure and not displayed for more than forty-five days during any 365 day period. (i.e., yard sale, garage sale, auctions, cultural events and festivals, grand opening signs and banners etc.) Temporary signs may not be relocated from location to location on the same lot. (9) Seasonal displays or decorations that do not identify a product, company, or service. (10) Signs that are not visible from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. (11) Temporary agricultural -related signs, such as fruit and vegetable stand signs, harvest directional signs, etc. for a maximum forty-five (45) days prior to operation and must be removed within thirty (30) days of ceasing operation. (12) Agricultural -related (e g , crop identification/information signs, hay sale signs, and tarp rentallsale signs) (13) Real-estate/ property for sale signs = or < 32 square ft. (14) Subdivision gateway/entrance signs = or <32 square ft. (15) Temporary construction/ contractor/ developers signs = or < 32 square ft. Exempt signs shall conform to all applicable development standards and requirements including but not limited to (e), (f), (g) and (h) in this section Other than those sizes specifically identified above, exempt signs shall be limited in size by what is customary for the sign type. (c) Permits Required Except as identified as an exception in (b) above, no sign, including those attached to buildings or houses, shall be erected, re -erected, constructed, or structurally altered unless and until authorization of such action and a permit is issued Signs =/or less than 32 sq/ft shall be allowed outright Signs greater than 32 sq/ft shall be processed as a Conditional Use. All signs utilizing animation or containing any flashing lights shall be processed as a Conditional Use All off-prenuse advertising signs erected in any zoning district require an approved conditional -use permit (including but not limited to billboards). Applications for signs shall be submitted on application forms provided by the Department. In addition to the materials required in the application, the applicant shall provide - (1) A site plan, drawn to scale showing the property or building for which the sign is proposed. Chapter 23 12 15 (02-01-06 Pi ehmman, DRAFT Amendment Proposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (2) Drawings, to scale, that depict structural details (3) The means of attachment (if applicable) (4) The means of illumination (if applicable). (5) The applicant shall demonstrate how the design of the sign provides continuity (including but not limited to size, shape, height, location, materials etc ) with the existing signage, if any, on the property and the existing signage, if any, on adjacent properties. Provided, however, that the Administrative Official may waive one or more of these requirements if determined that the information would not be significant, relevant, or helpful for review, (d) For purposes of determining whether a permit should be issued, the Decision Maker shall apply the following criteria in addition to all other relevant provisions of the code including but not limited to GCC 23 12.150(e) and (t): (1) The scale of the sign is appropriate for the size and type of use it serves, viewer distance, and observation by a passing motonst/pedestnan (2) The various components of the sign shall be integrated into a single design and shall not have auxiliary projections or attachments. (3) The design of the sign provides continuity with the existing signage, if any, on the property and the existing signage, if any, on adjacent properties. To the extent necessary, as determined within the Decision Maker's discretion, the Decision Maker may impose conditions upon the applicant when a sign permit is issued. (e) General Prohibitions. (1) No sign shall be erected or placed on a utility pole, street light standard, or traffic control standard unless placed there by the public entity owning the structure (2) No sign shall be placed in or extended over any street or public right-of-way unless permitted herein. (3) No sign shall be placed in a location that would block the field of vision of a motorist attempting to enter or exit a public or private right-of-way. (4) No sign shall be placed within or extended over any required setback area. (5) Strobe lights are prohibited unless required by a governmental agency/department. (6) Neon or flashing signs within all residential zones are prohibited. (7) Signs that rotate or are audible are prohibited except traffic safety signs installed by a governmental agency. (8) Signs oriented to highways and freeway signs shall not be permitted within residential zones. (f) General Requirements (1) At roadway intersections, signs shall be placed so that a three hundred (300) foot line of sight may be seen along the right-of-ways. Sign supports (posts) do not constitute an obstruction to the line of sight. (2) Each structure/building may be permitted one (1) on-pretruse freestanding sign on each road frontage, up to a maximum of two (2) on -premise freestanding signs. In the event that the structure/building has no frontage, one (1) on -premise freestanding sign shall be allowed. (3) On -premises freestanding signs shall not exceed the maximum building height allowed in the zoning district in which the sign will be located The height of the sign shall be determined by measuring from the grade to the highest point on the sign (4) On -premise freestanding signs shall not exceed 200 square feet in sign area per face. Chapter 2312 16 (03-01-0(PrelirninarvDR4FT lnrerulrneatRoposall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (5) Illuminated signs shall he placed so as to reduce any nuisance to area residents or future residents of adjacent residentially zoned property. Illuminated signs shall not be placed closer than two hundred (200)feet of a residential zone unless adequately screened pursuant to 23 12.180. (6) Signs in residential districts shall not exceed six (6) square feet per face and shall not be illuimnated, unless otherwise permitted The maximum height for freestanding signs in a residential district shall be six (6) feet (7) Signs oriented to highways and freeways may be permitted to have a maximum sign area per face of four hundred (400) square feet. (8) On-prenuse freestanding signs shall not contain more than 2 faces. (9) Any signage proposed within state or federal rights-of-way or)urisdiction as determined by statute/ownership, must seek the requisite agency permits before applying for a County sign permit (10) No signage unless the Public Works Department grants prior approval, is permitted within County rights-of-way (11) All signage must meet current minimum sight distance restrictions as determined by the County Public Works Department pursuant to the Manual on Traffic Control Devices Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a County sign permit, the applicant shall inquire with the Public Works Department as to what minimum distances if any are required. (12) Prior to or concurrent with the submittal of a County sign permit, the applicant shall inquire with the Building Department/Fire Marshall as to the necessity of a building permit application. (g) Maintenance and Removal of Signs: All signs and their support structures shall be maintained in good order and repair at all times so as to avoid creating a hazard to public safety. (h) Removal of Non -Conforming Signs: Grant County reserves the right to remove or require the removal of existing non -conforming signs. (Ord 42003 -CC, 03/03) 23.12.160 Utilities (a) General Regulations: (1) Environmental impacts resulting from installation or maintenance of utilities shall he minimized. Areas disturbed during construction shall be replanted with native vegetation and maintained until firmly established, unless waived by the Adrmmstrative Official. Clearing shall be confined to that necessary to allow installation and to prevent interference by vegetation once the system is in operation. (2) Utilities and transportation facilities shall be installed in the same rights-of-way when the effect will be to reduce the adverse impacts on the physical environment (3) Solid waste transfer and disposal facilities shall be located and designed in accordance with WAC 173-301, Department of Ecology Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling, the Grant County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, and applicable local health. safety, and fire protection codes. (4) Utility lines within Agricultural (AG) zoning district shall be designed and located to nummize disruption of existing and potential agricultural uses. 23.12.170 Landscaping Standards (a) Landscaping shall be provided for all multi -family residential, commercial, industrial and institutional land uses, parking lots, and as required in other sections of this UDC. Chapter 2312 17 (93-01-76Poehmman DRAFTAmendntentProposul) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (b) Landscaping shall be designed. installed and maintained to provide a visual separation between uses and zoning districts, aesthetic enhancement, retain the rural character and soften the appearance of streets, parking areas and building elevations, or provide relief and shade in parking areas, as appropriate (c) Landscaping shall be a mix of trees and shrubs interspersed throughout the landscaped strip and spaced to provide the desired function(s). (d) Minimum average width or depth of landscaping shall be as follows: (1) Street frontages ten (10) feet; (2) Interior lot lines. five (5) feet in multi -family residential and mobile/manufactured home parks; ten (10) feet in all other uses; (3) Parking lots- twenty (20) square feet per parking stall. (e) Landscaping or screening shall not be placed in the public right-of-way or in the vision clearance triangle of intersections and curb cuts. (f) Landscaping Plan: A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Official for approval. The plan shall be submitted at the time of application for a building permit (or occupancy permit if no building perrrut is required) or application for any pernut required by this UDC Trees and other significant site features, the type and location of plant materials used, and visual screening shall be indicated The plan shall be drawn on the same base map as the development plans and shall identify the following: (1) Total landscape area and separate hydro zones; (2) Landscape materials, plant names, and size; (3) Property lines; (4) Impervious surfaces; (5) Natural and man-made water features; (6) Existing and proposed structures, fences and retaining walls; (7) Natural features and vegetation left in place; and (8) Designated open space areas. (g) Landscaping installation- All required landscaping shall be installed no later than three (3) months following issuance of a certificate of occupancy. However, the time limit may be extended to allow installation during the next planting season A financial security shall be provided assuring the installation of the landscaping in an amount and form approved by the Administrative Official, provided that the security may not be for a period exceeding nine (9) months from the issuance of an occupancy permit, at which time installation shall have occurred. (h) Maintenance all landscaping and necessary support systems shall be maintained to a healthy, growing condition for the life of the development. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash 23.12.180 Visual Screening (a) Visual screening shall consist of landscaping designed, installed and maintained to provide substantially sight -obscuring visual separation between adjacent uses and to screen uses from the public right-of-way or street. (b) Such visual screening shall consist of a rix of trees and shrubs interspersed throughout the landscaped strip and spaced to provide substantially sight -obscuring visual separation. At a minimum, Chapter 2312 18 (02-01-06 PidainnanDRAFT Amendment Proposa0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A visual screening shall consist of: (1) trees spaced at a rate of one per 20 linear feet of landscape strip and spaced no more than 30 feet apart on center, and (2) shrubs spaced at a rate of 1 per 4 linear feet of landscaped strip and spaced no more than 8 feet apart on center (c) All other provisions of 23.12.170 regarding landscaping, including landscape plans, installation and maintenance shall apply to visual screens. 23.12.190 Lighting Standards (a) Exterior Lighting: (1) Exterior lighting for all uses and signs shall be energy-efficient and shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflections are contained within the boundaries of the parcel. Exterior lighting shall be directed downward and away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way. No lighting shall blink, flash, or be of unusually high intensity or brightness All lighting fixtures shall be appropriate in scale, intensity, and height to the use they are serving Any lighting installed in parking areas shall be of direct cutoff design so that the source is not visible form adjacent property. (b) Street Lighting Street lighting is not provided by the County on County roads If installed by others, the design and location shall be approved by the County Engineer, and a method to cover the cost of operation and maintenance must be approved by the County. 23.12.200 Home Occupations and Cottage Industries (a) The requirements for home occupations shall be as specified in GCC § 23.08.210. (b) The requirements for home occupations shall be as specified in GCC § 23.08.140. 23.12.210 Wireless Communication Facilities (a) General Requirements: All towers and antennas must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC and any other agency of the federal government with the authority to regulate towers and antennas. If such standards and regulations are changed, then the wireless communication services providers governed by this Section shall bring such towers and antennas into compliance within the timelines provided by the revised standards and regulations. The revised standards and regulations are not retroactively applicable to existing providers unless otherwise provided or permitted by federal law. Failure to bring towers and antennas into compliance with such revised standards and regulations shall constitute grounds for the County to remove the providers facilities at the provider's expense. (b) WCF Support Structure Standards: New WCF support structures shall meet the following design standards: (1) View corridors. The applicant shall provide three-dimensional, visual simulation of the facilities and other appropriate graphics to demonstrate the visual impact on the view of the County's foothills, lakes, and open space areas as viewed from major transportation corridors or public open space Due consideration shall be given so that placement of WCFs does not obstruct or diminish these views (2) Setback A support structures's setback shall be measured from the base of the support structure to the property line of the parcel on which it is located WCF support structures, where permitted, shall be set back from all property lines a distance equal to 100 percent of the support Chapter 23 12 19 (02-0]-06 Prelmnnnry DRAFTAmeadntent Proposal) V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A structure height as measured from ground level in the following zoning districts: RR1, RRem, RUR, POS, OSC, OSR, UR, RVC, RVI, RC, RD, and SRT All other support structures shall comply with the minimum setback requirements of the zoning district in which they are located. (3) Lights, Signals and Signs- No signals, lights or signs shall be permitted on support structures unless required by the FCC or the FAA (4) Height: The applicant shall demonstrate that the support structure is the minimum height required to function satisfactorily No tower that is taller than this nummum height shall be approved. In no case shall support structure height exceed one hundred (100) feet, except that support structure height may not exceed two hundred (200) feet in Public Open Space (POS), Open Space Conservation (OSC) and Rural Remote (RRem) zoning districts and three hundred (300) feet in the Agriculture (AG) zoning district. (5) Security. Security fencing no less than six (6) feet in height with access through a locked gate shall be required around each support structure and its related equipment. Support structures shall be equipped with an appropriate anti -climbing device. (6) Required Parking. If the WCF site is not fully automated, adequate parking shall be required for maintenance workers If the site is automated, other arrangements for adequate off-street parking shall be made. (7) Site Location/Integrity: Site location and development shall preserve the pre-existing character of the site as much as possible. Existing vegetation should be preserved or improved, and disturbance of the existing topography of the site should be minimized unless such disturbance would result in less visual impact of the site on the surrounding area. (8) Structural Integrity: Support Structures shall be constructed to the most recent Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 222 Revision F Standard entitled "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures" as it may be updated or amended (9) Cause for Removal If, upon inspection, the County concludes that a support structure fails to comply with such standards or constitutes a danger to persons or property, then upon notice being provided to the owner of the support structure, the owner shall have thirty (30) days to bring such support structure into compliance with such standards. If the owner fails to bring such support structure into compliance within said thirty (30) days, the County shall notify the owner that a violation has occurred.. (10) Improvements/Additions Support structures shall be constructed to the EIA Standards and all applicable construction/building codes. Further, any improvements or additions to existing support structures shall require submission of site plans prepared under the direction of and sealed by a Professional Engineer which demonstrate compliance with the EIA Standards and all other good industry practices. Said plans shall be subrrutted and reviewed at the time building permits are requested (c) Antenna Standards- Antenna on or above a structure shall be subject to the following requirements: (1) Compatibility The antenna must be architecturally compatible with the building and wall on which it is mounted, and designed and located so as to minimize any adverse aesthetic impact (2) Height. The applicant shall demonstrate that the antenna is the minimum height required to function satisfactorily In no case shall an antenna add more than twenty (20) feet to the height Of an existing buildmg or structure to which it is attached. (3) Setback- Antenna arrays for Attached WCFs are exempt from the setback standards of the underlying zone in which they are located. An attached WCF antenna array may extend up to five (5) feet horizontally beyond the edge of the attachment structure so long as the antenna array does not encroach upon the adjoining parcel (4) Equipment Facilities Setback All Equipment Facilities shall meet the setback requirements for the underlying zone in which they are located Chapter 2312 20(02-01-06Pielmnnan,E)PAFTAmendmentProposal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (5) Historic Landmarks: No antenna shall be permitted on property designated as an historical landmark, unless such antenna has been approved in accordance with this Section and written permission is obtained from the County (6) Roof mounting On buildings the antenna may be mounted on the roof if the following additional criteria are satisfied - (A) The County finds that it is not technically possible or aesthetically desirable to mount the antenna on a wall (B) No portion of the antenna or base station causes the height of the building to exceed the limitations set forth herein. (C) Roof mounted antennas are completely screened from view by materials that are consistent and compatible with the design, color, and materials of the building. (d) Support Facilities Design. WCF support facilities shall be designed to complement or maintain the integrity of the surrounding landscape and built environment. (1) Compatibility: Facilities shall be architecturally compatible with the surrounding buildings and land uses in the zoning district and screened or otherwise integrated through location and design to blend in with the existing characteristics of the site. (2) Color. Towers and antennas shall have a color generally matching the building, surroundings or background that minimizes their visibility, unless the FCC or FAA requires a different color. Muted colors, earth tones and subdued colors shall be used wherever possible. (3) Equipment Structures: Ground level equipment, related base stations for mounted antennas, buildings and the tower base shall be screened from public view. The standards for the equipment buildings are as follows (A) Equipment mounted on a roof shall have a finish similar to the exterior building walls. Equipment for roof mounted antennas may also be located within the building on which the antennas are mounted, subject to good engineering practices. (B) In instances where equipment buildings are located in residential zones, equipment buildings shall comply with setback requirements and shall be designed so as to conform in appearance with nearby residential structures. (C) If an accessory equipment shelter is present, it must blend with the surrounding buildings in architectural character and color The structure must be architecturally and visually (color, size and bulk) compatible with surrounding existing buildings, structures, vegetation and uses Such facilities will be considered architecturally and visually compatible if they are adequately screened to disguise the facilities. (e) Landscaping and Screening: The visual impacts of a WCF shall be mitigated through landscaping or other screening The Administrative Official may permit any combination of existing vegetation, berming, topography, walls, decorative fences or other features instead of landscaping if they achieve the same degree of screening as landscaping. (f) Lighting: WCFs shall not be artificially lighted, except for: (1) Security and safety lighting of equipment buildings if such lighting is appropriately downshielded to keep light within the boundaries of the site, and (2) Such lighting of the WCF as may be required by the Federal Aviation Adm nistration (FAA) or other applicable authority installed in a manner to minimize impacts on adjacent residences. (g) Noise: No equipment shall be operated at a WCF so as to produce noise in excess of 45dBA "EDNA" at the adjacent residential property line in accordance with WAC 173-60, except for in emergency situations requiring the use of a backup generator, where the noise standards may be exceeded on a temporary basis Chapter 2312 21 (02-01-06 PtehmmariDRAFT Amendment Proposal) Attachment A 1 2 (h) Radio Frequency Emissions- The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FTA) gives the Federal 3 Communications Commission (FCC) sole jurisdiction of the field of regulation of Radio Frequency 4 (RF) emissions. WCFs which meet the FCC standards shall not be conditioned or denied on the basis 5 of RF impacts. 6 7 23.12.220 Master Planned Resort Development Standards 8 9 (a) Purpose: A Master Planned Resort (MPR) is a self-contained and fully integrated development in a 10 setting of significant natural amenities, with primary focus on destination resort facilities, and which 11 is planned for as a whole and developed in a programmed series of stages (See also Sections 12 23.04 650 and 25.12.070 of this UDC) 13 (1) Minimum Standards: 14 (A) An MPR may be located in any Rural Lands or within any Rural Activity Center. 15 (B) The tract or tracts of land shall be in one ownership or control or the subject of a joint 16 application by the owners of all the property included 17 (C) If the MPR divides the land into individual lots, the requirements of this Section and GCC 18 Chapter 22.04 shall be met If the MPR does not divide the land into individual lots, a 19 binding site plan shall be prepared to meet the requirements of this Section and GCC 20 Chapter 22 04 Article VII 21 (D) The site design of an MPR shall include the clustering of units, lots, and uses insofar as is 22 consistent with the overall purpose or theme of the MPR, and to achieve an energy-efficient 23 design 24 (E) Access to Shorelines — Common Easements. An MPR adjacent to water and subject to the 25 jurisdiction of the Shoreline Master Program shall dedicate public access to the shoreline 26 areas as required by the Shoreline Master Program and by the terms of the Master Plan. 27 (IF) Water Quality: Shall meet the requirements specified in GCC § 23 12.080. 28 (G) Water Supply- Shall demonstrate adequate and available water to serve each phase of the 29 development as specified in GCC § 23 12.050 30 (H) Sewage Disposal Shall demonstrate adequate sewage disposal to serve each phase of the 31 development as specified in GCC § 23 12 060. 32 (1) Stormwater Management Shall meet the requirements and standards GCC § 23.12.080. 33 (J) Open space and landscaped areas shall be designed as an integrated part of the MPR rather 34 than as an isolated element. A landscaping plan shall be prepared consistent with 35 requirements of and incorporating the development standards of GCC § 23 12 160 A visual 36 buffer shall be established along the perimeter, appropriate to the project, if required by the 37 Administrative Official 38 (K) Roads, streets, and access drives within and adjacent to the MPR shall met the requirements 39 specified in GCC § 23 12 100, § 23.12 110, § 23 12.120 and § 23 12 140. 40 (L) MPR parking shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way 41 (M) Signs shall be designed and erected in conformance with design guidelines in GCC § 42 23.12 130. 43 (N) Concurrency requirements shall be met as provided in GCC Chapter 25 20. 44 (2) Flexible Standards- The following standards shall be set within the Master Plan (see GCC § 45 25.12.070(c) and (d)) for the MPR: 46 (A) All density, dimension, and open -space standards in Table 2 in this Section. 47 (B) Maximum Density. The maximum density within a Master Planned Resort Activity Center 48 may be modified to allow flexibility within the MPR, as per GCC § 23.04.650(c) of this 49 UDC, provided that the total development is consistent with the provisions of the 50 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 23 12 22 (02-01-06 Prelimutan- DRAFT Amendment Pr000val) Attachment A 1 (C) Allowable Uses: The allowable uses in an MPR shall be determined as part of the 2 development of the Master Plan in accordance with GCC § 23.04 650 and § 25.12.070 of 3 this UDC. 4 5 23.12.230 Mobile/Manufactured Home Development Standards 6 7 (a) General: This section establishes standards and criteria for development and expansion of 8 mobile/manufactured home parks These standards are provided to ensure uniform, coordinated 9 development of mobile/manufactured home parks, and to ensure the general health, welfare and 10 safety of the occupants of mobile/manufactured homes that may be located within a park developed 11 under these standards. These standards shall be applied in a manner that stresses tmnimizmg costs; 12 alternatives that reduce costs and meet the intent of these standards will be encouraged 13 14 (b) Land Division: Land division to establish mobile/manufactured home parks shall be by binding site 15 plan, as specified in GCC Chapter 22 04, Article VII. 16 17 (c) Application Requirements- An applicant shall submit ten (10) copies of all application materials, as 18 specified in GCC § 22.04.530. 19 20 (d) Additional Site Plan Requirements: In addition to the site plan requirements specified in GCC § 21 22.04.530(3), all proposals for mobile/manufactured home parks shall include the following 22 information: 23 (1) All mobile/manufactured home spaces shall be clearly delineated and include building envelope, 24 dimensions, square footage and set backs; 25 (2) The location of required parking for each unit; 26 (3) Streets; 27 (4) Signage for the park and directional signage; 28 (5) The location of all solid waste containers and screening containers; 29 (6) All facilities, utilities, improvements and amenities, including pathways, sidewalks, and 30 recreational facilities 31 32 (e) Review and Approval of Applications: Applications shall be reviewed as specified in GCC § 33 22 04.540. Approval criteria shall be as specified in GCC § 22.04 550. 34 35 (f) Recording and Binding Effect: Development in conformity with the approved final site plan is 36 binding The applicant shall record the approved binding site plan in accordance with GCC § 37 22.04.560. Deviation from any condition upon which approval was granted, or from any condition 38 shown on the approved final site plan, shall constitute a violation of this UDC punishable and 39 enforceable in the manner provided for in GCC Chapter 25.16. 40 41 (g) Site Improvements Required Prior to Approval of Building Permit: All public and private site 42 improvements required by the approved binding site plan shall be completed and accepted by the 43 County or subjected to a performance security approved by the Administrative Official prior to 44 issuing the first building permit for the site Alternatively, the Administrative Official may condition 45 the completion of such improvements pursuant to an approved phasing plan. 46 47 (h) Development Standards: All proposals for mobile/manufactured home parks shall be developed in 48 compliance with the underlying zoning district and shall be in compliance with this section The 49 density of a park or park expansion shall not exceed the density of the underlying zoning district, 50 except as allowed in subsection (i) of this section, below. All required site improvements shall be Chapter 2312 23 i02-01-06Pielpraiiim�,DRAFTAmenilrnentPropoca/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A installed prior to placement of mobile/manufactured homes in the park. Additional site improvements may be required by the Decision Maker. The following development standards shall apply - (1) Minimum Dimensional Standards and Setbacks Mobile/manufactured home spaces shall meet the lot size, lot width, and all other standards for detached single-family dwellings, including setbacks, as provided in GCC § 23 12.070, as if the spaces were lots, (2) Internal Street Paving: A minimum of thirty (30) foot width reserved for internal streets with a nummum of twenty-four (24) foot wide paved surface shall be required for access to each unit; (3) Minimum Turning Radius Minimum turning radius and radius of horizontal curves shall be fifty (50) feet; (4) Access. Each mobile/manufactured home unit shall access the internal street; access of individual units to County Roads shall not be allowed (5) Off -Street Parking: Two paved off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each unit; (6) Right-of-way Dedication and Frontage Improvements Appropriate provisions for right-of-way dedication and right-of-way improvements adjacent to the park shall be made, including street paving, and sidewalks, curb, gutter, and street lighting. Improvements shall be installed prior to placement of mobile/manufactured homes in the park, unless an appropriate bond or instrument acceptable to the County is provided to guarantee installation of improvements; (7) Street Signs and Internal Directional Signs. Streets within the park shall be named utilizing street signs consistent with Grant County standards and approved by the County Engineer. Internal directional signs indicating unit/space shall be placed on all street intersections within park; (8) Utilities- All utilities, including irrigation and domestic water and sewer, shall be installed prior to placement of mobile/manufactured homes in the park. The internal water system shall include fire hydrants located at the direction of the Fire Marshall, in consultation with the appropriate Fire Department or Fire District; (9) Minimum Unit Separation. Mobile/manufactured home units shall separated by a tmmmum of ten (10) feet, measured from the furthest extremity of each unit, including stairways; (10) Perimeter Site -screening and Landscaping. The perimeter of a mobile/manufactured home park shall be site -screened with a six-foot high, view -obscuring fence and shall include at a minimum a ten (10) foot wide landscape strip adjacent to the fence and within the park consisting of a combination of shrubs, trees and ground cover; (11) Stormwater Drainage. All excess stormwater drainage created by development shall be retained on site, and shall meet the requirements and standards GCC § 23 12 080 A drainage plan shall be prepared as specified in GCC § 23.12.080 for review by the County; (12) Dumpsters/Solid Waste Containers Dumpsters and solid waste containers shall be provided for common use and shall be screened with a six-foot high, view -obscuring fence or wall and access gate, (13) Play Area Requirement: Each mobile/manufactured home park shall provide a play area for children contained within the unit's space, consisting of a minimum size of six hundred (600) square feet and a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet, and (14) Maintenance of Common Areas, Landscaping and Open Space/Recreational Areas: All common areas and facilities, including streets, walkways, utilities, storage areas, open space and recreational areas, shall be continuously maintained in good condition by the mobile/manufactured home park owner or homeowners' association An irrigation system shall be installed for maintenance of common landscaping and recreational/open space areas that would normally require irrigation. (i) Expanding Legal Nonconforming Mobile/Manufactured Home Parks- Comprehensive Plan policies provide for limited expansions of legally nonconfornung mobile/manufactured home parks as an incentive to improve the liveability of the park and upgrade the units within it It is anticipated that Chapter 23 12 14 (02-01-06 Pielnnmari DRAFTAmendmenf Pronosah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A some mobile/manufactured home parks may not be able to meet all requirements for expansion. Expansion of legal, nonconforrmng mobile/manufactured home parks shall meet the following criteria (1) Expansion of a legal nonconforming mobile/manufactured home park shall only be allowed when such expansion also includes substantial improvements in the existing mobile/manufactured home park to such a degree that the existing park, including the expanded area complies with or is substantially more in conformance with the provisions of applicable codes and this UDC, and more compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; (2) The Decision Maker shall deterimne the extent and nature of improvements required in the existing park to conform to applicable codes and this LDC; (3) This section expressly prohibits an increase in the number of units within a legal nonconforming mobile/manufactured home park which already exceeds allowable zoning density unless the Decision Maker finds - (A) That such increase is required to finance improvements in the older part of the mobile/manufactured home park; (B) Such increase is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; and (C) The water and sanitary facilities will be adequate to meet the needs of the park's residents; and (4) The Decision Maker may require that some existing homes within the park be moved to the expansion area to make the mobile/manufactured home park, as a whole, more conforming to the provisions of applicable codes and this UDC. (5) The number of replacement units allowed may be adjusted by the Decision Maker, based on the number of existing bedrooms and configuration of the mobile/manufactured home park, in order to achieve the objectives of this section and comprehensive plan policy. (6) The expanded number of dwellings shall not exceed more than fifty (50) percent of the existing developed spaces within the park or twenty (20) homes, whichever is less. The Decision Maker may decrease the actual number of spaces approved for a proposed expansion, depending on the proposed degree of improvement and conformance of the park with applicable codes. In no event shall the Decision Maker approve more spaces than is herein provided. (7) When the expansion is located adjacent to agricultural or mineral resource land, approval shall be conditioned on the following - (A) Execution by the applicant of a statement of acknowledgment as specified in GCC § 23.04.080 - Right to Farm/Mmeral Resource Land Protection Provisions The applicant shall provide a copy of the declaration to all existing and new residents of the park; and (B) Perimeter buffering techniques shall be employed which may include fencing, berms, landscape plantings, increased setbacks, road placements, and other measures designed to increase distance and compatibility between residences and potentially conflicting resource uses. 23.12.240 Master Planned Industrial Development Standards (a) General- This section establishes standards and criteria for development of master planned industrial developments. These standards are provided to ensure uniform, coordinated development of master planned industrial developments, and to ensure the general health, welfare and safety of the occupants of master planned industrial developments and adjacent nonurban lands. (b) Land Division- Land division to establish master planned industrial developments shall be by binding site plan, as specified in GCC Chapter 22 04, Article VII Chapter 2312 _'? 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A (c) Additional Site Plan Requirements: In addition to the site plan requirements specified in GCC § 22.04 530(3), all proposals for master planned industrial developments shall include the following information - (1) The location of required parking; (2) Signage and directional signage, (3) All facilities, utilities, improvements and amenities, including pathways, sidewalks, and recreational facilities (d) Review and Approval of Applications- Applications shall be reviewed as specified in GCC § 22 04 540. Approval criteria shall be as specified in GCC § 22.04.550 (e) Recording and Binding Effect: Development in conformity with the approved final site plan is binding. The applicant shall record the approved binding site plan in accordance with GCC § 22 04.560. Deviation from any condition upon which approval was granted, or from any condition shown on the approved final site plan, shall constitute a violation of this UDC punishable and enforceable in the manner provided for in GCC Chapter 25 16 (f) Site Improvements Required Prior to Approval of Building Permit: All public and private site improvements required by the approved binding site plan shall be completed and accepted by the County or subjected to a performance security approved by the Administrative Official prior to issuing the first building permit for the site. Alternatively, the Administrative Official may condition the completion of such improvements pursuant to an approved phasing plan. (g) Performance Standards: All development in a MPI zoning district shall meet the requirements of GCC § 23.08.230, Industrial Uses — Standards for Site Development. (h) Development Standards: The following development standards shall apply- (1) pply(1) Minimum Dimensional Standards and Setbacks All development in an MPI zoning district shall meet the density, dimension and open space standards, including setbacks, as provided in GCC § 23.12 070; (2) Right-of-way Dedication and Frontage Improvements Appropriate provisions for right-of-way dedication and right-of-way improvements adjacent to the master planned industrial development shall be made, including street paving, and sidewalks, curb, gutter, and street lighting Improvements shall be installed prior to issuance of a building permit for any development in the master planned industrial development, unless an appropriate bond or instrument acceptable to the County is provided to guarantee installation of improvements, (3) Water Quality Shall meet the requirements specified in GCC § 23.12.080 (4) Water Supply Shall demonstrate adequate and available water to serve each phase of the development as specified in GCC § 23 12.050. (5) Sewage Disposal- Shall demonstrate adequate sewage disposal to serve each phase of the development as specified in GCC § 23 12 060. (6) Stormwater Drainage All excess stormwater drainage created by development shall be retained on site, and shall meet the requirements and standards GCC § 23.12.080 A drainage plan shall be prepared as specified in GCC § 23.12 080 for review by the County, (7) Roads. streets, and access drives within and adjacent to the MPI shall met the requirements specified in GCC § 23 12 100, § 23.12 110, § 23 12.120 and § 23.12.140. (8) MPI parking shall be screened from view from public tights -of -way. (9) Street Signs and Intemal Directional Signs Streets within the master planned industrial development shall be named utilizing street signs consistent with Grant County standards and approved by the County Engineer. Intemal directional signs shall be placed on all street Chapter 23 12 26 102-01-06 Pi elnzaaecu-i DRAFT Ameiulnreiit Prano stiI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A intersections within park Signs shall be designed and erected in conformance with design guidelines in GCC § 23.12.130; (10) Utilities All utilities, including irrigation, domestic water and sewer, electrical distribution, telephone, and cable TV, shall be installed prior to or in conjunction with construction of permitted buildings in the master planned industrial development. The internal water system shall include fire hydrants located at the direction of the Fire Marshall, in consultation with the appropriate Fire Department or Fire District; (11) Perimeter Site -screening and Landscaping: The perimeter of a master planned industrial development shall be site -screened with a six-foot high, view -obscuring fence and shall include at a minimum a ten (10) foot wide landscape strip adjacent to the fence and within the development consisting of a combination of shrubs, trees and ground cover; (12) Dumpsters/Solid Waste Containers: Dumpsters and solid waste containers shall be provided for common use and shall be screened with a six-foot high, view -obscuring fence or wall and access gate, (13) Maintenance of Common Areas, Landscaping and Open Space/Recreational Areas All common areas and facilities, including streets, walkways, utilities, storage areas, open space and recreational areas, shall be continuously maintained in good condition by the owner; (14) Open space and landscaped areas shall be provided. A landscaping plan shall be prepared consistent with requirements of and incorporating the development standards of GCC § 23 12.160. A visual buffer shall be established along the perimeter, appropriate to the project, if required by the Administrative Official, (15) Transit -oriented Design and Facilities- The MPI site shall be designed such that the site can be adequately served by public transit facilities, and (16) Concurrency requirements shall be met as provided in GCC Chapter 25.20. Chapter 23 12 27 (02-01-06 Pielimmaii DRAFTAmendment Pianoval) re N s C h U y Sw -OD Q N w U T O ^ C4 N1- a ,V 1-i �O oo O, O O 'O m O N r ( o o v a \ k o w } \+ - ± law -\ - { ƒ ] to / mo \4k � ®- a]® Sod ) (} \ § - / < § 2 .- \` Will \ k \k) - \))\ ~ © E\D \ ] _ }^ t 2 A / nm 9 \ !am \ \ \ .. ) k % i !.,/ {/ �~ � 2 M—\}/ }e■�zu=paceE1®0 � /3� fE22[\)/»9c£ee527ey° /]£ ƒy/i&i\]C110. jJ\ \ F I G N s 03 L 6 FW 0 ~ o 3SOAiI N p c o 0 v A E ✓44 M O Q M l0 v O I'I2i 's o �i"�� -am ov vo�o� � �'2oUcCG-off N — 4JAW z v oLa C C O QCLC •C 'GJ '� ri72 M y Oi K try .= c+t Q C « p 01 0 z 7 Z ? 0 N N N .Dail N N N E M m M M t' N v 'o n? af)H ti L U a O L O D I E ��}} b ECGS °� CSN � a C ZQS d yy U w O N v; E C: 72 9 O .-. w � � N O s IQS � UHE [° k .--i o ti --H E � 4 v :t N O L O V .DSV ^v ^ w U cd d IAH y E DAHz A c .O a p ¢ 0 Z-1 HAH aI j� o 0 ry 0 ~ o O E o �i"�� -am ov vo�o� � �'2oUcCG-off N O QCLC •C 'GJ '� ri72 M y Oi K try .= c+t Q C « 01 0 z 7 Z ? 0 N N N N N N N N N N M tN�t M M t' 1 M M M M I 7 i V5 C M V O N y N vn L >CIO G O N - N C9 0 u 75 E a v v v❑ E M E t y£ b y G❑ bq t N R. 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IS a M V L pn c c N N U � ¢y _ N 5 a O d U ^ W m TU £ A 'O > 7 a 0 £ 3 Tam=_ O G� 7 w wo a=_p L N V N Y S y V ry ° ti U M O 3 'o yN N y 'O 'J r Q Q N N C O C U P4 0 3 w ro n, v N N U N N � a4 L as w h _ o E w w 2 a on L n N^ G d r •• t" � U N G y N a T N^ E _ �aQFaFNa¢ N N N N N N V N r c 4 N 0 N C A £ Y n D J] U M O c c N N ¢y N A O d U U O 'O 0 O G� b d U V ry ti � M N oy 'O 'J C7 N N N N OM to M rMn c��t ��i M tin N mItV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A Table 5 Land Uses Residential Uses Cottage Industry 2 per dwelling unit plus 1 per employee who reside off the property Greenhouse, Accessory Use 1 per employee Home Occupations 2 per dwelling unit plus 1 per employee who reside off the property Manufactured & Modular Homes 2 per dwelling unit Mobile Homes 2 per dwelling unit Multi -Family Residential Units 2 per dwelling unit Single -Family Residential Unit, without 2 per dwelling unit accessory dwelling unit Single -Family Residential Unit, with accessory 3 per dwelling unit dwelling unit Two -Family (Duplex) Residential Unit 2 per dwelling unit Planned Unit Development Determined by the Administrative Official Un -named Residential Uses Determined by the Administrative Official Commercial Uses Agricultural Equipment Storage, Sales and 1 per employee and 1 per 300 square feet of retail sales Rental Services area Animal Facilities, Shelters & Kennels 1 per employee and 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area Automotive Service and Repair 2 per bay or stall plus 1 per employee Bed & Breakfast Inns 1 per guest room, plus 2 per facility Bed & Breakfast Residences 1 per guest room, plus 2 per facility Cemeteries Determined by the Administrative Official Convenience Stores 1 per 200 square feet Day Care, Type 1 1 space per 10 people enrolled plus 1 for each staff member or volunteer on-site, but not fewer than 3 spaces Day Care, Type 2 1 space per 10 people enrolled plus 1 for each staff member or volunteer on-site, but not fewer than 3 spaces Drinking Establishment 1 per 100 square feet or I per 3 seats, whichever is greater. Eating Establishment 1 per 100 square feet or 1 per 3 seats, whichever is greater. Indoor Entertainment Facilities 1 per 4 seats or per 100 square feet of assembly area, whichever is greater Nursing Homes 5 plus I per 6 beds Nursery, Retail 1 per employee Hotel/Motel 1 per guest room plus 1 per employee Personal & Professional Services 1 per 300 square feet plus I per employee, but not fewer than 3 spaces Residential Care Facilities 5 plus I per 6 beds Resorts, New 1 per 300 square feet plus 1 per employee Resorts. Expansion of Existing Uses 1 per 300 square feet plus 1 per employee Residential (Mini) Storage Facilities 1 per employee plus one per rental unit Retail Sales and Services 1 per 300 square feet Storage and Sale of Fertilizer, Pesticides, 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of sales area Herbicides, Soil Stenlants & Fumigants Un -named Commercial Uses Determined by the Administrative Official Chapter 23 12 34 September 29, 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A Table 5 Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Requ for Different Land Uses Land Use I Minimum Number of Parking Snaces Required' Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, Permanent Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, Temporary Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities Construction Yards Feed Lots and Stockyards Fuel Production & Processing Facilities Heavy Construction Equipment Storage, Sales & Rental Services Heavy Industrial Uses Light Industrial Uses Light Manufacturing Mining & Mineral Extraction Mineral Processing Accessory to Extraction Operations Outdoor Storage Yards Recycling Center Slaughter, Packing & Rendering Facilities Storage & Treatment of Industrial Sewage, Sludge and Septage Onsite Storage & Treatment of Hazardous or Dangerous Waste Veterinary Clinic, Hospital Warehouse Facilities Wholesale Distribution Outlet Wrecking & Salvage Yards Un -named Industrial Uses Industrial Uses 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any area 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee plus I per 300 square feet of any associated area I per 750 square feet plus 1 per employee 1 per 750 square feet plus 1 per employee 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated sales area 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee 1 per employee associated with processing 1 per 750 square feet plus 1 per employee 1 per 750 square feet plus 1 per employee 1 per employee and 1 per 1,000 square feet None None 1 per 750 square feet plus 1 per employee 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of any associated retail sales area 1 per employee plus I per 300 square feet of any associated area 1 per employee plus I per 300 square feet of any associated area Determined by the Administrative Official Uses Art Galleries & Museums 1 per each 800 square feet of gross floor area Assembly Facilities 1 per 300 square feet but not fewer than 5 spaces Colleges and Technical Schools 1 per classroom plus 1 per two students Detention Facilities 1 space per 10 people enrolled plus 1 for each staff member or volunteer on-site, but not fewer than 3 spaces Emergency Service Facilities Determined by the Administrative Official Government Offices 1 per 300 square feet but not fewer than 5 spaces_ Chapter 23 72 35 September 29, 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Attachment A ember of Parkin Hospitals Libraries Post Offices Primary and Junior High Schools, Public and Private High Schools, Public and Private Religious Assembly Facilities Un -named Institutional Uses Camping Facilities Equestrian Stables, Clubs & Riding Academies Indoor Recreation Facilities Lodges Marinas Outdoor Commercial Amusement Facilities Outdoor Recreation Developments Outdoor Shooting Ranges Outdoor Festivals, Temporary Parks Playing Fields Recreational Vehicle and Travel Trailer Parks, Short Term Recreational Vehicle Parks, Extended Use Un -named Recreational Uses Table 5 1 per each 5 regular beds plus, 1 per every two employees with a minimum of 2 spaces 1 per each 100 square feet of gross floor area 1 per 300 square feet plus I per employee but not fewer than 5 spaces I per classroom plus 1 per 50 students 1 per classroom plus 1 per 10 students I per five seats, plus 1 per 50 square feet Determined by the Administrative Official Determined by the Administrative Official Determined by the Administrative Official 2 per court or 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 100 square feet of assembly area, whichever is greater 1 per guest room plus I per employee I per moorage slip 1 per employee and I per 1,000 square feet 2 per court or 1 per 4 seats or 1 per 100 square feet of assembly area, whichever is greater Determined by the Administrative Official Determined by the Administrative Official Determined by the Administrative Official Determined by the Administrative Official 1 per RV space 2 per RV space Determined by the Administrative Transportation Uses All transportation -related uses Determined by the Administrative Official Recycling Collection FacilitiesI 1 per 750 square feet plus I per employee All other unhty-related uses Determined by the Administrative Official Agricultural Processing 1 per employee plus I per 300 square feet of sales area Agricultural Product Visitor and Retail Sales 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of sales area Facilities Agricultural Uses and Activities None Farmworker Accommodations 1 per dwelling unit Livestock Maintenance 1 per employee Livestock Sales Yard 1 per employee plus 1 per 300 square feet of sales area Nursery, Wholesale I per employee Retail Sales of Agricultural Products I per 300 square feet of indoor retail sales area At least one parking space shall be provided, unless indicated by `None " Chapter 23 12 36 September 29, 2000