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Resolution 04-161-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grain County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 04-161 -CC ADOPTING THE GRANT COUNTY BUDGETS FOR THE 2005 YEAR WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington met in regular session on the 1st of December, 2004, pursuant to public notice as provided by law, for the purpose of adopting the itemized budgets for the 2005 year; and WHEREAS, said meeting was continued from day to day, until the 30th of December, 2004, convening each session day for the purpose of considering said budgets; and WHEREAS, the details of the budgets having been considered and fixed, and there being no objection thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Grant County budgets for the 2005 expenditures be, and it is hereby adopted according to RCW 36.40.080 in the amounts as itemized and attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of December 2004. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON C✓1' ❑ ❑ Y, 6. LeRoy Allison, Chair ATTEST: ❑ ❑ Deborah Moore, Member -T- e k of the pard ❑ ❑ Tim Sne d, ber fl:\Commissioners\OFields\Resolution-Ordinance\Budget, 2005.doc Page 1 of 1 ✓ cl Z 0 LL w U) z w H Z C2 W 0 cc w 04 9 0 U CC 000 Q 5 LL m z 0 Q Ix 0 m CL 4� T O CSD r 0 fm. q O) � t� 00 p CO tD cO O N �! N t(J M T co co a0 co O n N a0 tD �t n h h •ct O OD tl' Y h h n tTi aD N 0 0 Y O to N N cA T N OD tO 0 s} tD t*D t* 0 0 00 co N r N N Q h h �y S n Q� v d) M to f71 �D 00 %t N O M tt tl• t!? M CO tli r (V co M N h N S t0 if tNt! 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Gen. Gov't 125 $636,282 Brd.of Equal 126 $15,646 Brd. of Adjust 127 $2,144 Interfund Comm. 129 $305,797 Bndry Review Brd. 131 $3,447 Indigent Defense 133 $1,272,000 Oper. Trans. Out 142 $585,278 TOTALS 2004 $22,454,874 Budget 2005 12/29/04 2:08 PM Fund Department No. Total Other Funds County Roads 101 $33,420,724 Emergency Svs. 102 $452,835 Paths&Trails Res 103 $286,104 Veteran's Assist. 104 $48,500 Cummulative Res. 105 $928,100 Interlocal Drug Fund 106 $13,935 Sheriff Drug Seizure 107 $16,514 Mentl Hith Dev Disab 108 $5,276,950 State Drug Seizure 109 $81,416 Law Library 110 $36,122 Treasurer's 0 & M 111 $83,000 Jail Concession 112 $86,420 Econ.Enhance. 113 $549,047 Tourism Adv 114 $250,000 Grant Co.P.A.R.C. 115 $1,370,002 County Fair 116 $809,150 Motorcycle Patrol 117 $10,600 All Terrain Vehicles 119 $235,772 Pros Crime Victim 120 $365,578 Law & Justice 121 $530,000 Turnkey Lighting 122 $480 Auditor's 0 & M 124 $145,000 Dev Disab Res Prog 125 $1,334,980 Real Est. Exc. Tax 126 $720,000 Domestic Viol.Srvc 128 $463,638 Affordable Housing 129 $100,000 Economic En. Rural 133 $340,000 Hillcrest GRID 161 $6,600 Grant Admin. 190 $345,059 GRID bond -92-1 222 $16,000 GRID bond-93-3 223 $17,500 GRID construct-01-1 324 $77,000 CRID construct-01-2 325 $9,000 Solid Waste Mgmt. 401 $10,805,453 Data Processing 501 $701,064 Insurance 503 $524,690 Interfund Benefits 505 $4,437,915 Unemploy. Comp 506 $207,000 Eq. Rent&Revolve 510 $7,679,575 Pits and Quarries 560 $2,453,631 TOTALS 2004 $75,235,554 2005 Budget 300 Revenues 310 Taxes Revenues 12J30/200411:45 $0 $13,392,700 320 Licenses & Permits $622,100 330 lntergovt. Revenue $3,040,857 340 Charges for Services $1,708,308 350 Fines & Forefeits $1,666,788 360 Misc. revenues $1,661,067 390 Other Fin. Sources $373,323 $22,465,643