HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 01-125-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2002-2007 Resolution No.2001-125-cc WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws of Extraordinary Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing six years; and WHEREAS, priority array of projects prepared in accordance with County Road Administration Board Standards of Good Practice (WAC 136-14) was made available and was consulted by the Board during the preparation of this Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, an environmental pre -assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that the social, economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed; and WHEREAS, pursuant further to said Law, the Board of County Commissioners, being the legislative body of the County, did prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Program and did hold a public hearing on said Comprehensive Plan at 11:15 A.M. at the Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington on the 24`h day of July, 2001; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, that the Comprehensive Six Year Road Program presented at the public hearing be hereby adopted. DONE THIS 1 _ DAY OF Z _ ATTEST: 0 Clerkdthe Boar 2001. LeRo7WIison, Deborah Moore Tim Snead Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington I N [+T2 E4 1 $ m $ _ Functional ro I Class Priority Number M A N n a^ 3 w -n A n m m m -n A n m m A m m A m n A m A V FL m 3 2 m -1 V m 3 d Z-4 C A y m 44 3 Z D p 3 pp_A A= p 3 ppA_ O 4q 3 V m O n D O -ii m 0 lJ 0 m o G� m 0 fOii vp A y� V m N A F% c A m N A; '. m+ A;" m N N A m Tm a N S J �. o +p yn w m�j v W w g$< c D o m i0 b N o n ip o �S S A E c c .r N m m m g o 1 p A Z m �' N A " ' o Z Z �� " a r- o T Z m Z c m m A ob O 3 m -n O p m 0 3 m G7 m O 5 c o m CC S n Z 6 c _ p 2. n p T < p << c W o m 'q� -4j° N m Q m m a " m g c'p m O m a d m; m 3 m m; m m m g T T n S Nb. C p b p -n N O b yN m b O) m F ' Ot Oo N �C n O T A F V T m _ x {Qxni NO �i�ill q 0 I o A 0 w 0 Improvement b b T O m O Type(s) -I -n m V N Status N O Total Length N N N Utility Codes O "o 'V - 7 V � ` v -i -1 O n O V-4 m O O O V-4 in O 0 O A ?2 V in -4 O 0 O V --1 m O O O A V-1 0 7z M O O V in Z Z Z Z Z Z w Project Phase D D ➢ D D _ W O co N O N W N O W O N N O 3 NN b a m N N N N N N N N N N N ffi ° ajgi V s ED A m A m A m A a s t A i ' IL I N b N N A N G -d J O] W OI > OI bG 'n p T N i Q c _ d m n m 9. c W N W do W N N O N N W D b b b b a n O OWf A 0 0 O N O N O O O ob! W + UWi N 01 m _ _ .+ N V � � p I 6 m ------------ + W M cn n .... ___...._..____ ._ ._....__ ._._. .._. _._..._..__._ c I A C C b �S c C Mo m m-- rn_ 1 m T G ' I - - --__ _m- _- m 2 A n N [+T2 E4 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following rash ,ctions Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification, Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (wet 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways b Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minot Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification DO No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project pnonty (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title, (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (a) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (r) Describe the Work to be Completed 4 Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbegs Description Ot New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safety/Tratfx; Operation/TSM 03 Reconslnicbon 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency 5 Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6 Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "W if not applicable) 7 Utility Codes) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that wouid need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project. C Cable TV S Sewer(olher than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9 Phase Start Dale Enter the month/day/year in MMIDDM' format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start. 10 Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. 59 FTA Urban Areas CMAQ Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally elected s16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other r ederal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Presentation Program RAP Aural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account IJATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSDOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the prase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19 Expenditure Schedule- (1", 2n0, 3'd, 4- thru 6' years) Enter the estinn iea expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment it at wdi be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement [ E ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment hA -,ot Applicable/Unknown 21 R/W Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is requireo It yeti 1 rite, RNV Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 n n oD 0 m Z Z J 0 0 0 ai 5• ft 5i L C a g 0 j.e Z 0 i v s W N X d m N N 0 V Functional 0 a 0 v 0 0 0 o " Class Priority 0 T ,lt W y 71 T TI 0 y Number y -n x y M T M r 0 T M r 9 u d. O o- p d 0 O 3 o. p G O 3 a G -O �. — O 3 a Z-0 T rn 0 n D ° 3 0 m 3 0 A z y 3 0 z '° o z '° o p A °y o m A= y 0 0 O a w. C v y A 'S y v S. a O A < y -KO A �p3 J Occ D J pp {� OI J O pO O A S N O C W J p N V y 0 O y O = y N 7) y O ^� y N W 11 d N O ZD a o CC� 0 rn a N N o y O g S o D o m 0 o 3 03 y M y o m _� G n y 2 4 Z T O O Z T O T W m eQ � 2. 3 J b 0 0 o T O H a 0 o 3 ca C CD ri ii: a a n 0M. - u$ A s n A N W N o N u A N o y s A n w m o N o 0 n m o N Improvement N W T w o v N T 'o Type(s) T T T -n N Status g 'aoo o ioo ou m Total Length v v 'a -� Utility Codes � 1 1 1 � � -q O n O V-1 m 0 0 0 v m 1 O C1 O :0 m --q 0 0 0 -0 -4 n m 0 0 A v m 1 0 0 0 9 m w Project Phase Z Z Z Z Z Z D D D D D D 3 r y O O_ r y W N Or r y r y r r W O O y O O o a y a s a a a s a 3(n d N N N N N N iN V N N N y y V y V y V n I -n lOp m m N J N 01 W O O O b N > C 6 C i -n y 0 ? c N d C � N O I b J O w a m 3 Si i T 1 OOOpOp����� IpApp po y �y N [J J' Oo Oi N A N N O Oo N W O O O O-- O --_ ---_-___.- .. _ �_ N-__-___._. --_ �- m N � V J a .-___--___- ----- --_ -._---..---___ .... .... ------- _._-.------ ._.- ___ _ _ ___ ___________ m W MIn f aD p 0 [ _ -_--_-___.__-__-.__-.--_. a c i J 0 3 2 D m m m o -4 m c m -- - - - — - -- -- - - - - - t - - - N Z N m N R o N Z N p 3 pi j C. O C r N N N N rOj N O ry 2 `G N 6 J 6 N p n n oD 0 m Z Z J 0 0 0 ai 5• ft 5i L C a g 0 j.e Z 0 i v s W N X d m N N 0 V Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds. Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following Instructions Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program wits adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number f applicable Column Number 1 Functional Classification Enter the appropriate triva igd code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) Ol Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways O6 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial D8 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2 Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project pnonty, (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned: (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project dile, (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Faderal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (1) Describe the Work to be Completed 4 Improvement Type Codes. Enter the appropriate federal code number(sl Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 SafetylTra6ic Operabon/TSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operabonal Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code '00" if not applicable) 7 UtilityCode(s)- Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project. C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency nvned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase of the project Is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAQ Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Omer All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11 Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of me phase regardless of when the funs will be spent 12 State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project. CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other �e. WSI-OT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 14. Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the chase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (1" 2n° 3'° Al" thru Sir years) Enter the estimate] expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment mal will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement 3E .,ategofical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 RAN Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required If ye, Enle R/W Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 \4 O o E4 7 N a S 5 a 0 o � z om Functional Class Priority o, m m+ L7 a a m w a ^' Number c. 3 Z p�wa 3 a 3 n 3 Z m 3 3 p v .-n m 0 .0 D 3 P o m Z o Z o m o - m o d a 'U A O 3 p O O A O 9 rn O T+ N M O 0 y e m (n v m Q f=' -t d A y m d d N y A O O �Fil S y M a1 0 3 6 R G M Z ( W 3 m m fn m A A T g o 0 3 P y D N p y o N O CD W o. mm 4 v O y N & d P 4 CO z S T W T G �1 T T A m' p1 'm a 3 yj 3 N N N 3 y N S N S Ncn n SC�C -'94 p ZOGGG iC i M. N NN m CD C6CC p p ca GG < `p7 N<< G N rn y y -n W m m m Oo -n Oo o 71 D y T y T y ?I y Tlu y A n w N w a Improvement T V m o Type(s) �1 T M -n y Status w ov N m Total Length Utility Codes 1 ,-i 1 ti 1 1 -4 -i 0 0 0 V m 0 0 0 L m 0 0 0 v m -i C 0 0 ;o v m0 -1 n 0 0 rn ti 0 0 0 9 m y Project Phase Z Z Z Z Z Z D D D D D D r r r r r r W N y S b p. p1 N I 1 A � � � � O• O g n a m y _5. m , -n i o. m � p$p T y O 0 4 0 ply N N O pl W W W W y y a a V a W N W a N m T i °1 m m_.._.._..01O __________._ --- _..____.__.___._._ __.___.__.._._.._ _. N r , 0_ 6 W m y a c __ 2 _ m N <m T _ 9 c N 2 .l1 N N ? SG Q c t N C \4 O o E4 7 N a S 5 a 0 o � z om Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds. Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following rush ictions Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: The Federal Functional Classificabon must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways 8 Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification W No Classification 2 Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project pnorny (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project tide; (d) StreatiRoad Name or NumberfFederal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed. 4 Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbei(si Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safelyrrraffic Operation/iSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Pmject O6 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6 Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00 if not applicable) 7 Ublity Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project. C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9 Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase of the project Is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAC Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other F ederal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11 Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other i e WSD7' 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the ph.,se regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 1&19. Expenditure Schedule- (11', 2n0, 3, 4^ thru 6°i years) Enter the estimated ,•xpendnures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data Is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement cl (,ategoroal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 RAN Certification Circle Y If Right of Way acquisition is required If yes I der RW Certification Date if known, This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 O O ,z o 0 0 0 N 8 3 U) x' CID A) I ly 3 N ma O a O T� V O t9 <D 1� O ca B o o o Functional N e class Priority Number O T;O Ol (7 T M C O T ,T a D T A N O T A m O T M� T m 3 P- Z i m T of O 3 N Z m Gi O m 3 C Z O T O 3 O. zcn d O m 3 P- Z c W Y) O m 3 P' ZO Z m :^ rn 0 O D m. `' A v 3 '• v O i 3 '. O v v g O y T O T O m T w T m s T A l0 v m T IC A A O m T m �' m. �. m A N m po Ol a W t0 N ^' N c m O CO N S O N N N SO O 'T 3 N N O mW V O O _{ m a n m n o T m $ n O 2 0 1D o n rn n Z Z o � D O1 p A 0. N T Z m T N fb T T = G N ? En ' W m � 3 d S O GG n ? P 0 0 = p O m $ $ O 6 RPW N C a 2 A N ni J y S' M J S 11 W r 3 S O 11 N d pA 8 S O S .pp. M N V d m A N 03 m n O W O h O N ONi m m v Q c V O 4— 0 o O O O A Improvement W V W T ) W T Type(s) T T T T to Status 'arno rn o fn fn Total Length 1 --Ti T : V Utility Codes 70 0 0 T-4 in O O O T in 1 O 0 O T in i O O rn O O in O O M 4 Z Z Z -i 2 Z -4 Z fa Project Phase N O O O y N (rn Vl UI 3 w o foil 2"5 N a m m L1 = m T T T sp. A o_ .a Y to (pc(l 1 N c c $ n y N T N N O tmC- C (b N W lb O IY O N N N to A A O N to i T � i OWo ND tp l0 V Ol t�0 pypoo � � p m fp N W Ih O fp O N N N O N A A_ O O fn b i _ TN W W. fA Oo N �ODo J �N Ol _W _ . _ _ O. N. N I O N A A.___. _ m _ N !p^p" N N N VO i tp O (p O r V d ff 6 O11 _____________ .... - -._....-...- .... .... ..... _--.___-....�-... r _- C r W - -------- - -- -- -- ... -- - 2 � A a m T m .T w •� (S o y �mc2 OC n n O O ,z o 0 0 0 N 8 3 U) x' CID A) I ly 3 N ma O a O T� V O t9 <D 1� O ca B Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance wnth the following instrur irons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (it located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification. Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways 8 Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 06 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) 3. Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned. (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title, (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile cost or street names), and (Q Describe the Work to be Completed 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbers, Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 71 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safety/Traffic OperationfTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project O6 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding rs nc t secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code 'Wif not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s)- Enter the appropriate code letter(,) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other that igenr�owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only for transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the month/day/year in MMIDD(YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the bole BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E7 STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP ail other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11 Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost tin thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other i e WSriOT 13 State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 14 Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the i hase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19 Expenditure Schedule. (1", 2', 3", 4" thru F years) Enter the estimated expenditures can thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of envuonmental assessmery 'hat will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE Categorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not ApplicablelUnknown 21 RW Certihoalm Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required It ve, Enter RM Cedihcahon Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 lnstructions Revised 2/96 N N 8 T O N Q N O N 0 0 V V/ K r' t o o Functional _ _ N_ - N Class W N N _._ N ^' Priority p m7 ao V N N Number (7 T N w T Al: m. N 0 'T A Z n N w T z 0 w m m 3 a Z C N r m a m m 3 n Z-0 n o 3 N 'D "a m o m 3 Z m a o A 3 o M m 0 O D m. o�Vo 0 o �AosN.PA. 0 o gNo��p#A�:(�.� o m g�ryryry=; ga pp p O y `rii O O p NO O W m N N O {</� OHO N Q S w a A N w W 8 N 3 N 3 m A 3 -t C C O C C G U P ju n N y O m m AA m om od m 0 N m^o ? y OO 00 O0 O N _y rgtJ N S C, 6 0 p o m w g 3 2.r N 2 a o V o W T 5 o d ' 0 y m o s o D1 m m m yc ?-0 0 s s v g m v n _0 ? o 'o c m d d o' b m a 0 A m p y 'T + Z C o 23 m m 2 T IM QO I T m � � 0 I o 0 0 0 0 Improvement W w w W w T o I I m T rpi > Type(s) T T T T N Status m'uV m M Total Length - -- -1 --�-- -� v -t v 1 -I Utility Codes OO m O O in O O in O O in O O ? rn O O M M Project Phase D Z Z D 2 Z Z r D r F D F D r 3 N N N w O N N O fA w N O N W w N W W N W () N ry) N N T IT O@ (p] n ,n 1 �0 +g-nw w N m L i j t N N O O O O A N w w V + A U( (p Oo V A N N a N O �p Q O V l0 _._ _.... _ __ V (O N �. 1._..___.._...._.... N ____ _.._--------- --- ..... N pp + ....__ O ..__------ N w .... N W ____._____..___.. w ... W ------------------. m �_.. � mA N N N+O O N O +VV N N ++ VV S V R 4 .... _..._.._.____ .. - ... ..____..___..._ .... .... N ........._.--- _-_.. N -.. N O O O C m Ul p + W m � a c c N O N C m m m m O <9 mTm O 01 g O O O H 3 3A N C F y TC. O L W J N 6 6 N N 8 T O N Q N O N 0 0 V V/ K r' Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following instru,tions Heading (Note. The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHWA ) Agency Enter name of the sponsonng agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (Sae LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hewing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by oounal or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number r applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two-drgit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note. The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHWA ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Majo(Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 0o No Classification 2. Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) Strest Road Name or NumberfFederi l Route Number; (e) Beginning and Ending Tennmi (mile post or street names), and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(sl Description O1 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 SafetyfTrafhc Operafion/TSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning O8 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project witch describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "W" if not applicable) 7 Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code lefter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other that agent y owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (of planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only for transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the month/daytyear in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10 Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table SR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statevnde Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly & Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportabon Improvement Account JATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other a WSCOT 13 State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the mase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies lin thousands i of the Phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 1619. Expenditure Schedule- (1", 2'", 3'd, 4" thou 6" years) Enter the estimate r expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20 Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment 'hat will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement ;E ';ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 RAN Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition rs required it ye• Erie R/W Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 O T 3 A O a O G) C d IN 0 0 n O C 0 q � m ti Cn X w e Functional w Class Priority Number y m P. N m° c in ui o? v 4 Q> m o n Z ° °�'. 4� T m O li D a. n m 3 Z m n m 3 Z m o. 3 m Z 5^ /n o. 9 m z 2 a 3 m Z m 3 Z z Cl '3O p :o O p 77 N O C7 9 0 H 'V p m 0 p 71 p m N m vii rii `p� S N A S a 3 t3 C S O C 4 C A g O Q C S w 0 C O C S p 1 n m m A o m m N m Z m m 2 m m Z m '� O v op' 3 (WA o y O O N ° M m T mit 0T T 0 W j 3 4i -i V N g N N N y N o NS -i m$ N N N o Vi >• 1 m$ N m M G W m�m 6 P p' w$ P w Nry>• n D O W mm� 6° p w ° p W 3 93 3 Q:E 3 J iD zrZ A A m N h W i 1x1 Int O W ■ O Ol m m m Oo H m m to to m toM y T to H m T m y m y ct N P m of � a m of -- o -_ -! - -- o 0 0 0 0— A Improvement W W W W W O W m Type(s) M m m T N Status O N S N o O o O o rn Total Length �A v v v -V -4 Utility Codes y O 0 O in y O O O v in -/ O O O v y in O O g v -1C) in O O M v in -4 O O O v in w Project Phase Z Z Dr D 'Z 2 N N N 0 0 0 N � } m M T O g o$ a ia i cr -U I cr m m - e 31 •r7 h °c°cq CO -^ rn 0 N N O O v b Ot O O O O IO O A N N N O O J fp W O� O O O p Y' N m _-. _____-_.__ -------- _._ ------------- ---- ___ .._-___. ------ ---- _ . ___ ------------- - W W OI r OI r J O; A A A A A L J N R 6 m C m J n $ 0 c C ° S - C C NO 9 = T c Q b M m Qc = 2 a O G) C d IN 0 0 n O C 0 q � m ti Cn X Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following mstru, bons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number d applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (war 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways D6 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial DB Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency protect priority (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number it previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title, (d) StreeORoad Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(si Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 SafetyfTrafhc OperationrTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 00 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 8 Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code '00' it not applicable) T Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) toe the Orioles that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewerpmer than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the montNdayryear in MM/OD(YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10 Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the hole BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Compebtrve Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly & Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost fin thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other , e WSDOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies can thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the r Mase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 15 Total Funds Enterthe Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (1" 2"" 3'° 0 thru 6" years) Enter the estimated expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of environmental assessment -hat will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE 7ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Vot Applicable/Unknown 21 RAN Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required If ve, Eneef RMI Certification Dale if known INS is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 tii N C a g O $ + nal a - - - 0 V N Class Class i -- - O b Priority N {`tUrilbBf () FL Z a a FL a 3 Z Z a 3 m Z y c m Z K a 3 m Z m m 3 Z m m 3 Z T m p n D o c :. m o P p A o N v T y go* T 2 c �J 0 0 n O 2 D pA F BE N S N S N C G% N m m, = g m o obi m 0 m 0 m � Z co W m NO Pme m N O O 0 J T "ZIJ m G + m O n m T T W= m ID & h A M y N m N H 0 N -c N O a Q fD m ' q ° ° w o w 3 m a O EC 11 p {^p O 11 II N N 11 V m 6 - G T Cn T N T w D m T A a ib - -- 3 — w 3 w O w —+ a A Improvement T T T T Type(s) T T N Status W in 0 a' io 0 o m Total Length O O S N O T1 W bi J T 1 s-4 Utility Code -f O 0 O V in O n -i OO 0 T m 0 O 0 m 0 0 T M w Project P D-1 Z yV ZZ D Z r Z Z N N N N N rD N 3 e v a y H 3 m g0� a• T IS n + m N IN o' N T N ] � -n T r I (p�pyJ pp (ppm [[�� qq pp�� pp�� pppp 1I po I I pT � I ___.. __._. T _- ._ ..------------------- _.__...______---.___.__ .__ -------- ------ .... .... .------------ __ ....__.._______-- __._ -------- ___ m ------------ _ __..._----- w_ .... ................ -_ O.__....____.__ --.. o___. __.... __..._.____.... --- _._•__-•__ iVil� �_.__...�4'. O O-""'-`_::- "'_ ....... ""} "'--' ---.... ..... {....__..-'-"-' •' n fnm 'C 1 v c_ a r .T N 3 OB O C C N C a g Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following Instn,cnons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency. County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (of located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number R applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification, Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHWA ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (war 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project pnonty, (optional) Project li entiftcation Enter (a) Federal Aid Number d previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) StreetlRcad Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Ternnni (mile post or street names), and (I) Describe the Work to be Completed. A. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbers Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safety/frafhc OperationfrSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6 Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "C(r' if not applicable) 7 Ublity Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that .yould need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/daylyear in MMIDDIYY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congesbon Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Compebtive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly & Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed Sla FTA Rural Areas Other All ocher Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11 Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (m thousands) of the phase +egard)ess of when the funds will be spent 12 Stale Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other I e WSDOT 13, State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the ohase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the chase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 15 Total Funds Enterthe Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19 Expenditure Schedule- (1v, 2n°, 3', 40 thru 6'" years) Enter the estimated expenditures (In thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20 Environmental Data Type. Enter the" of environmental assessment that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE Categorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 RiW Certification Circle Y If Right of Way acquisition is required If re, Enter R/W Certification Date it known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 N g Cn K pt 1 N V 0 0 T 0 C N � 0 C N 0 0 N O Functional Class rn a 'w N PflOrlty v Number (,� T p 0 0 T p 0 ,n p m O T p N N D T p w D T p C n 3 Z a 3 Z y QTQ a 3 n m a 3 a ) vn 3 z m 'U 3 n M m O n D 3. m O m O 0 N o p � 0 1 p Z o p 0 o m N V T 2 0 d 3 a 1 A m O m .. m z O 3 'm_ z O V m 3 T O '� Ip n m o g o N to g o to y N N y O -V ami O u�i T Z ICT to O o 3� Z m Z ,. p O O 0 S 6 m ;13,- N N x 0 d O T D� N fin o a O0 oQ Np Zz mm W m c2.' =�^O Z3 = 1 11 -1 X 1 m3 as 1 0 $ UD S T S C N N g G T y V O CD O a d V No P d d _< g 6 6 p o fD to y j 71 Xl d 5-L p n N m O' p3p A o z O X T - NNS C v � Q. li 0 o 0 0 — 0 0 A Improvement w V T b T co Type(s) v v v v m Status inn io m cu m Total Length W Ut V W A 9 71 V Utility Codes 1 1 1 -1 0 O 'O m 1 O l7 O 9 m 1 0 () 0 V m 1 0 0 0 X m 1 O 0 O V 1 0 m 0 0 m as Project Phase Z Z 2 Z Z z yO r r D r r 3 N to N y o o N 03 co v 0 o a m m I o 1 m as 1pT o S a O I c� 'e g L C) 0 y Tfn N i3 S O I T � A C d j W(� A N b O N N W O V W pp Q� ttpp 10 V N N U UNi H I T I 1 I 01 N y ON N O V W O O O N O N IN ..__ _._____.____---------_ .__-------------- .._ .._.__.__._.._.... .._. ..____..._.,___._ __. .. _____ 111 m w g w w a o � > m 0 N ! J M 0 o N 3 Q c O? t N g Cn K pt 1 N V 0 0 T 0 C N � 0 C N 0 0 N O Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following mstmcbons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number, (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located wtnin urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Data Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commrseron Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number f applicable Column Number 1 Functional Classdication Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting [rte Federal Functional Classification. (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (wet 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways 8 Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) StreetiRoad Name or Number/Federal Route Number; (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names), and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed. 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbers, Description 01 New Constmchon on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Saferty/fraffic Operation/rSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit TrairnnglAdministration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the enure project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the bad agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project Is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "OC" if not applicable) 7 Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate code Wells) tot the ubbhes that woutd need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9 Phase Start Date Enter the month/day)year in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10 Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAQ Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP is STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12 State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSUOT 13. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the )base regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule. (1", 2-, 3', 4" thru 6' years) Enter the estimaied expenditures (In thousands) of dollars by year, This data Is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of environmental assessment that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE Categorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 R/W Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required If ve� Enter RAW Cent6cabon Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 o J 0 o +ZZ L Z A S X CD A) CA O A O Q 3 m N CD O M o N 0 0 N cc CD d to M w Functional Class t1� A Nj W N b N PflOrity Number T ,ZI c o. CO N O T a o A P. 4 O T ,T CO o n D� N G e+ T ,T D 'o ? () T w o? ;u N—_ L1 m° T 71 W FL S 3. a v n 3 2 n 3 Z n z 3 Z Z o 3 Z n 3 Z c. -n m v O D m m 3 Z o 3 A T .9 m 0 3 Z o M •• m o m p .. m p Z m 0 o O 3 .. m O ;� o .. m m O o D .. m ¢ N T o c. a d v 0 0> A m o 2 0 m d 2 o mC an d S A y P '' m a o A �' m a +� o a'S o �' m m `o o W N N S C 8 C Z .4 1V11 O 8> m= 0 n C X L t C W C } d O d N d d l7 INl l v f) O 3 0 ' N .11 Z J OOd Nm Cn n ( O .Tl N N Cn O n -1 Z 71 C T A a O O � D W mrn M N M o a o o= o s o o o o �o W v 4 M m m m O m EL n o n o a o a m 5 o z A A a P- T T T 3 A A A aT T — T - 0 0 0-W A Improvement W _ T O >w -- W Type(s) v ro v v 'a N Status po O p O a O m rn Total Length T v T T v Utility Codes Q O M O In () 0 T m 1 O () 9 -1 O RI O 0 O 9 1 III O 0 V O M w Project Phase -i Z 1 Z -t Z -t Z 1 Z D Z 0 g y o D o �' 3 O I Op m 6 � pO OI N A I 1 a UP m m V T 6 T S. A p 3QQ N J 6 j Oo O W O� vg s I �s (pCmSI S^ 71m sPL T W m a N N v Oo O Qp N `t T W N A pCpo N N O b ffpp O V N (y W UWi W O O 1p O� OI �p O pl _ A n �1 a T � m .._._____________ ............... __. ___.___._.____. V J pNo pNp ppop � J p� ON1 yy VV11 IOC OI N O � nJn S . o_ ..... 7 A O A V [ S S S O O S S C m o �m N N N j 02 �% C O< G CC n a o J 0 o +ZZ L Z A S X CD A) CA O A O Q 3 m N CD O M o N 0 0 N cc CD d to M w Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following mstru rtions Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate Iwo -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHWA 7 Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways d Expressways O6 Minor Arterial /4 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 05 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number it previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Tem i (mile post or street names); and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed 4 Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(si Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitabon 02 Relocation 12 Safety/Traffic OpembordTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related O4 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Misr Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status. F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the bad agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00' if not applicable) 7, Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate code leder(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY fomrat that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. $9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction, STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSDOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the prase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 14. Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the pt ase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19, Expenditure Schedule- (10, V, V. 4" thro 6" years) Enter the estimated expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment it at will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement ( E ategoncal Exclusion EA Envnonmental Assessment NA i of ApplicablelUnknown 21. R/W Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is require.. If yes - nlei uNv Certification Date if known Thi; is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 92 v 6 ti 5_ i2 E4 8 eO G O5. � O f p1 > m CnK L m A O O V Functional Class m O V N fn N PrlOrlty Number b T :r1 6) -n.'O _� N D T ;fl D T n D rD, T n n N T m 3 Z � 3 Z aZ &-a 3 Z 9 3 Z pa n9 3 Z 3 Z� ro T m o o D °. o O a� 3" A p rm� Z o 3 O p .. D F a a A .. O o O A .. 9 b O y T T n N o a m v v o v v m O w A V �v O a p io y 'o e m O J ? O O 0 0 m A m 0 NR imp (AJ A v j F� O S (�o O p W N Bi- C m � O n N Vmi O in T V T O W O rA OA 1 p o b m N ry O. j m iD N m a $ O N 0 3 rn o y n a o w m p S O o N A ? O Z o m 3 �.' �'1 V 1W1 --1 W P T � P P �p� P m w n 9 L G 9 g O� T G a W C lIDD.TI io �� 1t A W b a O T T —-- A Improvement W v-_ N --m W N Type(s) T n v -0 m Status m Total Length e N w a I 9 9 -1 Utility Codes a � -t O nV O in 1 0 l7 0 V m 1 0 () 0 'V m O O m 0 0 -1 m 0 0 0 T M m Project Phase Z Z Z Z Z Dr D y 41 N !n NN to 3 to N 9 0 0 <7 A b O 2 a I a T C � n I i N A O N O p O� N H Oo A A fNT 0 O T A y� AV V a A NN N pp� � WN O� po N _.... _. .._.__.._...._._..___ ._..____---- ----- ---- _.._---------_....._- ._. ._.____ _..__ i._._._-.- � OI r N_ N m _........... -------- ._...._..._ .... _..._...._..----- -- ---- ------- ____ _____ ...... . _.-.. a ------------ --------_...__.___�..... S__. �..� --------------- ... _.__... _�......... A C < N O Co O A 0 P 0 O 0 A O V N O N N O T C 1 _ 1 N A O� H p� 1 a a ti 5_ i2 E4 8 eO G O5. � O f p1 > m CnK L m A O O V Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following instructions Heading (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Agency Enter name of the sponsonng agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21.38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if lasted within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution numbe if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways 6 Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Maio Collector 16 Minot Arterial 0e Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number 9 previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) StreegRoad Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (t) Describe the Wok to be Completed. 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(sr Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safely/Trathc OperalionfTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vel Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code '00 if not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letters) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV 5 Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the montiddayfyear in MMIDD IYY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the tabie OR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAs Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & FIR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected 51e FTA Elderly & Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed 518 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources 53 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other in WSDCT 13. State Funds- Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14. Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (1°, r, 3'", 0 thru 6e years) Enter the estimalee expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement C1 (.ntegoocal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA N.4 Applicable/Unknown 21. RNV Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required It yes I ter F M Cemfication Dale it known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2195 0 0 0 0 0 o Functional Ippp�� W V V V Or Class ppJ�� N Pflority Number co 71 .ZI W W n W 'n A W n A W A D T (7 ii A ZD a T C1 O? p D ,n T 'm o A r- a t O T o p r' a a m o 3 ,Zl 0 va a m 4 3 p o G> y 3 Z o N 3 0j m 3 0 B 3 z p �t m p 0 D M ;a Z; :. m r:v ;a :. m g m :. m Q e 3" O O .. O N V mT r3 V N .71 O 0 y V Ip y V m m tpO. a 3 o i5 R �S SN 3 O 3O V �, j• m G 6 d • °° m S s to A to U Sn iD G T 3 T 3 '' N, N n. S m n O a J G 6 4 N Z 2 Z Q o Z J A n � m n �! '• 3 T ' Z in w 3 a '• 1 m W^ o z m o $ o `m' 'i o $ m n °i q a p D1 a o $ W W Tl v a o T� v o A m a v z A i m 4a 1 ri m � ^' n m 0 o. $ m N N W W M a o d m OWi d 1yIJI1 ml d 2 p 1Op 8 S -- o -- {- —a o $ o o a Improvement to w V w T w Type(s) a 'a T a N m status Total Length o iii o 'I°ii N o V• N W Oo N + v U 0 1 v -r Utility Codes O O O 9 rrm 1 0 09 0 m 1 0 C) 0 in 1 O 0 9 m 1 0 0 m -1 0 0 0 70 in project Phase z -i zzD�Z8 D z a y -- rrn N rrn m 3 pq N � f0 6 W N 3 UD I T V o�ag�g v O gc (0 rn 9, _ T N O (Q(QJJ11 ((Jr11 (��1 mAI 11pp I -4 ml N �p a m m + ao w n a � n ._....._....__.._.._ __. _____.__v .._ ._._..__._._.._ .. ._._..__...._......_ ._._._._...._.. i a cc 1l W N O O O O O m� m C OV W fwll O O S O O O VNi N C < m- T c -- — ---- - - __-- - - R R 2 A N OCIz ` A O t 7L rA i A S 1 7R 0 Cn X 1 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following msbi,ctlons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OEM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21.38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Dale Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution numhef r/ applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A I Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial O8 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optimal) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned; (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project fide; (d) Street/Rcad Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (t) Describe the Work to be Completed. 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbers) Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Reloatim 12 Safetyfrraf6c OpentionfTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00 it not applicable) 7. Utility Codes) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project. C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8 Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only for planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the month/day/year in MM/DDM' format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the cable. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas Cli Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Huard R RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arteria) Preservatwn Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account DATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other �e WSDOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from Stale Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14. Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the pr ase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19, Expenditure Schedule. (P', 2-. 3i . 4^ thru 6'" years) Enter the estimatec expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type or environmental assessment if at will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement iE 1 ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA clot ApplicablerUnknown 21. RM Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is requires If yes file RIW Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 A y p v S 9 �0f Z Z P .. Z4 0 d 8N 1:) tai 24 8 1?0'O � O d O d X 0 0 ow ow Functional � e b Class Priority Number o. y .T o. Z m .n T o� A 0 T A Z T n 3 n fn e` ;3 0 m 3 ?- w A m o 3 0 M m o m 3 o v y� m 3 o A m o m 3 a o t m T m O O D a p o o v 3 o v v 3 .. p p .. r- v ,30 .. Z p z .. o R �' CO 9 g a T O pO 8 GmL C foIpp' A pNo N C po O j' p9 O 8 O p G Vl C O C O c N d O C y O m = 0.1 y d d C d m N �' 2 z A O O_ m �' m A m o 9��Zn111 ED N O OCU O CO O CI O ? g m '" CO '� drn m a r T T T w m p O O O $ O T o b W X 8 i e, 1N fJ X. pD O a N O• N OD N OD yy11 A �y w A O. S O. Z O T T T T ? T o u w w w A N Improvement Type(s) Status v T v v v T g o N w m I rn Total Length O v v v v Lhility Codes -i O 0 O V m -/ 0 O 0 'O in -i O 0� O m �i 0 C7 0 9 in -/ O O O b 1 0 rn 0 0 V in w Project Phase Z Z D Z D FN- Z D 2 D Z . to N b N 3 V a m 'o s m 9 n T C 3 T N (pqp�1 pp OO�� y� O o g o )i in N Q -'• w w 4 rnn N }� r .....____.._ ---------- ...------ --- _.___.__ __ ._..____.____.... ___ ..._..___.._._..__ _.. __._. .__.__-------------- N y� ?p V 2 rI O. ._._ .____...._..._.___._ ---------- _---- _..------- -------------------- - ---- .._N ...---------- __ Z N r w -- — ._.__.__.------ ._. _—.____.__.. __ ...._.___..—.....--- ---._...._.._._.--- _--- - '2 A C O O N N pp y1 9U1 (.� up (J b m io O O N N A + 6 N N O O+ O !QR > C N T r e am O c r N 3 pa a n �0f Z Z P .. Z4 0 d 8N 1:) tai 24 8 1?0'O � O d O d X Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following msuucions Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note- The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FH W A ) Descriptior Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways b Expressways O6 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned; (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Federal Route Number. (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names), and M Describe the Work to be Completed. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropmte federal code number(s) Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safetyi Trathc Operation/TSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit TraininglAdministration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6 Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code '00 �f not applicable) 7. UtilityCode(s) Enter the appropriate code leder(s) for the ubhues that wculd need to be relocated Mare impacted by the canstnuction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 6 Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MWDDNY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table SR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard 8 RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly IL Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. Slate Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSDCT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14. Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies f)n thousands) of the pri,.e regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule. (1v, 2n°, 3', lee thru 6" years) Enter the estimated e.penditures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use 20 Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE Categorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not ApplicahlelUnknown 21 R/W Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is required ! yes, EES er RIW Certification Date it known This is requued for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 n n It o 0 0 �2 ZA 8 it a 0 X El Functional V V Class V V V V Priority N N Number t7 T o A a O T A d o n y --I D T O o A 0 o. D O o o. 0 y o u �r c a A A T m O O D m 3 SZ 0 �° 3 0 8 3 0 4 3 o Z m 3 0 3 0 p r0 Gil 'n 0 0 ao m l'l N pp to 0 m a pO yy O� ONr�S _• C N g {w m A Gp N A SJ b" m O O .TI p d' J •� Oi �D p (pyN��1 N w O m:. gyp. mG d �i y O O y 0 T O T O N p' y N ,gyp O O R .i01 -1 O n A O o m z 0 m m �. o A 3. m ' m P N o mm N _� _� o y 00 A m T o 3 A � n ° p 0 S �. 0 a a z 15 N T m n Y 'o o 0 T �. m m aw y m C e 3 o $-0 o = o T o o00 aw m 00 n 33 o w v b 0 m $ W T I pN S o o — $ v o _- e a Improvement Type(s) v v T 'U m Status 0 o g g N m Total Length IJ N O M 'a _0 M v V Utility Codes O O m O V m --1 0 O 0 :0-40 m O T O m -d O n O 2-i m 0 () 0 9 m w Project Phase n Z Z Z Z D 2 D Z ry Fy y y y tril I 3 b 3 6 y A I A T T p is o % w a g a u � `TpP 0 T-1 g ,' N N O$-1 01 O OI O O O O O O O OI a 0 Oo N OO�i Y N _-_ 4 m N d --_ •_-__..._...-._. .... -..__..__....__._. .... .._._...._._.._.__ .._. _..._...._-._._.... .... ... ....._-- --.r -1-..._.._._..._-. 0o a v Omi O 00�i � 0 O O O O O q A O Oo N Omi < N O S C � rn m No q - T om N 0., C n n It o 0 0 �2 ZA 8 it a 0 X El Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following Instructions Heading Description Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission. Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by F14WA ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways E Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Mina Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) 3. Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned; (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Faderal Route Number; (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or sheet names); and (p Describe the Work to be Completed 4 Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numbers Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safetyrrra6ic Operation/TSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Map( Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status. F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00' d not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sevrer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or bank operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Dale. Enter the monthldaylyear in MMIDD/VY format that the selected phase of the project Is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Duality STP (C) STP Stalewnde Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) S7P Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard Is RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly & Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11, Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate ler any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account DATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other i e WSOOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the chase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 15 Total Funds Enter the Sum of columns 10, 12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (1 ", 2, 3'°, 4" thru 6" years) Enter the estimale i expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20 Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessmeni 'hat will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE ;ategoncal Exclusion EA Envuonmenfal Assessment NA Not Apphcabie/Unknown 21 R/W Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is requi rd It ye- Enter RAN Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 i! 4 S E4 F4 0 e S A 8 Functional -- — — V Class — q --- _ - Priority A Number T w< T 71 w W T ]I m lP O ,11 O to L) T at YI 9 d n o 3 n D 'ii of o m 3 a� @°' m 3 I- v a s 3 a _A 8 � j3 o P- Z °' o m 3 a Z m �I m O n D 3 0 z o m o trn C o 0 w m' - o A o p 0 3 0 z A a 3 .p m C'' O `° ° m, o m y V o Z �l V o' a A N b y W• $!� �'' an m a d w ¢N¢ w J m o' o? m 0@ m = g* p g, o x' w S N a ri f g n G c m 3 C m _I ? A X v �' o a d m m o n A Z o w D J m $ ie D 3 o o= v Z D a W ti m n Pr°' `2 o' A $ °ma O Z v o' 2 O ° s o o z T m CI p, 'n, 0 b Z _ W S J 3 O 5 n ii N m s y, m3 fo n N 0 O 1 O �. a � 'n O a P p 1 3.0 n n a ° '0 v° O a 7- o 1 Z S O N W N p n N n O m 6 2 II ya� O 11 w a Improvement _-- -0 - _ Type(s) v v v '0 - - v fn Status O N W N Qp rn Total Length :0 Q 9 J UtilityCodes -t Oy O O :0 m -1 O O m O m m Oy in O m m project Phase r- Z y0O r Z D0 i" Z y0 r Z y r yOy F Z N N N w w N 33 q A ogg -n i — n c T C, fu S a f (f�n O yy N N (fpp N ppp� O N °i > J (p N W N P N O IO O y I � 0 p_�� �p po ppb {Ong O1 pe O� p pp °_ I OI � — -- ___ ._.._-_--_-_._._. _-- -_-___._ --- _-------- V a 6 ............. _--------- ---- ----------------------.- ------------------- + - .-_ i a C f m m m ^' o '� m N 3Os3 d= � Oa r _= F a Iz a E4 F4 0 e S A 8 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following est, dctions Heading Urban (over 5,000 areas) Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21 37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21.38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Dale Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by counwt w commrsson Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number if applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification. Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification. (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) O1 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways b Expressways O6 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial O6 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (opbona0 Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number If previously assigned; (b) Bridge Number, (c) Project title; (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names), and 0) Describe the Work to be Completed Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(s) Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safety/Traffic OperationffSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status. F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is nor secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00' if not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for Me utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(othe(than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8, Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the month/day/year in MMIDDM' format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridge Replacement cr Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Stalevwde Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Huard d RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure It. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSDC'T 13. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14. Local Funds. Enter all funds from local Agencies (1n thousands) of the ph.ise regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (I d, 2", 3', 4° third 6°i years) Enter the estimated expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use. 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessmeni that will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE L.ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA r, d Applicable/Unknown 21. RIW Certification Circle Y it Right of Way acquisition is required If yea - dei R/W Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 �y N OG O C 7 e 1 1 p f d 1 D X xx: d n m a 0 —�— _ Functional aoo v w $ ff Class Priority Number 'n O m G 1 T N n IF' a p- 'o 3 G 0 O •D 3 z ➢� a `° n z v 3 & z m R o Z c- 3 z m m d 3 z z� to v m O O D O O .. g D .0 g .0 o M a O O P .�Np. O j CO -0 c o o r.A� S Qp ppyoo S r.O� A S O N c S T 3 N D C A O -n T N C OS C$ V 6} n CO °1 A N n O 0. o 0 m A a N da L a D CD W g g o N w o < a O N T N l7 p tD a$ T z s x Z T gFr„ g x a T -n B x w m ,n m S a. _i o% �1 O S O 1$ O TI .0 T O N 8 S a $ 4p m 3 5^ 3 2 3 m Q �o n V ? S N m p w 09G w io a O. {S DI A N ONv ^ T T 0 0 0 0 0 o p Improvement Type(s) V V V 'a V 'a N Status IJ 10 CI V tJ N IJ W A D evepD N 0 Total lenWh 'a -i v -1 v -i v -i v -4 v -i Utility Codes O O in O 8 O O 9 in -1 O () O y m 1 O O n U m -1 O C1 O L -i O M O O � in o, Project Phase D Z Z D iN- Z n Z D Z D Z NF rn (4 W tFo 3 rn v a N I T 71 ro O L T � + 0 10.) V w OI D + Q m _ 1 N j; ^' V p i 1 Lr- D � (y.1 OO�1 n 0111 {{�� N fpr pp11 {{rx� {Q,�1 tDtDJJ�1 tyJ1 pp ppp T � .__--__.... - DI N pr ? O m n � c i ISO O S O O O N O N O O O O O O O O O O O C m m NO T 1 'p3 1D 5 0 p 8'n N N OG O C 7 e 1 1 p f d 1 D X xx: d n m a 0 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the sox year program in accordance vain the following instr.,ctions Heading (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21.38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number it applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification. Enter the appropriate two-dign code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note: The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by FHW A ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (error 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Artenal 12 Freeways & Expressways O6 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Mina Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Access 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) 07 Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number; (c) Project title; (d) Street/Road Name or Number/Faderal Route Number', (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names), and (q Describe the Work to be Carnpleted. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(s, Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Salety/rraf6c Operation/ISM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status. F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6 Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "W it not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate code letter(s) for the utilities that would need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases horn Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9 Phase Start Date. Enter the month)day/year in MMlDD/YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard S RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S16 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost. Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ,e WSDOT 13. State Funds. Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent- 14 pent14 Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the pr ase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 15 Total Funds Enterthe Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 1619. Expenditure Schedule- (1", V. 3', de thru 6i" years) Enter the esbmateo expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year. This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment it at will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement i E ategorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21 RAN Certification Circle Y it Right of Way acquisition is required If yes rite, R/W Certification Date if known Ths is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 256 09 n 0 o 0 0 5i C d m � O p C 7 ti Functional o J v N --- e -- N — Class — A w N Priority Number T .Zl a s y 1 G1 T m o p- O y 8 1 a T A N y p p- p D O T A r p p- z !p T a o A y a ;o U a T o p o y AQ T T m O O D 3. n 3 Z m T a 3 Z m 3 z" v 3 Z: 3 z �j vOi m 3 pM Z 4� Y' m 0 3 0? 0 0SL 3 •O S p 3 L Q 3 v 9 So V o m NO 3 U o m W `g o W w= w$ j o N P 0 2$ CMD y b Cp iu W V w d W V�q J Z7 A W g R d y y w o )i O e J m 3 a n -0 P i n m D m J $ = o m > Z a 0 m R m y m 9l o S 0 i1 3 T - o' 3 N o O o V a ;V En En a' Z Q CD G y ° s n $ $ $ R ' Z a: 03 A CC W 3 e cp N O N T M' d ] ;a b G .T. N O N S p S �ry O N C O� S O� 4 G O y m G 6 3 !p 3 w ro w v m o CO g o Fr N w m T o T w a 2 Oo m N 00 11 Q y Oo Ol z O T N T T A - 0� b - - 0 0 0 0 w -- $ A Improvement w w — -0 - �- Type($) T T v v ---- v u Status N N m Total Length v T J Utility Codes 1 O O O 70 m 1 0 C1 m -1 0 O 9 0 m -4 0 0 0in :0 -1 O 0 O -U in O O 'D in m Project Phase 1 Z '� Z y1y N z 1 2 11y N z D Z 3 N y y y y V (p] T T I T A N I A R o � y + (y') o C y m y S y V '0 N n Z '' oQ ppp ppp i + W c n Ol x ip a O O N O N A O A N O N O O O Oo N O OI N A N 0 N N y N N O y 0 O O Ill O O O O Oo p p O m � � N m c -c m � w y A C i N O N O O O VN1 O N O O O O N fp 8 0 O b S C m m m m 1 m T m O� I n n n 0 o 0 0 5i C d m � O p C 7 ti Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following instru( tons Heading Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number, (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name or the associated MPO (if located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the date of public hearing. Adoption Dale Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number it applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classification (Note. The Federal Functional Classification must be approved by F14WA i Description Rural (unde(5,000 area) Urban (over 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways b Expressways 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Mirror Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 19 Local Axes 00 No Classification 00 No Classification 2. Priority Number Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (opticnaq Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number, (c) Protect bde; (d) StreetlRoad Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names), and (f) Describe the Work to be Completed 4. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code numberls, Description 01 New Construction on new afignment i t Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Safety/Traffic OperationfTSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Minor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Other Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 Naw Bridge Construction 24 TransitYraining/Adminisbation 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project 5. Funding Status. Enter the funding status for the entire project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project m subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length. Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code "00" it not applicable). 7. Utility Code(s) Enter the appropriate code letters) for the utilities that vaiuld need to be relocated or are Impacted by the construction project C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Other 8. Project Phase Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way of land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or transit operating) ALL All Phases from Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date Enter the monthlda ylyear in MM/DD/YY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Constriction STP (S) STP Safety including Harard d RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected S76 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed S18 FTA Rural Areas Other All other F ederal Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the hated funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account DATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other e WSCx)T 13. Stale Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies (in thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 14. Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousandsl of the pt ase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15. Total Funds. Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (10, 2n°, 3', 4' thru 6'" years) Enter the esbmateo expenditures fin thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20. Environmental Data Type Enter the type of environmental assessment neat will be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement c,E [ allegorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA 'lot ApphcablelUnknown 21 RNV Certification Circle Y if Right of Way acquisition is require(- If yes ntw PMN Certification Date if known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2/96 1 0 m J 6 l a o o m 0 0 N Cl) X Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds Complete the form for the six year program in accordance with the following Instructions Heading (Note The Federal Functional Classification most be approved by FHWA ) Agency Enter name of the sponsoring agency County Number Enter the OFM assigned number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37) City Number Enter the OFM assigned number (see LAG Appendix 21 38) MPO Enter the name of the associated MPO (d located within urbanized area) Hearing Date Enter the data of public hearing Adoption Date Enter the date this program was adopted by council or commission Resolution Number Enter Legislative Authority resolution number I applicable Column Number 1. Functional Classification Enter the appropriate two -digit code denoting me Federal Functional Classification. (Note The Federal Functional Classification most be approved by FHWA ) Description Rural (under 5,000 area) Urban (aver 5,000 areas) 01 Interstate 11 Interstate 02 Principal Arterial 12 Freeways 6 Expressway% 06 Minor Arterial 14 Other Principal Arterial 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collector 17 Collector 09 Local Access 1g Local Access 00 No Classification Ib No Classification 2. Priority Number. Enter local agency number identifying agency project priority (optional) Project Identification. Enter (a) Federal Aid Number if previously assigned, (b) Bridge Number; (c) Project title; (d) StreetRoad Name or Number/Federsl Route Number; (e) Beginning and Ending Termini (mile post or street names); and (9 Describe the Work to be Completed. Improvement Type Codes Enter the appropriate federal code number(s) Description 01 New Construction on new alignment 11 Minor Bridge Rehabilitation 02 Relocation 12 Saf rtyrrrallic Operation/TSM 03 Reconstruction 13 Environmentally Related 04 Major Widening 14 Bridge Program Special 05 Misr Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 06 Otter Enhancements 22 Transit Operational Project 07 Resurfacing 23 Transit Planning 08 New Bridge Construction 24 Transit Training/Administration 09 Bridge Replacement 31 Non Capital Improvement 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Project S. Funding Status Enter the fundug status for the entre project which describes the current status F Project is selected and funding has been secured by the lead agency S Project is subject to selection by an agency other than the lead P Project is listed for planning purpose and funding is not secured 6. Total Length Enter project length to the nearest hundredth (or code '00it not applicable) 7. Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate code leter(s) for the utilities that .mould need to be relocated or are impacted by the construction project. C Cable TV S Sewer(other than agency owned) G Gas P Power T Telephone W Water 0 Otter 6. Project Phase. Select the appropriate phase code of the project PE Preliminary Engineering only (or planning) RW Right of Way or land acquisition only ( or equipment purchase) CN Construction only (or vaned operating) ALL Alt Phases Iron Preliminary Engineering through Construction 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the monthfdaylyear in MM/DDIYY format that the selected phase of the project is actually excepted to start 10 Federal Funds Source Enter the Federal Fund Source code from the table BR Bridge Replacement or Rehab. S9 FTA Urban Areas CMAO Congestion Mitigation Air Quality STP (C) STP Statewide Competitive Program DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) STP (E) STP Transportation Enhancements IC Interstate Construction STP (S) STP Safety including Hazard & RR IM Interstate Maintenance STP (R) STP Rural regionally selected NHS National Highway System STP (U) STP Urban regionally selected St6 FTA Elderly 8 Disabled Persons STP STP all other STP project not listed Sia FTA Rural Areas Other All other Federat Funds Sources S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure 11. Federal Cost Enter the total federal cost pin thousands) of the phase regardless of when the funds will be spent - 12. State Funds Code Enter appropriate for any of the listed funds to be used on this project CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program RAP Rural Arterial Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Other ie WSDOT 13. State Funds Enter all funds from State Agencies to thousands) of the Mase regardless of when the funds will be spent. 14. Local Funds Enter all funds from local Agencies (in thousands) of the Phase regardless of when the funds will be spent 15 Total Funds, Enter the Sum of columns 10,12,and 14 16-19. Expenditure Schedule- (Pi, r, 3', 4^ thru V years) Enter the estimate I expenditures (in thousands) of dollars by year This data is for Local Agency use 20 Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of environmental assessment that writ be required for this project This is required for Federally Funded projects only EIS Environmental Impact Statement CE ;ategoncal Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21. RM/ Certification. Circle Y if Right of Way acqwsition is required If ie- Entei R/W Certification Date it known This is required for Federally Funded projects only DOT Form 140-049 Instructions Revised 2196 Grant County Six Year TIP 2002-2007 Revenue and Expenditure Anaylsis - County Road Fund 101 July 24, 2001 BARS # 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005-07 REVENUES: Unreserved Balance >::fi, 15000 5,281,400 7,023,900 7,499,700 24,286,200 Reserved Balance `!6;600;000 6,902,000 4,557,000 3,395,000 3,195,000 311 10 Property Tax :-:8X9000 5,138,900 5,241,700 5,346,500 16,039,500 30 Sale of Title Prop. 0 0 0 0 0 313 18 Strategic Investment Funds 3000 0 0 0 0 317 20 Leasehold Tax 85,OW 85,000 91,000 97,400 353,600 322 40 Street & Curb Permits 400 500 500 500 1,800 332 15 21 Taylor Grazing Act 300 2,000 2,100 2,200 8,000 15 60 Fish & Wildlife 0 0 0 0 0 81 Federal In -Lieu -Hanford Reserve 1jOOQ 112,000 112,000 112,000 406,600 333 20 21 STP (TEA -21) 5.56.1000 3,112,000 2,862,000 2,871,000 16,955,500 334 03 61 WSDOT Planning - RTPO 4,500 0 0 0 03 71 RAP 9,4,9;000 0 0 0 7,304,000 03 72 CAPP ::;'860,000 888,000 895,000 920,000 2,790,000 03 81 UATA/TIA 115;ODD 0 0 799,000 150,000 336 00 89 Motor Vehicle Tax $;#00,000 5.530,000 5,695,900 5,866,800 19,184,400 337 07 In -Lieu Taxes 500 500 500 500 1,800 338 40 Road Maint. Services 150;000 90,000 90,000 90,000 300,000 90 Road Const./Eng. Services fl 0 0 0 0 341 50 Map Sales 200 500 500 500 1,800 60 Printing/Duplicating;500 3,000 3,200 3,400 12,300 345 80 Plat Checking Fees 4;000 4,200 4,500 4,800 17,400 349 90 Road Const./Eng. Services f500 500 500 500 1,500 361 10 Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0 366 10 Interfund Interest 0 0 0 0 0 367 10 Contributions Q000 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 369 90 Misc. Revenue ^<':r'35;D00 20,000 21,400 22,900 83,100 381 20 Interfund Loan Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 397 00 Transfers -In Paths and Trails : .: fl 78,000 258 000 0 155,000 Total Revenues: 29'A75400 $27,303,000 $26,909,700 $27,082,700 $91,397,500 EXPENDITURES: Reimbursables<150,fl00 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 519 520 Traffic Policing ;:;:105;000 208,700 223,300 238,900 255,600 542 Road Maintenance :`;'::x;632;000 6,963,600 7,311,800 7,677,400 24,874,800 543 00 Administration :100:000 1,155,000 1,212,800 1,273,400 4,125,800 543 10 RTPO ;;9;000 4,500 0 0 0 543 20 STP (Fuel Tax Redist.) +[33000 433,000 433,000 433,000 1,299,000 545 Extraordinary a^>: sO,ow 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 591 Bond Redemption +0;300 39,100 35,190 12,000 10,000 597 10 Transfers -Out (Paths & Trails) :.2;700 23,200 23,900 24,600 80,600 597 20 Transfers -Out (E.R. & R.) 0 0 0 0 597 30 Transfers -Out (Facilities Reserve) .: 0 0 0 0 0 597 40 Transfers -Out Gravel to BST #>00000 0 0 1 200,000 0 Total Expenditures: ::;x6$"000 $9,127,100 $9539,990 $11.1159,3001___$31,545, 800 Available Construction Dollars: €'.?<'314,610'400 $18,175,900 $17,369,710 $15,923,400 $59,851,700 Six Year TIP Totals :7;d27OD0 $6,595,000 $6,475,000 $6,763,000 $35,789,000