HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 02-181-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NUMBER A RESOLUTION relating to a supplemental extension in the 200'.'. budget of the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001, SHERIFF'S DEPT. # 114 due to unanticipated state and/or federal funds. 2002-181—CC WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Grant Commissioners that unanticipated state and /or federal funds have been made available for the 2002 budget of the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001, SHERIFF'S DEPT # 114 in the amount of $ 3,000 WHEREAS, RCW 36.40.100 authorizes supplemental appropriations from unanticipated state and/or federal funds after publications of notice of the time and date of a public hearing at which the supplemental appropriations resolution will be adopted, and 111e amount of the appropriation, once each week, for two consecutive weeks prior to such public h�_-aring in the official newspaper of the county; and WHEREAS, publication of the requisite legal notice was made in the Daily Herald newspaper of Grant County on 1 1 / 1 d,1 £3/02 __ and said public hearing was held in the Grant County Commissioners' Office, Grant County Courthouse. Ephrata, Washington; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that the 200-' _ (year)budget of the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001, SHERIFF'S DEPT. # 114 supplemented and extended in the sum of S_3,000 unanticipated state and/or federal funds according to the fol lowing schedule of categories and items: APPROPRIATIONS OVERTIME PAY FINANCING SOURCE WA. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 521.30.12 -)2 $ 3,000 TOTAL APPROPPIA I IONS $ 3,000 114 334 0 � 50.00 S 3,000 TOTAL FINAN( ING SOURCE $ 3,000 Done this 1 9th day of November 2002_ _ Vlni _ ATTEST: Chairperson SHERIFF MICHAEL SHAY GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LESLIE GONZALES P.O. Box 37 • Ephrata, WA 98823 DAVE PONOZZO Administrative Assistant (509) 754-2011 • (800) 572-011.9 Chief Deputy [gonzoles@grantcounty-wo.com Fax (509) 754-20,58 dponozzo&Tantcounty-wa.com E-mail: mshay@grantcovnty-ua.com PETE McMAHON sheriffftgrumconnto-tva.com MARK MANN Captain Chief Deputy pmcmohon@grantcounty-wa.com specialopsgagrantcounty-wa.com October 30, 2002 IoHN Chief f DZELL Deputy jdazell@grantcounhj-wa. com Fr - Grant County Commissioners I NOV 12L���� Grant County Courthouse Ephrata WA 98823 (( - RE: Sheriff Budget Extension Request. The Sheriffs Office is requesting a budget extension for the Sheriff account. We would like to request an increase of $3,000 to be placed in the deputy overtime category. We have received a reimbursement grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to participate in a DUI/seat belt emphasis. The emphasis begins November 18th and runs to January 2, 2003. Thank you for your consideration in the matter. Sincerely, Mich el S a Sheriff Enclosure d of County commissioners urant County, Washington Approve Disapprove Dist. # Dist. # 1. Dist. #2 Dist. #2_.Dist. #3 Dist. #3. *Please Forward A Coov Of The signed Approval Page To Our Office Attention Cathy LaGrave * STAT[ OF WASHIN(JON WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1000 S. Cherry St., PO Sox 40944 + Olympia, Wachmgton 98504-0944 • (360) 753-6197 October 22, 2002 Chief Deputy John Dazell Grant County Sheriff's Office PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Chief Deputy Dazell: Your request for a $3,000 grant to participate in,the "Drive Hammered, Get Nailed" DUI/seat belt overtime mobilization enforcement, November 18, 2002 - January 2, 2003, is approved. Please note that we have extended the date. Attached you will find a signed copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between your agency and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. As outlined in the grant announcement, funding is on a "reimbursement" basis and requires submission of a State invoice voucher upon completion of activity. Support documents for reimbursement must include signed overtime slips or payroll/expense records showing payments made and officer activity logs demonstrating performance. If you need copies of these forms they are available at www.wa.gov/wtsc/grants or you can call Cynthia Coleman, (360) 586-3865. Performance standards for funded personnel are a minimum of three (3) self -initiated contacts per hour funded with a "desired outcome" of three (3) seat belt citations per hour. Allowable use of funds is for overtime salary (@ 1.5 times normal rate), and wages and benefits of commissioned personnel in direct support of operational activity. No equipment purchases are authorized. Submissions for reimbursement and support documents are due no later than February 7, 2003. Faxes cannot be accepted. Thank you for your participation in this program. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Angie Ward Occupant Protection Program Manager (360)753-0877 award a wtsc.wa.gov �y s� s -L �t -