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Resolution 02-174-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 2002 - 174 - CC An Ordinance Extension (0) of Ordinance 2002 -77 -CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002 -47 -CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto. GENERAL AREA RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington intends to comply fully with the orders and directives of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board issued in case nos. 99-1-0016 and 99-1-0019 and the Orders of Thurston County Superior Court; and. WHEREAS, 36.70A.390 RCW provides for the adoption and extension of interim zoning controls for one or more six-month periods provided the County holds a public hearing on the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance and findings of fact are made prior to the renewal; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington have initiated an appeal of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board's decision holding Grant County's adoption of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDS) in the Comprehensive Plan as non-compliant with the County -wide Planning Policies adopted in 1993; and WHEREAS, Thurston County Superior Court has remanded the Final Decision and Order of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board regarding Grant County's Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDS) back to Grant County in order to bring this element of the County's Comprehensive Plan and County -wide Planning Policies (CWPPs) into compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act; and, WHEREAS, Grant County and the Cities and Towas of the County have reconvened the Grant County Planned Growth Committee (GCPGC) in order to consider potential amendments to the 1993 County -wide Planning Policies on issues brought forward by the members; and, WHEREAS, the GCPGC approved by a majority vote the incorporation of provisions of the Growth Management Act (GMA), Revised Code of Washington 36.70A (as amended 1095-1997), recognizing and including rural areas Of more intensive development language into the CWPPs; and, WHEREAS, based on the approval of the Planned Growth Committee, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners scheduled a Hearing on March 27, 2002 where they considered amendments to the County -wide Planning Policies as recommended by the GCPGC, including language recognizing and providing for the necessary consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, the CWPPs and the GMA as directed by the Final. Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the Final Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act, a residential hmldmp and placement permit activity report has been generated; and, WHEREAS, for the period from 1996 through 2000, the residential building and placement permit activity in Grant County indicate that 73.9% of the building permit activity of the County occurred within the urban growth areas. In contrast, for the preceding five-year period from 1991 through 1995, only 29.8 % of population growth occurred within the cities of Grant County. The population growth allocation Included in the Comprehensive Plan projects GENERAL AREA, Extension #1 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 2002 -174 -CC Page 2 that —72 percent of total County population would reside within UGAs and —28% within rural areas of the County by 2018. Based on the residential building and placement permit activity trends since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, it appears that the population projections of the Plan are accurate, and that enough urban lands have been designated to accommodate the projected growth; and, WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act provides for consideration of local circumstances in establishing patterns of rural densities and uses, provided that a written record be developed explaining how the rural element of the Comprehensive Plan barmonizcs the planning goals in RCW 36 70A.020 and meets the requirements of the GMA [36.70A.070(5)(a)]; and, WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the Final Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act, Grant County has produced a document clarifying how the County's establishment of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development ui the Comprehensive Plan harmonize the planning goals of the GMA consistent with 36.70A.070(5)(a), and WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the EWGMHB Final Decision and Orders and the GMA, a revised series o I interim maps have been produced which advances the compliance of the Comprehensive Plan with the F WGMHB Final Decision and Order and the GMA, specifically with regard to historical development patterns; and, WHEREAS, Grant County recognizes that the interim maps do not yet fully reflect RAID outer boundaries that are fully compliant with the GMA and the EWGMHB Final Decision and Orders. Once all relevant information has been adequately considered, it is anticipated that the final outci boundaries may be further modified from the interim boundaries identified herein to gam full compliance: and, WHEREAS, as directed by the Final Decision and Orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board and consistent vc ith the GMA, Grant County has prepared a work plan to review and revise the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as designated in the Comprehensive Plan, and has been and is currently implementing that work plan; a nd, WHEREAS, Grant County full} intends to continue and complete the work plan to bring the RAIDS into full compliance with the Final Decision and Orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board and the Growth Management Act: and, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners that this interim measure be in effect for a short period of time. However, if additional time is necessary, it is also the intent of the Board to maintain compliance with the Eastern Washington Growth Management I learings Board decisions and the Growth Management Act through the extension of this of dniance, or portions thereof, until such time as the above mentioned issues have been fully resolved to the satisfaction of the Board of County ( ommusioner.s; and, WHEREAS, Grant County has received comments from City icpresentatives expressing concerns about RAID's located in the immediate vicinuy of the City's adopted urban gi owth area: and, WHEREAS, several Cities have requested that the RAIDS in the immediate vicinity of their UGA be included within their respective UGA despite the fact that: I ) Generally. the City's UGA's contain vast amounts of undeveloped and underdevelopcd lands extending well into the rural lands of Grant County; and 2) The UGA's were mutually agreed to tivoueh either a previous collaborative process or through mediation efforts; and, 3) RAID's are rural areas of more intensive development and not _ onsidered urban development; and, WHEREAS, irrespective of the oxisting historical rural development pattern identified in the interim mapping, the Board of County Commissionci s wish to delay the identif ication of interum RAID boundaries when located within the immediate area of the UGA for the City of Moses Lake, F okvri of Soap Lake and the City of Ephrata, and continue to work cooperativch with each city to complete the t xwnty's GMA planning efforts in these areas; and, GENERAL AREA, Extension #1 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No.2002-174-CC Page 3 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wish to adopt the non -controversial interim RAIDS as separate ordinances for those which have received extensive comments/concerns from the public and/or city representatives; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners believe that the adoption of individual interim ordinances for those RAIDS which have received extensive comment will provide the necessary focus and clarity for interested parties; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners makes the following findings In the County's ongoing efforts to comply with the Final Decisions of the EWGMHB, the County has taken the following steps: a) The County is implementing a work plan to review and revise the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as designated in the Comprehensive Plan; and, b) A revised series of interim maps has been produced which advance the County's efforts in establishing RAIDS with regard to historical development patterns toward greater conformance with the GMA; and, c) Based on the final recommendation of the Grant County Planned Growth Committee, the amendment to the County -wide Planning Policies will achieve the required consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, the CWPPs and the GMA; and, d) The building and placement activity report clear]} indicates that the population projections of the Plan are accurate, and that enough urban lands have been designated to accommodate the projected growth; and e) A written record has been produced clarifying how the County's establishment of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development and the Rural Element of the Comprehensive Plan harmonize the goals of the GMA, as required under RCW 36.70A.0^Oi 5)(a), and, 2. The Board of County Commissioners has directed Grant County Planning Staff to continue review of the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development consistent with the 1 WGMHB Final Decision and Orders, the GMA, in order to bring them into full compliance; and, 3. Interim official controls prohibiting development in the designated Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDS) have been in effect for the last 18 months, creating an emergency situation regarding development within RAIDS that requires an interim boundary designation prior to completing the final amendment process; and, 4. The action to adopt interim Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC was necessary in order to complete the scheduled extension/revision of Interim Ordinance No. 2001 -158 -CC which was set for March 27, 2002; and, 5. With the rescission of Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC, a replacement ordinance is necessary in order to avoid any lapse in development regulations; and, 6. There does not exist adequate time to satisfy normal notice for a public hearing; and, 7. Pursuant to 36.70A.390, a public hearing shall be tentatively set for this Interim Ordinance on June 25, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. in the Grant County Courthouse Board of County Commissioners Hearings Room, Ephrata, Washington. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners do hereby rescind interim Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC; and, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT, through the extension of this Ordinance (Ordinance 2002 -77 -CC) the Grant County Board of County Commissioners do hereby ordain and establish interim boundaries for the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as mapped in Attachment 1. GENERAL AREA, Extension #1 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 2002-174—CC Page 4 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinance shall be: 5 p.m. November 22, 2002 through 5 p.m. May 22, 2003. In the event an additional extension is necessary, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners hereby tentatively schedules a Public Hearing for May 5, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. in the Grant County Courthouse Board of County Commissioners Hearings Room. F phrata, Washington. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of Nov. 2002 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ayes Nayes ❑ Tim Snead, C air Le m C Allison, ember [A❑ ❑ ❑( Deboi ah Kay N1 r Member ATTEST: Clerk of '*/ and /— PUBLISHED: / / GENERAL AREA, Extension # I Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 2002 -174 -CC Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1 GRANT COUNTY RURAL AREAS OF MORE INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT GENERAL AREA INTERIM BOUNDARY MAPS ORDINANCE No. 2001- 174 -CC GENERAL AREA, Extension #1 Legend 1ww.RAU)W r.LW .... O 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feel W O RNDSOL[. A1kY(Cm mW W hJw.W Z—A 5 GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ballards Cafe �+a,�wadbyOfv�C« W&,emnK buw. SOW Hmwown may nm nwa Wlwnal �wo�m+.cy slr+aw...na m.y nm a nSw. �� Agriculture Service Center ,, , WfabWl' '�.©. Oex6pdAvwLksrtiberl1, 199p N OtS) 'RNDIIDIAµY(NniJ.nel T/pe) E W O RNDSOL[. A1kY(Cm mW W hJw.W Z—A 5 GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ballards Cafe �+a,�wadbyOfv�C« W&,emnK buw. SOW Hmwown may nm nwa Wlwnal �wo�m+.cy slr+aw...na m.y nm a nSw. �� Agriculture Service Center ,, , 0 Legend hi =PAe)SaaaWY w = m O P. sl Bogy Wreb* ® D,6*Pi. m DM br31. 1990 O SMDSOl.MARY(P.A,,,JTYP,) O IWD SOLMARY tCme .W.,d lndenol lnr.4 0 100 0 100200300400 Feet N W+ E S • � WSW Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Beverly =w ala oo-~ey Groo cw"Y Www br.aa. SaIW YYermellbr mw w m Nato r^ r� Mao Aocwery SWWW ep tl.. m" rol be ro Crv.C,,."GISSO Rural Community ttSuihdefor apWNarpapaw. xx«mea n.kpad Mrd u.1002 papas IS fa MererKS n WO ae ditWatb PA..& Mrd22.= c".18. Legend bua RAID U wy m... 400 0 400 600 1200 1600 Feet iiiii Wr.dndy ® Dc O ped F. .D.sn 31, I99p N O RAID O[IJDMY(Rad.uel7.1P.) WE E O RAID EOLMAKY(Cemurtd.d L kwW Zoa.4 S • 0• 01/ Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Blue Lake Shore\ usu NO�,.;ua�r.arm"~Nsllw l wo A=WM SW4ardl. and"M M rWaNs w ��,caswr Shoreline Development oru. r"aoww..wrooa.. "a"w =VN.a77.moz woo+. s ror M.nna b WW w. o.purm Legend Won -RAID 9 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Feet (� Pa dBaudrr Waabedy N D.WpdN .w Damhs)1, 199# O W13BOLMARY(Said.617WO W E O MD SOI.NDARY(Cnm .W and ln.,W 7eoed) S C :IM- *bI Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Crescent Bar &*i data ddmplsd by Gtant Oft,* atm Other IOUoa9. Spatial Inlrinebdn may not tweet Hatonal UW On9e C. ryYOSAdf Recreational Development wstpe#dy oanwa. pwmo-lint need a as A= Ir apeNWrlend MO. intended Ad4«ah M..hn. =2 w b Id9 telenm b lend 1Ne daalpnalbn plink M,rth 12.=2 OYSAS. 1 \V Legend 411—RAID B-wd„y (:D rad U wWy 800 0 800 1600 2400 3200 Feet W-rb* N ® D...�adaa�reD.��anr.lf.2ssr O W+ E FWD Q,tm D lMY (Mts dd T)pe) O LAMBOLMAKY(C.=atvladW,. zO.4 I 5 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Desert Aire �. SOUMW R Mion MM" aft 0 Nabw1w Map ���.., � Rural Village WWw" n . w4 nWW90". W be b"WO... or.Wl.W fp.�.nKi..rpupo... w.m.. Moprh Nisch 22 L111 7f.Da.. k far M.r.nw m wo w deq� Pinek Naich 21.1002 anl.a.. ���II •�I��f ll��D�����1� a4mr•_rMM9.w�Ywrmr w_ amr w.M�.rrr wrrwrr r�r�mwrm.r..�rwwar ^.rw►wwi..wrrr_ww.. 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Feet Lcgerid O Prd&.Wq Wmb* N ® D W.P W Pa. m D.,b.31, 1991 RAID BOUNDARY Magm W ZY'R) MID WUNDARY TAma=W md[alumd lamp S GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Gnat CoumyGIS Staff McConihe Shore Adoptod May 22,2002 Primcd. May 22,2002 Shoreline Development_ a4mr•_rMM9.w�Ywrmr w_ amr w.M�.rrr wrrwrr r�r�mwrm.r..�rwwar ^.rw►wwi..wrrr_ww.. Legend Wn MDBs mm, t�D tamdm.A.Y Grath GDunty GIS staff Adopted: Much 22, 2002 Prvuuev Much 22, ;002 800 0 800 1800 2400 3200 4000 Feet GRANT COUNTY `'•"�'"' Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Marine View Heights .,.�. Ywr•.vrDiYrrw«rr rwrr v.Fr Yr�wwrrr. Yrw Rural Community ..�..�.�°-.- WYn6ody ® Lkreloped Priamtkiember JI, 199f O l W D BGIA�ARY (Rn�deni+l T O MDD0LNDMY(Cn .W vd1rjaWZmv4 Grath GDunty GIS staff Adopted: Much 22, 2002 Prvuuev Much 22, ;002 800 0 800 1800 2400 3200 4000 Feet GRANT COUNTY `'•"�'"' Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Marine View Heights .,.�. Ywr•.vrDiYrrw«rr rwrr v.Fr Yr�wwrrr. Yrw Rural Community ..�..�.�°-.- Legend tom® RAM B.A6 y Legend (:::D Pew, ambo* �� De�elop.a erne r D.amba st, t991 BNDBOUNDA%Yple.fd"wWT" G MID BOUNDARY r mmm W d Iniw Y Zo.4 Grant Cr,� nty cu staff Adopmd :day 22,2M ?3nted: ` q 22, 2002 300 0 300 600 900 1200 Feet GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development McDonald Siding N oW Y��Y/ MOwOuMw1N �wr �ei/4rwr��Y w.w�r/lrrr w�..rw.w..i.n•+rwr. rrr.ra�.rrr.rmr `rw/ �w..rrr..wrtira.y.+r .rr M 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Feet Legend 101 a "D n..Jwy � � M QPa B..dry N w.ueody "© D. I.WdPri.,w Da.k..)1. 1990 O RAID BOLMARY(Pndend T)P.) W E O RAID BOLMARY (G.umcd..d l_, .,Ta.dl GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development GraruCounty GIS Snff North Soap Lake ° �-�� :a� �- _. -—. �uRYfWY4w�e1�O1Wv� Adopt & �ZZZ�20 z Recreational Development �'~ '~- - Legend mWM RAO Owind"r .. 0 P..1U Wr Grua County GIS Staff Adopted: Much 2z 2002 Primed Much 22, 2002 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Feet GRANT COUNTY ` •'�-� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ruff Agricultural Service Center F Waub* ® Dnebpd Aiorro Dambc]I. MO O RAID 90tkMARY Type) O RAID 90GM1ARY (Cw W ud Ldwuid Z.4 Grua County GIS Staff Adopted: Much 2z 2002 Primed Much 22, 2002 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Feet GRANT COUNTY ` •'�-� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ruff Agricultural Service Center F 200 0 200 400 800 800 1000 Feet Legend 1111M. RAID ' OPd Bardvy N :�., G'vMW'J 14iorw lkcmbrt Sl. N90 O MIDBOI.MAAY(Pn.. .T,0 W�j O MID BOUNDARYa 1.&. W7medl S Grana GDumyGIS Staff Adopted: March 22, 2002 Priced. March 22.2002 GRANTCOUNTY N.-""'. Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Schawana ,rq YY�rr��rwslw w.m� WAw<tIl�rRwIMMY�Or Rural Community ....a..�'........w rrwr r lr rrre r rr w �yrsi aw Legend to . RAM nwMw M M Grant GauntyG[S Staff Adopted.. Much 22, 2002 Printed Much 22, 2.-92 600 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Feet GRANT COUNTY �•� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Sunland Estates err Amwc51r1YVa rs rr.� r wrr Shoreline Development = ""`�- VPm-b* (� Dv bpd Prior. D..*. 31.1991 O RAIDWUMARY(ReridmWT)w) O RAID BOItMAKY(Cow�Jtadua..l Z.-,4 Grant GauntyG[S Staff Adopted.. Much 22, 2002 Printed Much 22, 2.-92 600 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 Feet GRANT COUNTY �•� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Sunland Estates err Amwc51r1YVa rs rr.� r wrr Shoreline Development = ""`�- t Ilittll►L11� II po .111111 H 111111— SWINE 11 IIII- = IIIII �I 11111111111 y% 11111= = IIIN NlAllllH III11111A111 IIlAA11 �� ���/ Legend 'm BAD BawW7 w=as t�D PartdBw i y Gram Cnnnty GIS Staff Adopted: Mach 22.X02 Piintrd• Mmh 22, ZCC_ 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Feet RM GRANT COUNTY••'"'�""'. Interim Rural Area ofIntensiXe Development Trinidad a,wr..rrMPwCwnru,rarw aaraw loran4nr,wrwaiwrr aIyAYIp Wa4aLwawl�Y TaYY aaa,r�raa.u.a.a�+.• arr Rural Gommunity w-&* ® Drnbpad hera O ..6.31.1"9 O lWD BOLMAttY(Ps+ideuW N-) O BMD BOLMABY (Camwcd and kd. WZ..A Gram Cnnnty GIS Staff Adopted: Mach 22.X02 Piintrd• Mmh 22, ZCC_ 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Feet RM GRANT COUNTY••'"'�""'. Interim Rural Area ofIntensiXe Development Trinidad a,wr..rrMPwCwnru,rarw aaraw loran4nr,wrwaiwrr aIyAYIp Wa4aLwawl�Y TaYY aaa,r�raa.u.a.a�+.• arr Rural Gommunity Legend 1m RAID ewwWny M M M r.Rd Bavlvr Gnlu County GIS Staff A&pted March 22. 2007 Mate& Man:h 22, 2x2 1 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Feet GRANT COUNTY .� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Wanapum Village��- n.ow fVr,IwYrws,Mb.w lrer Wanq Wrr•lrr Mr+aw.w. Rural Community �n.rr rrrwsr ti r•..grb, r.rr ® Dseb{MRivm D.wBrll, 7991 O RAIDBOLMARYJMa WTyp,) O RAID BOLMARY (Co W .M [oA.64 Zmr Q Gnlu County GIS Staff A&pted March 22. 2007 Mate& Man:h 22, 2x2 1 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Feet GRANT COUNTY .� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Wanapum Village��- n.ow fVr,IwYrws,Mb.w lrer Wanq Wrr•lrr Mr+aw.w. Rural Community �n.rr rrrwsr ti r•..grb, r.rr u nnu — • IIIIIIIIIIN %;u itis m = mtmn ,y,; t;;Y umwl m Illllluul ,y; ��=111111Ip� as>I;;:�;., --- IIIIIIIIIII �•-' �"' '� � Legend Um PAWBuw.Wy m= P..4 B..I.r Grant County cts sect Adopter- Much 22, 2002 P11111nL• MMch 22. 2002 300 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 Feet AMM GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Winchester w.a. www...�•.w.r.wwrw MN�.ilMww wlw.rrw.r i Agricultural Service Center""�"'�-"� watt* ® DnApd Prior w Dft.6.31, 1"1 O RAID BOUIDARY(Rnid..d T1.) O RMD BOUNDARY(Cn ..l -.d Z--4 Grant County cts sect Adopter- Much 22, 2002 P11111nL• MMch 22. 2002 300 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 Feet AMM GRANT COUNTY Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Winchester w.a. www...�•.w.r.wwrw MN�.ilMww wlw.rrw.r i Agricultural Service Center""�"'�-"� Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development " Ballard's Cafe Area E S 1 Legend ule RAM BOU dJ �a WXar6ody Ds bped Nw m DK.Jo ,31. MV O RAID BOUNDARY(It.Wm lType) O RAID BOUNDARY (OXa .,cW ad 1 d"t" Z.,4 Ballard 2 Tu. map ahnuld na 6e cwamad n kgd dvieea kgd opinion w any VeM-M face rc am.+a.eXXea The covaeno re u.,MM foe grnead wfomlX.w puap—aanly,.M you.m urged weomuhyw . I.v , corre..q y. ovm aeuvion aad any apmfic gnuma you may have. InkwleWm nandk d..gk ad ghee dmnenu have ken gadX Worn .rydttade4 uorq hffc rgaerdaada fm qWq tuwld. documervar.w .rrd venl.a4on All ofd. d... P.w.kd np¢emoNeeenc.moen+tc..mert.��IIy anila6k forrr.ae W%k do dXu pv eaty klie edmk �e.amrhi., rtpmvnm b�areaoa; rhna.ccunry...ot�r.r.¢d ormndurg arq pmpnq pu.vhu.. a mve+or.rnea b.ad n WI a n p.a upon rM mnmY pm..dd,....prcdrdly "" dh.e Y..'^'kp�&.,y IrLl.v:nfy d.e.—d o.,wlga ..1, Grum CcumyGlS Staff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed: Match 22, 2002 Interim Rural .Are, Intensive DeveloF a. Alt N Coulee City s Area w S E Legend tnwttm KMD sounduy m Legend OPrrcd BowdvY 0 oS% I Coulee 3 This rt. p JoJd rnr be <..t..d as k$pd dva-e «k&d opinion on any apenfc (:ts « nM1unntvrcea The cantnw ve intended Coc &coed mfoan.aoon puapoaea only, vd you are utgcd w comult vont own bvyet con w,%ya awn vtvaon and any %p ,fe queauona you may have. Inft win t w da. dns.nga, and othet docvrcnu hace been gnhered avec arnray decade., u..ng d(fedng atuadada foe tNday crnud, documcnuucn sd AJ1 ofthe d= ptvvadcd cey,aetw cuvoa udi+atswn u. • ersiily aysldak Cuvcau. Wluk the data a gcncally bcl¢,d to be a w, occaa.«adly v pcovea n be ucot thus cu curacy u not wa .mi Prior to rat.katy any ply puachasa « naveamaenn baacd ,n full «s. put upon the [ascend pmv.d .t,, apee.Gedly dosed thu you .ndepnviendv field waty d.e .nfotnsoon mnra d in county aec«da. Gnnc CauayGIS Staff Adopteh May 22, 2002 Pc me&- Mav22.2002 Wuvb* ® Dt,&b Prior to Dtoto.b. 31.1990 O MDBCXMARYPbidadT7Pd O MID e( ZOAFLY(Cp...Iad lnLstrolZon� 0 oS% I Coulee 3 This rt. p JoJd rnr be <..t..d as k$pd dva-e «k&d opinion on any apenfc (:ts « nM1unntvrcea The cantnw ve intended Coc &coed mfoan.aoon puapoaea only, vd you are utgcd w comult vont own bvyet con w,%ya awn vtvaon and any %p ,fe queauona you may have. Inft win t w da. dns.nga, and othet docvrcnu hace been gnhered avec arnray decade., u..ng d(fedng atuadada foe tNday crnud, documcnuucn sd AJ1 ofthe d= ptvvadcd cey,aetw cuvoa udi+atswn u. • ersiily aysldak Cuvcau. Wluk the data a gcncally bcl¢,d to be a w, occaa.«adly v pcovea n be ucot thus cu curacy u not wa .mi Prior to rat.katy any ply puachasa « naveamaenn baacd ,n full «s. put upon the [ascend pmv.d .t,, apee.Gedly dosed thu you .ndepnviendv field waty d.e .nfotnsoon mnra d in county aec«da. Gnnc CauayGIS Staff Adopteh May 22, 2002 Pc me&- Mav22.2002 Interim Rural Area of Intensive DevelopmentN Dodson Road Area W+ E S „S� O.M � b. ..".d I'SA ik. . kVj P.,. N- Legend InRAOR.W,ymmm - �TcouN Dod on Road 1 4 B.&.Y n.n 6Kyn.ur®.rg)a.r Y— Wxtrb.dy CD KKD BOUMARY Ptn&.id T/") "Akf.r wh& Q:) Iff E ME EN 0 „S� O.M � b. ..".d I'SA ik. . kVj P.,. Legend InRAOR.W,ymmm - �TcouN OP..d B.&.Y n.n 6Kyn.ur®.rg)a.r Y— Wxtrb.dy CD KKD BOUMARY Ptn&.id T/") "Akf.r wh& Q:) RA[I)DOLt4DARY(Ca .i.MIAui.IZ*n.) Grarit CbuntyGIS Staff Adapted- Mawh22.20C2 Prifaed: Nl=h 22.2x= Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N N+ E George Area S Legend InleaaRAM mLWAkq .. OPaulBwedaey W ea6ody Derdoped P.. D.>hr d 1. 199Q O RAIU gOI.NUNtY(Nn:4nul'Crye) O RAID BOLMARY(Co mW ud loduuW Za.4 I 'Uu+mq should w be ca+¢eued a kgd dace«kgd cpinionw a'e1 apaof< Cma eeoueruneea 'muaaemu ve uueedd f« Ven wdoemraoo puq o ady, wd you aw ugad m co m4 you oun kwy" ao"a^°'4 Y. eons raweaa rd a^7;aealie yucwoeu 7•'u wry haw. IadaamcWa nmdk d. --Wk rd ahee da ru haw ban gadrwd owa eeweq daea&n UwsddFaMg wrdaeda foe 9Au1 uml, ducueWuawn rd wnf<wva Nl o(ds dwa pnr+led uyw+mu avn<a aionruon n e aa��vdl7 avrl8k faema Udu4 Ili dwa u gawa.Y7 Cd�aaal wba sa�awa, aceawully a peuwa W br nwareat dee iu ecunq •nae..tarurd. Peiorm^�'Rr7 pegeee7 puwhasa«uawaunmeahawd m LJI «n pan ipm de nrumd Iwow4d.i k �r�J:•alli rhn.nl due T'u uuk�..k.al7 i:{.i wni7 Jw.Joon+u.� aae,rd.. cowry we.�ala Grum GounryGIS SI:dI A&pt,d March 22,20C21 Primed: March 22, 200? Interim Rural Area of Intensive DevelopmentN et Farms Area W+ E J 11115 Legend W&imRMBvndur ��.. OP..d Bouodry Jet Farms 1 1 TAic mp d+a+N mt 6e cmwtud n kgd white «kBd tgiron m 't^f rpat(K (%V «elxterurarCca 15K [mann n: n1InIdW fv Vanedinfom purpowcady, wdpuweurRdmxmwltpie a.wk yff eemrgyou owe numm 0.1 ny rpra(Kgewaw tarry Iw.n 1/1(ffwl ...w..y dnNrlRy"nd,eedSl mh.bnn SWwwd mer mwgdredn, uwgdllcnrgctwdadx fox quW y .mod, donnem.wm erd xenl�'wton Allddmdwepmedd rryxcnw eucrerK udoamrKn n e nw4ly riml*k fomwe Whk dK dwau gnwnlly MK.ad m be aawre,aetrandly wptm e brimtaer, thu .0 ncwr,cya ra wnrrad PrormmeYegwey ;�mprry puKhue«,n.arrewr,,..- .n(dl«i, p.rt yKn ds nwcml pm,dn4 a ,. � >fly �M:d d,w w,�.;r�Krde,x�, �rd.rnfy th<inwo.vm..c«aancd uamuuy mo,d+. I Gram Gouray GIS Staff Adtlpad: Match 22, 2002 Printed: Much 22, 2002 WMAO-h, :ir l?e.eloped Pd«m Dceeoibw'JI, 1990 O BAIDBOlMARY(R.WmWType) O BAIDBOIRIDMY(Cam WadWuuA[Zord) Jet Farms 1 1 TAic mp d+a+N mt 6e cmwtud n kgd white «kBd tgiron m 't^f rpat(K (%V «elxterurarCca 15K [mann n: n1InIdW fv Vanedinfom purpowcady, wdpuweurRdmxmwltpie a.wk yff eemrgyou owe numm 0.1 ny rpra(Kgewaw tarry Iw.n 1/1(ffwl ...w..y dnNrlRy"nd,eedSl mh.bnn SWwwd mer mwgdredn, uwgdllcnrgctwdadx fox quW y .mod, donnem.wm erd xenl�'wton Allddmdwepmedd rryxcnw eucrerK udoamrKn n e nw4ly riml*k fomwe Whk dK dwau gnwnlly MK.ad m be aawre,aetrandly wptm e brimtaer, thu .0 ncwr,cya ra wnrrad PrormmeYegwey ;�mprry puKhue«,n.arrewr,,..- .n(dl«i, p.rt yKn ds nwcml pm,dn4 a ,. � >fly �M:d d,w w,�.;r�Krde,x�, �rd.rnfy th<inwo.vm..c«aancd uamuuy mo,d+. I Gram Gouray GIS Staff Adtlpad: Match 22, 2002 Printed: Much 22, 2002 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N Mallard Haven Area W* E S Legend 4"wm"Df-Mm)...�� Q � W—body Dev.bpvd Pr.rw DeceeLer)1, 1990 O RND BOUfmNIY (Re.daeulType) O RND80.NDARY(Co.vim.d.rdled�.uidZmnl/ roll Legend 4"wm"Df-Mm)...�� Q � W—body Dev.bpvd Pr.rw DeceeLer)1, 1990 O RND BOUfmNIY (Re.daeulType) O RND80.NDARY(Co.vim.d.rdled�.uidZmnl/ IN, mp dnud na.6e convned a kgd d..e «kgd op.m. ref gwd-fu «a.,.,v..e the.anvnor . nided for gored nfnm.en p«poe. oNr, rd pu .a «gd m mn..k p.. o...I..fe. co..xmug youc aen.n.m, erd.nf va+fe 4ruu^e ra�� �NimK.u. �nvd; dnwvigti vd..hrrd:v..ro hne bees gd...d ow. m.q decd.., uwg d(kmg..rd. f« anad, docun....on r.l.enlceoon NI dd.d.d..pm.d"d al .P.e.rna.unen. mfo...0pn m.ee.d4 Ibk... Kh.k d. d... pmAy bd..ed orb. c.w4 aoyvulh. pm... o br+m.¢c[ diu.o arnn.7. m�.armnL P,. W ff w7 —..9 pwdu�.w.rve.m.n. b.ad infill«npT d. Grua Cowuy GIS Staff Adopted Meeh 22, 2002 .e__L Iq 1M1 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development' g S Marine View Heights Area WSE Legend Waim RAM nwnde M=. 71:, ,r.p h. drocbecm n dnkgel ad,kea1m4.pion„. am apeaiGc (acu a a,nnnucn 'Ihr mnmo arc nuwdrd for y�ned „Jonn,,,on pu,poc, eedy,nd �,. ar ugd wmreit Jon o n kwrl eonn,mi,g Jour,wn •nu,ian ad vapes&gn,. Ya nq luvr. Inf„ruwr roved; dnw6,g% rd oder docure,n 6a a 6rrn g,J,c o,rr " decade, uarg d6ed,g rrduda fa 9Wrf c mi,J>vm wdeenkwa NI,JAedrap, Wcd ,ep,ea,nrcunrnt n(omronn aridly MI" fomite Wlvk ,J< dra n{t< Wy 6dr td m 6e ,ttv ,nr ;, ap.w Sr „cvrreK Nu in att,„a:v a,v varaird Prur u mahnR any mnrrr,Y pudneeoranawe,+a 4ad n (11 arnpart yn„ Jr ndreJ pio,hl, K o yenu^17r adu,cJ Jut Ia+Ykee„d<,dy i,rN ,enFJ dr n(owuean vrra,ad n tang rmda cmmCdumycu Starr Adopted: Much 22, 2002 Primed Much 22, 2002 WO -body ® Dndoped P,ior m DecmBer 31, 17A9 O RAID ROI,NDARY(Rmd vWTJpr) O RAID OOLMARY(Cam P1 W 1.iwW ZawQ 71:, ,r.p h. drocbecm n dnkgel ad,kea1m4.pion„. am apeaiGc (acu a a,nnnucn 'Ihr mnmo arc nuwdrd for y�ned „Jonn,,,on pu,poc, eedy,nd �,. ar ugd wmreit Jon o n kwrl eonn,mi,g Jour,wn •nu,ian ad vapes&gn,. Ya nq luvr. Inf„ruwr roved; dnw6,g% rd oder docure,n 6a a 6rrn g,J,c o,rr " decade, uarg d6ed,g rrduda fa 9Wrf c mi,J>vm wdeenkwa NI,JAedrap, Wcd ,ep,ea,nrcunrnt n(omronn aridly MI" fomite Wlvk ,J< dra n{t< Wy 6dr td m 6e ,ttv ,nr ;, ap.w Sr „cvrreK Nu in att,„a:v a,v varaird Prur u mahnR any mnrrr,Y pudneeoranawe,+a 4ad n (11 arnpart yn„ Jr ndreJ pio,hl, K o yenu^17r adu,cJ Jut Ia+Ykee„d<,dy i,rN ,enFJ dr n(owuean vrra,ad n tang rmda cmmCdumycu Starr Adopted: Much 22, 2002 Primed Much 22, 2002 N Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development WE Mattawa .Area ''''�9Y//�� S 4 Legend Imtnm RAlDNoudly a M= Mattawa 1 yam.. Thu Itw dnud=bIc nu itd YkO.&M =LdCp..bn my apa.fc fav« camo,w m'Dw cmt =waded f« r..1 urged to waft pwr own Myete«cesmgyou<own awtwn Yd Yq apedfc quexn,w you �/ lune. b,f[ .. nnewlt dlaNng%YWYd., dLtt .m bM b% ydcaed wnn nc,ny dadv.0 %6ffnotag atYdud kc qday cmtml,dmw�enawtacd venlcu,au Allofdwdr•p.nded apsYwecu,muu,(oaumnmeYd"Jj�vailab4 fomu Whle dr: drw w gvanrly bdwad m be a<cw+treccswully r pt«e o be ucvwv: Aw.,v aowY7 snot vYtweQ Moro nui4Ygarg Property puadrwa«umv«,enu bund in fill «n pan upon dw n,urnr p,ovu4ed, x u apmfcJlr.dnYd dwe ya udelerdnuly t�n41 Rnty Jr 0 Grant GDunzy GIS Stdf Adopted: Mauch 22, 2002 Primed: Manch 22.2002 I Wraboly ® Dn.dopd Prorw Acemberd1, 199 O (MDU MIARY(g�TWO O ANDWUQARY(Cnm®ulad,., .17cn4 Mattawa 1 yam.. Thu Itw dnud=bIc nu itd YkO.&M =LdCp..bn my apa.fc fav« camo,w m'Dw cmt =waded f« r..1 urged to waft pwr own Myete«cesmgyou<own awtwn Yd Yq apedfc quexn,w you �/ lune. b,f[ .. nnewlt dlaNng%YWYd., dLtt .m bM b% ydcaed wnn nc,ny dadv.0 %6ffnotag atYdud kc qday cmtml,dmw�enawtacd venlcu,au Allofdwdr•p.nded apsYwecu,muu,(oaumnmeYd"Jj�vailab4 fomu Whle dr: drw w gvanrly bdwad m be a<cw+treccswully r pt«e o be ucvwv: Aw.,v aowY7 snot vYtweQ Moro nui4Ygarg Property puadrwa«umv«,enu bund in fill «n pan upon dw n,urnr p,ovu4ed, x u apmfcJlr.dnYd dwe ya udelerdnuly t�n41 Rnty Jr 0 Grant GDunzy GIS Stdf Adopted: Mauch 22, 2002 Primed: Manch 22.2002 I Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N O'Sullivan Shores Area W+E S O'Sullivan Shores 1 t �_ - _. • _ `�.`Sl,- fir, ..�� • Legend wainRAm BonWmy OPx«I Boudxy Wxer6ody Dne6ped P.-Dlce Jl, 1940 O RAID BOUNDARY (Pndeaul T)W) O PAID BOINDAAY(Owmetaand JMx W2a«d) 7%.mq.hadd rot b, c.na drkgd dace«kg.1 opkuon on x0 gerifie fx « nrcun.rarcea 71.,vemo xe Handed f« gnerd infnrmwcn pu�..rc rvdy, "I yno.re «grtl In crnxil ywr ,nm 1,•wYermcemuq,Yonr ww� nxn:n xd rp ym& yie.4vw You m.y h..e. hdnxiunu,• mm�k, dnwngR,nl alier,h+nnern. haK I+.m Wdwad wee, nrn)• d«.dn, wogddfrug,rxd.d, ter gdiy d '-- xd wnfc Ad ofdn dx p..kd npaa«,<uxe«xdomxont,n. addjr..lbkfomrc mink Ik dxa r gmenBy bdrved robe cxutae.�9,'<andly wpmxw n h, inm,rtq tl+u io.m,ncy'w mt a.tt.rind Nord nnkng.7 pmpemprd..«onexame.bred.U«npmt die m.ax,1 pmvdni, rt n g,ed'cdly dwxd rh,� Ya udepmmly IielJ.enlY in mu,ry navuly Gram County GIS Staff Adopted: Much 22, 2002 Primed: MEateh 22, 2002 Interim Rural • -. of Development Quincy * ' ����• � iii / FMNI � � _ Legend lnl� IDIss!410" \ —P -d Cr )PADv. a _fosw �• �•� _IWDr. Interim Rural Area of Intensive DevelopmentN Y p Royal Slope Area W+E S Legend m� enm Baudny M �.. OPanel B«udvy W-6dy '®' Dexkped P110fb Deum6a)I. t99� O MID BOIAJDAKY(Bn"mW Type) O PWD BOLMA&Y(C..w.W and l�dwW lain 'M. mV id rix treonvn,ed. kgdvhre« kgr tp.0 any pvilr tvu «nnvroevn - 7}r bihere w bunkd f« gcrcd ml«nr,on P.T... Cly,Wyou w<u,ged w .Av . 6.ye eaernmq yo«Dori �neum valaq Qruli geeooro yvu eoy 6— h, I�ni venrn��. n:,.,6 Jnw„g., wl,alrrha�rviu� h, 6m gdrvd rne�irony deeade4 uorgdlirmgr t«gdq emud,dmnrnm�rd venirvm ABafdv du pw..kd eepRtnb eWRM btOVIMOOn �n �RYLy�d�e (Opry[ g�ldt drd+argmn>oykdr,.dbbe suwe.dv>.avBykPbr.b be r[vvat dtu. iu R"n'e1 n me vvnned Piiorw nduR v7 P'�^y pur+er. «w.ewnero ba+ni r fill «6 part upon din m,�rnr pn+'..kd n u geencaly adnMder yw wdcpndnmy I+IJ Knty : F nbm,uwne«�un:d n xuq ernn6, Gram GountyGIS Staff Adopted March 22, 2XI, Primed: March 22.2-^X' Interim Rural Area of Intensive DevelopmentN Wana um Village Area W+ G P g S Legend mlalm jwDnywwm . Q pM«Ie. 6.Y 2 TIv1 wP_` ., mr hemnn..ad. 1q;d ui««kNi cp. an y1'f jR[I(K Iil1IX KNfYII(i �nK NbY1 R NK1d[d I« ga1Kt✓ N�«mlrm pYVh✓IDs1«11rr 1�d ]aY 1rt IIIRI� NCMf1i1 r«K o1n Yryrc aa.awg yn. van .u.ua.d "Wa'd'ea«— w nay h.K ldr.msaur wcwrk d. W% rdodwr dorn.MMs ham bem pd.e.d oRr.myder.dnr wng dd&.CMxW d1 C«gAay caned. danl.enrM.m rd n�nF tooq MI oCNMdn pwrdd np..rw cy.rw wooretrm N.M161je(al.hle Wv..e Who JK dM1 o g.mLLy hdKwJ N he mxae.dre.i.dlly npmK. N tm du.. wcuwy a M wrwnl prior w nukirl ^y r,,pcor r.M.«we.n h.d NU«in put 4.m d. ��yKrW pm. k•.�4..ly.dn.d der y..l.dpnd,.dy t rld wnly vK.yo. cwK.. JNcovey rm.d& Grua GoumyGlS Sraff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed. M -=h 22, 2002 wM.eody ® De.e4ped PdorNDeceNberll, 1991 O MD BCU4DARY(Rnidc.d Type) O RAID80l14DARY(Cn.onK.c61.o IM un.IZ".r4 2 TIv1 wP_` ., mr hemnn..ad. 1q;d ui««kNi cp. an y1'f jR[I(K Iil1IX KNfYII(i �nK NbY1 R NK1d[d I« ga1Kt✓ N�«mlrm pYVh✓IDs1«11rr 1�d ]aY 1rt IIIRI� NCMf1i1 r«K o1n Yryrc aa.awg yn. van .u.ua.d "Wa'd'ea«— w nay h.K ldr.msaur wcwrk d. W% rdodwr dorn.MMs ham bem pd.e.d oRr.myder.dnr wng dd&.CMxW d1 C«gAay caned. danl.enrM.m rd n�nF tooq MI oCNMdn pwrdd np..rw cy.rw wooretrm N.M161je(al.hle Wv..e Who JK dM1 o g.mLLy hdKwJ N he mxae.dre.i.dlly npmK. N tm du.. wcuwy a M wrwnl prior w nukirl ^y r,,pcor r.M.«we.n h.d NU«in put 4.m d. ��yKrW pm. k•.�4..ly.dn.d der y..l.dpnd,.dy t rld wnly vK.yo. cwK.. JNcovey rm.d& Grua GoumyGlS Sraff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed. M -=h 22, 2002 Interim Rural Area of Intensive DevelopmentN Warden Area W+ E S I I Warden 2 I I.e end Weri[. RAR) R«u.l..y m m � T1.. m p W,..W nab «nsned a kpJ dx . «kgd.pi.i.. o 8 11'em.rem.se..nddfot g..ed nromiw. pu.po.n «Jy, sd y.0 ue caged memwJcy.« O P.rtI B«.d.ry ewn kwy. ..em.gy«. o.n.. wd y.pmrKq.:. y.....y hM. Womb* hIrM 11CdR rtc«d., d.....R4 rd.drtr d.nmenn hM Men De.Aved PAwwDecemhr7l.1990 gshe.d o.e..mmydeedn, w.gdlremg.v.d..J fwgLW y ORAID OCUNDARY Type) c.m.d. d«u.ensmn rd.enr.......M ord.. d..pm.idd nP:.nwc.mrei fo ...addy.r.em.e %%k (Rnidn.:i de d.au g.nnJy bels..d n be se.ns,o�..uully i[pmv o ORA[D 801A`IDARY (Gm.n.l a.d l.d«.ri.l7md) be r.vmc[ d.0 m scanty a mt wn,.ed' Pi., m .kwgr7 p..peny pwehae. «mev..e.a b...d m rd] «n put Wm die m+o-.J pm.r.l.l, rt. y...cJly rMW dur yn ..cLj..d.dy Grua GoumyGLSStaff Adopted: Match 22, 2002 Printed: Mueh22.2CC2