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Resolution 04-026-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE NO. 04 - t71a (6 - CC An Ordinance Extension (0) of Ordinance 2003 -074 -CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002 -47 -CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto. GENERAL AREA RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington intends to comply fully with the orders and directives of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board issued in case nos. 99-1-0016 and 99-1-0019 and the Orders of Thurston County Superior Court; and, WHEREAS, 36.70A.390 RCW provides for the adoption and extension of interim zoning controls for one or more six-month periods provided the County holds a public hearing on the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance and findings of fact are made prior to the renewal; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington have initiated an appeal of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board's decision holding Grant County's adoption of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDS) in the Comprehensive Plan as non-compliant with the County -wide Planning Policies adopted in 1993; and WHEREAS, Thurston County Superior Court has remanded the Final Decision and Order of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board regarding Grant County's Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDS) back to Grant County in order to bring this element of the County's Comprehensive Plan and County -wide Planning Policies (CWPPs) into compliance with the Washington State Growth Management Act; and, WHEREAS, Grant County and the Cities and Towns of the County have reconvened the Grant County Planned Growth Committee (GCPGC) in order to consider potential amendments to the 1993 County -wide Planning Policies on issues brought forward by the members; and, WHEREAS, the GCPGC approved by a majority vote the incorporation of provisions of the Growth Management Act (GMA), Revised Code of Washington 36.70A (as amended 1995-1997), recognizing and including rural areas of more intensive development language into the CWPPs; and, WHEREAS, based on the approval of the Planned Growth Committee, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners scheduled a Hearing on March 27, 2002 where they considered amendments to the County -wide Planning Policies as recommended by the GCPGC, including language recognizing and providing for the necessary consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, the CWPPs and the GMA as directed by the Final Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act, and, WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the Final Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act, a residential budding and placement permit activity report has been generated; and, WHEREAS, for the period from 1996 through 2000, the residential building and placement permit activity in Grant County indicate that 7319% of the building permit activity of the County occurred within the urban growth areas. In contrast, for the preceding five-year period from 1991 through 1995, only 29.8 % ofpopulation growth occurred within the cities of Grant County. The population growth allocation included in the Comprehensive Plan projects GENERAL AREA, Extension #3 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. Page 2 that —72 percent of total County population would reside within LIGAs and —28% within rural areas of the County by 2018. Based on the residential building and placement pernut activity trends since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, it appears that the population projections of the Plan are accurate, and that enough urban lands have been designated to accommodate the projected growth; and, WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act provides for consideration of local circumstances in establishing patterns of rural densities and uses, provided that a written record be developed explaining how the rural element of the Comprehensive Plan harmonizes the planning goals in RCW 36.70A 020 and meets the requirements of the GMA (36.70A.070(5)(a)]; and, WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the Final Decision and Orders of the EWGMHB and the Growth Management Act, Grant County has produced a document clarifying how the County's establishment of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development in the Comprehensive Plan harmonize the planning goals of the GMA consistent with 36.70A.070(5)(a); and, WHEREAS, through the ongoing efforts of Grant County to comply with the EWGMHB Final Decision and Orders and the GMA, a revised series of interim maps have been produced which advances the compliance of the Comprehensive Plan with the EWGMHB Final Decision and Order and the GMA, specifically with regard to historical development patterns; and, WHEREAS, Grant County recognizes that the interim maps do not yet fully reflect RAID outer boundaries that are fully compliant with the GMA and the EWGMHB Final Decision and Orders Once all relevant information has been adequately considered, it is anticipated that the final outer boundaries may be further modified from the interim boundaries identified herein to gain full compliance; and, WHEREAS, as directed by the Final Decision and Orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board and consistent with the GMA, Grant County has prepared a work plan to review and revise the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as designated in the Comprehensive Plan, and has been and is currently implementing that work plan; and, WHEREAS, Grant County fully intends to continue and complete the work plan to bring the RAIDS into full compliance with the Final Decision and Orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board and the Growth Management Act; and, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners that this interim measure be in effect for a short period of time. However, if additional time is necessary, it is also the intent of the Board to maintain compliance with the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board decisions and the Growth Management Act through the extension of this ordinance, or portions thereof, until such time as the above mentioned issues have been fully resolved to the satisfaction of the Board of County Commissioners; and, WHEREAS, Grant County has received comments from City representatives expressing concerns about RAID's located in the immediate vicinity of the City's adopted urban growth area; and, WHEREAS, several Cities have requested that the RAIDS in the immediate vicinity of their UGA be included within their respective UGA despite the fact that: 1) Generally, the City's UGA's contain vast amounts of undeveloped and underdeveloped lands extending well into the rural lands of Grant County; and 2) The UGA's were mutually agreed to through either a previous collaborative process or through mediation efforts; and, 3) RAID's are rural areas of more intensive development and not considered urban development; and, WHEREAS, irrespective of the existing historical rural development pattern identified in the interim mapping, the Board of County Commissioners wish to delay the identification of interim RAID boundaries when located within the immediate area of the UGA for the City of Moses Lake, Town of Soap Lake and the City of Ephrata, and continue to work cooperatively with each city to complete the County's GMA planning efforts in these areas; and i GENERAL AREA, Extension #3 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. Page 3 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wish to adopt the non -controversial interim RAIDs as separate ordinances for those which have received extensive comments/concerns from the public and/or city representatives; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners believe that the adoption of individual interim ordinances for those RAIDs which have received extensive comment will provide the necessary focus and clarity for interested parties; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners makes the following findings: In the County's ongoing efforts to comply with the Final Decisions of the EWGMHB, the County has taken the following steps: a) The County is implementing a work plan to review and revise the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as designated in the Comprehensive Plan; and, b) A revised series of interim Wraps has been produced which advance the County's efforts in establishing RAIDS with regard to historical development patterns toward greater conformance with the GMA; and, c) Based on the final recommendation of the Grant County Planned Growth Committee, the amendment to the County -wide Planning Policies will achieve the required consistency between the Comprehensive Plan, the CWPPs and the GMA, and, d) The building and placement activity report clearly indicates that the population projections of the Plan are accurate, and that enough urban lands have been designated to accommodate the projected growth; and e) A written record has been produced clarifying how the County's establishment of Rural Areas of More Intensive Development and the Rural Element of the Comprehensive Plan harmonize the goals of the GMA, as required under RCW 36.70A.070(5)(a); and, 2. The Board of County Commissioners has directed Grant County Planning Staff to continue review of the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development consistent with the EWGMHB Final Decision and Orders, the GMA, in order to bring them into full compliance; and, 3. Interim official controls prohibiting development in the designated Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDs) have been in effect for the last 18 months, creating an emergency situation regarding development within RAIDS that requires an interim boundary designation prior to completing the final amendment process; and, 4. The action to adopt interim Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC was necessary in order to complete the scheduled extension/revision of Interim Ordinance No. 2001 -158 -CC which was set for March 27, 2002; and, 5. With the rescission of Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC, a replacement ordinance is necessary in order to avoid any lapse in development regulations; and, 6. There does not exist adequate time to satisfy normal notice for a public hearing; and, 7. Pursuant to 36.70A.390, a public hearing shall be tentatively set for this Interim Ordinance on July 1, 2003 at 10:30 p.m. in the Grant County Courthouse Board of County Commissioners Hearings Room, Ephrata, Washington. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners do hereby rescind interim Ordinance 2002 -47 -CC; and, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT, through the extension of this Ordinance (Ordinance 2001 -074 -CC) the Grant County Board of County Commissioners do hereby ordain and establish interim boundaries for the Rural Areas of More Intensive Development as mapped in Attachment 1 GENERAL AREA, Extension #3 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. Page 4 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinance shall be: 5 p.m. November 22, 2003 through 5 p.m. May 22, 2004. In the event an additional extension is necessary, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners hereby tentatively schedules a Public Hearing for May 4, 2004 at 1:30 p.m. in the Grant County Courthouse Board of County Commissioners Hearings Room, Ephrata, Washington. PASSED AND ADOPTED this --day ofk4N&02004. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ayes Nayes Obstain d❑ ❑ -LeRoy G Allison, t tr o ❑ ❑ �b k,& J�. Deborah Kay Moor , ember y� _ 4ad,M LJ El❑ Tim Snmber ATT Clerk of the Board GENERAL AREA, Extension 43 Grant County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. Page 5 ATTACHMENT 1 GRANT COUNTY RURAL AREAS OF MORE INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT GENERAL AREA INTERIM BOUNDARY MAPS ORDINANCE No. 2004- 0Z -CC GhNERAL AREA, Extension #3 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development „+r Ballard Area s Legend Pucd Bau,dary maesbvdv I _ Oe.ebped Proriu Deumbes 31, 1!M OAND Ba�ndarv(Hndenuil'!pi) OMm BavdvvlC u,il vd Lduxvd ZorcQl f Irvesun MlD Boudvy(a �doprcd hfarth ii, XOi) Ballard 'lhs mp slwuld . be;:.., Yd u Ireil aAxc a kRd apwon on snv gsenF ly rs or �rrumasarex Thcconrrna uc mrcndcd lnr p,sed m[ suvw pugwx: uJy, v.l,aum u�slwcuuWcywr oar law�ccconccm�rg sous oan swoon v,d anyp,,&, gtes ns ry hsv, In(sarcsrmn sa'nrdx, dsswu�vvl oshcsih-u,rnrs has. Ircn gdr;ai� s.. �. decks, su�+ddlcasg uvvl.sds lir yudny condsd,dSurtlendwIXl ud vcn(esnoa _9lloidhedssapwvided uyrcsrnuvuvenun(omu6w inarcvldp svvldJ� (mac afide dK d�s.s�.c.sllr I.Iwacd m be vsursrc, a..a��rsdly rt proves w Lc unrnart thus.0 vw 7rsroc uazssmcd Pmsrwmakmy ary psopeuy purthzv os maunmo bzrdm nJl nrw part v she nulenJ Psuv.k l.J.. ,d Jul vw uulKs.kndy bcld veu(v d.v mlomuuun co,uml ss as—sv .,A G=Cb=yGIS Su(( Moped: Mcsch 22.2002 Primed. Deeembcr 10, 2G Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ballard's Cafe - Agriculture Service Center Legend Pud Burd., Vtla<kod. 1 �� D:.ebp<d Prorw Dre<wber )1, 19Po O0.VD BauMaryjMdcnsulTp<) OB,VD Bwndary(Conumcvl and ldwwlZon<31 ' � J Im<sun RAlD Bou�Muy(a Mop<d M1fuch 11.252) U.,rt pshodd n«bec..s da kglaAic«kpl cp. on unu speafc f. m nrcumnnrcc: The worm. r—r mnkd for µcncd uJumw+on pugwY=m,J,o ud .u,,d wcr.�zWrww own hw}xs cosrcmug your wn s�wuanuwd any spcntic q.,mr y,nuy Ague Infrasrrrmrc rcrwda, drawngs, vd od.cr dccurcnu h�c K,, KzJKe<d u.<z many decxkz, wug �LJeosg..,.duds to y�ul�n cm¢d, docvmcnswm nsd.crVcwart NI of dr dug pcm.dd nyrcscnu aunm mfomuum.naa.Idy a.alall<fomuc Bhdr Jwdxa,: � Wly f<Ir.cl so 1x xcuor<, «cauxully a prutz w Leak«rtcL d.uv.o xcurrynrvx uumited. Prucw «ukug wry prapcsry puRhsscs nr �mxsrrrcno Aird.n fill or m p.n �qm d,< uu�ad prvz=1J, n u :y,...J;cJly vu>d Jus vw ud<pcsdaiJy ftw —.fy do .n ared m couar rzmaiz N'� E S Grua GowayGIS Snff Adop,& Much 22, 2002 Psv¢ed: Deumbcr 10, 2C Intemn aural Area of Intensive Development v „�E Beverly - Rural Communitv = Legend r,rt<I r Wvekody � Devrbpd prnc ro Darmkr 31.1990 RAID BwMvyiRaidendal Tp<) RAID BwMuv(C'ommertd vM I�dwud ZmM) 1—. RAID BQu.uy(n Adopts M EE, EWE) 'lha zz y zlwld me b«onzmad m Iz�.l adzx<a legal opvuon on any apree.c Fr¢ nrc�rc�arccx Thc conrrnn re mrnvkd for ral udomr.—pugro �dy, ud uqd a taisdt yvu< oon L.. your wnzwuon and vry zpmtic qu wm nzy ha In(earnrrurz nrordz d,.,g,. u.i rnhcr dn,,.v.¢ h., h,.i gdwral uv<r ..wry J.caks, uzag.Lt&wg ztud.nb luc qul�ry c trol.dacumcntaoon wnfemrn Adofdwduvpondcd nprcuc.¢ c�urmr mf mu�.ra m a rcaddy vva'labk forzzur. Whdc drc dna ¢ � rally IxIK�cJ to be a-cun¢, «cv.cnaliy n pru�cv yr he n vract dus �¢:cum ¢ we zzurnnd Pwr w rtWm�g ury pcapem purth—< or uzvcsmaT¢bti d.n Edl or.a p.rz Y"'n die nnicvai Pwv.kd, rt J..—I Jut yw uAW kudy hdd vcdy d uf.—.— coa u co ty mo�v Gnm Cb my GLS Suff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed+ Deae ,10,20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Blue Lake Shore - Shoreline Development S s Legend ITus rr should rwr bec.,rud u Icgd adza. w lgsl op.o on any q,cc�hc F+r¢ or nrcun . Thr tomenta arc inrrrd d f« >,nnrrW m(w.awcv�puyrws udr, uvt y' . uqd ro..,ft zuur n taascr conr-cm�rce. y Wr oev vnuaon end any-spccmc qz ,w. }au nup havc liifisscnrmr.amrd; dnwngz,a d ud.. drn rnu hwe Ern g,�vnd u r n Je�xks, sug zhllrnig..,.rdnzts 1n yuJii. cmnd, do rrer—ud vcnt'icwon nlloidzcduap.drd 1 rpn ndorcrui.,n.o rc.Wavalild< Gmrva uhd� Ji. Jez� rs piwdh Ixlc.eJ m ba xeunn',—.1"Al n pro es ru Ir �rwuract, Jaus .v a.urx's nrur aurwled. Pwrrv,mlar%uyr prq+m purchav n M1,d. nJl nr u, p. pcd,c r�Ieod yruvxkil, n u:y.�sdicallr aJnxil dr,l rw mzAl.aa.k.Wy fidd vcnl^ Lhc.nf.,, ......wnm.d mcown'rrrods Gmm Cuumy GIS Snff Adopted March 22, 2002 Primed: December 10, 20 Pucci Bawdory Wucrbodv D..ebycd Pro, w D<cember 31. I'M OMIDBounduy(Itnidrndalipr) OMID Baunduy(C.rcW aM IMwwl Zoned) f Iwmn MlDB ru q(n Adop�, a hn, 2=) ITus rr should rwr bec.,rud u Icgd adza. w lgsl op.o on any q,cc�hc F+r¢ or nrcun . Thr tomenta arc inrrrd d f« >,nnrrW m(w.awcv�puyrws udr, uvt y' . uqd ro..,ft zuur n taascr conr-cm�rce. y Wr oev vnuaon end any-spccmc qz ,w. }au nup havc liifisscnrmr.amrd; dnwngz,a d ud.. drn rnu hwe Ern g,�vnd u r n Je�xks, sug zhllrnig..,.rdnzts 1n yuJii. cmnd, do rrer—ud vcnt'icwon nlloidzcduap.drd 1 rpn ndorcrui.,n.o rc.Wavalild< Gmrva uhd� Ji. Jez� rs piwdh Ixlc.eJ m ba xeunn',—.1"Al n pro es ru Ir �rwuract, Jaus .v a.urx's nrur aurwled. Pwrrv,mlar%uyr prq+m purchav n M1,d. nJl nr u, p. pcd,c r�Ieod yruvxkil, n u:y.�sdicallr aJnxil dr,l rw mzAl.aa.k.Wy fidd vcnl^ Lhc.nf.,, ......wnm.d mcown'rrrods Gmm Cuumy GIS Snff Adopted March 22, 2002 Primed: December 10, 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Coulee CitvArea w.E 00 �i Legend Puce) Bauwry 4"uekody � D,.bped Pmr w December 11,1990 O RAID Boud.rv(Anidenvd Tlye) CD Ldusvul 2ooed) / \ I—emMDO.W r(a AdopsdMuch 2z,mc1) 0 lhssm shadd be <auw,d. k.4 a die«Lgsl opuuon on ny Tp , is fm « The toric.a ue mrcrxird f« p ,,e d vifwnw— puyws s udy, -J wu aze vr,d.—adt v+« gun lauur co,rea,g your wy 9p<Cinr qu m. i. . hni In&assssrmre rmarzLS dn¢�nRa, uvi,,dur dhnv leen bndured ova nsary Jaxks, uwg d.ucuig undasJs Ws yualny cmvd, documcnrwm asd.Tn&was Nl of drcdw psasdrd rzpreser�u mrrml mGrmwummnma.ldvnwidde tonna uhd. Jm duan �ccally indc Jlo bo ncurau, ucn.�adlyn pmvasw 1>i�w«nt4 dsusm.su �'rs rnx Wn.rwud Prurw inJw�y azn pr�env pnah.�.or�mx:vrcnrs h� i��fill or in pani�ihr nn�cod PwvakJ, n n ga�d¢dly azIwKJ Jnr yw wskF..uknJy field vvafv ds 11 mords Gram Cou¢yGIS Soff Pdop,a Mamh22,2002 Primed: December 10, 20 Interum Kural Area of Intensive Development Crescent Bar -Recreational Development WE Legend Pascd Rowdary Wa[sbdy J J D[4o d Prorm Decembm J1. t940 O RAID BauMvy(Paaknnalipe) \J PAID Bauduy(Connxwl aed Ldwwl Ion[,¶ f Irverun RAID BouMay(a AdvpN hWeh 21.2W2) 'lh.s my shouN n« by con.co,.d a Icgal sAx[ «Agal oPuu«, on any sperrtic (aca «arca varccv Thc conrrne vc mrnvLd For 'n"A udomuucn puq.nrs«dy,a dtw ucut,d ..,Lit wu oaf la t}cr eorcemogtoot oom vtuauon and any Tp fic qoe .r av ham bdrae�,t— sec«dh d�aa.nq., u odmr 6.vrcnrz have bm, gadrscd siva nwry da As, osng 6l lcros+sladuda lar qday cmud,d«vnrnsmm ad.en&mon Al dtll daapsmcdd nynxm mfnn i. n na�llwvalalilc(muc UhJc Ih dears Parsilly lzlv.td �o b.a �o m.ccca�millynpso is lu b, rtx«snS drus us atua} s sat �urmled. Pms m ig ar. p,r rxm pusrhaYa o[invcsmrno b—d.n fill«apart' h, ,—.nd ptovaLd, n n .pa —Ily dr xd dot"..&W k,.& Crcld. nfY dr mf.m .. .,.t..d m ttk Gram C u y(33 Staff Adopud Much22,2002 Psincd: D[c[mb[r 10, 2002 Interim Ru r Area of Intensive Development Dodson Road Area W+ S Dodson Road I I Legend end g P1e"I Bary 'Ihs (nil should roc be coustnA ss Ics sd'xe oc ko oilman on suy sp,al, fwts pu( �nc(d.,w.cc( , udy, and you u. .,,A (o cu -k v,us .sdT co ou,t 6nu(eoncem�rg your oan s... aid my spn.ne gexswns Wa<hodv my l,' Derebped Prorm DeevmM 31. ^ P.nID Bonnauy(P.e.. .Tlpe) Inframrmm s.<o,d, chug, adudvrd. mxn(z In he,rll K+JrreJ uv<( nwry J<cakz, umg J,vang vadads I�r yuJm '\ �/ O R.UD Ba.ndaey(Canmiva) and Ldmuial ]mea) conad,dxu n(monadecnficwoa .Vlofthcdarapmrdcd ysvm r.prcs<.�ua c m( mnran m o n x61 Is1Ar f muc RfiAc \ yy,es f Inenm RNDBouMay (a,WpadMxhli.i� '� ,_ JK n gime(ally Gi..ed to be xcu(aa, u.caa.�dh a pnn'as v, dell o Ir<nkurnc4 ihue iu a<urxyuras u'azra�ad I'rasco rmlurig uia pmpcm purthucs or nvcsrmnm bvrd.n nil or m pan �rnn dv n�c<odpn,vda+l.rtospa d,callr xl.+=...IJw ria wJ.pi.krdy GJJ saoi. iP<�d,nrc�wo wni.rFd m (vum raonl: �''�.. a,.,r•• Gmm C&Mm h22,20 Adopad Mach 2210, 2 Pruacd December 10, 20D21 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N H�E Ephrata Area 5 Legend 11 'i1u5 S Should. be cWsnSrd as I�al sd.'ee «kg l opwon W Sny3pn,r 6aMurcumuarccz n,�3n«STL„S�,nI3J�adf« KSaI SlJomm,00 pus .5., uJy, u,J you uc inked ry consult w,a OPT IS0.1C[ [OMCtl„(Q y'WI pyT 51[WLp1 W1d afiy spcC�LC yUCSWI,S Infrav w, arords, chaw,gq vd nrh, v,rnv h a5, been g.)h< lover puny d -cd-. usug,hg..shads 1, yualrty cmnd,A%1MCnIapW nld vcnfcauon. Allofthcduapmvdcd rq,IcanSu c5,rrm3 m(ollm,a.,,n a rrvl5ly aazlall� (rmv. UU, dx duo n geMla4v b.IK,a'd LO h ncunr.4, S.cu,cTall) n pmvc3 w il.m LLh.,u acu yu..SP..v,ud Pl.,sw makug a<iy propem pumhx�s or ime3oMnLs b+ad .n fill or .n part Spon ,hr IS,.�oal prvwka>, n rs:pad;,�lly aJS;scJ duL yw w,ly.nJn,Jy Edd -d, dK uJoOSULon coora«d m town «conk umyGL55uff Ma h22,2DC Pagel Boundary Wvnhady � (J lkrcbpd Pmrm A<cmbrr)1, t99p G7 RAID BauMuy(RndenualTpe) Qanml,an,rry(�naMrtdS,dhdan,alz«Kd� f I,v<S,m ItND Boundary(a Adopud h4rthii, XOi) 11 'i1u5 S Should. be cWsnSrd as I�al sd.'ee «kg l opwon W Sny3pn,r 6aMurcumuarccz n,�3n«STL„S�,nI3J�adf« KSaI SlJomm,00 pus .5., uJy, u,J you uc inked ry consult w,a OPT IS0.1C[ [OMCtl„(Q y'WI pyT 51[WLp1 W1d afiy spcC�LC yUCSWI,S Infrav w, arords, chaw,gq vd nrh, v,rnv h a5, been g.)h< lover puny d -cd-. usug,hg..shads 1, yualrty cmnd,A%1MCnIapW nld vcnfcauon. Allofthcduapmvdcd rq,IcanSu c5,rrm3 m(ollm,a.,,n a rrvl5ly aazlall� (rmv. UU, dx duo n geMla4v b.IK,a'd LO h ncunr.4, S.cu,cTall) n pmvc3 w il.m LLh.,u acu yu..SP..v,ud Pl.,sw makug a<iy propem pumhx�s or ime3oMnLs b+ad .n fill or .n part Spon ,hr IS,.�oal prvwka>, n rs:pad;,�lly aJS;scJ duL yw w,ly.nJn,Jy Edd -d, dK uJoOSULon coora«d m town «conk umyGL55uff Ma h22,2DC Interim Legend Pucel Boal y Wanbadr � !�� tkrtloyrd Pnor to Dttrmber 11,1 M' OR,VD Bounday(Beafenml Tlpc) ORAID Boun�(GmmeraalaM lydmuul Zaud � Inrerun l{NDBauMasy(a Adspted Mveh }1,2ME) ive Development '11us ssup should me be crosaud u IcgWad. , a kgal op. on any apecnc� face or mm�asarca Th, contrnv ue ,nteodcd for kcncd adom+usm puyx. ail., vd sou ace urgd w sUrsWt was oan lauya conccm� ya wn vtuauon aid any Wmf, qunuons nu n`aY hrvc Infrarmrmrc srrord>, d, .ng a.l ndkr d—�.haws ix , g.J><aed owes nsvry darks, usug dften.g uvd.,d, (r qualm cmud, donsocntmura 3 .C.. Al dd� data pmvded apresnsv amort m( nmw� m a nar6iy awvlaLle f mut u'hdc die data n �ncdly b..,d Pnnu to Lcu.:rxrect ihw.0 avn wren uusanrrd isvxwnurng viy prgscsay puahaus o. inarwssrnv 6—dm full a n part Lj— the n.w.A pwval+l, n n spiG.:.11. aJm.+l i}us w e�slyxirknJy GAd so,f. d�c m(�o:uw�, rooms„ : n w v raps s V W+ E s Gram &..y GIS Suff Adopted: Masch22,2002 Nmed. Do ember 10, 2OC= Intenm Kural Area of Intensive Development N�E Tet Farms Area s Legend Partri Bwrduy Wu body D Wloped Pro w em d1, 1990 Q wDBauMvy(gudenoil Tmd © MDBaudanlGnumaalYd InAl. lZawdy \ J 1.,.MDea,od (.AdDwrdhwchn,2004 Jet 'Ihs.W should. be crosaud a 1,,d odsxe a 4�I opuwn on any spcbf fob IXnrturmtYery The conrmb Yr�nsc�rl kx kv�crd m(osssmm pu�m+adv, ux1 sw uc ur�.l w cauuit sous w„ kwyxrcorcemmgywr Don stuauan usd usy sprcrc�c qucssans �nsy hv�c Infrarnrnur .,d, &.,,, , aA ocher h, bn , guhe«d wer nary dry- s, usug didcarg aududs Im yu icv mtsd, dasmsc. ud s .f. wn M Dido dna pmvidcd r�yrrmbs'.rrr.n i�f urwuonmanvhiy avalaF.lr R>mm uhdo all dw b gc.crvlly Ixlt.cd w Lr accun�c, «cavwwiv.i pcures a Ix uicosnc4 Shu .b ucum u rcvt aunntcd Pour to � g ury prcyrrsy purthax r �n rsu+ron 6—d.. Rill nweod psuvaLv� n �: �,ad�silly.d—d dot you msiv.<.Jn�dy rew K.fy the mbuIX a n um e�ty r m,. Gnat Gounsy GIS Smff Adopted Much 22,2002 primed: D..bee 10.20C_' Interim Rural Area c Mallard Haven Area Intensive Legend Pucd Bavdsy T.,�y (�� O,.eloped Pro, to De<emb,r J 1, 1990 o RAID Bounduy(Pniknuil T)pe) OMD Boundv; (�.w vd Im.uol].m.N) N.I l.o—NDBaudv(a AdopulM h22=) nt Ilus my should not be consuud as IceJ ed ea legal opw on v y spc Cf fy-u or ctrcumcarces Thc comm' arc munhd for "rail uduv.vuat purpuus udy, ud wu uc.,d oo,oun h wu, own Iswxrconccmmg your on v.ua. and any spmfc qucsunm .rev ha. Info.utuu,'moil duwnge,."ether 6,uunou ha, c t guhacJ over n.und,c ,, .Lucmg .duds w, ywhty cmud,da omni vd eenfKwon Nl of die daapms�dd nPm s cnr mfomw,bn m a m..ldy s.mlilde (omwe sshdc dm des n gamsilly b I -.<d m be u. cora',u.a.wlly "panics w � .w , rh. O4 i'.. is.1 NI.r Ii p[ur Inm Lg.vw pmpeny puuehzxz fnad u nJl or n p rt lion die nwcvil psu..l.d, n o spaiLcdly ul.vxJ du,.w iuJyr�.k dy GJJmvfi the udov.nuon n munry mode. W+E S G. GoomyGIS Suff Adopw& MaRh 22.2M Primoi Dezember 10, 2C Interim Rural Area of Intensive ieveiopment W+E Marine View Heights - Rural Community 5 Legend 'Ihs m.p sh.W me be crosuu_d m IcgJ a6.ice «kgJ op. on any {rnJi< Face «occ«nusrccv Thr contrne re mrer6d F« man laayrt eo«emag you wn utuauen ad eery T tr fit quesmm .xc.ruv have lnftantcaa ac«ds, dcawnga,vd othce drxvrrw haveh t gWdwwd Duct puny dacadn, uang dtTcvng sudwl f«guday cmtrol,d«aatrcnnuon and axnfranors .UI of de dv pamdcd r�prcsmecua�m m(omumri n.auxhiv avalalk Comes. Pfide Jit daa.s gr,r,Jly LA,d m Lr xcunm, «-can..�Jly' �t pm cv w hie ac«tecS dtus to r'cuary a rat runnted Pmt w tmkv�g any p,, roy pumh—, or invnrsmto k..d.n till or m pert yam da nu�oal pu.vakd. n n iu�Lcill. xln:al Jut y.H nnL}c..kaJy 6. Id .enfy th<mfomuuon�—,,i dn. eo�mry monlx Gnus CowvyGIS Staff Adopted Mamh22,2002 Pmrccd: De¢mF.e SJ, 2002 Pucd Bandar. muhdy ot.<�Paa eraaeDa�ttwaa ll. tvM RVD Bumdary(RadcnuJ Type) IL\iD BamdaviC mal ud Ldusmal Zonem f Imervn R.11D Bouduy(a AdoptM AfaRh 2E,3fG2) 'Ihs m.p sh.W me be crosuu_d m IcgJ a6.ice «kgJ op. on any {rnJi< Face «occ«nusrccv Thr contrne re mrer6d F« man laayrt eo«emag you wn utuauen ad eery T tr fit quesmm .xc.ruv have lnftantcaa ac«ds, dcawnga,vd othce drxvrrw haveh t gWdwwd Duct puny dacadn, uang dtTcvng sudwl f«guday cmtrol,d«aatrcnnuon and axnfranors .UI of de dv pamdcd r�prcsmecua�m m(omumri n.auxhiv avalalk Comes. Pfide Jit daa.s gr,r,Jly LA,d m Lr xcunm, «-can..�Jly' �t pm cv w hie ac«tecS dtus to r'cuary a rat runnted Pmt w tmkv�g any p,, roy pumh—, or invnrsmto k..d.n till or m pert yam da nu�oal pu.vakd. n n iu�Lcill. xln:al Jut y.H nnL}c..kaJy 6. Id .enfy th<mfomuuon�—,,i dn. eo�mry monlx Gnus CowvyGIS Staff Adopted Mamh22,2002 Pmrccd: De¢mF.e SJ, 2002 Interim RuralA,,rea Of Intensive Development L Marine View Heights Area w s Marine View 1 i FRIH ® Marine Yew 2 Legend IN, m.p sI.W n« be cmucvcd a k l d. , k-0 oilman on ygzutK fun ororcmrmvrcv Thcconuwacmrrrdcdt« TCpU,y ea+ndrq ml m(uaNw pvgvv...�l.. vd ya uc vq d m..A ,u Pvcd e oar hauccon'cmug y. ver awuon wd vn gcobc q.s wucddy nrv) ha.x � .1 D:vebped Pnorm Daeniber)1, 1990 Infrn,r,rnuc«rord>, drva,nRe,vd ocherduv,xno hax trc„ � Ii g rfwn<I o•cr n v,y JavJa. uvey diucn�AJ nnavals ver yvpzL i R.UD m.M+ry(Fedcno.ITWd cmud,damncnmm vd ernfemm All of d<<dvapm%U "DBomMvylC rvrcrtul W W.w zM d) apresen�v eurrmc mfumn��on �n a rcxbly vvvlaF -,d4 a 0. �' nc� Jvv rs gmcrilly bcic.cJ m Lc xcocvn�, wn�nilh' n prwcs w f Irvemn RNDBeuMur(n Adoprcd Much 2LEWE) hopeny tjmha s r'cue .r ov,vnud Punw rtvka,gv,y .,..w''' Pr'4c"Y or,""I bvvrdmw «mpen.{nn tlrc uff Gnmc& .0 .'.ac. ficId pm..11lr �: }a�f..Ily.lm.J Jm yw xi.k{+iabWy NbY h2 ,20 Gdd rcdfv d�c �domn«m conura.i N coven mods Adopad A1vch 22.2002 Pr'vacd Dcumber 10, 2062 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N �E Mattawa Area +s 4 Legend Pvicel Bauduy W, ,mdy i D bpN P., December ll, 1490 ItND eounduy(Pedenual Type) �/ R,VDBwlduvlCnmmertul vd lyduzuvl Zoned) � \ � Imerun p,VD Bov�duy(a nd.,p,<a zwdl ss,zxzl Mattawa lhz my dwuld Iwt pc conuvd ss 4Ril 9d.x<«kR.l opuvon on �nyz�iiK fru orurw avec Thcconrcm.. Ye nrced.df Mn<d udo�nwm Pu'7 cvJ., vd you uc ul�d w.oruult you: ovn bvurcorc<m��g fuss wn vaueon end vry spccdi<goczmns Iw mn' havr InGae�meI<coldr,duwngs,„d odi<r dr vrenu hs been g daR1 �rcz nmiy.k.akz. uziliq J,i!<mg uuJ.a& 1« yuW.ty cmnd,davrennuon un ecnfruim Nl.tdt dYaplovdcd prcvnu onrcm ��� mu:nn vu mgLly rvaldJc comm. WLdr du da.a Rrncndlr b, W be xaorc,«vnrcrdly'rc plo.Mm IT'�Iti V[K.'C d'.�,U YNryI n(�IUYINLLd pM[WfKdWI�YIy prgzem' p�nchx><. ol,mxsvm+u in•.d m iWl or m pnrt `T"'n the iiu4ndpw,.Wa.. y:.du.dly d,r J d.t.,..l ,.lndly bdd vcnc. d®.tiomu..rmo I'd 0 Gnm Cou«yGl5 Suff Adopted Ru h22,2002 Pars & Decemb,10. 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N McConihe Shore - Shoreline Development wE 5 Legend Pml Baudary a,,.ddy > R.ebpN Pmr ro December J1,1990 ORAID ewndarv(Redrwal Type) `J RAID Ro-mduylenmmewl a IM.Zaned) f 1rv.RAlD B.da WAdoped N. U. ZOt1E) 'I lust sM Jratbc conznxd z kR'd adsxcorkoopcn non any epvirc fxa or nrc�mefarca Thc<ontrne ac inrmkd for p.scd �( wssn pugrx+uJ,..d v> uc.�d w,caul, woe ozn 6wxc corcew%ya wnvnnnon and any spastic qse m R,y N, L�(rar�urnzc raordy dna-g, vd o�cr d v .. ha.c bear R'J"e"fover nmv Jn 1, ...g d'1 lcmguududs W1 ywty cmzd,dxwssemaum vd.<nieaum All of die dau pmnhd r,prtxnrsnmm� m( mtia>n �� s rcx61v e.xlsFde (m.+e tthJc Jrc dua,R ,Jv bd—W w1. xtuou,K�ana�dly rtpro.csn L'�nourcc4 d�u �u a-wvyunx o.uranscd Prwrmswkzig any prrpcm pnrcha'<.or.m:smno by lin i�Jl ormpart sqm dx nuieod pso.dal n .s yad.s.11y xl.».d JuI vw unkpo.'�.dy red venfv she uJ omulm conl��d m cousny m-orda Graz CnurzyGIS Suff Adoprrd: Much22,2002 Prised: Daember 10, ze Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development McDonald Siding - ALriculture Service Center wES Legend Pmd Paoduy Waerbody De.ebped Pro, w December 31, 1990 RAtD PaadarylAndmml TYPe) CD0.41D POv+duv(Commewlad lnduvwl Zordl N Imemn PND Pourdary (a Adopud Meeh 21.1001) 11 the mp rhwld rwc be eonumed a hgil.d+:c «legal epwon o0 anvymfr fxv «cecmesrn Thecrnrmn ac mrcrcicd for gcncral uJ mum pugwsc. �ril+.ud.w an �gfiJ wcomulc w« oan lPairrecrc<m+rg7'avraan vwum ad urylpxae geraaoru vw nuv hn'e InfineNrm,e r,..d� dnwnq; ad odss, dn..en. have been ,,dwed«e mmy techs, uw g dthurg xvdudz 1«q+d,,y cmmd. dona,cnnom mdvrnScw Nlofttedwprovded r�prcmu rvvmr m! vrm.a m . rcvdiv avalab4 (nmar. U1nie Urc daza a g+x•nJv t:lem:l t� Lc .tuna:. «.avidly .r pr+nca ro 6e ur.«¢q J+�a.0 zwm amewuca�ed. Pmemmak„yary pmpem p�rchsYa «��.nmrnublvdmfior.n part yam tlu uw<nd pn,.ak+: n o amyW. WJ11.1JutL yw udye,dnNy Uld.ea.: tcuf,^ I.«+nwvd m merry mods Gram Coumy'GLS Suff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed fhcember 10, 20C-' a of Intensive Moses Lake Area Legend Pa dBa..duy wx<rbody �,� R.<bped Prorm Dee<nsber )t, 199J ULUD Bo- d ry Rud<roal T p) 4 RUDBov'�n(Gmmerti.lad lduswiZonedl r \ J b..<�r.uD Buwday(a nmp<e hwcn u,:x:) 'lhs map should not be coon -dx kcal adlxc a ko opm.on on any >pe<�f fra crnrt�xres The mnrrnnare murxkd f« R.ned mfomuum pugwses uJs, vd .a .x ugpd a moult }u�a oan lawrrcorccm�� }au oon s.wuon and any spcotk qucxnm InG�n.emt< srcord; Juamgs, and odors da-mxna have hzrn ,tfz,.d w d.uls 1. y. Jay control, duvnrnuurn a d vcnlca4on Al of d.c dmpsov.hd r,prcancs L"nn, avml.bk fmac UU1, ,he cl a g.,.r.11y Fni..<J to lx xcus.u, «.aw.�allynpru.esw L<uworu0. �hm.0 acurr.umtausanud Psusmnaund u.y prgYmpsmhxs..... s —a blvdm full oc.n pan q dv nal<od pcvdul,n sr gauJ,..IIy.Jw, d d.n wa.Lpcnl,eh cwnv t-n:d Moses Lake 1 0 N W+E S Grua CnumyGIS Suff Adopted Much 22, 2002 Primed: December 10, 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development North Soap Lake - Recreational Development s Legend Ps d Boundary Waerbdy � 1116 ed Prorn DecemEc 31, IM OAnIDBwM y(Aed<rmalTrye) C:> KMD Bw=duv(Cocmxrtd vd IM.Zaxdl \ f ]mann"DBourdary(s Adoged Mu<hu.xx2) 'If., mW should. be <msuud a I.RsI adticc «LRaI wir on on any apnnc, fxa or arcumvanca The <onrrno arc for duf.m ,puq*+Ys ad y,„ ud an u,,d m.onsule your mn 6a}<c corxcmng youoar vwuon and any spccdic qucsuons yor n.y haae In Feahurnim rcro�da, dnwngs, awi whcr da�nxnu haae bmr gaJxscd o.n nwy dr A",vsug da [,.,g sfor ywlny c«trd, donmxnnoan and t<nfeauon Mofthcdanpm &d sprmvcurrmom6nmwnmamxldy a.wlJ➢c fomo, %IA, Jx Jua n �rxriliy bdvmf m br x<urav-, o..a�unilly rt pws w h vrunrr. thus m x<um u for a uru�uJ. Prwr m nvkmg x�y prryxm� porch: or imxsumirs h zJ m cull or m part rprn rhr nu�c.l prz�nk.1, n n ynJ;ialh x1nxJ Jul yw wrkyx�xki�dy F"M d. c,id�mnuon«n�rxd a .—, swvuls Gmm CoumyGIS Suff Adoptel Much 22.2002 Pdmcd: Dcc<mbcr 10, 2L Intenm Mural Area of Intensive Development O' Sullivan Shores Area W+P Legend Pv<d BauMary m„<,ewy Tl dl,drro ORN/0•wMarv(Ped<ntiil T�) BALD Bowdarv(G..",d IM IMusvd 2 d) �\ J In¢,unIWDBuuMuy(a A6ptN W,ch xx,lWl) 11t, rt 4.W me be c.. 1 a I,,I xhi,c« 1,0 cp. on any sp,c,i,c (am «oaurtmarcea Thc ronrcnn uc mrcrMl fo[ kn<d uJ snuM puqurs IJy, aJ sou arc uS'd b cm:Wt w« own lau�c[Co C[tIug yvu, wn ut uon a,d any spccdIc qucstwns Y. nav havc 4:&amrm¢[ao,d; d,.,, ,adotft,d«mato h. been d,sle«g studada fot gtehty conud,davrtnru»n and venFemrn Nl of the duapmndcd ny,«.+iu mam[m( moi.�n m.,ea�IJy avmlatdef nws. Kfide ,he dm u �<r<ally bcl.�.eJ w be n"cuu,<, «ca,«ully n proves b L' uv."« T dNs,ts Yivm ,i lot wazrntLtb Pto[ b T'Jnns vry p,gw-[sy pu,c ,or,,,vcsbmuI -d b fill o,m part I,. the nW<oal p<uv” It u ix` d..Jly do v dot yu,, m,kpe,.knJy GJd we4 tc udovrwus, a.,I,.„ d .n mwuv .,d, Gs G.=yGlSSuff Adop,ed Mach 22, 2002 P[iaed: December 10, 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development W+ E Ouincv Area s Legend Punt Bowdary mvhodv y Ik.ebpedPmrmpeeembnit.Is90 ORnN 9uurd+rY(Ibdrnwd Typrl AND a*.+d.ryl�.nurarcvlad hd.wmd Zorcd) f 1.un MDBouMay(a MopM AWrh a=) a 'llusa sh WM roc be cons d a Icgal adsxe oc kgd opmv on .nv.geonc Fau a orrums.nra ",.t .. arc .nw.&d for gaud m(omuuon pug u Jy,"you u urged to e ult your own lawyer conoccnng your own mwuon ad any spcofc qucauons nu grey h., Inft.,r.,nconiz d,.,,p, adother dxmrm hn ban g.drw over many Breaks, uvrg,kumrg s.,d.ds(or gwiny conrrd,dawrcn.oan and rTn(eaum tJlottledmprwaded nynm.cvnt+n m(orrrou�m m. �aLly Aklc(omwr W.11u d,. dxa n grradly Ld<veS to be xcun¢, «.anasdly n po,"u be v�orrst: rhm�u>eurxy.rwt war.nnd P.,.ro."gany prr{� puahacs or.mesnrenn b. dm till or.n pan 4. rhe nu.mdpruvdvd,.Jnsd U.r rou Ad dcnd, Geld rcoF. re<odv chant Cow.rrca s.(s Adopr<d: Nlmh 22, 2X2 Primed+ December 1i, 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Ride View Estates - Rural Communi W Legend 11. In, shuuW na be con.u.xd v kgA a Ja ,;xIce apuuon on eny yarfK (vss «<invrmrve<v The<omrnn ve mmnded (w �n<d u,fomu Jv, vId rv,v xc..g<d w convuk (vu. Darr 1nw, eonc<vmg your Dan vovvon end any sPr ,fx quesr»ns r.r nm' hevc InFvamrnrrt .reads, dvawngv, vwi odrer d.ruvrnrs hav< b<nr gdrer<do.cr nmry d<.vks,.vrg drft<ag uvul..ds! quJrty cmvd, doarrrcnteom vd v<vlrmon NI o(thc dvapmvrdcd r<yrcmumrrcnumovrurnnm erc.ldy avvlalok (om<av Rfidc rh Jua n gcrurilly kzlra.l w L< xcur.rt, <ncaruully rt Pmvcs w t>< rm' «C rhos ru vvm' u rut waznnnd I'ror w nukng vry p.q�<.r.�Puahav r rn rs.m no b—d rn till or rn pen spm dre nwevd Psuva4+4sn a y<ed'dl. A,,,d Jut vu. vnlyerrkndy Edd ve.F. dr< rnr vmuon.o .1-d nr eorurtv .,,j, Gram CwrvyGIS Suff Ad.pr<d: Merth 22, 2M primed: December )�. 20 Px<18audvy V9verbody `� D<.<bpM Pror m D¢<mkr )1,1990 OMD Boum) y(R>denml7l ) OB.UD BounJuylPvvur«o+l vd Irdvud 2a<edl f I,aenm KUD BOUndery la Advpr<d M 32.3001) 11. In, shuuW na be con.u.xd v kgA a Ja ,;xIce apuuon on eny yarfK (vss «<invrmrve<v The<omrnn ve mmnded (w �n<d u,fomu Jv, vId rv,v xc..g<d w convuk (vu. Darr 1nw, eonc<vmg your Dan vovvon end any sPr ,fx quesr»ns r.r nm' hevc InFvamrnrrt .reads, dvawngv, vwi odrer d.ruvrnrs hav< b<nr gdrer<do.cr nmry d<.vks,.vrg drft<ag uvul..ds! quJrty cmvd, doarrrcnteom vd v<vlrmon NI o(thc dvapmvrdcd r<yrcmumrrcnumovrurnnm erc.ldy avvlalok (om<av Rfidc rh Jua n gcrurilly kzlra.l w L< xcur.rt, <ncaruully rt Pmvcs w t>< rm' «C rhos ru vvm' u rut waznnnd I'ror w nukng vry p.q�<.r.�Puahav r rn rs.m no b—d rn till or rn pen spm dre nwevd Psuva4+4sn a y<ed'dl. A,,,d Jut vu. vnlyerrkndy Edd ve.F. dr< rnr vmuon.o .1-d nr eorurtv .,,j, Gram CwrvyGIS Suff Ad.pr<d: Merth 22, 2M primed: December )�. 20 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development wE Roval Camp - Rural Community 5 Legend 'lbs my should na be cmza.rcd a Ictal ad.xc «I.�qd apmron on anyzpndkFacn«drcumavwa Thrconrmnarnnrcndrdfor dudumwnw pugrowz mJr,ard rou ucv�J v.cwzdryour oum Ismer cowcm,g your own vnwu«i end any zP.Qfic qu-mora .a� uwz have infra:r�ruzc record; d�>uz�Rz, vd odsr �L. �... nrs hive G<n yaJieml oyer nwry daukz, uz��g J,Ikn�g ss.uduJz tar yudny <onnd, hzuncntsom and vcnkmon Allofnc�duapmzidcd npm mfom . n n a ra.Lly avvl+hlc Grmwe \\lisle cnrtcrrt Jic dus u �rcrdly tzlr cJ w be a.cuc�4, «cou.�dly rt pry cz e be rtw«acC Rhus .0 zcuncv rs iur uurun.d Pmr m rrekmg uiy nuvnd yw.aleJ,nn Ari di�dly .S.vzeJ du\yw n�.4}<rxS,vJ. G,Jd ..iy dmmfomu--n,-.d n o..vyrm:J. �N-mm-eisi.. G= QumyGlS 5Wf Adapud Much 22,2X,2 Pr'vz 1: December l: 2SC2 P. IB M Wiser y 2 J DrrcbpedPrornikeemhr]i, 1960 OAUD Bau�d+ry lPedenoai Type) OAVDBwwAniCarvrcrtd vd Ldwudiu.il � \ J i�arw�n,vDzo-ma..lw Amprcd nlwd, tz:xzy 'lbs my should na be cmza.rcd a Ictal ad.xc «I.�qd apmron on anyzpndkFacn«drcumavwa Thrconrmnarnnrcndrdfor dudumwnw pugrowz mJr,ard rou ucv�J v.cwzdryour oum Ismer cowcm,g your own vnwu«i end any zP.Qfic qu-mora .a� uwz have infra:r�ruzc record; d�>uz�Rz, vd odsr �L. �... nrs hive G<n yaJieml oyer nwry daukz, uz��g J,Ikn�g ss.uduJz tar yudny <onnd, hzuncntsom and vcnkmon Allofnc�duapmzidcd npm mfom . n n a ra.Lly avvl+hlc Grmwe \\lisle cnrtcrrt Jic dus u �rcrdly tzlr cJ w be a.cuc�4, «cou.�dly rt pry cz e be rtw«acC Rhus .0 zcuncv rs iur uurun.d Pmr m rrekmg uiy nuvnd yw.aleJ,nn Ari di�dly .S.vzeJ du\yw n�.4}<rxS,vJ. G,Jd ..iy dmmfomu--n,-.d n o..vyrm:J. �N-mm-eisi.. G= QumyGlS 5Wf Adapud Much 22,2X,2 Pr'vz 1: December l: 2SC2 Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development WE Roval Slotie Area S Legend 'lhu �p zhouW,w, becm,s mko adicc kTAeputi000n v.y p<c,i.c face or r.mmu<mrn Thc<ommrs m<mrnaledf gn<d uJomm«� pugwsr, «J., vW ,w u< o�cd w.u,zuh coos P.1 Boudary Dari 6a3e, conccw,g}ow oar mmauon mid wy sp aL quswns ma«eady a nzay ha,rc �� Lk.<bp<dPror,o D<c<mb« 31, 1990 lo(ranvrn,<c,ero,dz d,—,,,,v W odh,d,esnrnrs havc bc., �„ gaMnl rnR nuny dnadcz, uv,g d,hcmg aaWuda lac yuJ,ry v 0.1�BwndvYl>�dem.I Tm<) cmuol, docvmcnwm md.<nF won Nl ofthc dma p<widcd O R1m BwnJay lcixr+n<wlvd lMwvd 2a,md) „�„<5<r.0 Nvm, mf m,b,. n.. nal.ly a�miabk fom,+c Rfi�lc dr dwn— zdiv bcle.<.1 wL<mco«�<, occmcvuly npmres a> \ f IrsaunlWDBou<duyfa Nbped mach li, zcei) Lxa .,Lhw,u atom „r,usamran<,1 P.,ro mkmg v,y p,qr yp,rthax: o<,nv<smrnrsh d.n fiJ1 ora pzrt,rnn ffic ,..< J p,ow61, rt u }.<.Jn.ily .Jha,J dw yw unkp<,Jn Wy _ Grant Go..y GIS Snff Adopwd: Mach 22, 2702 Rva<d: Dcc .bcr 11, 2C Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N Ruff - riculture Service Center wE I Legend Pu<el Bauduy W,body �� Ik.rbpN Prorm Da<mber3L 1990 O R.1Il)BwM ;(Roidrwil TY ) OMDBou (C malardlnAuvd Z.4 / \ f imcrun MDtowdvv (a AJP<d M.,L 23.10Jz) MNO; n11 NI 1 1111: I1u,r V,hoWd cwt be cm,ssucd a, kg4 adxc u kcal cp.. on eny q viic f m a urciansurn the worm. uc mrcndcd fo, gin<d udo,mwm puq.�sa cnl.. vd ,w ax uq�d w coruWt your wn bw)xr concew,g yow oun v=om and wy,peedic qu:mon, ,o -y have Infranurmm t<cordy draw.ng; md.nher havrrna have been gxh,d wee nary d<.,,fes, using d,(Lrn,g varfud, l« yuJny cmnd, docwrxnnom and vcnfcwm Nlofdxdmpmnhd rq>asnn current m(omm<.n �u „<YLly wahbl<f mwt. afilk JK dw a gcretdly GJw�ucd w be xcun�c, «caiunally n pcuv<, w b: mco,«cL rhu,.n uu,ac,urotwur<nnrL 1'ro,wnnkrig ary pr�,em p,ahxus or in.r,vrmn ha,cd.n fill o, m part ,pm rhe nr<IcvW ptuvvhd, n u ryua:..11, al,ixd d,n yw �ut}ynal my fdd nnfy J,< �n(omnoon mound a� co�npn<univ Grua (DmssyGIS Staff Adopted. Nlanb22,2002 Pnm,d: D<c<mber 10, 2002 Interim RumFArea of Intensive Development w+E Schawana - Rural Community S -ME, ll/ ,�il� IIII1II IS as Legend PNd B.dvy Waabodr [k.ebprd Prior w De,m ,31,1090 O BMD Bauury(Ita.rimil Try,) O0.UD Bwwu.I�aafarfulaM Wu+u�il Zonda f 1n1— MD A ,MNath a Yln Ih. m..p d,,,dd roc be cmur d N 1cpI adzxf or I.Val p.an on Ny fp, rtK (Y6 M nrcurRuyKfi 'fhc «Mttt u 9 In¢lldtd 10[ lnrud udwmom Poq scz Mdy, vvd'. u. uwd m cMrzolt your oan buyer cMKfw.gy. w, unnoon and Ny zpfahc cue wos .ru nm haul In(ramcmrf �Mdz, draw,,., ad uihfr dMurcnu hn - Iwcn y+JKrnl over mvry dn�v6, wing d�flfa.g uvduds t�f qualm connd,d«vmcntmm aM.<n&mon MlofdKduapmvidnd r.pmsnv currrnuu( mmrm m a 2v61y a.vlaldc (mug yCh.k thf d.0 a µfiKrilly bclr.d robe xcura�f, wfa�M�illy a proves � u uKornK4 d�us m uum u trot xNrNnd Print m mating Ny prcprm purchaa or �riawrcmz b.� .n full ot.n part r" the m�oJ Pt -6k n is 4—d—U, ad,,xd Jvt y.„,n�A-pfrakudy Gddv fy 61 mfvmq mord: Gran Cnumy GIS Suff Adopted: h h22ember 10, 02 20 Pr'unfd. Drcfmber IG, 2002 Interun Kural Area of Intensive uevelopment N Soap Lake Area W* E5 Legend Puc<18a..Muy w.erbody Oe•ebped Prorm Deemrbrr 11.1990 O RAID Bwrduy!Padma.l Type) ItUU BandavlCnmeramal ud IKuud 2a�ed) \ f Imenm A,UD&ou q(n AdopedA n.=2) 'lhs m -y should sat be cmvrud a legil adxe a Irgil Wmwn on any rpcafrc faces or naumvvrev The ronvnm ae mrcmkd for W- od d nauoo Puq..xs u1 , .rd you as ugml w eu.oWt youe wn 1 wy f conccmugyo.u. s,.u. and any y,,6, qu.00ru ..w nay have 1..&atrmtum acord, drawn, ad odmr h.:rmrnn h�c ban �J.nedw many d -.J-, usug d.ileu.g swduds lur qday cmvd, does mon and wnfca Al of the dw protrdcd nyrcscnmaunm m(nrei.m... a manly aval-ddc fomtac Rhdc d, du.,, ge.. A Md v.d to be reurn., e.ca.aully.t provesw be &w ract: th.u.V wcurry u m1 wacrantci Piv.r w nnhng any p.cpcm purchu , onmTsmmm hard m full oc.n p.a y.n the nwt.od ytuvakA it u rtes A—dly xSr.eJ Jit yW nuiycrak .Jv 1� ng 6, d .n c—,,, only Gram Coumy GIS Staff Adopmd A1uch 22, 2002 Primed: Dezember 10.20 interim r Stratford - Rural ij el Legend Pavel Bowdary w.rrtady '�� D<rcbpd P.nrn Dvsmkrdl, 1550 anrD a�,aa,r(ned.nr�rror) CDRVD Boor JCamrrc vd lM.uvd 2onr4) f Irum PND Bwudary(a Moped MavAl2. XC2) ive 'lhs rrcp should rwr be ronsraud m kgil adxc a kRel opwon on my spcc.in (zn a rirc�mwvccs Thc conrrnn ar mrcnW For �.unl uJ muw� pugoscs rnilr, srd sou ut� urkai w consuls wuc n Vu� r conccmng T°"r oa�a vsusoon and any spa fic q.,Wo rmr hrvc In(rarracsure «cords, Jr.u.��, vd onc�r Ju�.rcn¢ hac h�rn yWrml wcs nsanv Dadra, uvng JIf org suMards for q",Iy cmnd,dawrem—idecnfkmm Mofthcdv pm,,cd rgneun .r.f mni..�in.rr.4ly ..vlak�lr ron.. Wfidr do dxa.a girccaliy brlcrssl w hr prwo N Lr mcorrccG thm iu a.umcy n sur uarranied Pmr w nsakmg vry pmperrc Fused .n sill or.o part LI,. rhe nuico.l pruvalal, n rs spa.Bs.vlly rl.+ J Jut vw usd..yn.kvJy fidd vwom�y ucvrJs. W�E s Gram CnumyGlS Suff gdoprcd NLmh22.2002 Pnmcd Deam r IJ, 2C Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development N W* ' E Sunland Estates - Shoreline Development R Legend Pneel ewuduy mxerbo4 f� Developed Protan Dttem 31.1990 `J RAID Baunda.e(PndNoil Tprl C' RA1D Boundary lCnmmcmd and lyduvd Zor.dl \ f 9ntc=MDB nduy(n AdopWh4 U.=) "lhs map ilwald saga be<mmvd tvsTh, adsz<ac kgdopinion on Nv apeedK aco IX nnumaarceS e mrerdnl tnr g," .9.. p.�i Jy, nd...,,d.,a.d, avua oon Uaxcconccmng.aa oer vtauum Nd any V,.fc qucsawns vwmav hac Inhmnrncrc nr�rda, drawoRa. xd odrrc churcnn hale Ern yarhned over Nary Jecadr:, u'Ug lhrkN�g vu0'" For qudrt. cmttd,dxureaaanm and v<aFKuwn Uiddtl d=pwmdcd rgnexnn caannr m( mn�nm Yruhb avmldal. (oma u %IA, JK din a�arn0y W.K m Lr xxua.�c, rnav�aaillyrtproara to tcv<oraect J+ua .la xcumorwt wuranul Prprlo rtuku�g my pry pnrcBaYa nr �neaaaa,ercn � .n wl nr.n pan y,r., doe n�il�Oal pNvdal, n �Y apc.J,ia11V :ala�a1 Il�vl yVu n.%perdaa�dv Gjd .core rhe Nrovmuw mnt.aaa-0 m cow�ty ncurdv Cram con.yca snrr A&pll& NL:. -22, 2002 Prlrnrd. D,,,- r10, 20 Interim R—Area of Intensive Development N'+ E The Goree - Recreational Development S Legend Pucd BouMary wa<d+ady r 4.<bpM Prorm Dec<mbn yl, 1990 `� 0.11D BawWry(Fad<noil rroJ C� FA D Bo «duylC rzd ad W.Zan<d) J Imervnl DBaaduy la AJ.,e lWrzh II. M02) "llus'W should not Tc <msmxd a IKil adcxc oc l«al opauon on any �<'crtK (uu or orcVmzasrcv The roncrnn ae invndd F r ud wCwmvo« pv�pusa aJy, ud .au an u�+l m.arsvlt wur own haves corcemug y,V oan ,.o. and any pe nk quezwm You m 9 have In(sumr Nrz rt<osdz, dnwngs, vd odicr h.'sx�a nn hazy 6mi yaJxscd u+a mu, d., a1<z, uwsg,hwo g".Ia uJs (rn grnhay <mszd, docmrnzwon ad v<n(ewon niofdKda pmvdaf s.prcxnarorsrnun(mns.v���arc.hL avvlahlcF nmr. afide d= duan ycrcdly 64,d w be z:cur v.atn�urallY rt pcwo w M ui<uzmRchuzm u -cu yes �wtuucu�VvL 1'tWcw sswAaig wry p«{rm pvahrrz or,«v<zmmn T.ai iv nID or m pzrz c{+m she uuccv.I prvv.hl, n V � d�irtly rdr,xcJ Jus) W msL.pV.k+sJy fJd n vc. h<mf rsrc,ow wuuncJ m mnxy rtcoalx Gana Cnus¢y GIS S.ff Adopccd V a,' 22, 202 Pnn'& D.Mb" 10, 2p Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development W*E Trinidad - Rural Community 5 I .......I;,r Inn 1111111 I11� I m �m nniu _ Legend Pual Bamduy Wur , Drvebped Pwr u December 31, IM' A.VDBouMary(Aedenut Type) ^V �% PAID Bauduy�Cnrxuemdvd bduwllaxdl f Imenm AND B—duy(n Moped Much V.2CC21 'lhs. p,hood rwt be crosnvd ss kgaI udsxc a kgd ap. on NV �wdK (a M oR'U(R[aM'c1 Thc contcnl] 9re m@Ml+J IIX grn<W uJoaivua� puq�uscs uJ., vd rou ase urgcJ w cmuWt your own lawyxccorxcmugpaucwn nwum vd Ny zpafic q�snons oainuv have In(ramrwa «cord+, d,.,,gb .rd orh<r hm bm guherrd cues umy JRvks, usug SI(<u, swd.als loe q,d,n cmrml, decvrenewm vd venf'curon NI of ds dw p.ded aprcscnu curs... mfomvrxm m a ,AI, avalildc (.mw, Uhdv dK dao ngnxraBy bdlx dsolx>cmn, r.cu�uially rtpsovcsw b. uKMacS bus iu acumururwNrn�n1 Prnrw rtvANg Ny prgrrry purchaYs nr mvcso-mnn hued m hJl M m part rp+� d+c ��.raod pruv.6l,,r a � J�adly adn>.d dol yr,u nulKr.k �Jy G id nofy d,c u,(ou.noar comy�cd m wnry rccwls Mm Grua Cn YGl55nIf /doprcd. hlarch 22, Y02 PArnnI Dcamhcr IG, 2CC' Interim Rural .Area of Intensive Development Wanapum Village -Rural Community WE 5 Legend IN, n.p should . be cmamxd a kg 1.4,k, oc kgi epvuon on any apenF: Ern or orcuwvra Thc eonrmu ve mrcrded for µ.Wed uJ.wruum pugorn wdy, vd .w ace ur�J ro ca�dr your oa,t lavnxcconcemug your oon vwuon and any 4p fie qu ,.., a nay hrvc InfrarwNce reconk duwnµx vcd ocher d ,.,cnu have ben gaf,rcd over.,y d-.6, afvxlarde for q"ay cwur l,da nmonudvenfcu Allofthedvapw Acd npasrnueurtrnunfomn�R�n m, rcvkly avmiaLle Comore ahik d. dvan gencrauy bd.c ro be ,«cssiorully rtprav<s 4, tz ucorm4 d,u. iu vcurry „iuc oarrn¢.L Procua makug un p,gcm poahax or mvcxmrnu l --dm full or m pan fit+ d" nvaoalpNvalnl,rto}ad�cally.Jn A Jar y.,,wdynakr�Jy field v<dfy the vd mvoon contvrrd u. .,y recoa6. G. CnwrzyGIS Buff Adopted March 22,2CO2 Prated: December 10, 20 Paul Bourdu. Caecbody ® R.ebped Prurm Dee<mber)1, i99h ORnm Gw 'uurfAaJnmal rmc) `J RAID eovrc�ylc ,u,l acd lNmudZ / \ J >au�mydarrl=nmP,�d wrd�zt zroz) IN, n.p should . be cmamxd a kg 1.4,k, oc kgi epvuon on any apenF: Ern or orcuwvra Thc eonrmu ve mrcrded for µ.Wed uJ.wruum pugorn wdy, vd .w ace ur�J ro ca�dr your oa,t lavnxcconcemug your oon vwuon and any 4p fie qu ,.., a nay hrvc InfrarwNce reconk duwnµx vcd ocher d ,.,cnu have ben gaf,rcd over.,y d-.6, afvxlarde for q"ay cwur l,da nmonudvenfcu Allofthedvapw Acd npasrnueurtrnunfomn�R�n m, rcvkly avmiaLle Comore ahik d. dvan gencrauy bd.c ro be ,«cssiorully rtprav<s 4, tz ucorm4 d,u. iu vcurry „iuc oarrn¢.L Procua makug un p,gcm poahax or mvcxmrnu l --dm full or m pan fit+ d" nvaoalpNvalnl,rto}ad�cally.Jn A Jar y.,,wdynakr�Jy field v<dfy the vd mvoon contvrrd u. .,y recoa6. G. CnwrzyGIS Buff Adopted March 22,2CO2 Prated: December 10, 20 Interne RurafAw—a of Intensive Development Wanapum Village AreaE Legend flus m.p +hould m be c..n d u LOadv:c «l g apu on on any sp[ciFe fan «orcuvmurcv The em¢n¢ ae ineend[d (« Pure]Bouiduy gmc[dm(omewmpugw UJ.,adv—a .,,dwcaaultyw. own hwyet vtuvoon and any apmfx qnm Wrabody mryhavc ® De bpd Pmeto Daamkrll.19h1 In(eateuen+rc erco[dx d—,,ge, ad mhn dsmrn¢ have been O 0.vIDB ' guh,d .,, desks. uveg eLtlemg t"ud foe 9,edity 7(An�kw+lTpe) cmtml. dac ncwm M,, Few. Allwdt daap.&d OP+JD Bourduy(('nvurcrcalad Wuud Zone [eprcrn[.. euerrn[m(emaxmmamxLly evalable (nmac t[hilr der daa ¢ geec[dly bclrvad w be cum, «caionully n peuvus w f I- —MD BouM+ry(a Adolp a Much 2; 202) L uroncet �m �¢ a'cu y u iwv wa[amcd Pear [u naking u�y pr�e[ry purchaus MI Dem pn y Ae naievd prvv.ka4 a+a � A-Jyad—d d+aw unk,,.kndy F.,w K.fy m" mr omonn cnnta.xd ne..m mooed. Intensive Warden Area Legend Pard Baudav Waerbvdy R.elopd Prorin Rcenber ll, 1990 U RAM) Bavdvy CM;dmtul T) ) C> xn �Bwl mm�.m mn il \ f lnmmgND Oaundaty (a AdoprdMxh u.zooll �+piK 'lhu m-q,n«,Id rwt be eom¢ved a Ie�.l .dice vt I.gal opwon on any Genf fac¢ yr nrcmrnrarcez The rontm¢ ue mt Md fnc gened mfomswon puq�oxe rmlr, ud you u<�ged to earndl,vour own r conccmng your oan vnnnon xsd any ap,,,fx qucsvom snvykvc Infrarmemren da, drawings, vd ether h.smrn¢ have been g4.,d over maty dR-xk:. umg d�flcmg srxdards Cur gwhly cmtml,dmvrcnrmon and �xn&won MwdKdwpmndcd nyrcam¢nncmt infosmaam m a nxily avalddc (nnrvc IXfidr dw dxa n gcrr.rdly 6dr.cJ to be xcum¢, occawnally rt prmxa w Iw �rcorsccS dun N xcu y n rot wuraud Prisr w rtvlmg ury pmpem puRharsor maesvrcn¢h vii in ndl or in pan span dv nu4val prvvak� rt ¢ y+d�cally xlnvd dut yvu inrlpndndy (eld vep( 1}�e �rJV VepOon eunLanttl m cO�nly Ie<ordf u w E 5 Gran QumyGY5 Smff Adopted: W h22.2002 Pnmcd Dxrrmicr 10.2Ce2 Interuvn Rural Area of Intensive Development N+F Wheeler - Rural Community s FI EM410-a-m Legend Puce) Buuduv Wznbo R.ebpcdProrn Lteemhr)1, 1990 P_1ID Buudan(P.eidnwlTlPc) CDR1m 0ovcbn(Com�e�aal and LdwvivlZme� J Imerw RVD Eauduyla MopM Meeh 12,2002) 'lluz mn dwuld not be con r w kRil adiwt a hgvl opwon on any q.rrtic frn nr cimumrvrca Thercmrme vc mr<eded for µcnc.vl vdommw pugvs z oily, and yw a c ugcd w.anWc yow wm lavryeccorccm.ms. rout oar vauoon and ae>) apent.e gins ou mry hvvc Infcar.ucwrc mond, d,.,,gv, vd onc,r havc ban gadcnd ova n-nyd,e ,, uvrg JAfdrg zwd.n4 for q,.Lry contml, do vrcnrwar uid vrnfrwon.NIofd dxpmndcd nprc .dnrmunn v. v rea<61v vvalvl.le (omue IXhdc rhe dwa� .ffy bd.caad w Le xcuore, 1I.—LAY 11 pec.<vw Le ineonrt 4 d+uv .0 xwcxy n ewr uuvnr i Price to ff,.Ug anv Peopcny P—hv:<.6J orm parte o°rhe nurvvl Pwvdal, a...lt.+Lcvlly .1.-d ihvr you mrkµedady GWd r<nfy d.c d,,,muam o'.ml Ln aunt zRoW1 Gwt cn�yT'scarf Adopad, Much 22, 2',b2 prie�h December 10, 2002 Interim Ruraa-Area of Intensive Development µ�E Wheeler Area S Legend llua m -,P ahc,,w n« brcmu dsslcylad xe«lam opwon on any q+crrtc (xts «r�rcurrnta«c: Thc contrno uc mrndcd F« grnrcal udtxnmur puWoYa uJ., aval yw arc t,rRc.l w cuuult vour Pxd Bavidary wn hwcc conccm.rgpwu on�n swuu. ud anp ap�r[c qucawm W—,b dy n„ y hive Dnebped Pmru Drtrmber)I. 1990 have Mrn ,,J ma awry d.>a,k.. mog LW—.g uu duds for y, a,t, O 0.1m Bwndary(Rndcrwil Type) conuol, clrumntmon and ecnfr All ofdr darn pr &d O RAID Bound—(G.,,ulvd IM.ud Zwrd) npnsrnucurrmr mhvmmunm arv'uBlr avuldJc fonruc Whdr the dva n g.rrraBv 1-1rc. d prwce to 1 J 1 ,. KVDU.ud y lav Adupud Much 32.2W2) l>L ur.«rete dtua.m>curary.s tutuazon�ed I'curm nnkniguty prr{rrry p.ahava ba din fids orm part 4'ou rbr nw.ad prv..L.1, a n st—..ally .Jw"Jut yw u�Jyndnidy fidd v .t, dhc ud .moon ronwrJ m mwny rRoafa Gran Q my GIS Sraff A&7d Marrb 22, 2002 Pri,u& pcamicr 10, 2002 Interum Rural Area of Intensive Development White Trail - Rural Community s Legend Pwl Ba duy ." vlu�badv pnebpedPrcrro December)[, 1990 R,VDBwrdary(BahwilType) ORAID BavAuv(Grminmlad lMwmil Zaad) J 1^..enm 0.VJ Boadvn(a Moped MxA33.lWEl 'lha mp should we be cm,¢ud v kqd ad%acc a IcRvl p. y. on any ap¢r( fam«eau uvr<s The<oncerw we ,a¢zded i« gene � mf maurm pvWouw «dy, aul you uc uq'cd ro conzWt %wa oan 6w}a mnc<mng your own vwuon and any Tp ,k quvwra mry hove In&urnamv monis, dmwnq%, avl orhrr drnmrnrs hmr 6m kaJxzed o\cr morn d%.aJe%. vzng ddlewy{ ua Mazda tus yudny cmnd, d�ntwm ud %rnfcwon Nl wthe da. pmxdcd rgnesmocur%mr m( zmv�+,n.n a au{�Iy vvdlaWe (uarez. Kfide dv d..,. .,.Hy bebe%ed [o be xzuna, «cas�arally n pc«x, e lx• ux«rete; Utvv ro acuzx} w w[ aurw¢d Poor w nnkng aiy pmprm pnrthxes or mvcamxn¢ ba d.n foil orm pert y+m der nuweval pn,v"An n e d;cAly ad,xid dra[ yw.Ajx,a4Ay Gdd .edW the v.G�nrvu«r conunai m cowry retool% Gnat CoumyGCS Saff Adop,&. MW b 22, 2002 Pim& Dk r10, 2f% Interim Rural Area of Intensive Development Winchester - riculture Service Center v Wis Legend P.sc t Ba.Od 4lunb dy ® I ,6,d Prioc,o Decem4r 31,1960 ORND BowA ; (Pndenoal TNe) CD Zmedj 1 N f 1.,. RAID B.,(a doped. .c E M2) flus nup sh%MM.t LL cIXvf[ AkgAl whwe2 kgd opmi 1 viy pc.f, face w artumaanwv The c.k.0 ve m n &d f« g rcd infw . pugr .only, and. v ugtd m consolL yvuc own 6wycr corccamg ywcown s'nnum v,d any qp ,ic quntwns yw nvy hax In&aarnrmm rzc.,dq dcaw,gn, vd nd,cv h. w,enu have lam dred wa n.aw d -"k , uang d,tk.,g nvdvak fur quday onmenm cmnd,dmadv.f.a Nlwd da p.ovdcd ¢pnmu cunmt m(ommtion m a rca<61y avdlahlc f muc Wh,k d,c dw n Rcrcnlly bche.ed 10 he xcunre, occanondly n proya to he iwwrm. d,uz ns acuncy n rut wuunvd I4ur m nukag vry p.operty poahaees or,oveau,mo 4. d m fWl or n p.rt T. rhe nwi "peuydal, n w yn.:il Iy rJ ,rd Jut"uuk)cedn,dy Gekl a fy dK m( nnaaex, ewrt.e d N .,y .,d. G1ao1 Coomy GfS Stiff Adopted: Marth 22,2002 P1incL Dcccmbcr 10, 200.